DECEMBER, 1989 ARE YOU A If any of the above seems to fit, you may of it). want to attend Herland's newly-formed When the casket was carried up the CO-DEPENDENT? Co-dependents Anonymous group for steps to the capitol, it was led by Cindy B. New Group Forming wimmin which will meet at the Herland playing a kettle drum. Good visuals, good Resource Center every Tuesday beginning message! Have you wondered just what the term December 5 at 7 :30 p.m. The only require­ The rally was clearly a smashing success, co-dependent really means? The following ment for membership in CODA is a desire a rousing, effective achievement. Yet, it are just a few of the typical characteristics for healthy and loving relationships. • would have been as good or better if in the of a co-dependent: struggle to keep freedom of choice, free­ PRO-CHOICE RALLY dom of speech had not been stomped on. • I assume responsibility for others' feel­ I'm referring to the censoring of signs by ings and/or behaviors; i.e. It was my fault by Margaret C. rally organizers. In the effort to keep she yelled at me. women in control of our bodies, we should • I have difficulty expressing feelings; i.e. I The November 12 Rally for Choice at have been given control of our rally. The am happy, sad, angry, scared, lonely, hurt. the Oklahoma State Capitol sent a power­ argument that it was necessary to' control ful message to our legislature. Five thou­ •11 • I have difficulty in forming and/or main­ signs in order to keep out anti-choice signs sand strong, the pro-choice turnout was taining close relationships. is specious in the exrreme. The one piece more than 30 times larger than any crowd of relevant theater at the event should have • I tend to minimize, alter or even deny the the anti-abortionists have ever been able to been welcomed, not fought blindly, as it truth about how I feel. put together. People determined to keep was. Women's bodies, women's speech, • My self-esteem is bolstered by other­ the reproductive freedoms we now have women's thoughts, should all be free of / outer influences. came from all corners of the state to make outside control. their opinion known as forcibly as possi­ • I tend to judge everything I do, think or This is a problem which will probably ble. Several of our most-likely candidates say harshly-nothing done, said or always arise when a civil liberties position for governor in 1990 spoke at the rally, thought is "good enough." is embraced by people with no grounding thereby committing themselves to the pro­ • I am steadfastly loyal-even when the in feminist/progressive thought. As an choice position: Congressman Wes Wat­ loyalty is unjustified, and personally example, a local group promoting a dem­ kins, Speaker Steve Lewis and David Wal­ harmful. onstration against the V...earing of dead ters. Oklahoma Secretary of State Hannah animals seriously plans to try to keep out • I am extremely responsible- or extreme! y Atkins also spoke, and Rep. Freddye Wil­ of the demonstration anyone who they irresponsible. liams went out of her way to stop by and think looks too weird or radical; and also briefly address the crowd on her way to a The following are just a few of the patt­ plans total control of the signs carried by seminar. One of the few non-politicians erns of co-dependency: the demonstrators. This is an appalling who spoke was Vivian Ng of OU and the • My good feelings about who I am stem attitude to anyone who came to her/his AAUW. Ed Asner was the celebrity anti-fur position from an ever-expanding from being liked by you and/or receiv­ speaker of the day, and Cleta Deathearage ing approval from you. reverence for all life. through the civil Mitchell acted as emcee. rights, anti-war, equal rights and gay rights • My mental attention is focused on pleas­ The local chapter of NOW, Metro OKC struggles. ing you and/or protecting you and/or NOW, as well as contributing many of the In the most recent issue of On the Issues, manipulating you (to do it my way). most decorative, well-made and imagina­ Merle Hoffman makes the point this way: • My own hobbies and interests are put tive signs, staged a piece of theater prior to "In the struggle to win the 'hearts and aside. My time is spent sharing your the beginning of the festivities and again minds' of the American people, the pro­ interests and hobbies. during a musical interlude. To dramatize choice and women's movements must take • I am not aware of how I feel, I am aware the women who die every three minutes of care not to lose their souls." • of how you feel. illegal abortions worldwide, a wooden • My fear of rejection determines what I casket was carried to the rally, with Cindy say or do. R. dressed in black, a hanger and