THE CLINICAL PICTURE AMBER S. TULLY, MD CAROL DAO, MD Assistant Professor, Department of Family Thomas Jefferson University, and Community Medicine, Jefferson Medi- Philadelphia, PA cal College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA The Clinical Picture Oral plaques and dysphagia in a young man □ Oral hairy leukoplakia □ Squamous cell carcinoma □ Oral candidiasis □ Herpetic gingivostomatitis □ Streptococcal pharyngitis A: Oral candidiasis is correct. Otherwise known as thrush, it is com- mon in infants and in denture wearers, and it also can occur in diabetes mellitus, antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and cellular immune deficiency states such as can- More than 90% cer or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.1 Patients using inhaled glucocorti- of AIDS patients coids are also at risk and should always be ad- have an episode FIGURE 1 vised to rinse their mouth out with water after of thrush inhaled steroid use. 23-year-old man presents with a sore Although Candida albicans is the species Athroat, dysphagia, and general malaise that most often responsible for candidal infections, began 1 week ago. He also reports a 5-pound other candidal species are increasingly respon- weight loss. He has not recently taken antibiot- sible for infections in immunocompromised ics or inhaled glucocorticoids, and he has no his- patients. Candida is part of the normal flora in tory of tobacco use or trauma to his mouth. He many adults. has no personal or family history of oral cancer. Oral hairy leukoplakia is caused by the He uses cocaine on occasion. He reports feeling Epstein-Barr virus and is often seen in HIV feverish and having a decreased appetite. infection. It is a white, painless, corrugated An examination of his mouth reveals lesion, typically found on the lateral aspect white plaques of varying sizes (FIGURE 1). The of the tongue, and it cannot be scraped from plaques are easily removed using a tongue the adherent surfaces. It can also be found on blade, with no bleeding. No regional lymph- the dorsum of the tongue, the buccal surfaces, adenopathy is noted. and the floor of the mouth. In an asymptom- atic patient with oral hairy leukoplakia, HIV Q: Based on the history, the symptoms, and the infection with moderate immunosuppression physical examination, which of the following is is most likely present.2 Oral hairy leukoplakia the most likely diagnosis in this patient? is diagnosed by biopsy of suspected lesions. It is not a premalignant lesion, and how to best doi:10.3949/ccjm.78a.10150 treat it is still being investigated.3 594 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 78 • NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on September 27, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission. TULLY AND DAO Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cav- can be performed in the office for quick diag- ity can present as nonhealing ulcers or masses, nosis, but if clinical suspicion is high, a throat dental changes, or exophytic lesions with or culture is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. without pain.1 They may be accompanied Treatment is to prevent complications such as by cervical nodal disease. Malignancies of rheumatic fever.6 the oral cavity account for 14% of all head and neck cancers, with squamous cell carci- ■ FEATURES AND DIAGNOSIS 4 noma the predominant type. Alcohol and OF ORAL CANDIDIASIS tobacco use increase the risk. Alcohol and tobacco together have a synergistic effect on Lesions of oral candidiasis can vary in their ap- the incidence of oral carcinoma.1,4 Predispos- pearance. The pseudomembranous form is the ing lesions are leukoplakia, lichen planus of most characteristic, with white adherent “cottage- the erosive subtype, submucosal fibrosis, and cheese-like” plaques that wipe away, causing min- erythroplakia. Oral infection with human imal bleeding.1,7 The erythematous or atrophic papillomavirus has been shown to increase form is associated with denture use and causes a the risk of oral cancer by a factor of 14, and “beefy” appearance on the dorsum of the tongue papillomavirus type 16 is detected in 72% of or on the mucosa that supports a denture.1,7 A patients with oropharyngeal cancer.5 third form affects the angles of the mouth, caus- Herpetic gingivostomatitis is a manifes- ing angular cheilitis (perlèche).7,8 Chronic infec- tation of herpes simplex virus infection. The tion appears as localized, firmly adherent plaques initial infection may be asymptomatic or may with an irregular surface similar to hyperkeratosis produce groups of vesicles that develop into caused by chronic frictional irritation.7 shallow, painful, and superficial ulcerations on Oral candidiasis can occur in different an erythematous base.1,3 If the gingiva is in- forms at the same time. Patients often de- volved, it is erythematous, boggy, and tender.3 scribe minimal symptoms such as dysgeusia or Infections are self-limited, lasting up to 2 weeks, dry mouth.1,7 Infections causing dysphagia or but there is potential for recurrence because of odynophagia warrant suspicion for involve- the ability of herpes simplex virus to undergo ment of the esophagus. With highly latency. Recurrence is usually heralded by pro- The diagnosis is made empirically if the dromal symptoms 24 hours before onset, with lesions resolve with anticandidal therapy. A active antiretro- tingling, pain, or burning at the infected site. more definitive diagnosis can be made by mi- viral therapy, The diagnosis can be made clinically, but the croscopy with a potassium hydroxide prepara- the incidence of Tzanck smear test, viral culture, direct fluores- tion showing pseudohyphae. Formal culture cent antibody test, or polymerase chain reaction can also determine the yeast’s susceptibility to oral candidiasis test can be used to confirm the diagnosis. In pa- medication in recurrent or resistant cases.2 has decreased tients who are immunocompromised, infections Oral candidiasis may be the manifesting tend to be more severe and to last longer. symptom of HIV infection, and more than by about 50% Streptococcal pharyngitis, most often 90% of patients with adult immunodeficiency caused by group A beta-hemolytic strepto- syndrome have an episode of thrush.8 When cocci, is the most common type of bacterial candidiasis is diagnosed without obvious cause, pharyngitis in the clinical setting. The bac- HIV testing should be offered, regardless of a teria incubate for 2 to 5 days. The condition patient’s lack of obvious risk factors. Other oral mainly affects younger children.6 Patients lesions in HIV patients are oral hairy leukopla- with “strep throat” often present with a sore kia, Kaposi sarcoma, periodontal and gingival throat and high-grade fever. Other symptoms infections, aphthous ulcers, herpes simplex sto- include chills, myalgia, headache, and nausea. matitis, and xerostomia.2 With highly active Findings on examination may include pete- antiretroviral therapy, the incidence of oral chiae of the palate, pharyngeal and tonsillar candidiasis has decreased by about 50%.2 erythema and exudates, and anterior cervical Our patient was diagnosed with HIV when adenopathy.6 Children often present with co- screened after this initial presentation. Lower inciding abdominal complaints. A rapid anti- CD4 counts and higher viral loads increase the gen detection test for streptococcal infection patient’s risk for oral candidiasis and other lesions. CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 78 • NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 595 Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on September 27, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission. ORAL PLAQUES This patient’s initial CD4 count was 524 cells/µL, and his viral load was 11,232 copies/mL. ■ TREATMENT In HIV-negative patients or in HIV-positive pa- tients with a CD4 count greater than 200 cells/ µL, the treatment of oral candidiasis involves topical antifungal agents, including a nystatin suspension (Nystat-Rx) or clotrimazole (Mycel- ex) troches.3,7,9 Treatment should be continued for at least 7 days after resolution of the infec- tion. If resolution does not occur, oral flucon- azole (Diflucan) 200 mg daily should be given. For HIV patients with CD4 counts below 200 cells/µL, oral fluconazole or itraconazole (Sporanox) is recommended, with posacon- azole (Noxafil) as an alternative for refractory disease.3,9 Giving fluconazole prophylactically to prevent oral candidiasis is not recommended because of the risk of adverse effects, lack of sur- vival benefit, associated cost, and potential to develop antifungal resistance.3,9 ■ ■ REFERENCES 1. Reichart PA. 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