Don't be blue -June's only nine• months away Photo bV Ken Devine Gov't week speaker U-HIGH coming from U of C Vol. 44, No. I University high sch01tl, 1362. East 5"" street, Chicago, 1111nols60637 Jerry Lipschutz, president of student goverm:ned at the University of. Chicago, will speak to U-Higbe.rs on the purpose of student govern­ ment and bow it functions at the university and ether colleges, tomorrow Finds U-High to his liking at 3:30 p.m. in Judd 126. His appearw1ce iS the second scheduled event for Student Government Week, kicked off today with an assembly in Mandel hall , Student government presidents planned the program, a first here, to arouse U-Highers' J.nterest in student government early in the year. How Midway 'lured' dean In keeping with the idea of early participation in student govern­ ment, elections for all~ool organizations are scheduled for this week and nen. U-Highers interested in becoming representatives to SLCC A story in the Midway last spring to get a copy of the paper. His been a sports columnist, cburcb (student Legislative Coordinating Council, whidh replaced Student Coun­ helped lure Mr. Standrod T. Car­ visit led to a meeting with Princi­ vicar, C'hap1:ain to college stu­ cil) may pick up nomination petitions in Room 6 tomorrow, according michael, new dean of students, to pal Carl Rinne and, later, inter­ dents, writer-moderator for tele­ to President Fred Langendorf. U~High. views for the position of dean. vision pr~, frequent lecturer Fifteen signatnres are required and petitions must be returned to Mr. Carmichael was chairman "THE OPPORTUNITY to work on religion at vari-OUsschools and Room 6 by lunch Thursday. From the nominees, students from each of the Englis.b. depll['tment at Mor­ in the Lab Schools was much too even a U.S. National Park Ranger gi,ade will select three fr'om their own grade as representatives to SLCC gan Piark academy at the time. attractive an offer to refuse," he for three years. in an all«.hool election Friday. One of his students told him about said of his decision to leave Mor­ Mr. Carmichael said be is e%· 'Student Union and Student Board elections will take place next Tues­ a story in the Midway reporting gan PaTk. "The educational tradi­ cited about the newly-«ganized day. Members of each grade will select 13 representatives to the Union a proposal to boycott games with tions of the Lab Schools are fully student government at U-High and and 15 to the Board. Students may nominate themselves by filling out Morgan Park because it was seg­ consonant with . my own interests the prospect <A.working with fac­ slips obtained in byRoom 6 Monday morning, Fred said. Freshmen will regated_ and convictions." ulty and students here. elect officers a week from Thursday and runof.fs, if n~ary , will be Coming here for a meeting of Mr. Carmichael has a diverse HE SAID he likac; the idea of. conducted FT'iday, Nominating petitions obtained in Room 6 Friday must educators, Mr. Carmichael de­ background. In addition to his po­ "SLCC asking for more aut.oD<DDy be completed by the end ·of the day. cided to stop by the Midway office sition at Morgan Park, he has and jurisdiction over rules, cur­ riculum and decisions. Reach into community "The student govermnent ap­ paratus is there oo paper and it will now be up to the student\! who want the reforms to impl~ ment them. Kids come tlrough Leaders to expand gov 't services mare often than not." He bas definite ideas on the role By PAULA KAPLAN ling seventh period,'' according to jor project is a Presidential "vote" talion for ineffectiveness, inaugur­ of a dean rJ. students. Editor-in-Chief Fred. in school November 5, date of na­ ating a jury system whereby each "A dean who doesn't have a Budget will be a primacy SLCC tional elect.ions, followed by a member of tbe Board can hear sense of humor will be lost," be and Political Editor said. concern because of the Student party in the evening. The Midway cases of stlldent violaters, and es­ Concern with community and Adivitiac; debt which has accumu­ will precede the election wi4lh its tablishing a Supreme Court to sug­ national as well as school affairs lated over the years (see Bruce own poll in an attempt to predict gest rules to SLCC are among the is amq the objectives of presi­ Gans colwnn page 4), Fred said. the results and will publish an is­ ideas of Student Board President dents for U-High's student govern­ Each club's budget request will sue llhe day of elections. Waliy Lipkin. r---Bulletinl ment. ihave to be cut. FOUR-DAY exohangac;, two at BY GIVING more responsibility All lhree leaders (see photo) Snack bar, Fred hopes, will tlhe exchange sohool and two at to Board members and decentral­ hope to relate their