ACCESSIONS Compiled by Tessa Caroline, Assistant Director 746.432 ROB Roberts, Luise

ACCESSIONS Compiled by Tessa Caroline, Assistant Director 746.432 ROB Roberts, Luise

ACCESSIONS Compiled by Tessa Caroline, Assistant Director 746.432 ROB Roberts, Luise. First knits.- BOOKS BOEKE Collins & Brown, 2005. Social Science Q 621.3893 WHI NON-FICTION Sosiale Wetenskap White, Paul. Crash course 746.44 COX home recording.- SMT, c2004. Cox, Ann. Sylintborduurwerk vir 305.892 SCHO beginners.- Lapa, 2004. VAKLEKTUUR 629.1331 BOD Schoenfeld, Gabriel. The return Boddington, David. Radio- 747 ADA of anti-Semitism.- Politico’s, General controlled model aircraft.- Adams, Heather. Designing a 2005. Algemeen Crowood P., 2004. home with wood.- Stewart, 306.36 BEY Tabori, 2004. 002.075 LAN Q 629.892 MAL Beyond the apartheid work- Q 747.94 ROM Lansky, Aaron. Outwitting his- Malone, Robert. Ultimate ro- place.- KwaZulu-Natal U.P., Rompilla, Ethel. Color for inte- tory.- Souvenir, 2005. bot.- Dorling Kindersley, 2004. 2005. rior design.- Abrams, 2005. 028.534 VAN 641.534 HAR 326.9762 HUF 751.73 GAN Van Patrys-hulle tot Hanna Harper, Sandy. The cool lunch- Huffman, Alan. Mississippi in Ganz, Nicholas. Graffiti world.- Hoekom: ’n gids tot die box.- Struik, 2004. Africa.- Gotham Bks., c2004. Thames, 2004. Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugboek.- Q 641.5638 STE 355.02 GRA Lapa, 2005. Steenkamp, Gabi. Sustained 778.5992 OZE Gray, Collin S. Another bloody Ozer, Jan. MyDVD 5 for Win- 070.4 ANS energy for kids.- Tafelberg, 2006. century.- Weidenfeld, 2005. dows.- Peachpit P., c2004. Ansell, Gwen. Introduction to Q 641.5638 STE 362.1969 HIV journalism.- Jacana, 2005. Steenkamp, Gabi. Volgehoue Q 779.9968 DOB HIV/AIDS and democratic energie vir kinders.- Tafelberg, Dobson, Richard Mark. Karoo governance in South Africa: illus- Philosophy and Psychology 2006. moons.- Struik, 2004. trating the impact on electoral 791.4309 FOC Filosofie en Sielkunde processes.- Idasa, 2005. 641.59 BEH Behnke, Alison. Cooking the Focus on African films.- Indiana 133.8 PLI 362.292 BRA Mediterranean way.- Lerner, U.P., c2004. Plimmer, Martin. Beyond Brady, Maggie. Tackling alcohol c2005. 793.32 SHA coincidence: stories of amazing problems.- Univ. of Western Sharif, Keti. Bellydance.- Allen & coincidences and the mystery Cape, 2005. 641.5956 BEH and mathematics that lie behind Behnke Alison. Cooking the Unwin, 2004. 362.71 PEL them.- Icon Bks., 2004. Middle Eastern way.- Lerner, Q 796.8 GOO Pelzer, Richard B. A brother’s c2005. Goodman, Fay. The practical 153.35 LAM journey.- Time Warner Bks., encyclopedia of martial arts.- Lamont, Gordon. The creative 2005. 641.5972 BEH path: living a more vibrant life.- Behnke Alison. Cooking the Lorenz Bks., c2004. 363.192 LAW Azure, 2004. Central American way.- Lerner, 797.142 RIC Lawrence, Felicity. Not on the c2005. Richards, Emma. Around alone.- 158.1 MYS label.- Penguin, 2004. Myss, Caroline. Invisible acts of 641.81 DEK Macmillan, 2004. 364.1523 KUR power: personal choices that De Koster, Carolie. Vatkos.- Kurtz, Christopher J. Dark Literature create miracles.- Simon, 2005. Lapa, 2004. truths.- Virgin, 2004. 650.14 BOL Letterkunde Religion 391.1 ELM Bolles, Richard Nelson. What 839.3615 BRE Elms, Robert. The way we wore: Godsdiens color is your parachute?: a Breytenbach, Breyten. Die a life in threads.