ROOFTOPS TO RIVERS Green Strategies for Controlling Stormwater and Combined Sewer Overflows Project Design and Direction Nancy Stoner, Natural Resources Defense Council Authors Christopher Kloss, Low Impact Development Center Crystal Calarusse, University of Maryland School of Public Policy Natural Resources Defense Council June 2006 ABOUT NRDC The Natural Resources Defense Council is a national nonprofit environmental organization with more than 1.2 million members and online activists. Since 1970, our lawyers, scientists, and other environmental specialists have worked to protect the world’s natural resources, public health, and the environment. NRDC has offices in NewYork City, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Beijing. Visit us at www.nrdc.org. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS NRDC wishes to acknowledge the support of The McKnight Foundation; The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation; The Joyce Foundation; The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Inc.; The Marpat Foundation; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; Prince Charitable Trusts; The Mary Jean Smeal Family Fund; The Brico Fund, Inc.; The Summit Fund of Washington; The Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation; and The Jelks Family Foundation, Inc. NRDC Director of Communications: Phil Gutis NRDC Publications Manager: Alexandra Kennaugh NRDC Publications Editor: Lisa Goffredi Production: Bonnie Greenfield Cover Photo: ©2006 Corbis. View of Arlington, Virginia, seen from across the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. Copyright 2006 by the Natural Resources Defense Council. For additional copies of this report, send $5.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling to NRDC Reports Department, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011. California residents must add 7.5% sales tax. Please make checks payable to NRDC in U.S. dollars. This report is printed on paper that is 100 percent post-consumer recycled fiber, processed chlorine free. CONTENTS Peer Reviewers iv Executive Summary v Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: The Growing Problem of Urban Stormwater 2 Chapter 3: Controlling Stormwater in Urban Environments 6 Chapter 4: Economic Benefits of Green Solutions 11 Chapter 5: Policy Recommendations for Local Decision Makers 13 Chapter 6: Conclusion 16 Chapter 7: Case Studies 17 Chicago, Illinois 17 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 20 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 22 Portland, Oregon 24 Rouge River Watershed, Michigan 27 Seattle, Washington 29 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 31 Vancouver, B.C., Canada 33 Washington, D.C. 37 Appendix: Additional Online Resources 40 Endnotes 43 iii PEER REVIEWERS Katherine Baer Darla Inglis American Rivers Seattle Public Utilities Tom Chapman Otto Kauffmann Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District City of Vancouver Mike Cox Jim Middaugh Seattle Public Utilities City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services Robert Goo Steve Moddemeyer U.S. EPA Seattle Public Utilities Bill Graffin Laurel O’Sullivan Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Consultant to Natural Resources Defense Council Jose Gutierrez Brad Sewell City of Los Angeles Environmental Affairs Natural Resources Defense Council Department Mike Shriberg Emily Hauth Public Interest Research Group in Michigan City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services Heather Whitlow Jonathan Helmus The Casey Trees Endowment Fund City of Vancouver David Yurkovich City of Vancouver iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY s an environmental strategy, green infrastructure Each year, the rain and snow that falls on urban Aaddresses the root cause of stormwater and areas in the United States results in billions of gallons combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution: the con- of stormwater runoff and CSOs. Reducing runoff with version of rain and snow into runoff. This pollution green infrastructure decreases the amount of pollution is responsible for health threats, beach closings, introduced into waterways and relieves the strain on swimming and fishing advisories, and habitat stormwater and wastewater infrastructure. Efforts in degradation. Water quality standards are unlikely many cities have shown that green infrastructure can to be met without effectively managing stormwater be used to reduce the amount of stormwater discharged and CSO discharges. Green infrastructure—trees, or entering combined sewer systems and that it can vegetation, wetlands, and open space preserved or be cost-competitive with conventional stormwater created in developed and urban areas—is a strategy and CSO controls. Additional environmental benefits for stopping this water pollution at its source. include improved air quality, mitigation of the urban The urban landscape, with its large areas of heat island effect, and better urban aesthetics. impermeable