organizations make as much as $1,000-$1.,500this U-High, are being planned with izing organization from the execu­ I Semifinalists I and activities to what is happen­ year because it will operate all Hyde Park, Kenwood, Thornton tive board, Wally hopes to attract ing outside as well as inside day, not just after-school four days Township and Francis Parker high more U-Highers to Student Board Eleven U-Higbers have been school. a week as in past years. sohools as another Union project, positions. named semifinaUsts in this year's SLCC President Fred Langendorf STUDENT UNION, according to Leslie said. ,Sixfy U-IDghers - 15 Time-wasting punishments for National Merit Scholarship corpor­ hopes that, wwking with a smaller President Leslie Jones, is planning from each grade-will participate. rule breakers will be replaced ation program. ACCU'ding to Sen­ group and under tighter proce­ week-long programs on topics such Lecturers from outside school with constructive work for tbe ior Coumelor Arthur Ded:imky' dures than its pl'Edecessor Student as the American Indian, the Black will be a major part of Student school, accardi.ng to Wally 's plans. they are: Robert Aldrich, Sue Oouncil, SLCC will be able to bet­ Man in America, drugs and jazz. Union's services this year, she Punisbmeiils might include, he Fiske, David Hyman, Matt Jaffey, ter repl'eSent the uurests of the Guest speakers, films and ex­ added. Invitations have been sent said , scraping gum off cafeteria Fred Langendorf, Jeanne Orden, student body. hibits will be part of the pro­ to Sen. Charles Percy, Actor Rob­ ,tables and working in the library. Daria Turkevich, Naomi w~ "ANYONE CAN bring his idea grams, to be known as "week con­ ert Kulp, Daily News Columnist stein, GladJS Williams, Paul W'ms­ to the agenda committee which centratioos." Mike Royko, the Rev. Jesse Jack­ berg and Peter Grunwald. will meet on Monday to plan the Party themes, Leslie added, will son and others. Dean may set up agenda for SLCC's Tuesday meet- be reJated to these topics. A ma- Oba~ng Studem. Board's repu- job agency here On The A clearing service through which U-Higbers looking for parttime Midway jobs can be matched with employ­ ThJrsday, Sept. 28 - Meeting of ers in the community looking for Oolmcil on Race Relatiom, 8 parttime workers is being consid­ p.m., tiWe Theater. ered by Dean m Students Standrod Friday' Sep. Z1 - Soccer, Francis Oarmicbael Parker, here, 4 p.m., varsity '!be jam migk .incJudebaby-tat. only; Senkr pmty, 5-9 p.m., ting, raiw.g leaves and cutting cafeteria and Scammons Court. lawns as well as WOtt in neighbor­ Tuesday, Oct. 1 - Soccer, IDiam, hood stores. here, 3:30 p.m., varsity only. Plllll9 11wKai Dftlne Friday, Oct. 4 - Soccer, St. Mel, .. WHY, YOU KNOW you can depend on me," ment leaders. Joining in the discussion are, The Midway would publicize set­ here, 4 p.m., varsity and froab Student Union President Leslie Jones see ms to left of Mr. Cannichael, SLCC President Fred ting up of the service in an issue to sopb. be telling New Dean of Students Strandrod Langendorfand Student BoardPresident Wal­ be distributed t.hroughoutthe com- Taealay, Oct. 8 - Midway out af­ Cannichael at a meeting of student govern- ter Upkin. munity. ter 8lDOG. Joint c .ommittee to study May plan By MITCH PRA VATINER Ass't Community Developments Editor A commititee to study the May Project proposal conceived this sum­ mer by a group of seniors, was decided on by the faculty at a planning week meeting Wednesday_ The commrotee will inclwle representatives of the administration, J>iareuts Assn ., faculty iand junior and senior classes. Senior Class President Prentiss Taylor, chief proponent of the pro­ ject, had hoped to ·ask for final faculty approval in November. The fac­ ulty's decision, however, makes such an early affirmation or denial unlikely. Under terms of project,tlhe May according to Prentiss, seniors would participat.e in a work--study Photo by Ken Devine program from early May to early June, working at THE OLD GREET THE NEW at U-High's orien­ names) over refreshments. Helping the new Back jobs in hopes of gaining educational insights into the tation program Friday in the cafeteria. New stu­ faces fill out nametags are old faces, from left, of world outside school. The proposed plan stipulates , dents heard speeches by administrators and Karen Goetz (secretary-treasurer of Student Prentiss explained, that the first week in May be student government leaders and got to know Board), Jenny Sachs (freshman treasurer last the set aside for senior finials with the May Project form­ each other (but, unfortunately, not the Mid­ year) and Steve Pitts (SLCC treasurer).
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