April 3, ‘17 ז' ניסן תשע"ז KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun Volume 47 Number 7 ,רב זכריה בן רבקה Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley .רפואה שלמה for a מראה מקומות שבת הגדול דרשה תשע"ז מוהר“ר ישראל נתן הלוי מנטל שליט"א לעלוי נשמת מ' עטל בת ר' מרדכי ע"ה MRS. ETHEL KATZENSTEIN BY DR. AND MRS. MARTIN KATZENSTEIN MRS. SANDY WACHSPRESS DR. AND MRS. JOEL GOLDMAN חמץ של נכרי באחריות ישראל פסחים ה' ע"ב: אמר מר יכול יטמין וכו' עד קמ"ל. רבנו חננאל שם בא"ד והני מילי דלא קביל וכו'. מהר"ם חלאוה שם ד"ה בעירו חמירא הרמב"ן פסחים ו' ע"א בד"ה הא דתניא יחד לו בית עד ולאו דישראל הוא מקור חיים סי' ת"מ ס"ק ג' שו"ת עונג יו"ט סי' כ"ה בד"ה מיהו למש"כ נשמת אדם הלכות פסח שאלה ו' בד"ה ולפי"ז PURIM 5777 The Avoda in our Beis HaKenesses was again an important part of the day. Thanks to Messrs. Michael Gutmann (evening) and Johny Hellmann (morning) for their flawless reading of the Megilla at the main minyonim, as well as to Messrs. Dovid Herbsman and Ezra Hes who took care of the corresponding second readings. Many thanks as well to those individuals who read the Megilla for hospital patients and home bound persons, giving of their time on a very busy day. Matonos LoEvyonim were distributed anonymously to local needy families by the Board of Trustees and, thanks to members of KAJ who donated generously, a significant amount of funds was distributed to help fulfill this important mitzvo of Purim. A Mesiba, pictured below, was held on Leil Purim (Motzoei Shabbos) at the home of Rav and Rebbetzin Mantel. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 2 On Purim day, the choir performed their Ish Yehudi selections following Mincha, after which there was some (brief) dancing in the rather frigid outdoors. Many fathers and sons took the opportunity to get in some Limud HaTorah at Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzadik, holding its once-yearly sessions in the Aguda. CHEVRA SEUDOS On Sunday March5/7 Adar, the Chevra Kadisha and the Chevra Kadisha DeNoshim of K’hal Adath Jeshurun held their annual Seudos, this year “Bo BaYom” on the seventh of Adar. The men’s Chevra held their annual meeting in the Sulzbach Shiur Room, presided over by Mr. Leon Gerstle. After approval of the report of the previous year’s activities, the budget for the present year was accepted. A number of miscellaneous items were discussed including the need for men to attend shivo minyonim. Additionally, Mr. Gerald Lanzkron was added to the Chevra’s presidium. Following Mincha, including the leining of VaYechal for the Chevra Taanis, the annual men’s Chevra Seudo took place in the Dr. Raphael Moller Hall. The dais was graced by the presence of Rav Mantel, Rav Posen, Rav Levi, Rav Rubanowitz and Rabbi Hoffman. The Seuda was chaired by Rabbi Raphael Weis. Both Rabbi Weis, and Rav Mantel in his address, noted the recent loss of Mr. Eugene Goldman z.l., long-time member of the presidium of the Chevra, who chaired the Seuda for many years. Before Rav Mantel spoke, Rabbi Weis took the occasion to extol the Rav’s dedication and extreme commitment to all aspects of Kehilla life, including those relating to the Chevra’s tasks, bar minon, mentioning some recent examples. Rabbi Weis also related some thoughts Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 3 the birthday and Yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, always comes out around the time ,ז' אדר on the fact that we read Parashas Tetzave. Rav Mantel’s discourse focused on the source of the Rambam for Aveilus (of the first day) in the Torah. From the very fact that Kohanim must be told to be metamei for their kerovim, we learn a concept of Aveilus. Rav Levi discussed the various things Chazal say are included in the words Tov Meod, at the end of Maaseh Bereishis, some of which would not appear as very Tov to us. He explained that while they may indeed not be Tov in themselves, in their enforcing a life of limits and bounds, they help us lead a life which can be Tov Meod. Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz led the bensching. The Chevra Kadisha DeNoshim held their Sedua earlier that day; both (equally delicious) Seudos were catered by Lechayim. ADAR IN OUR YESHIVA The spirit of Adar and Purim was enthusiastically displayed by the various divisions of our Yeshiva, as Rosh Chodesh Adar, the Elementary and Pre-School departments masquerade days, and Purim itself in our Beis Medrash were all enjoyed to the fullest. Pictured, Rav Rubanowitz and his bochurim on Purim, in the Beis Medrash displaying some Adar decor. Our Middle School eight grade “Senioritas” are pictured on Rosh Chodesh Adar, sombreros and all. Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 4 Also pictured: The elementary boys enjoy their masquerade the Friday before Purim. PIRCHEI AGUDATH ISRAEL PHILADELPHIA SHABBOS Pirchei Agudath Israel recently enjoyed their Mid-Atlantic Shabbos Shel Achdus in Philadelphia. Along with participating Pirchei groups from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Yeshivas Chaim Berlin of Brooklyn, and Providence, Rhode Island, Pirchei of Washington Heights’ wonderful group of 18 boys added tremendous ruach to a truly unique opportunity! The event, which included an audience with the Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Shalom Kamenetzky, was uplifting, as some 200 boys participated in hours of spirited learning, and culminating in a ruach-packed Sium Mishnayos of Seder Moed. Accompanied by our able local group leaders and the Kunofsky family, boys were treated to a Shabbos to remember in Bala Cynwyd (yes, that’s how you spell it-now guess how to pronounce it!) PA. Some boys even won one of the gala raffle prizes!) Many thanks to the Kehilla for supporting the event and helping to encourage our local branch’s relationship with Pirchei Agudath Israel International! Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 5 SISTERHOOD LECTURE As we entered the Purim season the Sisterhood invited Mrs. Miriam Liebermann to speak to us about “Removing Our Masks.” Mrs. Liebermann is well connected to, and beloved by, our Kehilla as an alumna and a YRSRH parent. She was the talented pianist at our many Sisterhood plays in years past. Mrs. Liebermann, a voracious reader and collector of inspirational articles, has a vast collection of written material that has touched her soul and which she keeps for reference. Her lecture, held on March 7/10 Adar, gave us a peek into her file cabinet as she shared many substantive thoughts amassed over the years. Mrs. Liebermann initiated her talk by reflecting on her recent significant birthday and how it has motivated her to learn and to share the wisdom she has acquired over the years. As a person who is committed to personal growth as well as to connecting with people who are important to her, Mrs. Liebermann mentioned one way she is able to incorporate both. After recently hosting her Breuer's high school graduating class at a reunion at her home, the women have begun to have a weekly telephone learning session at which they delve into the book, Living Emunah by Rabbi Dovid Ashear, and recite Tehillim together. Mrs. Liebermann touched upon many topics. She began by speaking about the symbolism and meaning of clothing. The Malbim says that at the time of Maase Bereishis, we, as human beings, were Neshamos, with the Guf, body, serving as our garment. But after the sin of Odom and Chava there was a blurring between the precedence of the Neshama over the body, thus requiring actual garments. The Bnei Yisoschar says we wear masks on Purim to demonstrate that life is not the way it seems. Esther, in the Megilla, might not seem to be the one who acts but rather as one who is acted upon. However, when the time came, she was able to take off the mask of passivity and act assertively for the benefit of her people. What is the significance of the Mitzva to eradicate any memory of Amalek, Timche es zeicher Amalek? Rabbi Moshe Weinberger elucidates: The name Amalek is similar to the word “melika,” the separation of the head from the body performed on bird korbanos. There should be no disconnect between what we experience around us and our inner soul. Amalek wanted us to detach from our experiences and not to Vol. 47, No. 7 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6 internalize their messages. “Purim” can be related to the word “peirurim,” crumbs. Crumbs are the remnants of the cookie, the parts that no longer matter. Purim comes to teach us that everything G-d sends our way has significance, that the little things DO matter. Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch discusses the “mask” worn by trees at the time of Tu BeShvat: The trees still look as if dead, while, in fact, the sap has started running inside them. We are compared to an Eitz HaSadeh, and the sap is running deep inside us. We're so much more than our outer appearance. The speech ended with Mrs. Liebermann teaching us a song whose words were written by Rabi Nachman of Breslov, “VeAfilu BeHastoro,” a song that speaks about G-d's Presence even when He is hidden. This beautiful melody with such meaningful words was a most fitting way to end such a beautiful, meaningful lecture. NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER In our continuous effort to expose our seniors to a varied and rich program, Moriah forayed into the realm of the art of paper-cutting.
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