Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1994 Daily Egyptian 1994 2-17-1994 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 17, 1994 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 79, Issue 98 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 17, 1994." (Feb 1994). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1994 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1994 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian· Southern lilio1oi s Universit y al Carbondale Thursday, February 16, 1994, Vol. 79, No. 98, 16 Pages Students vote down fee.. increase Battle for athletics dollars forces officials to find funds By Kati& Morrlaon of the moocy will be found." Administration Reporter The proposed CUI is p.n of the board 's Priori!ies, Qunl ily and SJUC s1udcnts voted against ProducJvit:,1 ~:".lcwidr: initiative to suppn<ting a $40 fee increase which decrease wasteful s pcndin; at would have !-avcd Intercollegiate institutions of high~r cducau.,n. Athletics from a S 1.2 milli,m The board ~!aces more emphasis o., fun<'i n~ cu1 as recommended by the academics than a!hktics. Illinois Board of Higher Education. The vo1e originally was s.hcd­ Appro1tima1cly 2,700 s1udcn1s ulcd for Feb. 4. but was poslpOllC<I turned out for the vo:e with 1.557 v.,i;cn Graduate and Professional votmg no arid 1.152 voting yes. SlUdcn1 Council president Susan Undc.-rgraduc1te Student Govern­ ~-fall said she concerned ment pres idem Mike Spi-' ak ,aid ,;;.1 udcn1, would not be infom1cd lhl· nc,1 ,tc p 1, fo- the Sil.' Bo~ud ertough 10 make an educated choice. , 1 · Tru,!L"e, will re-view 1he ,tudent 11'k.' ntm two weeks were used by r~·ac tion :11 1hc Apnl meelln _!:! .:..nd d:,tributing niers expl~i ning the Jkl· da1~1on~ abo1J1 ho"- 10 1ncrea~. ~-•111pen"lllc for !llc prop:,'-<."d cut An athletic fee increase is no1 the Sp1 '-' ak ~rni ht' was surprised by r:-i/) option for the Uni versit y to the large 1umout. which ri va!Ct.l las.r consider. SIUC President John C. -\pril'~ student gmemmem CIC(.1ic-.ns. G u) o n said . Other alternati ve s Sp1"ak: s.:1d ,m,c th~ refacn­ include allowing corporate spon­ Jum "'a"' d monc} issut', more so:-shir, by alcohol companies. a,,d ,111den1,;; , ote<l. me-re aggressively pursuing C:\ist­ (iradua1c- and Profe,;;.siona l Stu­ ini corpora1e sponsors as well as dcn1 ro:mcil c..:t•c utivc assisurnt proving 10 th e board that 1he Bill HaJi said that 1he council will athletic program is a benefit to the find :: means 10 replace funds. if SJUC acauemics. Sad! Phola l>y Joff 0.,­ 1h,;. l'loarrl follows through with lhc SIUC ln1crcollcgia1c Athletics (Left) Melvin Duke&, • fre• hman In physical n."C'ontmcndauon. Director Jim Hart and Associate athletlc-fee Increase referendum • t th• thor py from Florida nd l'!lember the ·· w e don·, want the ttudcnt Athletic Director Charlotte West • • o, Student Center Wednesday nl~t. The vote athletes 10 think they doo'1 have a presented information on studen1 S.lukla football ""'11, and Oa.-niM HlnM, a lied !o pus, with • final tally o f 1, 152- ho,ne ~t SIU."' Hall said. ··we·rc fre• h m.:,;n In tiroilc11'•• t loilrilallea ,.._ _, w-.r,.1a, .... .......... - - n Country Club HIiia, ~?.O ing \o make ,;;.urc tr.21 CV'!."')' rl!me -FEE!:,pege6 c...--•t their ,,_,. lol Ille ~wfll 211111 .......... Helping hands: Welch goes Aerospace industry flying high aga=n The Washinglon Post Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia's "This sale of McDonncil Douglas embassador, la! 1Dkl him d1al Kmg jcllincrs will convert direcdy inro to SIUE for housing start-up WA SHI NGTON-Saudi Fahd has decided to "purchase the tens or thousands of jobs - jobs By Emily Priddy Ambia said Wednesday Iha! it will entire rcpiaccmc,a fleet" of about primarily in Southern California, Admtmstration Reporter " buy A merican• in a $6 billion 50 planes from U.S. companies. but also jobs through(out) the reju-venation of its national "Ev.:nts in Bosnia and the United Staes.• \.faJor change:-. in , 1udent hfe airline's fleet, opening 1he way fll' Middle East are still f unhet proof The aerospace industry ~as .1 1 Southern Dl mm., U111vcr-.i1v a1 Boein g Co. and McDonnell that American lc•deabip is indis­ been shedding jobs by the EGwardw1H c arc drawme.