B REVIA bon chronology (Fig. 1A) suggests that the nene’s EVOLUTION loss of genetic variability took place during a period of prehistoric human population growth Prehistoric Decline of Genetic (900 to 350 years ago), when settlements expand- ed into marginal ecological zones (7). Radiocar- bon dates (1, 5, 8) indicate that the extirpation of Diversity in the Nene the nene on Kauai and the extinction of at least Ellen E. Paxinos,1* Helen F. James,2 Storrs L. Olson,2 five of the nine large ground-dwelling Hawaiian birds (1) occurred during this time period. Eco- Jonathan D. Ballou,1 Jennifer A. Leonard,3 Robert C. Fleischer1,2† logical changes associated with human settlement are assumed to have caused the extinctions (1) The nene (or Hawaiian goose, Branta sandvicen- generations (about 600 years) suggest that the and apparently caused a dramatic reduction in sis) once occurred on most of the main Hawaiian most likely explanation is a prehistoric population genetic diversity in the nene on Hawaii as well. Islands (1), but by Captain Cook’s arrival in 1778, bottleneck (6). A reduction of H from 0.80 to 0.26 Ultimately, we must ask why the nene popu- nene were found only on the island of Hawaii (2). in populations of varying size (500 to 10,000) can lation on Hawaii could escape prehistoric extinc- A decline that began in the 1800s reduced the only occur if the populations decline to fewer than tion while many other Hawaiian birds did not. nene population to fewer than 30 individuals by 270 females (for a rate of decline of r ϭϪ0.01) Cultural changes may have created better condi- the middle of the 20th century (2). Nene currently or to fewer than 20 females (for r ϭϪ0.05). In tions for nene, such as more open habitat, while at have extremely low levels of genetic variation (3). addition, in the absence of population decline, an the same time warfare may have created no- We questioned whether this low genetic variation improbably large selection coefficient of 0.10 man’s-lands safer for wildlife. Prohibitions by resulted from the recent population decline or was would be required to change RH frequen- cy from ruling elites (kapu) may have protected the birds, a natural consequence of living on islands (theory 0.43 to 0.97 over 150 generations. Our radiocar- and it is possible that they were even brought and empirical evidence indicate that island under domestication or semidomestica- taxa should and do have lower genetic tion. Paleontological studies have shown variability than mainland ones) (4). Here how broadly devastating the impact of pre- we report an assessment of genetic varia- historic humans was on insular organisms, tion in samples of nene on the island of as most vividly shown by the total extinc- on October 20, 2009 Hawaii from four time periods (Fig. 1): 26 tion of hundreds of species (1). Our find- extant captive and wild birds, 14 historical ings demonstrate that these prehistoric museum specimens (collected between influences may still be reflected in the 1833 and 1928), 16 bones from archaeo- genetic makeup of insular species that sur- logical middens [radiocarbon dated at 160 vived until the present, many of which, to 500 radiocarbon years before present like the nene, are endangered. In addition, (rybp)], and 14 bones from paleontologi- we have confirmed that at least one island- cal sites (500 to 2540 rybp). dwelling species, the nene, did not always We analyzed DNA sequence variation have the low genetic variability predicted in the mitochondrial control region (CR), by its history as an island taxon (4). www.sciencemag.org following very strict methodologies to References and Notes avoid and detect contamination in ancient 1. S. L. Olson, H. F. James, Ornith. Monogr. 45,1 samples (5). We found no variation across (1991). 847 nucleotide sites among extant nene 2. J. Kear, A. J. Berger, The Hawaiian Goose: An ϭ Experiment in Conservation (Buteo Books, (haplotype diversity, H 0) and designate Vermillion, SD, 1980). this sequence as haplotype RH. For the 3. E. H. Rave, R. C. Fleischer, F. Duvall, J. M. Black, Conserv. Biol. 8, 744 (1994). ancient samples, we obtained sequences of Downloaded from 217 sites from the highly variable left do- 4. R. Frankham, Heredity 78, 311 (1997). 5. E. E. Paxinos et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. main of the CR and 92 sites from the less U.S.A. 99, 1399 (2002). variable right domain (6). Unexpectedly, 6. Additional methods and acknowledgments only one museum specimen sequence dif- are available on Science Online. 