- Picador, 2005. 221.93 PHI practical manual for job-hunters ongedanste dans.- Human, 2005. Phillips, Graham. The Templars Science and career-changers.- Ten Speed 839.3625 OPP P., c2005. and the Ark of the Covenant.- Wetenskap Opperman, Deon. Vyfmylpaal.- Bear & Co., c2004. 650.14 SHI Protea Boekhuis, 2004. 500.2 PEN 248.32 THE Shipside, Steve. CVs for dum- Penrose, Roger. The road to Travel Theunissen, Anniéria. Hoe leer mies.- Wiley, c2004. reality.- Cape, 2004. ons kinders bid?- Christelike Q 663.52 JAC Reisbeskrywing Uitg., 2005. Applied Science Jackson, Michael. Whisky.- 914.21 SMI Dorling Kindersley, 2005. 261 JOH Toegepaste Wetenskap Smith, Stephen. Underground John Paul II, Pope. Memory and London.- Abacus, 2005. 613.96 TAY Arts and Recreation identity: personal reflections.- 915.75 MUR Taylor, Emma. The big bang.- Weidenfeld, 2005. Kunste en Ontspanning Murphy, Dervla. Through Siberia Hodder, 2005. 296.155 VAN Q 745.54 MOA by accident.- Murray, 2005. 615.851 CHO VanderKam, James C. The Moad, Elizabeth. The paper 916.87 BIG Chopra, Deepak. Creating meaning of the Dead Sea scrolls: crafter’s bible.- David & Charles, Biggs, David. Karoo ramblings.- health.- Rider, 2004. their significance for under- 2004. Struik, 2004. standing the Bible, Judaism, Jesus 615.942 NAG Q 745.5941 WOL 919.89 ANT and Christianity.- HarperSan- Nagami, Pamela. Bitten: bites Wolmarans, Anname. Skep jou Antarctica.- Lonely Planet Publ., Francisco, 2004. and stings from around the eie fotoplakboek.- Struik, 2005. 2005. world.- Fusion, 2005. Cape Libr., Jul/Aug 2006 32 AANWINSTE Biography Parks, Tim. Rapids.- Secker, Lewensbeskrywing 2005. T 956.7044 ALW Hoag, Tami. Dead sky.- Orion, Pelecanos, George P. Drama 920 BAI Al-Windawi, Thura. Thura’s di- 2006. city.- Orion, 2005. Bailey, Barbara. An eccentric ary.- Puffin, 2004. marriage.- Tafelberg, 2005. Hornby, Nick. A long way Porter, Henry. Brandenburg.- 959.7041 WIN down.- Viking, 2005. Orion, 2005. 920 BOS Windrow, Martin. The last val- Iles, Greg. Blood memory.- Prado, Benjamin. Snow is silent.- Bosch, Andree. One woman ley.- Cassell, 2005. walking.- Jacana, [2005?] Hodder, 2005. Faber, 2005. 960.32 MER 920 BOS Jedamus, Julith. The book of Radcliffe, Zane. The killer’s guide Meredith, Martin. The state of loss.- Weidenfeld, 2005. to Iceland.- Black Swan, 2005. Gray, Stephen. Life sentence: a Africa.- Ball, 2005. biography of Herman Charles Johnson, Shaun. The native Raney, Deborah. A nest of Bosman.- Human, 2005. 968.0002 VAN commissioner.- Penguin, 2006. sparrows: a novel.- Waterbrook Van Lill, Dawid. Van Lill’s South P., 2005. 920 GOL African miscellany.- Zebra, 2004. Keet, Verenia. Colored hill.- Goldsworthy, Vesna. Chernobyl [The Author], 2005. Robinson, Kim Stanley. Forty 968.0002 VAN strawberries.- Atlantic Bks., Kidd, Sue Monk. The mermaid signs of rain.- HarperCollins, 2005. Van Lill, Dawid. Van Lill se Suid- 2005. Afrikaanse trivia.- Zebra, 2004. chair.- Review, 2005. 920 GOR Kimball, Michael. How much Roland, Consuelo. The good Roberts, Ronald Suresh. No ENGLISH FICTION of us there was.- Fourth Estate, cemetery guide.- Double Storey, cold kitchen: a biography of 2005. 2005. Nadine Gordimer.- STE Pub., Adlington, LJ. The diary of Pelly- Klein, Rachel. The moth diaries.