ACCESSIONS Compiled by Tessa Caroline, Assistant Director 746.432 ROB Roberts, Luise. First knits.- BOOKS BOEKE Collins & Brown, 2005. Social Science Q 621.3893 WHI NON-FICTION Sosiale Wetenskap White, Paul. Crash course 746.44 COX home recording.- SMT, c2004. Cox, Ann. Sylintborduurwerk vir 305.892 SCHO beginners.- Lapa, 2004. VAKLEKTUUR 629.1331 BOD Schoenfeld, Gabriel. The return Boddington, David. Radio- 747 ADA of anti-Semitism.- Politico’s, General controlled model aircraft.- Adams, Heather. Designing a 2005. Algemeen Crowood P., 2004. home with wood.- Stewart, 306.36 BEY Tabori, 2004. 002.075 LAN Q 629.892 MAL Beyond the apartheid work- Q 747.94 ROM Lansky, Aaron. Outwitting his- Malone, Robert. Ultimate ro- place.- KwaZulu-Natal U.P., Rompilla, Ethel. Color for inte- tory.- Souvenir, 2005. bot.- Dorling Kindersley, 2004. 2005. rior design.- Abrams, 2005. 028.534 VAN 641.534 HAR 326.9762 HUF 751.73 GAN Van Patrys-hulle tot Hanna Harper, Sandy. The cool lunch- Huffman, Alan. Mississippi in Ganz, Nicholas. Graffiti world.- Hoekom: ’n gids tot die box.- Struik, 2004. Africa.- Gotham Bks., c2004. Thames, 2004. Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugboek.- Q 641.5638 STE 355.02 GRA Lapa, 2005. Steenkamp, Gabi. Sustained 778.5992 OZE Gray, Collin S. Another bloody Ozer, Jan. MyDVD 5 for Win- 070.4 ANS energy for kids.- Tafelberg, 2006. century.- Weidenfeld, 2005. dows.- Peachpit P., c2004. Ansell, Gwen. Introduction to Q 641.5638 STE 362.1969 HIV journalism.- Jacana, 2005. Steenkamp, Gabi. Volgehoue Q 779.9968 DOB HIV/AIDS and democratic energie vir kinders.- Tafelberg, Dobson, Richard Mark. Karoo governance in South Africa: illus- Philosophy and Psychology 2006. moons.- Struik, 2004. trating the impact on electoral 791.4309 FOC Filosofie en Sielkunde processes.- Idasa, 2005. 641.59 BEH Behnke, Alison. Cooking the Focus on African films.- Indiana 133.8 PLI 362.292 BRA Mediterranean way.- Lerner, U.P., c2004. Plimmer, Martin. Beyond Brady, Maggie. Tackling alcohol c2005. 793.32 SHA coincidence: stories of amazing problems.- Univ. of Western Sharif, Keti. Bellydance.- Allen & coincidences and the mystery Cape, 2005. 641.5956 BEH and mathematics that lie behind Behnke Alison. Cooking the Unwin, 2004. 362.71 PEL them.- Icon Bks., 2004. Middle Eastern way.- Lerner, Q 796.8 GOO Pelzer, Richard B. A brother’s c2005. Goodman, Fay. The practical 153.35 LAM journey.- Time Warner Bks., encyclopedia of martial arts.- Lamont, Gordon. The creative 2005. 641.5972 BEH path: living a more vibrant life.- Behnke Alison. Cooking the Lorenz Bks., c2004. 363.192 LAW Azure, 2004. Central American way.- Lerner, 797.142 RIC Lawrence, Felicity. Not on the c2005. Richards, Emma. Around alone.- 158.1 MYS label.- Penguin, 2004. Myss, Caroline. Invisible acts of 641.81 DEK Macmillan, 2004. 364.1523 KUR power: personal choices that De Koster, Carolie. Vatkos.- Kurtz, Christopher J. Dark Literature create miracles.- Simon, 2005. Lapa, 2004. truths.- Virgin, 2004. 650.14 BOL Letterkunde Religion 391.1 ELM Bolles, Richard Nelson. What 839.3615 BRE Elms, Robert. The way we wore: Godsdiens color is your parachute?: a Breytenbach, Breyten. Die a life in threads.- Picador, 2005. 221.93 PHI practical manual for job-hunters ongedanste dans.