
כ' תשרי תשע“ט Shabbos, Sept 29 2018 ‘ מנחות נ OVERVIEW of the Daf Distinctive INSIGHT 1) Prioritizing the Tamid and Musaf The daily minchas chavitim of the kohen gadol חביתי כהן גדול לא היו באין חצאין The Gemara responds to Ravina’s challenge regarding the number of lambs that were required to be in the pen that he Torah commands (Vayikra 6:13) that the kohen gadol were already examined and could be used for the Tamid. T bring a minchah every day, half in the morning and half in the Support for this interpretation is presented. evening. It is called a “minchas chavitin” because it is prepared 2) Inauguration in a flat pan which is called a “machavas”. Rambam (Hilchos The Gemara explains why the Mishnah mentioned the T’midin u’Musafin 3:18) explains that one half of this minchah issue of inaugurating different Beis HaMikdash objects. is brought with the tamid offering in the morning, and the oth- A Baraisa is cited for the source that the outer altar may er half is brought in the afternoon with the afternoon tamid. not be inaugurated with the afternoon Tamid. In Hilchos Ma’asei HaKorbanos (13:4), Rambam describes that Two points in the Baraisa are clarified. this mincha was made into twelve loaves, and each was broken A contradiction is noted between our Mishnah and a into half. In the morning twelve halves were offered, and Baraisa whether the gold altar is inaugurated with the morn- twelve halves were later offered in the afternoon. Ra’aved disa- ing or afternoon incense. grees, and he finds Rambam’s explanation to be unfounded. The Gemara responds that the matter is subject to a de- Rather, he understands that six whole loaves were offered each bate between Tannaim. morning, and six were offered each afternoon. Abaye explains the rationale behind the Mishnah’s posi- Was this offering of the kohen gadol considered a commu- tion that burning of the incense in the afternoon is what in- nal offering, representing the entire nation, or was this offering augurates the golden altar. of the kohen gadol an offering of an individual? There are sev- eral practical differences between these views. One is whether The Gemara explains the rationale behind the Baraisa’s it was allowed for this offering to be brought on a private altar, position that the burning of the incense in the morning is a bamah, during the time such arrangements were permitted. what inaugurates the golden altar. We only find that offerings of individuals were permitted on a The Mishnah’s statement regarding the inauguration of bamah, but not communal offerings. Another practical differ- the table is explained. ence would be if it would be permitted for the kohen gadol to Support for this explanation is presented. bring his minchas chavitim after the tamid of the afternoon 3) Incense was already offered. We know that no offering may be brought A Baraisa discusses an incident in which incense was of- after the tamid (Pesachim 58b). Nevertheless, Tosafos in Rosh HaShana (30b) writes that if the musaf had not been brought at (Continued on page 2) its proper time before the tamid, it may be brought even after- wards. This is because the positive mitzvah for the community that ( השלמה) REVIEW and Remember to bring its offering defers the positive command the tamid of the afternoon be the last offering brought each 1. What is the source that the outer altar is inaugurated with day. Here, too, if the kohen had not brought his mincha on the bringing of the morning Tamid? time, if it was a communal offering it would be allowed to be __________________________________________ brought afterwards. 2. When was incense burned on the outer altar? In Yoma (50a) and Temura (14a), R’ Meir states that this __________________________________________ mincha of the kohen gadol is an offering of an individual. Yet, 3. When does the Koehn Gadol offer the chavitin? Keren Orah still notes that this could only mean that it is __________________________________________ brought from the private funds of the kohen. It may still not be 4. What are the two opinions regarding the preparation of his personal obligation to bring, but rather a communal respon- the chavitin? sibility that it be brought, and it is the kohen who discharges this __________________________________________ obligation. Or Sameach (to Korban Pesach 1:3) explains that this issue may hinge upon the disagreement in the Mishnah (51b) when a kohen dies after bringing the first half of this mincha. R’ Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated Shimon says the mincha should be paid for with communal In appreciation to our Rosh Kollel Rabbi Wurzburger shlita for all you do from