APP 01 Application Number: 15/02030/OUTEIS Major Demolition of all existing structures (except part of the lifting shop building and the brick wall on Stratford Road which are partially demolished) and development to create a new employment floorspace (use classes B1/B2/B8), up to 375 residential units (Use class C3), a new foodstore (use class A1), a new community facility (use class D1 or D2) new hard and soft landscaping, open space and public realm, amended site vehicular access including alterations to junctions and pavements AT Railcare Maintenance Depot, Stratford Road, Wolverton FOR Mr Gary Morris Target: 26th November 2015 (Extension of time until 15th December 2016) Ward: Wolverton Parish: Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council Report Author/Case Officer: Allen Sacbuker – Senior Planning Officer Contact Details: 01908 253101 [email protected] Team Leader: Debbie Kirk Team - Development Management Manager South East Team Contact Details: 01908 252335 [email protected] 1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultees’ responses and public representations. Full details of the application including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council’s Public Access System www.milton- keynes.gov.uk/publicaccess. All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation. 1.2 The application is referred to Development Control Committee as a result of the level of opposition to the application. 2.0 THE SITE 2.1 The application site is defined by the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 (hereafter referred to as the Local Plan) as an employment site. It is located within the civil parish of Wolverton and Greenleys and forms a part of the wider constituent town of Wolverton which is located to the north of Milton Keynes between Stony Stratford and Newport Pagnell. The site is located within the Wolverton Conservation Area. 2.2 The site comprises a 16.2 hectare parcel of land between Stratford Road to the south and the Grand Union Canal to the north and encompasses the Wolverton Railway Works site as well as the site of a car showroom along its southern boundary. The use of the site, whilst remaining in operational use, is substantially below the former capacity of the Works and has been predominantly consolidated at the western end of the site. The remainder of the site to the east is largely unoccupied as a result of the condition and form of the buildings. It is noted that the Works area of the site is currently occupied by Knorr-Bremse Rail Services Ltd. 2.3 The northern and western boundaries of the site are characterised by a line of mature landscaping and the eastern boundary comprises a 1.8 metre high close boarded fence and security fencing. Separating the site with the rest of the town to the south is a high perimeter brick wall, which stretches the length of Stratford Road from the south east corner of the site’s southern boundary and concludes at the main entrance to the west where a small paved area with landscaping lies. 2.4 The site is bounded by the Grand Union Canal to the north beyond which there is a large industrial estate. An active car showroom forms a part of the southern boundary of the site beyond which, on the opposite side of Stratford Road, is an area of Victorian terraced housing developed in a grid of streets. The site is otherwise bounded by a public right-of-way to the west beyond which is residential development dating from the 1980s and a Tesco store and car park to the east. 2.5 Given the nature of the site as an operational railway works there is currently no general public access. There is an existing rail access into the north east of the site, from the main line rail route where rail tracks branch out westward to cover the majority of the site. The principal access into the site is from two vehicular entrances on Stratford Road; the primary entrance found at the westernmost end of the brick boundary wall with a secondary entrance used for deliveries at the site’s western extent. 2.6 Details of the location of the site and its relationship to surrounding properties can be seen in the plans submitted in support of the application. 3.0 THE PROPOSAL 3.1 This planning application seeks outline planning permission to redevelop the site to provide new employment floorspace to accommodate buildings for rail- related operations at the eastern part of the site, which is where the access to the rail network is located. This will provide the operator of the Works with (approximately) half of the site to accommodate their required facilities as well as an allowance for future growth. It is proposed that the remainder of the site will be developed to provide up to 375 residential dwellings and associated open space and parking, a community facility, new small/medium employment units and a new foodstore. 3.2 It is anticipated that the redevelopment will take a number of years to complete given the complexity of accommodating a ‘live’ operating business throughout the consolidation and relocation process. 3.3 It is expected that the proposed development will be delivered in three distinct phases as follows: PHASE 1 - Site clearance and construction of an approved foodstore; PHASE 2 - Construction of the employment buildings on the eastern part of the site following demolition works; and PHASE 3 - Construction of residential dwellings and heritage centre on the western part of the site following demolition works 3.4 The phasing of the works will allow for the continuation of operations of the existing occupier of the site throughout the construction period. The area of land where the foodstore will be located is currently vacant and is surplus to the operational requirements of the existing occupier and can therefore be released early in the development process as an independent plot. 3.5 To facilitate the second phase of the development it is proposed to relocate all existing operations to the existing buildings in the western area of the site where the majority of operations currently take place. The eastern area of the site would then be redeveloped to create new buildings and facilities. Following this redevelopment the remaining western area of the site would be released for the third phase of development for residential and community uses. 3.6 While phase 1 is included in the description of this development it nevertheless has full planning permission by virtue of an earlier decision made by the Development Control Committee (ref. 16/00360/FUL). 3.7 The detailed nature of the employment floorspace forming phase 2 has not been clarified. This is an outline application seeking permission for the principle of the demolition of the buildings and their replacement with up to 30,000 square metres of employment space with all other matters (apart from access) reserved for determination at a later date. It is noted that ‘reserved matters’ applications will be required before works can begin on site. 3.8 The application is supported with a Design Guide and parameter plans. The Design Guide will facilitate the consideration of the phase 3 section of the development and the parameter plans will guide all three phases. The Design Guide will inform the scale, form and character of the buildings and spaces and offers certainty as to the expected nature of future ‘reserved matters’ applications. 3.9 Access is not a reserved matter. Access points for the proposed development are: Existing railway lines - to be retained to serve the employment rail- related operations; McConnell Drive - to be used for HGVs to serve the employment use; Existing service road from Stratford Road - to be used to access the foodstore and associated parking; Existing Railway Works access on Stratford Road – will be retained to serve the works, this will be the principal staff access point and will serve the residential development; and Additional Access point on Stratford Road at the western end of the site - additional access point to serve the residential development, this will be broadly located in the same position as the access point serving the existing car showroom. 3.10 In addition to the above proposed vehicle access points, it is proposed that there will be pedestrian and cycle access connections between the existing footpath that runs along the western edge of the site, and Stratford Road. 3.11 It is noted that the scheme has been amended following the original consultation exercise undertaken by the Council. The amendments centre around the residential development of the land, driven by the existing site arrangement and the requirement to maintain elements of historical significance. The key amendments to the residential phase of the proposal are summarised as follows: A new masterplan that is influenced by the current arrangement of buildings on site and the completion of a Design Guide to guide reserved matters applications An increase in the retention of existing building fabric to better reflect the historic form of development The retention of building footprints and open working yards within the proposed masterplan The retention of the existing east-west route through the site The retention of existing railway lines in several locations within the public realm Incorporation of almost 900 square metres of new business floorspace intended for small and medium sized businesses Relocation of the Heritage Centre closer to the main entrance of the site The formation of a new pedestrian route along the southern side of the canal The provision of a minimum of 14,260 square metres of open space and public realm Alterations to the access and egress from Stratford Road 3.12 The amended proposal is supported by a Design & Access Statement, A Design Guide, Heritage Statement, Transport Assessment, Landscape Strategy, Town Centre Use Assessment, Access and Parameter plans and an illustrative masterplan.
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