- Human, 2005. Phillips, Graham. The Templars Science and career-changers.- Ten Speed 839.3625 OPP P., c2005. and the Ark of the Covenant.- Wetenskap Opperman, Deon. Vyfmylpaal.- Bear & Co., c2004. 650.14 SHI Protea Boekhuis, 2004. 500.2 PEN 248.32 THE Shipside, Steve. CVs for dum- Penrose, Roger. The road to Travel Theunissen, Anniéria. Hoe leer mies.- Wiley, c2004. reality.- Cape, 2004. ons kinders bid?- Christelike Q 663.52 JAC Reisbeskrywing Uitg., 2005. Applied Science Jackson, Michael. Whisky.- 914.21 SMI Dorling Kindersley, 2005. 261 JOH Toegepaste Wetenskap Smith, Stephen. Underground John Paul II, Pope. Memory and London.- Abacus, 2005. 613.96 TAY Arts and Recreation identity: personal reflections.- 915.75 MUR Taylor, Emma. The big bang.- Weidenfeld, 2005. Kunste en Ontspanning Murphy, Dervla. Through Siberia Hodder, 2005. 296.155 VAN Q 745.54 MOA by accident.- Murray, 2005. 615.851 CHO VanderKam, James C. The Moad, Elizabeth. The paper 916.87 BIG Chopra, Deepak. Creating meaning of the Dead Sea scrolls: crafter’s bible.- David & Charles, Biggs, David. Karoo ramblings.- health.- Rider, 2004. their significance for under- 2004. Struik, 2004. standing the Bible, Judaism, Jesus 615.942 NAG Q 745.5941 WOL 919.89 ANT and Christianity.- HarperSan- Nagami, Pamela. Bitten: bites Wolmarans, Anname. Skep jou Antarctica.- Lonely Planet Publ., Francisco, 2004. and stings from around the eie fotoplakboek.- Struik, 2005. 2005. world.- Fusion, 2005. Cape Libr., Jul/Aug 2006 32 AANWINSTE Biography Parks, Tim. Rapids.- Secker, Lewensbeskrywing 2005. T 956.7044 ALW Hoag, Tami. Dead sky.- Orion, Pelecanos, George P. Drama 920 BAI Al-Windawi, Thura. Thura’s di- 2006. city.- Orion, 2005. Bailey, Barbara. An eccentric ary.- Puffin, 2004. marriage.- Tafelberg, 2005. Hornby, Nick. A long way Porter, Henry. Brandenburg.- 959.7041 WIN down.- Viking, 2005. Orion, 2005. 920 BOS Windrow, Martin. The last val- Iles, Greg. Blood memory.- Prado, Benjamin. Snow is silent.- Bosch, Andree. One woman ley.- Cassell, 2005. walking.- Jacana, [2005?] Hodder, 2005. Faber, 2005. 960.32 MER 920 BOS Jedamus, Julith. The book of Radcliffe, Zane. The killer’s guide Meredith, Martin. The state of loss.- Weidenfeld, 2005. to Iceland.- Black Swan, 2005. Gray, Stephen. Life sentence: a Africa.- Ball, 2005. biography of Herman Charles Johnson, Shaun. The native Raney, Deborah. A nest of Bosman.- Human, 2005. 968.0002 VAN commissioner.- Penguin, 2006. sparrows: a novel.- Waterbrook Van Lill, Dawid. Van Lill’s South P., 2005. 920 GOL African miscellany.- Zebra, 2004. Keet, Verenia. Colored hill.- Goldsworthy, Vesna. Chernobyl [The Author], 2005. Robinson, Kim Stanley. Forty 968.0002 VAN strawberries.- Atlantic Bks., Kidd, Sue Monk. The mermaid signs of rain.- HarperCollins, 2005. Van Lill, Dawid. Van Lill se Suid- 2005. Afrikaanse trivia.- Zebra, 2004. chair.- Review, 2005. 920 GOR Kimball, Michael. How much Roland, Consuelo. The good Roberts, Ronald Suresh. No ENGLISH FICTION of us there was.- Fourth Estate, cemetery guide.- Double Storey, cold kitchen: a biography of 2005. 2005. Nadine Gordimer.- STE Pub., Adlington, LJ. The diary of Pelly- Klein, Rachel. The moth diaries.- Roslund, Anders. The beast.- 2005. D.