Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 5-11-1956 Spectator 1956-05-11 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1956-05-11" (1956). The Spectator. 557. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/557 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. r SEATTLE UNIVERSITY Don't Forget Have You To Vote Sold Your Spectator Tuesday! Car Tickets? 26 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956 No. Vol. XXIII *m*-® SEATTLE, Carnival Opens 5 Candidates in Race In Gym Tonight For ASSU Presidency By PAT PAFFIL.E By MIKE GALVIN All the noise, people, games and Tuesday afternoon the political campaigns for student' government sideshow of*a carnival will drift positions began to take definite form. ....„„ over SeattleUniversity tonight as Primary will take place Tuesday, May 15, at the follow- present Elections the Intercollegiate Knights places: Chieftain, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Information in* Hall, p.m. p.m. their annual Spring Carnival. Booth (LA Building), 8 a.m. to 1p.m.; Marycrest 1 to 8 Starting at 8 p.m. this evening, for president's office could developinto a full-scale The race ASSU Martin, May 11, the gym will echo the battle between the five candidates. Those registered are Bob cries of Engineers, Spars,Intercol- Jim Quinn, Jim Plastino, John—Toutonghi and Tony Vukov. legiateKnights, Town Girls," A Phi Nominations for other offices others, as they solicit the were: O and Foy, crowd to try its -lack at their VICE PRESIDENT: Fred booths. Men Lead Race Pat Galbraith. An addition to the Carnival this SECRETARY: Helen Hoolahan, Kay Mason. year, besides the fun in the gym, Pauline Horst, Bette sponsored by In Ticket Drive TREASURER: Gene Fabre. will be a sideshow Leo the IK's. It will be in the little As the alumni-student ticket sale PUBLICITY DIRECTOR: theater and will feature a variety on a 1956 de luxe Fordomatic Costello, Oakie Oaksmith, Tom plus Ray of acts from 8 p.m. until 10 p.m. Country Squire station wagon O'Toole, Weber. Admissionto the Carnival, which $1,000 in cash moves into the third AWSSU willclimax the High School Senior week, the boys are out in front of Equally, if not betteringthe race Day, will be 10*. A mixer will the girls. Results compiled at the for the ASSU offices are those follow the Carnival. Making plans for Hi*h School Day are the principal committee end of two weeks shows the boys planned for the AWSSU. Candi- "This event is primarily for the members. Standing (l.-r.) areJim Ray,Mary Moeand Gerry Schlit- with a total of $250, followed by dates are: independent clubs on campus," ler. Shown seatedis ChairmanPat Galbraith. the girls with $200. PRESIDENT: CathyCorbett and states Pat Raney, IK Expansion Thermometers registering the Lolly Michetti. Officer. "It is a means for them amount of money turned in by the VICEPRESIDENT: Joan Bailey, to earnmoney for their activities." boys and girls have been placedin Judy Chambers. High Yuri IK's working on the Carnival SU Welcomes School the Liberal Arts Building. The SECRETARY: Nakamoto, are: general chairman, Gerald marks on the thermometer will Lynn O'Neill. Schlittler; Bob Coombs and Pat Fri, continue to rise as the $3,000 goals TREASURER: Sally Franett, Raney, publicity; and Bob Gem- Seniors for Orientation are approached. Special recogni- Ginny Stevens. layout. be given to those students Class Elections stead, The graduating seniors of Seattleand Tacoma'sCatholic high schools tion will U Friday, May 11, starting selling the most tickets. Class offices will also be con- and academies willbe guests of Seattle this primary. High Senior day. Pat Galbraith, Student chairman Mike Weber tested in next week's at 1:45 p.m., for the annual School Nominated are: chairman of the event, announces that the students will be given a reminds all students that organ- Jerry Anderson and requirementsunder the sponsor- ized selling teams down town SENIOR CLASS: glimpse into campus life academic so President:Ron Cass, MaurieGal- ship of the ASSU and AWSSU. every day. Anyone interested willbe conducted meet in the Dean of Men's braith, Paul Mernaugh. Signed to Play Beginning at 1:45, an orientationfor the students should Vice President: Larry Kramise, Building lounge. Jim Ray, ASSU president, will office at 12:50. in the Student Union Tom O'Toole. Rev.Louis Sauvain, S.J., studentchaplain, will may Prom deliver the welcomeand Books of tickets be obtained Secretary: Patti Brannon. At Junior speak on "Seattle U and You." or turned in at the Information Treasurer: Gary Miller. Jerry Anderson'sBand,choice of At 2:15 P.m. the students will be Booth in the_Qyeftain between11 CEASSj ,by - p.m. JUNIOR SU