the Kollel Beth Hatalmud funds, and R’ Yehuda says it should be paid for by the kohen’s Dr Lanzer -Melbourne Australia heirs. R’ Shimon holds it is a communal offering, while R’ Ye- huda contends that it is an offering of an individual. מנחות נ‘—Number 2250 (Overview...continued from page 1) HALACHAH Highlight fered on the outer altar rather than the inner, gold altar. R’ Pappa gives an example when such an incident oc- Honoring the same person to serve as sandek curred. Another Baraisa is cited that unsuccessfully challenges דכיון דלא שכיחא ומעתרא Since it is not common and brings wealth the inference drawn from the first Baraisa. T he Gemara teaches that burning the incense would cause 4) MISHNAH: The Mishnah discusses the chavitin offer- 1 ing of the Kohen Gadol. a kohen to become wealthy and Rashi makes reference to the Gemara in Yoma (26a) that teaches that kohanim would not 5) The chavitin of the Kohen Gadol burn incense more than once because they wanted to give as A Baraisa identifies the sources for the Mishnah’s state- many kohanim as possible the privilege of this opportunity. ments. Maharil 2 cites Rabbeinu Peretz who wrote that the custom is Someone cited a Baraisa that teaches that the two unof- not to honor the same person more than once with being the fered halves are left out overnight and then burned. sandek for one’s sons. The reason is that a bris is similar to the R’ Nachman challenged one of the statements of the burning of the incense and the legs of the sandek parallel the Baraisa. altar. Consequently, just as burning the incense would cause a Two responses to this challenge are recorded. person to become wealthy so too serving as a sandek causes one Amoraim disagree about how the chavitin was prepared. to become wealthy. Therefore, one who honored someone to It is noted that Tannaim disagree about the same point. be the sandek for one son should not honor him to be the san- A Mishnah is cited that teaches that the chavitin could dek for another son similar to the enactment of the Beis be prepared on Shabbos. HaMikdash that the same person would not burn the incense R’ Huna provides the source for this ruling. twice. R’ Yosef challenges this derivation and another source 3 Noda BiYehudah questions the parallel drawn between for this halacha is presented. bris milah and the burning of the incense. It would seem that the more logical parallel would be between bris milah and the though he discovered what he felt was the source for this paral- outer altar used for animal korbanos. In that way the blood of lel he writes that matters that cannot be traced to the Gemara the bris would parallel the blood applied to the altar. He then and are based on exposition are not essential. He also notes suggests that the parallel to the incense must be based on the that there are many regions and places where this custom is not Midrash 4 that describes what happened when Avrohom Avinu observed including Prague where some people observed the circumcised the members of his household. The Midrash re- custom whereas others did not. .1 רש"י ד"ה דלא. lates that the foreskins were piled up and a stench began to .2 מהרי"ל הל' מילה. emanate from them and that smell rose before Hashem and .3 שו"ת נודע ביהודה מהדו"ק יו"ד סי' פ"ו. was found appealing similar to the burning incense. Even .4 ילקוט שמעוני בראשית רמז פ"א. see from this that Shabbos is the time for Rav Shach himself commented on STORIES Off the Daf us to sanctify and educate our children what seemed to him at the root of the at the table. The best way to be mechan- distinction. “My neighbor spent a long The Power of the Shabbos Table ech and sanctify our children is through time at the Shabbos table interacting ,the zemiros that we sing and the divrei with his children and singing zemiros. I "דחינוך וקידוש של שלחן בשבת הוא..." Torah that we say at the Shabbos table.” on the other hand, was always very en- O n today’s daf we find two im- Rav Shach, zt”l, had a neighbor—a grossed in working through a difficult portant halachos regarding the shul- simple baal habayis who was not too Rambam or some other intricate Torah chan. Firstly, the shulchan may only be learned—whose sons grew to all be excep- argument. One should never underesti- inaugurated on Shabbos. In addition, tional masmidim and great talmidei mate the power of filling the children the showbreads are also only sanctified if chachamim. Rav Shach himself lived with a spirit of holiness through the sim- they are placed on the shulchan on and breathed Torah all the time, yet his ple singing of zemiros and speaking Shabbos.
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