a red carnation on her chest (she was sometimes • My social circle diminishes as I involve in the casket, sometimes walking in front myself with you. VOLUME 6 NUMBER 12 • HERLAND SISTER RESOURCES • 2312 N.W. 39th, OKC, OK 73112 • (405) 521-9696 HSR-CALENDAR OF EDITORIAL POLICY! EVENTS-DECEMBER The HERLAND VOICE is offered as an CHRISTMAS & open forum for community discourse. Materia ls Dec. 5 • Co-dependents Anonymous princed hecein reflect che beliefs and opinions of HOLIDAY GIFTS (CODA) support group, Resource che authors of the articles or letters, and not AVAILABLE AT Center, 7:30 p.m. necessarily those of chc Neu•sletter or the HERLAND THIS YEAR! Dec. 6, 7, 8 • Feminist Book Fair Herland Board. Letters to the editor muse be signed by the sponsored by OU Women's Studies writer with full name. Letters will not be Games (Homophobia - similar to Program, Student Union, OU Campus. printed with name unless writer requests it. Scruples) For more information call 366-7469. Editing may he necessary for space or to atJoid Seasons Greeting Cards Dec. 7 • Incest Survivors Anonymous obscenity, lihel, or intJas ion of pritJacy, but ideas will nor be altered. Publication of all materials Satin Ties (ISA) 12-stepmeeting(women'sgroup), is ac the discretion of che editors. Anyone Socks Resource Center, 7:30 - 9 p.m. hatJing a complaint ahouc the content of chis Dec. 12 • Co-dependents Anonymous newsletter may conracr the editors at 52 l- 9696. Undies for that special woman in (CODA) support group, Resource Cen­ your life ter, 7:30 p.m. Audio Tapes (many women artists) Dec. 14 • Incest Survivors Anonymous Books (ISA) 12-step meeting (women's group), --------i Bumper Stickers that express you Resource Center, 7:30 - 9 p.m. ID ~E~ :nt~ be a-;riend of Harland. My minimum I donation of $12 allows me use of the Herland Library and Fanny packs Dec. 15 • Deadline for submissions to a 10% discount on store purchases over the next 12 months. (My $12 is enclosed.) newsletter. Gift Certificates are also available D YES' I want to help Herland with a donation to the for that hard-to-please woman in Dec. 16. Peggy Johnson at the Cantina del New Building Fund. I D $15 D $20 D $25 your life! ' , Paseo, p.m. Paseo, 3007 9 D $50 D $100 D $ __ •v ' Dec. 17 ·Board meeting, Resource Center, I D Bookstore volunteer D Building volunteer THE RESOURCE CENTER WILL BE 2p.m. I Name ------------- OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE FROM 1 ' 11 Address _____________ P.M. TO 6 P.M. FOR LAST-MINUTE Dec. 19 • Co-dependents Anonymous SHOPPING. (CODA) support group, Resource Cen­ City SL___ ZIP __ ter, 7:30 p.m. I Telephone Number: I I Mail to: Herland Sister Resources, Inc. Dec. 21 • Incest Survivors Anonymous I 2312 N.W. 39th (ISA) 12-step meeting (women's group), I Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Resource Center, 7:30 - 9 p.m. --------------- ~-~ Dec. 26 • Co-dependents Anonymous PUBLISHED BY: Herland Sister Resources, Inc. (CODA) support group, Resource Cen­ 2312 NW 39th, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. ter, 7:30 p.m. EXECUTIVE EDITOR: I Dec. 28 • Incest Survivors Anonymous Sondra Metzger (ISA) 12-step meeting {women's group), NATIONAL NEWS EDITOR: Resource Center, 7:30 - 9 p.m. Karen Lewis Dec. 31 • Sisters of Swing, downtown at CITY NEWS EDITOR: Opening Night, Liberty Bank. Check DISPLAY ADS: Sondra Metzger daily newspaper for time. business card or 1 /10 page . .. $ 15.00 TYPESETIING: Rhonda S. 1/4 page ... .. ......... $ 35.00 Dec. 31 • HSR NEW YEAR'S EVE 12 page .... ............ $ 60.00 CIRCULATION: 700 PARTY! Resource Center, 6 p.m. - full page .. .. .. ......... $100.00 GENERAL INFO (405) 521-9696 ???? (this will be a chemical-free party). CLASSIFIED ADS: ADVERTISING: 521-9696 first 10 words ........... ... $2.50 each additional word ......... $ .10 DEADLINE on all advertising and submissions is the 15th of each month. DISCOUNTS: available on advance SUBSCRIPTIONS to the HERLAND VOICE are prepaid orders only free upon request. 1 -3 months order ... ... .. none 4 - 6 months . 10% 7 - 9 months .. ... .. .. .. .. 15% 10 - 12 months . ... ......... 20% PLEASE NOTE: There will be a minimal charge for typesetting done to any advertising. Leave message for Ginger at HSR, (521-WMYN) to place an ad. 2 HSR, DECEMBER, 1989 NGLTF CALLS FOR The release of the report coincidently port. At the end of the 1987 legislative IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION came at the same time as a new Gallup Poll session, shortly after the March on Wash­ showing increasing acceptance of gays and ington, the bill suffe red its fifteenth con­ OF NEW MILITARY REPORT lesbians by the public.
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