· an Douglas Corp. 10 share !he o:lly pensable." Prince Bandar told the thousands as airlines around ~,e SIUC admimstralor a"·ay from major o rder for commercial aowdcrl Roosevelt Room gather­ world, hard pressed by economic Carbondale for lhe nex1 six aircraft on !he horiu,n. ing, in an event foll of mixed downtmn, slashed orders for new mon!h, Wilh the chairmcr. ,f Boeing and, <iiplomalic and poLil­ planes. That resulted dir«:tly in li ar, c~ Welch . Sfl'C vu:c McD.:inne!J Douglas loclkillg on at ical messages. the loss or higlk.:-paying jobs in r,-e,1dt•111 hJr ,1uden1 alfa1r-. i, an unusual White House ceremony, J ohn F. McDonnell, heBd of politically SC'lsiti,e states such as ,,11d.ani! ,, ,:h Ed,,ard,, Ille Pres ident Clinton said Prince McDonnell Douglas, noted that Cali fomi., . 1\ll1 r u1~, IP 'li.:1p c,1ahl1,h a 11ou ,mg ,~ '1<.' 111 ~11 l· h1,1nnlall\ ha, tx·u1 ·: commul~r ,chool. ·but offo•• a!-. Birds of a feather found together hope 10 open a new 500-bed Welch specie.\ cf birds. the least oittems of Conservation. said liu~ !;nan's dormi1nrv by 1he fall 1994 w1 irk and what needs to be Student discovers and common moorhens, nesting research proves that rec. ;rass is an ..COIC!-lc."r, Jack Dy~r. Univers il } do'le.·· two species ilesting and reproducing young­ rda11 on, dm.-cwr al SI UC. ~ud. Welch 's ba..i<grooJnd in housing fully in the area. - 13IROS, page 5 \Pelch \\a, --ek1:1ed to heir ',Cl 1-.(; ues s ho uld s ignifican tly in grassy vegetation The least bitterns are endangered .JP tlou,mt:,. £u1<lt"11ne,. -...nOI. oul hcncfit the Edwardsville campus . in IJlinois a.,d !he common moor­ Gus Bode potcn1rnl problem,; and a,.,j ! SIUC President John C. Guyon 1 By Stephanie Molett! hens are threalmCd in tht state. w11h cfTnrt:-. to upgro:tdc food and "3Jd. Envirorvnental Aepof.,ar Two other species, gr,bes whicti heaJth services at Gdward.~llle. "Harvey bi ings some spccif,c arc endangered in Illinois and soras Jean ?aral .> re. ass<h: iate vice expertise in all o f those areas Four unreclaimed mine sites in which arc rare in the state. also presidenl for stuJent affairs. (•dth which S IUE needs ~ou: hr.. rn Illinois arc housing were found usin~ the fonncr mine sa,d ass11s t:-.!'!ce)." Guyon said ... , threatened and en.!sngcred species. sites. ·1s1i ' i:: adminis1r:stof'-.1 have hope that we can cont:nuc to an SIUC zoology graduate Sllldeo1 Tall vegetation such ~ cattaiie a,~ed v1<.:c president W~!ch to plug along. There i, a felt need says. and recdgrass provide the dense go •ip t.hcrc and ...ervc mainly as up it.ere (al SJUE) and we're just Amy Horsunan. a 1.00logy grad . habitat preferred by these birds, a r.. on~ul1an,:· '- hr said. •· He ha., uying 10 help our colleagues " U81C from LaOosse. Wis.. surveyed Hontmsn said. ~~ J .... ork •nl! kru,wledgc of how Gu• says those blrd!l former mine site~ as par1 of a Pat Malone. mining program 1h1! '" Chou •ng-rcla1ed I thrng~ see WELCH, page 5 boldly went were no one reseerch project and found :wo manager for the Illinois Department mines any"!,,re. ~-r~ . -- - -·· • -------- Art exhibit searches I Japanesl'! trade war Opinion Alternative barids Salukls tackle Bears I ---see page 4 I for African°American I heats up, students, Entertainment find new audience, In 79-55 home stand, children's t;erltage offlclals -8eepage7 brlng'show to s:uc daSllva leads with 20 Clallffled --6eep11ge 10 -S10f)' on page 3 L - Story on page 3 -Story on page 7 -5toly on page 16 " • ... Ftbnaryl7, 1994 r.a:l.(fi.. ~ ~ pat.~ Purchase.. tbm•·;11ice--·1 ondlpcclal FRib Eye or Sallllon 1 ..1 ~-,.r,:T DIMer1nd Acryll01 • ng. ·•<.. NOW •111 I rec;elve 1snother B&ckaoratcbera • reg. NOW ea11 world ••o ! 01TR1r!a\YJu.u.v Flllln1 • reg. *20 NOW en I ,lours: Tu'el.-Sun. at 5 p.m. I FALKLANDS •!ERO PUT TO ";'EST IN B08NIA -On 10 min. N. Caibondale M&nlcurn • e10 or I i. afternoon ol May 31, 1982, • hell::opW belltna lbm-Col. Mld!acl i Rt. 51 North ~ C0lllllllllder olBdtilh apccW (011'.>el In the Fdtlaldl w,,, 1wept 40 Vualty South H&lrstyllng • 1 ,, 8. V.!Jloll ~ ,117-11116' mllel beyond British line• on • com·~ 111d .,_. A,p,nd;;;; lftqll. N.. Vt.. w... ewft a . 31 4 tvm~,»~~~~ More than • dec,de lMer lbole wunll echo In lftOlhcr - haif-way around iho world. As NATO Ille! Unbed Nadaal pollcymaka-s WIClllc , ~ oYOr bow 10 imploment lllelr ultimatum aimed at eecurln1 puce ii. ~ lbcir point 111111 on Ille po,md is lhe ane Roac, now a 1:nigtu,,d /.i-~~~; .,.... I Bridih ~ petal 1111100lllflWlder ol U.N.
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