!1,,- TRINITY COLLEGE• HARTFORD •CONNECTICUT Vol. LXXXV, Issu~,, January 20, 1988 King Lecture Sparks Task Force Reveals Allger, Awareness Homophobia prejudiced, blacks know they are dis­ -By Christine Herzig­ criminated against, yet when they are News Editor together they act like there is no prob­ -By Toh Tsun Lim­ • lem." Ass't News Editor As people from the audience came up On Sunday, January 24, 1988, Dr. to voice opinions or ask questions, he cut An Ad Hoc task force was ~reated last . Charles King Jr. spoke on racism and them short and told them they were too fall through the president's office to as­ prejudice to an audience in the Washing­ deeply ingrained with 'the American di­ sess and report on the issues of homo­ ton Room whose size he said was "chal­ lemma' to know that they were wrong. sexuality and homophobia on Trinity's lenging and very flattering." King said, "lhave to yell to be heard here campus. The Task Force is a part of a President James F. English intro­ tonight. Black people have to be two continuing effort by a group of students, duced King as a Baptist minister who different people, when we are with other faculty and staff to help ensure fair and went to Evansville University where he blacks we are one person and when we equal treatment for homosexuals at Trin­ received his Honorary Doctorate. King are with whites we are white. We have to ity. is also the author of two books, In Pursuit know two different cultures. Tonight I According to a statement from the of White Racism and Fire in My Bones. bring you a gift- what is on the mind of president's office "the initial and pri­ Then.just before leaving, English said "I every black person here." mary purpose of the Task Force will be hope everyone will take an honest look King explained two debilitating sys­ to study and to report to the president on PhotobyAndftwTunwr l, at their feelings, it may be an uncomfort­ tems present in America, systemic dis­ Don Kao with a Trinity student during his workshop last week. the quality of life for lesbian, gay and able experience but a fortunate one." crimination and institutionalized ra­ bisexual undergraduates" as well as in- "Tonight is a most important night," cism. aO or s op on roots ves_tigate conditions which "limit _their began King, "no one who stays the entire Systemic racism, King described by K • W k h • •C C f takmg full advantage of the educational time will ever forget tonight...l prom­ saying, "for every advantage a white and social opportunities which the Col­ ise." On stage with King were 21 stu­ male has there is a corresponding disad­ Racism 0 n Trinity ampus lege provides." In addition to the Task dents who according to King "repre­ vantage for a minority." certain kind of energy in the air Sunday Force, a _speakers bureau has been in~ti­ sented urban America with white male Institutionalized racism was demon­ -By Bob Vincelette- night, others were not so sure. Most ated to give classroom lectures on topics domination." King asked everyone pres­ strated for the audience when one white people felt that whatever energy had been affecting homosexuals which are rele­ ent to do five things when answering his male was asked to leave the room and generated by Dr. King's lecture had left vant to the course material. questions: be honest, focus on only the King asked ten white males, five white with the him. The committee is comprised of a black\white issue, no personal experi­ females and two black males to form a Last Sunday, Dr. Charles King came "I just have this morbid curiousity as to group ~f app<>inted studen~s, facult~ and ence, show willingness to share, be com­ circle. The circle was instructed not to to Trinity to address the topic of racism. why that energy has not been sustained- adm1mstrat1on who serve man advisory mitted and don't run away. let the white male into their circle no Dr. King's program is one part of an if it ever existed in the first place," said capacity to the president's office. The The first question King asked those matter what. When the white male did organized campaign to make the Trinity one concerned party. Several of those Task force is not affiliated with any of on stage was ''what do you think is the not succeed he asked a black female campus more aware of the issues of who participated in the workshop had the other gay and lesbian ~up~rt ~~oups basic cause of the problem?" Many of from the audience to try and after she and racism and intolerance. Another seen Dr. King before and claimed that on campus but does mamtam ha1sons 'I the students answered similarly with re­ King himself failed he reminded them he part of this.same program was the intol­ other campuses had been much more with them as sources of information. sponses of fear and ignorance, however, had told them only to prevent the single erance workshop headed by Don Kao on profoundly effected by his presentation. "Right now we are trying to pinpoint these answers did not satisfy King and he male from entering and yet they created Thursday night, January 28th. The When Dr. King spoke at Conn. College in what the problem is and compile some asked the audience. Finally, someone an institution and segregated everyone workshop was meant as a follow-up to the fall, there had been long, heated de- concrete information," says Professor yeUed 'white people' and King agreed else from them. Even the two black Dr. King's About twenty bates, and an exchange of energy and Kehoe, an appointee to the committee. while several of the students disagreed males King said "proved that they acted people came to discuss the ideas Dr.. ideas that most people felt had been "We are in an informatio!1 gathering and were immediately put down. white when with whites and kept their King presented and what possible ef­ largely missing at Trinity. stage ... and we haven't qmte fully as- The next question he asked was "are black sister out. Once you get into an fects the experience might have on Trin­ At Trinity College, as always, it all sessed what the whole situation is right you prejudiced?" King called on all of institution you all act like idiots." ity. stayed much calmer. While there was now," continues Prof. Bill Williams of those who replied negatively, in order to "Isn't it silly," said King, "that I must The Social Awareness campaign is some debate and discussion here, it the Biology Dept. prove to them that they were. King posi­ be standing here explaining all this to being funded and/or supported by sev­ seemed that many of the students at Dr. At present the committee has been tioned a white girl and a black girl on you in 1988? What a waste to be telling eral campus organizations and depart­ King's lecture became frustrated or even utilizing a variety of sources to assess the opposite sides of the stage and told them you that prejudice is wrong." ments, including Trinity SOAR (Stu­ intimidated by King's methods, and current situation including discussions they were stranded outside in -16 degree Next, King called for a white male to dents Organized Against Racism), the comments from the audience became with homosexual undergraduates and weather and the black girl lived one mile stand before him. He asked him to get on Trinity Women's Organization, the less and less frequent. correspondences with homosexual away while the white girl lived yet an­ his knees, place a glass on his head, put Trinity Women's Center, and the Dean Kao• s focus was not limited to reacting alumni on their past experiences at Trin­ other mile farther - where would they go an arm out and sing the Star Spangled of Students' office. Two of the main to the King lecture. "I didn't come here to ity. "Though we have had meetings wi~ first if they knew the color of the women. Banner. When the white male could not organizers are Margi Lipshez, of the sit around and criticize Dr. King," ex- some gays on campus there are still "There is nothing wrong with being remember it and the audience was laugh­ Women's Center, and Bridget McCor­ plained one man, "I don't agree with many others out there who are not will­ prejudiced," said King, "what is wrong ing, King yelled at them. "Don't ever let mack ('88), Vice President of the SGA. everything he did, either. But I think we ing to come out. .. and reveal their sexual is when you act on it. Just don't mis-use oppression happen, you have to feel for Both were in attendence Thursday night. should discuss the man's words and preference," says Marji Lipshez, Coor- it, everyone is prejudiced." every human being. I took away his "Before Sunday, I was telling all of ideas, and what they mean to Trinity." dinator of the Women's Center. King continued, in order to show why dignity, you should have told me, the my friends that Trinity would never be Kao continued, "The purpose of the "It would be safe to say, from all that everyone is prejudiced. A typical re­ oppressor, that I shouldn't do this." the same after Dr.
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