students as determined a taken-on gjiidedr^mw*-around the Cullerton Wins a.m. and 12:30* c^aily. President: Sans Contreras, Leo recent campus poll, has been en- campus to show them the interest- Shahon. forthcoming campus. A gaged to play at the ing highlights of the Oratory Vice President: Joey Beswick, Junior Prom. brief background on the student Meet Brian Cullerton. Anderson's name is a familiar andsocial activitiesof the AWSSU, Brian Cullerton, SU sophomore, Way Ceremonies Secretary: Mary Ann Onorato. one to many, as hehas been active explainedby Mary Moe, AWSSU last Monday night won the Wash- Treasurer: AdoreenMcCormick. in this area for several years. As president, will be one of the focal ingtonStateOratory championship. Planned for Mon. SOPHOMORE CLASS he toldus recently, "1949 was the points for the senior girls. At the This winearns him the opportu- President: Paul Doyle, Burk first year I had my own band. same time the senior boys will be nity to represent Washington in Harrell, Bill Wall. After two years in Europe with given an explanationof the mili- the Western Zone finals tonight, At Mary's Shrine Vice President: Rosemary Heb- college stu- the Army, I again organized the tary obligations of the May 11, 8 p.m. at the University Monday, May 14, at 10 a.m. is ner, Jim Sellars. Millet, at dent by Colonel Steven Congregational Church. In the. the time chosen for the annual Secretary: Felicia Bouker, Eliz- USA. contest tonight he will compete May crowning at Our Lady's abeth Ciceri, Penne Simonsen,Lois A schedule of lectures by repre- with contestants from San An- shrine. Whitside. sentatives of the various academic tonio, Log Angeles and San Fran- Members of Spurs, Intercollegi- Treasurer: Joan Parker, Ken departmentswillbegin at 3:30 p.m. cisco for a chance to represent this ate Knights, ROTC Drill Team, Rusch. This will give the students an op- Western area- in the national finals Alpha Phi Omega and the Nurses portunity to find out the require- in Boston. fromProvidenceHospitalwillform behalf the faculty and degree On of ments needed to obtain a Cullerton's speech dealt with decades of a Laving Rosary, which students of Seattle University in their chosen fields of speciali- John" Adams. After winning the will be led by Noel Brown, new we wish to express our deepest zation. right to represent SU in intramu- Sodality Prefect. sympathy to the family of Mar- Representatives of various or- ral competition, Cullerton downed Father Agius, 0.P., of Blessed tin John Brown in this time of ganizations oncampus willconduct representatives from Gonzaga, St. SacramentParish, who spent three their loss. He will be remem- an open question and answer ses- Martin's, Olympic College and the yearsat Fatima, willspeak on "The bered in all our prayers. sion at 4:10. This will be followed U of W. All five judges ranked Immaculate Heart and Fatima." JIM RAT, by dinner in the Chieftain Cafe- him as first speaker— the highest Hymns will be suns:by the Seattle ASSU President. teria at 5:00. A movie, entitled possible aggregate ranking. University Double-Quartet. "Titanic," starring Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck, will be shown in the Lounge at 6:15 p.m. Spurs Name Pledges JERRY ANDERSON Frosh On May 2 at 6 a.m. active Spurs band in 1953. Later Fred Jaber, announced to 30 freshman women owner of the Angle Lake Plunge, students their selection as 1956-57 heard the band and offered us a Spur pledges. The co-eds were steady Saturday night contract." feted at a Marycrest breakfastbe- "As for our style of music," the fore classtime. said, "theonly possible The co-eds who are now going bandleader pledge pe- way to describe it would be 'com- through the traditional mercial," that is, play strictly riod include Shirley Anderson, we Baker, to please those on the dance floor. Helen Atwood, Mary Ella play the most suitable Bernice Baumgartner,FeliciaBou- We try to Etchey, tunes, those they know and enjoy ker, Elizabeth Ciceri, Judy are Janet French, Rosemary Hebner, dancing to. Our own favorites Mary GlennMiller arrangements we Sue Hohl,CelineHubert and the Hughbanks. have." Jacobi, The Junior Prom has been set Also pledges are Claudia Friday, May 18, Parker's HelenMarti, JanMontgomery,Mi- for at Nightin- Ballroom, dancing willbe from chele Mulherin, Florence and Parker, p.m. 1 Dress willbe semi- gale, Patti Paige, Joan 9 to a.m. Redmond, formal, that is, formats for co-eds, Betty Petri, Sue Marcia for men; corsages will be Roedel, ConnflS Roth, Jackie Sa- suits Marilyn Tickets will be on sale letic,Marilu Shreck, Seer- Sodality last Sunday: (1-r.) Sally Rude, in order.
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