- Hodders Children’s, 2005. Faber, 2005. Little, 2005. 920 HOR Asher, Neal. Brass man.- Tor, Lethem, Jonathan. The fortress Russell, Mary Doria.- A thread Horwood, William. The boy 2005. of solitude.- Faber, 2005. of grace.- Doubleday, 2005. with no shoes.- Review, 2004. Berry, Steve. The Romanov Lipsyte, Sam. Home land.- Sankaran, Lavanya. The red 920 JEA prophecy.- Ballantine, 2005. Harper Perennial, 2005. carpet.- Review, 2005. Jeal, Tim. Swimming with my Brown, Andrew. Coldsleep lul- Shamsie, Kamila. Broken verses.- father.- Faber, 2004. MacBride, Stuart. Cold granite.- laby.- Zebra, 2005. HarperCollins, 2005. Bloomsbury, 2005. 920 JOH Brown, Clare. The creation Shields, Carol. The collected O‘Connor, Garry. Universal McCall Smith, Alexander. 44 myths.- Bloomsbury, 2005. stories.- Harper Perennial, 2005. father.- Bloomsbury, 2005. Scotland Street.- Polygon, 2005. Burton, Ann. Abigail’s story.- Shukri, Ishtiyaq. The silent mina- 920 KHA McCall Smith, Alexander. The Signet, 2005. ret.- Jacana, 2005. Mbanga, Wilf. Seretse & Ruth.- girl who married a lion.- Canon- Tafelberg, 2005. Chadwick, Charles. It’s all right gate, 2004. Smith, Zadie. On beauty.- H. now.- Faber, 2005. Hamilton, 2005. 920 KHU Malmsten, Bodil. The price of Khuzwayo, Zazah. Never been Coben, Harlan. The innocent.- water in Finistere.- Harvill, 2005. Steyn, Johan. Father Michael’s at home.- D. Philip, 2004. Orion, 2005. Manning, Sarra. Pretty things.- lottery.- Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal P., 2005. 920 LOV Coetzee, JM. Slow man.- Secker, Hodder, 2005. Lovejoy, Al. Acid Alex.- Zebra, 2005. Martinez, Guillermo. The Swarup, Vikas. Q and A.- Dou- 2005. Davenport, Will. The perfect Oxford murders.- Abacus, 2005. bleday, 2005. 920 MAO sinner.- HarperCollins, 2005. Mathews, Adrian. The apothe- Taylor, Jane. Of wild dogs.- Chang, Jung. Mao.- Cape, 2005. Eaton, Tom. The de Villiers cary’s house.- Macmillan, 2005. Double Storey, 2005. 929.44 PAR code.- Penguin, 2005. Mda, Zakes. The whale caller.- Tessaro, Kathleen. Innocence.- Parekh, Sachin. Asian babies’ Evanovich, Janet. Eleven on top.- Penguin, 2005. HarperCollins, 2005. names.- Right Way, c2004. Review, 2005. Memela, Sandile. Flowers of the Tusset, Pablo. The best thing that can happen to a croissant.- History Ford, GM. A blind eye.- nation.- Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal Macmillan, 2005. P., 2005. Canongate, 2005. Geskiedenis Frey, Stephen W. Shadow ac- Mirvis, Tova. The outside world.- Van de Ruit, John. Spud.- 938 GOL count.- Ballantine, 2005. Piatkus, 2005. Penguin, 2005. Goldhill, Simon. Love, sex & Fugard, Lisa. Skinner’s Drift.- Morgan, Jude. Indiscretion.- Vine, Barbara. The minotaur.- tragedy.- Murray, 2005. Picador, 2005. Review, 2005. Viking, 2005. Q 940.18 CRU Graeme-Evans, Posie. The in- Mosley, Walter. Little Scarlet.- Ward, Amanda Eyre. How to Crusades: the illustrated history.- nocent.- Hodder, 2005. Weidenfeld, 2005. be lost.- Hutchinson, 2005. Duncan Baird, 2004. Grossman, Lev. Codex.- Arrow, Munro, Alice. Runaway.- Chatto, Watson, Shane. Other people’s 940.5421 HAS 2005. 2005. marriages.- Macmillan, 2005. Hastings, Max. Armageddon.- Higgins, Jack. Without
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