World Cup #7+Ech - St, Moritz, SUI - Feb 5-7, 2016 Extended Start List Two Man Bob Bib Name Nation Push athletes team Ergebnisse/Results 1 KASJANOV, Alexander RUS Aleksei Pushkarev Two-man 30.09.1983 - Bratsk Dmitry Trunenkov OWG 2014: 4th 188 cm - 100 kg Vasiliy Kondratenko WCh 2015: 7th Ilvir Huzin JWCh 2008: Bronze Yuri Chubakov ECh 2015: 4th Kirill Antukh Overall World Cup 2014-2015: 7 Maxim Mokrousov Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 8 Roman Koshelev Four-man Maxim Belugin OWG 2014: 4th Pavel Utkin WCh 2015: 7th Ilfat Sadeev ECh 2015: Silver Best in WCup: 1st (Jan 16, Park City 1) Overall World Cup 2014-2015: 2 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 4 2 ZALIMS, Ugis LAT Janis Jansons Two-man 19.02.1986 - Saldus Intars Dambis OWG: - 185 cm - 100 kg Davis Springis WCh 2015: 6th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 20 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 2 Four-man OWG: - WCh: - Best in WCup: 5th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 27 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 13 3 MELBARDIS, Oskars LAT Daumants Dreiskens Two-man 16.02.1988 - Valmiera Arvis Vilkaste OWG 2014: 5th 190 cm - 98 kg Janis Strenga WCh 2015: Silver (tied with Johannes Lochner) ECh 2015: Silver Overall WCup 2014-2015: 1 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 6 Four-man OWG 2014: Silver WCh 2015: Bronze ECh 2015: Gold Overall WCup 2014-2015: 1 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 16 4 WALTHER, Nico GER Marko Hübenbecker Two-man 07.06.1990 - Freital Eric Franke OWG: - 187 cm - 95 kg Christian Poser WCh 2015: 10th JWCh 2014: Gold ECh 2015: 6th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 5 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 2 Four-man OWG: - WCh 2015: Silver ECh 2015: 4th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 4 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 5 Bib Name Nation Push athletes team Ergebnisse/Results 5 WON, Yunjong KOR Youngwoo Seo Two-man 17.06.1985 Junglin Jun OWG 2014: 18th 182 cm - 94 kg Jinsu Kim WCh 2015: 5th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 11 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 1 Four-man OWG 2014: 20th WCh 2015: 18th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 19 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 15 6 KRIPPS, Justin CAN Joshua Kirkpatraick Two-man 06.01.1987 - Na'alehu, Hawaii Ben Coakwell OWG 2014: 6th 183 cm - 96 kg Alexander Kopacz WCh 2013: 12th Best in WCup: 1st (Jan 14, Königssee) Overall WCup 2014-2015: 8 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 5 Four-man OWG 2014: 29th Best in WCup: 3rd (Jan 16, Lake Placid) Overall WCup 2014-2015: 8 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 7 7 FRIEDRICH, Francesco GER Thorsten Margis Two-man 02.05.1990 - Pirna Martin Putze OWG 2014: 8th 183 cm - 92 kg Jannis Bäcker JWCh 2011, 2013: Gold WCh 2013, 2015:Gold ECh 2015: Gold (2013: Bronze) Overall WCup 2014-2015: 4 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 9 Four-man OWG 2014: 10th JWCh 2013: Gold ECh 2015: Bronze Overall WCup 2014-2015: 5 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 2 8 PETER, Rico SUI Bror van der Zijde Two-man 13.09.1983 Thomas Amrhein OWG 2014: 10th Simon Friedli WCh 2015: 7th ECh 2014: Silver (2015: Bronze) Best in WCup: 1st( Feb 15, Sochi) Overall WCup 2014-2015: 3 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 4 Four-man WCh 2013, 2015: 6th ECh 2015: 6th Best in WCup: 3rd Overall WCup 2014-2015: 6 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 3 9 HOLCOMB, Steven USA Adrian Adams Two-man 14.04.1980 - Oakley James