APPLICATION FOR ICC ~ I Codes & Standards •INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNClr It is important to complete all of the questions on this form, supply additional requested information, sign and date the application. This application can be used to apply for membership on any ICC Codes & Standards Committee or Council. If you apply to be on more than one committee in Part I - #1 below, and if your participation will be funded by separate sources (entities), you must submit separate applications for each committee/funding source. Be sure to review the posted "Call for Committees" to determine which committee(s) or counci/(s) are considering new applications and the deadline for submittal of the applications. Part I. General Information 1. Name of ICC Committee(s) or Council(s) on which you would like to be a member: (See list on Page 5 -Indicate the acronym for the Committee or Council and list in order of preference.) 1) I BC-E (Means of Egress) 6) 2) IBC-FS (Fire Safety) 7) 3) IBC-G (General Committee) 8) 4) 9) 5) 10) 2. Applicant Information: Complete the following information on yourself. Your Name: Dany Karp I Cred: (P.E., MCP, etc): I RAiAIA Title: Director of Architecture and Engineering Company: NYC Department of Buil.dings, Technical Affairs I Acronym: I Nycdob Address: 280 Broadway City: New York City I State/Province: NY Postal Code: 10007 Country: I USA Phone: 2123932176 Ext: Cell: E-mail: dkarp@ buildings.nyc.gov 3. Entity Represented: Complete the following information on the entity you represent (Jurisdiction, Company, Association, group, or yourself). Representing: New York City Department of Buildings I Acronym: I NYDOB Main Contact: Maria Taslitsky Title: Code Development Coordinator Address: 280 Broadway, ylh Floor City: New York I State/Province: NY Postal Code: 10007 Country: I USA Phone: 212-323-8096 Ext: Cell: E-mail: M Taslits k~@ b u i ldi n gs . n~c . go v Web Site: httl,:! :lIwww1.nl"c.gov/site/buildings/index.l,:!age 4. Interest Category: (check one) Using the Interest Categories listed on the next page, indicate the Interest Category that best relates to your representation. o General D · User 0 Producer Page 1 of 6 February 10, 2017 Interest Categories (per ICC Council Policy 7): • General Interest (G): Individuals assigned to the General Interest Category are those who represent the interests of an entity, including an association of such entities, representing the general public or entities which promulgate or enforce the provisions within the committee scope. These entities include Consumers and Government Regulatory Agencies. • User Interest (U): Individuals assigned to the User Interest Category are those who represent the interests of an entity, including an association of such entities, which is subject to the provisions or voluntarily utilize the provisions within the committee scope. These entities include Academia, Applied Research Laboratory, Building Owner, Design Professional, Government Non-regulatory Agency, Insurance Company, Private Inspection Agency, and Product Certification/Evaluation Agency. • Producer Interest (P): Individuals assigned to the Producer Interest Category are those who represent the interests of an entity, including an association of such entities, which produces, installs, or maintains a product, assembly, or system subject to the provisions within the committee scope. These entities include Builder, Contractor, Distributor, Labor, Manufacturer, Material Association, Standards Promulgator, Testing Laboratory, and Utility. NOTE - Multiple Interests: Individuals representing entities in more than one of the above Interest Categories, one of which is a Producer Interest, are assigned to the Producer Interest. Individuals representing entities in the General Interest and User Interest Categories are assigned to the User Interest. 5. Voting Status: Indicate if you will be the voting Principal or Alternate. (Alternates must represent the same entity as the Principal. Alternates are not appointed for members of an ICC Code Committee.) Alternate: Part II. Authority and Funding 1. Are you authorized to vote on behalf of the entity you represent? (Appropriate authorization may be required.) ~ Yes c=J No 2. Will you have an instructed vote as determined by the entity you represent? c=J Yes ~ No 3. If yes to #2, can the time constraints of the consensus process be maintained? c=J Yes ~ No 4. Who or what organization, company, interest, etc., funds your participation? (see below) Page 2 of 6 February 10, 2017 All funding sources must be divulged NOTE: If you have applied to be on more than one committee, and if your participation will be funded by separate sources (entities), you must submit separate applications for each committee/funding source. If you will NOT be representing or funded by an outside entity (organization, company, etc.), and are applying as an .In d"dIVI ua I mem ber an d f un d'InQ your own participation on t he C ommittee, simply state "s e If' beow I . Funding by: N/A Main Contact: Title: Address: City: I State/Province: Postal Code: Country: I Phone: Ext: Cell: E-mail: Note: ICC Governmental Members are tYPIcally authorized to travel at ICC's expense for C&S related commIttees. Be sure to revIew the "Call for Committee" to determine ICC's travel policy for the specific committee for which you are applying. Part III. Background and Experience Please complete the following. Attach resume or additional sheets as necessary. 