- Roslund, Anders. The beast.- 2005. D.- Hodders Children’s, 2005. Faber, 2005. Little, 2005. 920 HOR Asher, Neal. Brass man.- Tor, Lethem, Jonathan. The fortress Russell, Mary Doria.- A thread Horwood, William. The boy 2005. of solitude.- Faber, 2005. of grace.- Doubleday, 2005. with no shoes.- Review, 2004. Berry, Steve. The Romanov Lipsyte, Sam. Home land.- Sankaran, Lavanya. The red 920 JEA prophecy.- Ballantine, 2005. Harper Perennial, 2005. carpet.- Review, 2005. Jeal, Tim. Swimming with my Brown, Andrew. Coldsleep lul- Shamsie, Kamila. Broken verses.- father.- Faber, 2004. MacBride, Stuart. Cold granite.- laby.- Zebra, 2005. HarperCollins, 2005. Bloomsbury, 2005. 920 JOH Brown, Clare. The creation Shields, Carol. The collected O‘Connor, Garry. Universal McCall Smith, Alexander. 44 myths.- Bloomsbury, 2005. stories.- Harper Perennial, 2005. father.- Bloomsbury, 2005. Scotland Street.- Polygon, 2005. Burton, Ann. Abigail’s story.- Shukri, Ishtiyaq. The silent mina- 920 KHA McCall Smith, Alexander. The Signet, 2005. ret.- Jacana, 2005. Mbanga, Wilf. Seretse & Ruth.- girl who married a lion.- Canon- Tafelberg, 2005. Chadwick, Charles. It’s all right gate, 2004. Smith, Zadie. On beauty.- H. now.- Faber, 2005. Hamilton, 2005. 920 KHU Malmsten, Bodil. The price of Khuzwayo, Zazah. Never been Coben, Harlan. The innocent.- water in Finistere.- Harvill, 2005. Steyn, Johan. Father Michael’s at home.- D. Philip, 2004. Orion, 2005. Manning, Sarra. Pretty things.- lottery.- Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal P., 2005. 920 LOV Coetzee, JM. Slow man.- Secker, Hodder, 2005. Lovejoy, Al. Acid Alex.- Zebra, 2005. Martinez, Guillermo. The Swarup, Vikas. Q and A.- Dou- 2005. Davenport, Will. The perfect Oxford murders.- Abacus, 2005. bleday, 2005. 920 MAO sinner.- HarperCollins, 2005. Mathews, Adrian. The apothe- Taylor, Jane. Of wild dogs.- Chang, Jung. Mao.- Cape, 2005. Eaton, Tom. The de Villiers cary’s house.- Macmillan, 2005. Double Storey, 2005. 929.44 PAR code.- Penguin, 2005. Mda, Zakes. The whale caller.- Tessaro, Kathleen. Innocence.- Parekh, Sachin. Asian babies’ Evanovich, Janet. Eleven on top.- Penguin, 2005. HarperCollins, 2005. names.- Right Way, c2004. Review, 2005. Memela, Sandile. Flowers of the Tusset, Pablo. The best thing that can happen to a croissant.- History Ford, GM. A blind eye.- nation.- Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal Macmillan, 2005. P., 2005. Canongate, 2005. Geskiedenis Frey, Stephen W. Shadow ac- Mirvis, Tova. The outside world.- Van de Ruit, John. Spud.- 938 GOL count.- Ballantine, 2005. Piatkus, 2005. Penguin, 2005. Goldhill, Simon. Love, sex & Fugard, Lisa. Skinner’s Drift.- Morgan, Jude. Indiscretion.- Vine, Barbara. The minotaur.- tragedy.- Murray, 2005. Picador, 2005. Review, 2005. Viking, 2005. Q 940.18 CRU Graeme-Evans, Posie. The in- Mosley, Walter. Little Scarlet.- Ward, Amanda Eyre. How to Crusades: the illustrated history.- nocent.- Hodder, 2005. Weidenfeld, 2005. be lost.- Hutchinson, 2005. Duncan Baird, 2004. Grossman, Lev. Codex.- Arrow, Munro, Alice. Runaway.- Chatto, Watson, Shane. Other people’s 940.5421 HAS 2005. 2005. marriages.- Macmillan, 2005. Hastings, Max. Armageddon.- Higgins, Jack. Without

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