7. P. V. Kirch, Feathered Gods and Fishhooks: An fered from the RH haplotype (E1, Fig. Introduction to Hawaiian Archaeology and Prehis- 1B), and all archaeological bones (sam- tory (Univ. of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI, 1985). pled from eight different caves) possessed 8. H. F. James et al., unpublished data. RH. Only the paleontological nene exhib- Supporting Online Material ited levels of CR variation typical of geese 14 www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/296/5574/ Fig. 1. (A) C age ranges of 17 nene bones from Hawaii Island with 1827/DC1 (5): six individuals had RH and eight had extinct versus extant haplotypes. Ranges are estimates of calendar Methods one of six additional haplotypes (Fig. 1B). year ages (with 95% probability), calculated from dates provided Acknowledgments by the Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory, New Zealand, and Instaar H was 0.802 (multinomial lower 95% 1 ϭ Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, with CALIB 4.1. Time frame of Conservation and Research Center, Smithsonian CI 0.67) in the paleontological sample, Polynesian colonization and population growth summarized from Institution, 3001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Wash- but only 0.067 (upper 95% CI ϭ 0.26) in (7). (Inset) Map of Hawaii Island with positions of cave collecting ington, DC 20008Ð0551, USA. 2Department of the archaeological and museum specimen sites (archaeological: open symbols; paleontological: filled sym- Systematic Biology, National Museum of Natural bols). Letters correspond to localities listed on the axis, plus three History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC samples combined (6). 20560, USA. 3Department of Organismal Biology, Thus, our results indicate that the nene sites from which undated bones were recovered: Delissea (i), Pu‘u Ecology, and Evolution, University of California, Los populations on Hawaii lost most of their Wa‘awa‘a ( j), and Hali‘i (k). (B) Network of haplotypes identified in Angeles, CA 90095Ð1606, USA. nene mtDNA CR sequences. Arrows denote nucleotide substitu- mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variability *Present address: Virologic, Inc., 345 Oyster Point tions. Numbers adjacent to arrows indicate the number of the base Boulevard, So. San Francisco, CA 94080, USA. long before their historic population de- from position 78 of the Gallus sequence (NC001323). Genbank †To whom correspondence should be addressed. cline. Monte Carlo simulations run for 150 accession numbers for CR sequences are AY099099 to AY099106. E-mail: fl[email protected] www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 296 7 JUNE 2002 1827 mtDNA from fossils reveals a radiation of Hawaiian geese recently derived from the Canada goose (Branta canadensis) Ellen E. Paxinos†‡, Helen F. James§, Storrs L. Olson§, Michael D. Sorenson†¶, Jennifer Jacksonʈ, and Robert C. Fleischer†** †Genetics Program, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 3001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008; ‡ViroLogic Inc., 270 East Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080; §Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560; ¶Department of Biology, Boston University, 5 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215; and ʈDepartment of Zoology and Biological Anthropology, 58 Banbury Road, University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6QS, United Kingdom Edited by David B. Wake, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved December 4, 2001 (received for review April 2, 2001) Phylogenetic analysis of 1.35 kb of mtDNA sequence from fossils ular analyses presented here have been found on Kauai and revealed a previously unknown radiation of Hawaiian geese, of Oahu (1). which only one representative remains alive (the endangered Hawai- Although most Hawaiian waterfowl are known only from bones, ian goose or nene, Branta sandvicensis). This radiation is nested developing robust and well resolved hypotheses for their evolution- phylogenetically within a living species, the Canada goose (Branta ary relationships by studying osteological characters alone may not canadensis) and is related most closely to the large-bodied lineage be possible, particularly for the flightless species such as the giant within that species. The barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) is also Hawaii goose. Some of the bones are highly modified compared nested within the Canada goose species and is related most closely to with volant, continental waterfowl, making it difficult to identify the small-bodied lineage of Canada geese. The peripheral isolation of shared character states (4). Also, the phylogenetic signal from the barnacle goose in the Palearctic apparently allowed the evolution osteological characters may be obscured by homoplastic evolution of its distinctive plumage pattern, whereas the two Nearctic lineages in Hawaiian birds that evolved in similar ecosystems on separate of Canada geese share a primitive plumage pattern. The Hawaiian islands (Fig. 1). Therefore, we assessed the evolutionary relation- EVOLUTION lineage of Canada geese diverged more dramatically, splitting into at ships of Hawaii’s large waterfowl by using genetic information (see least three species that differ in body size, body proportions, and ref. 3 for molecular phylogenetic analysis of the moa-nalos). Here flight ability. One fossil species, limited to the island of Hawaii, was we present phylogenetic analyses of ancient mtDNA sequences related closely to the nene but was over four times larger, flightless, from three of the Hawaiian geese of the tribe Anserini. heavy-bodied and had a much more robust cranium.
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