roadways and buildings—known as Green infrastructure is also unique because it offers impervious surfaces—has significantly altered the an alternative land development approach. New devel- movement of water through the environment. Over opments that use green infrastructure often cost less 100 million acres of land have been developed in to build because of decreased site development and the United States, and with development and sprawl conventional infrastructure costs, and such develop- increasing at a rate faster than population growth, ments are often more attractive to buyers because of urbanization’s negative impact on water quality is environmental amenities. The flexible and decentral- a problem that won’t be going away. To counteract ized qualities of green infrastructure also allow it to the effects of urbanization, green infrastructure is be retrofitted into developed areas to provide storm- beginning to be used to intercept precipitation and water control on a site-specific basis. Green infra- allow it to infiltrate rather than being collected on structure can be integrated into redevelopment efforts and conveyed from impervious surfaces. ranging from a single lot to an entire citywide plan. Case Study Program Elements and Green Infrastructure Techniques PROGRAM ELEMENTS TYPE OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE USED Wetlands/ Established Rain Gardens/ Downspout Riparian Used for Municipal Vegetated Disconnection/ Protection/ Direct CSO Programs & Swales & Permeable Rainwater Urban City Control Public Funding Green Roofs Landscape Pavement Collection Forests Chicago Milwaukee Pittsburgh Portland Rouge River Watershed Seattle Toronto Vancouver Washington v Natural Resources Defense Council Rooftops to Rivers The aerial photograph at left of Washington, DC, shows the amount of green space and vegetation present in 2002. The photo at right shows how this same area would look in 2025 after a proposed 20-year program to install green roofs on 20% of city buildings over 10,000 square feet. PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE CASEY TREES ENDOWMENT FUND Nonetheless, wider adoption of green infra- new development plans and preserve existing structure still faces obstacles. Among these is the vegetation. economic investment that is required across the 2. Incorporate green infrastructure into long-term country for adequate stormwater and CSO control. control plans for managing combined sewer overflows. Although green infrastructure is in many cases less costly than traditional methods of stormwater Green techniques can be incorporated into plans for and sewer overflow control, some municipalities infrastructure repairs and upgrades. persist in investing only in existing conventional 3. Revise state and local stormwater regulations to controls rather than trying an alternative approach. encourage green design. A policy emphasis should be Local decision makers and organizations must placed on reducing impervious surfaces, preserving take the lead in promoting a cleaner, more vegetation, and providing water quality improvements. environmentally attractive method of reducing the water pollution that reaches their communities. The case studies that begin on page 17 offer NRDC recommends a number of policy steps nine examples of successful communities that local decision makers can take to promote the use have reaped environmental, aesthetic, and eco- of green infrastructure: nomic benefits from a number of green infrastruc- ture initiatives. 1. Develop with green infrastructure and pollution The table on page v provides a summary management in mind. Build green space into of information contained within the case studies. vi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ater pollution problems in the United States Whave evolved since the days when Ohio’s Cuyahoga River was on fire. Increasingly, water pol- lution from discrete sources such as factory pipes is being overshadowed by overland flows from streets, rooftops, and parking lots, which engorge down- stream waterways every time it rains. This storm- water has nowhere to go because the natural vegetation and soils that could absorb it have been paved over. Instead, it becomes a high-speed, high- velocity conduit for pollution into rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Most U.S. cities have separate stormwater sewer The green roof at Ford Motor Company’s Premier Automotive systems through which contaminated stormwater North American Headquarters in Irvine, CA, was designed to visually mimic the natural landscape. PHOTO COURTESY OF ROOFSCAPES, INC. flows directly into waterways through underground pipes, causing streambank scouring and erosion and dumping pet waste, road runoff, pesticides, fertilizer, local levels, but fresh thinking is needed also. Some and other pollutants directly into waterways. In U.S. cities are already taking steps to successfully older cities, particularly in the Northeast and Great build
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