Reed OWG 2014: Bronze 178 cm - 91 kg Carlo Valdes WCh 2012: Gold Casey Wickline Overall WCup 2007, 2014: 1st Sam Michener Overall World Cup 2014-2015: 6 Nic Taylor Overall WCup 2015-2016: 10 Hakeem Adbul-Saboor Four-man Frank Del Duca OWG 2010: Gold (2014: Bronze) Austin Landis WCh 2009, 2012: Gold Samuel McGuffie Overall WCup 2010: 1st Evan Weinstock. Overall World Cup 2014-2015: 7 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 12 Bib Name Nation Push athletes team Ergebnisse/Results 10 ARNDT, Maximilian GER Kevin Kuske Two-man 23.07.1987, Suhl Kevin Korona OWG 2014: 15th 180 cm - 93 kg Ben Heber WCh 2012: Bronze ECh 2012: Silver Overall WCup 2014-2015: 18 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 7 Four-man OWG 2014: 6th WCh 2013, 2015: Gold (2012: Silver) ECh 2012, 2013: Gold Overall WCup 2013-2014: 1 Overall WCup 2014-2015: 3 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 1 11 SPRING, Chris CAN Derek Plug Two-man 06.03.1984 - Darwin, Australia Lascelles Brown OWG 2014: 7th 180 cm - 101 kg WCh 2013: 6th Best in WCup: 3rd (Dec13, Calgary) Overall WCup 2014-2015: 14 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 11 Four-man OWG 2014: 13th WCh 2015: 8th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 9 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 19 12 CUNNINGHAM, Nick USA Adrian Adams Two-man 08.05.1985 - Monterey James Reed OWG 2014: 13 177 cm - 95 kg Carlo Valdes WCh 2015: 12th Casey Wickline Best in WCup: 2nd Sam Michener Overall WCup 2014-2015: 9 Nic Taylor Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 12 Hakeem Adbul-Saboor Four-man Frank Del Duca OWG 2014: 12th Austin Landis WCh 2015: 14th Sam McGuffie Best in WCup: 3rd (Nov '12, Lake Placid) Evan Weinstock Overall WCup 2014-2015: 12 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 10 13 KIBERMANIS, Oskars LAT Matiss Miknis Two-man 04.04.1993 - Valmiera Vairis Leiboms OWG 2014: 16th 186 cm - 92 kg Helvijs Lusis JWCh 2012: Bronze Raivis Zirups WCh 2015: 8th ECh 2015: 9th Best in WCup:6th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 12 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 13 Four-man OWG 2014: 14th JWCh 2012: Silver WCh 2015: 15th ECh 2015: 7th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 10 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 11 14 STULNEV, Alexey RUS Maxim Belugin Two-man 12.12.1987 - Pavlovsk Kirill Antukh OWG: - 188 cm - 98 kg Nikolai Gzendilov WCh 2015: 11th Maxim Mokrousov JWCh 2012: Silver Roman Koshelev Overall WCup 2014-2015: 14 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 13 Four-man OWG: - WCh 2015: 11th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 13 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 6 Bib Name Nation Push athletes team Ergebnisse/Results 15 KIM, Donghyun KOR Keunbo Kim Two-man 12.11.1987 - Seoul Junglin Jun OWG:- 185 cm - 80 kg Jinsu Kim WCh 2015: 31th Youngwoo Seo Overall WCup 2013-2014: 32 Overall WCup 2014-2015: 19 Overall WCup 2015-2016: 16 Four-man OWG 2014: 27th WCh:- Overall WCup 2013-2014: 30 Overall WCup 2014-2015: 32 Overall WCup 2015-2016: - 16 HEFTI, Beat SUI Alex Baumann Two-man 03.02.1978 - Schwellbrunn Sandro Ferrari OWG 2014: Silver 182 cm - 100 kg Andre Hoepli WCh 2013: Silver (2015: 4th) ECh 2010, 2013, 2014: Gold Overall WCup 2012: 1st Overall WCup 2014-2015: 2 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 18 Four-man OWG 2014: 8th WCh 2013: 4th ECh 2013: Silver Overall WCup 2014-2015: 33 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: - 17 BERTAZZO, Simone ITA Francesco Costa Two-man 19.08.1982 - Tai di Cadore Simone Fontana OWG 2006: 9th 184 cm - 98 kg Costantino Ughi WCh 2007: Bronze Best in WCup: 1st (Dec. 10 Lake Placid, Feb 11 Cesana) Overall WCup 2010-2011: 3 Overall WCup 2014-2015: 21 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 15 Four-man OWG 2010: 9th Best in WCup: 5th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 12 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 9 18 ANDRIANOV, Maxim RUS Ilya Malykh Two-man 27.02.1988 - Krasnoyarsk 1 OWG 87 cm - 96 kg WCh Overall WCup 2014-2015: 16 Overall WCup 2015-2016: - Four-man OWG WCh Best in Wcup: 8th (Jan15, Altenberg) ECh 2015: 12th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 21 Overall WCup 2015-2016: - 19 DE BRUIN, Ivo NED Olaf van der Geest Two-man 07.03.1986 - Uithoorn Igor Brink OWG: 183cm - 105 kg Rudy Mensink WCh: Dennis Veenker JWCh 2012: Bronze Best in WCup: 11th (Nov 12 Lake Placid, Park City) Overall WCup 2013-2014: 17 Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall WCup 2015-2016: 19 Four-man OWG: WCh: Overall WCup 2012-2013: 33 Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall WCup 2015-2016: 24 Bib Name Nation Push athletes team Ergebnisse/Results 20 POLONIATO, Nick CAN Cameron Stones Two-man 20.07.1987 - Hamilton OWG 183 cm - 96 kg WCh Overall WCup 2014-2015: 23 Overall WCup 2015-2016: - Four-man OWG WCh Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall WCup 2015-2016: - 21 RINALDI, Rudy MON Boris Vain Two-man 18.08.1993 - Monaco OWG YOG 2012: Bronze WCh 2015: 23th JWCH 2015: 4th ECh Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 21 Four-man OWG WCh ECh Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall World Cup 2015-2016: - 22 OLSEN, Justin USA Samuel McGuffie Two-man 16.04.1987 - San Antonio Evan Weinstock OWG: 186 cm - 106 kg WCh: ECh: Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall WCup 2015-2016: - Four-man OWG: WCh: ECh: Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall WCup 2015-2016: - 2009 World Champion and 2010 Olympic Champion in four man bob with pilot Steven Holcomb. Several podium placings in Word Cup. 23 HALL, Bradley GBR Ben Simons Two-Man 16.11.1990 - Uxbridge OWG: WCh: Overall WCup 2014-2015: Overall WCup 2015-2016: 34 Four-man OWG: WCh: Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall WCup 2015-2016: - Bib Name Nation Push athletes team Ergebnisse/Results 24 TASKER, Bruce GBR Joel Fearon Two-Man 02.09.1987 - Bath OWG: 192 cm- 100 kg WCh: Overall WCup 2014-2015: Overall WCup 2015-2016: 37 Four-man OWG: WCh: Overall WCup 2014-2015: - Overall WCup 2015-2016: - with pilot John James Jackson, Four Man Bob: OWG 2014 - 5th, WCh 2013 - 5th, ECh 2014 - Silver 25 COSTERG, Loic F RA Jordan Bytebier Two-man 09.05.1987 - Moutiers Vincent Castell OWG 2014: 20th 185 cm - 93 kg Romain Heinrich WCh 2015: 20th Vincent Ricard JWCh 2012: 5th Jeremie Boutherin ECh 2015: 8th Best in Wcup: 8th (Jan 2013,Altenberg) Overall WCup 2014-2015: 30 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 29 Four-man OWG 2014: 17th WCh 2015: 21st JWCh 2012: 10th ECh 2015: Best in Wcup: 10th (Jan 2013,Altenberg) Overall WCup 2014-2015: 26 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 24 26 LUTY, Mateusz POL Grzegorz Kossakowsky Two-Man 01.01.1990 - Kowary Jakub Zakrzewski OWG 190 cm - 84 kg Lukasz Miedzik WCh ECh 2015: 16th Overall WCup 2013-2014: 30 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: 21 Four-man OWG WCh ECh 2015: 15th Overall WCup 2013-2014: 27 Overall World Cup 2015-2016: - 27 VRBA, Jan CZE Jakub Havlin Two-man 28.01.1982 - Jablonec nad Nisou Dominik Suchy OWG 2014: 24th 186 cm - 90 kg Jakub Nosek WCh 2013: 16th Jan Stoklaska ECh 2015: 15th Overall WCup 2014-2015: 26 Overall
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