1. List current and previous Committee service, including ICC and other organizations on which you have served. Organization / Committee Date or Years of Service a) None 2. State specific work experience related to one or more elements of Committee work. None 3. State the contributions, education, certification or other qualifications you offer towards the success of the Committee for which you have applied. University of Architecture and Urban Design, Bucharest, Romania 6 Year Study, graduated with MArch (Master of Architecture) MArch in Israel, MArch Romania and European Union Member of American Institute of Architects 4. Provide assurance of active partiCipation on the Committee. Will you be able to participate in the full work of the Committee such as attending Committee meetings and responding to correspondence? o Yes D No 5. Are you interested in serving as the Chair to a committee? The Chair is responsible for running the committee meetings. DYes o No 6. Are you interested in serving as the Vice Chair to a committee? The Vice Chair takes over Chair responsibilities in the event the Chair is absent. o Yes D No Page 3 of 6 February 10, 2017 Part IV. Additional Information Provide any additional information as may be appropriate to assist in the evaluation of your application. (Attach additional sheets as necessary.) See attached resume. Part V. Certification and Agreement Considerable effort, devotion and hard work will be expected of each Committee member. Committee membership carries an obligation to participate actively in all work of the Committee including the contribution and generation of information, prompt reply to draft reports and ballots, attendance and participation at Committee meetings and prompt completion of assigned tasks. The undersigned hereby agrees to notify the International Code Council of a change in any of the information provided in this application including a change in the organization represented, source of funding or employment. The undersigned agrees to abide by the rules and policy of the International Code Council. The undersigned attests that the information provided in this application for Committee membership is true and accurate. The undersigned hereby agrees that his or her authorship contributions to ICC in connection with work performed as a member of an ICC committee are considered to be works made for hire for ICC. To the extent that the undersigned retains any rights in copyright as to such authorship contributions, the undersigned hereby grants and assigns to ICC all such rights. The undersigned understands that he or she will have no rights in any ICC publications that use such contributions by the undersigned and certifies to the best of his or her knowled e that such contributions are not rotected b t e co ri ht of an other erson or entit . Signature: Date: 5/22/2017 Print Name: Dany Karp \ Title: Director of Architecture and Engine~ ring Representing: NYC Department of Buildings il Please send an electronic version (Word or PDF) of the ompleted application to the e-mail address below. The electronic version is due by the posted deadline for applications as indicated on the Call for Committees' Page. If the electronic version does not include your signature, please follow-up with a signed version and fax or mail to the address noted. If you are not submitting your application electronically, the posted deadline applies to receipt of faxed or mailed submittals. E-mail electronic version to: [email protected] Mail: Codes & Standards Committee Application International Code Council, Inc. 4051 W. Flossmoor Rd. Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795 Fax: (708) 799-0320 For questions, please call: (888) ICC-SAFE X 4345 Page 4 of6 February 10, 2017 ICC Codes & Standards Committees and Councils Be sure to review the posted "Call for Committees" (link on page 1) to determine which Committee(s) or Council(s) are considering new applications and the deadline for submittal of the application. The applicable ICC Council Policy which governs the activity is noted by "CP". All committees are also governed
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