Compendium of Drug Abuse Jargon Ronald P. Evens, PharmD William Clementi, BS (Pharm) San Antonio and Austin, Texas Drug abuse slang is an originative and a protean language, which poses the problem of identification and definition of terms. This compilation of nomenclature provides an extensive list to serve as a resource for the busy family physician, who frequently deals with drug abuse problems. Despite efforts by the government encompassing the following abuse The list on the following pages is and in the private sector to identify agents: alcohol, glue, hallucinogens, organized in alphabetical sequence drug abuse problems and collate the narcotics, sedative-hypnotics, and according to the drug abuse term. terminology of the “drug culture,” the stimulants; and the street slang em­ resultant lists of nomenclature usually ployed in association with their distri­ References describe only the “top 100 or 50” bution and administration, and 1. Konner DD, Rubin I: The pharma­ terms. This severely limits their useful­ reactions to them. cist's drug abuse manual. Pharmacy Times 39:35-37, 1973 ness as a resource tool because a The difficulty in comprehension of 2. Narcotics Identification Guide. significant proportion of the terms are this specialized lingo is primarily due Richmond, Va, Jump Street, The Drug Treatment Program of the Medical College already familiar to practitioners while to its protean nature and the continual of Virginia, 1970 generation of new terms. Different 3. Some Substances Used for Non- a vastly greater number of terms in use prescribed Drugging Effects. Washington, do not appear on the lists at all. subpopulations in the drug abuse cul­ DC, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associa­ tion, January, 1973 Therefore, we have accumulated and ture use dissimilar, changeable subsets 4. US Department of Health, Educa­ defined an extended list of drug abuse of this nomenclature, and newly tion, and Welfare, Health Services and Mental Health Administration: LSD. PHS phrases and jargon from several exist­ created terms filter through abuse Publication 1828. Washington, DC, US ing references and from individuals groups at variable rates. Out-dated Government Printing Office, 1969 5. Southwick WW: Inhalants-Solvents. knowledgeable about drug abuse. The jargon in a college crowd, for example, Downers Grove, III, Kwik-Fac, Media may be new language to a high school Publishers, 1971 review describes over 325 terms 6. Southwick WW: Speed, Cocaine, group. Further confusion in term defi­ and Other Stimulants. Downers Grove, III, Kwik-Fac, Media Publishers, 1971 nition is caused by the multiple slang 7. Southwick WW: Barbiturates. designations for a single drug and the Downers Grove, III, Kwik-Fac, Media Pub­ lishers, 1971 multiple meanings for a single slang 8. Southwick WW: Heroin. Downers word or phrase. In addition, the Grove, III, Kwik-Fac, Media Publishers, 1971 colloquialism and regionalism of our 9. Blakeslee A: What You Can Do society’s language also increase the About Dangerous Drugs. New York, Associ­ ated Press, 1971, pp 20-21 From the Department of Pharmacology, variability of this jargon. Finally, the 10. Einstein S: The Use and Misuse of University of Texas Health Science Center Drugs. Belmont, Calif, Wadsworth Publish­ at San Antonio and the Department of malevolent search for new drugs for ing Co, 1970, pp 1-72, 79-84 Pharmacy, University of Texas at Austin. abuse from botanical sources, the 11. Maurer DW, Vogel VH: Narcotics Requests for reprints should be addressed to and Narcotic Addiction, ed 4. Springfield, Dr. Ronald P. Evens, Department of chemist’s laboratory, and even house­ III, Charles C Thomas, 1973 Pharmacology, University of Texas Health hold items continually generates new 12. Richter RW (ed): Medical Aspects Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd of Drug Abuse. New York, Harper and Row, Curl Drive, San Antonio, Tex 78284. nomenclature. 1 9 7 5 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 4, NO. 1, 1977 67 Compendium of Drug Abuse Jargon 1-12 D e fin itio n Street Name D efinitio n Street Name . Marijuana A b .................................... Abscess which forms at site of Bush ................................ injection B u s te d ............................. To be caught, usually arrested, by local authorities or to be caught Acapulco G o ld ............. Mexican marijuana (extremely potent) by parents . Methamphetamine; A cid ................................ Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) Businessman's Special . or other hallucinogens dimethyltryptamine (DMT) (hallucinogen) A cid H e a d ....................... One who takes LSD on a regular basis B utter ............................. Marijuana A lley Juice .................... Methyl alcohol B u t t o n ............................. Peyote button; tops of marijuana A m id o n e .......................... Methadone plant flower Angel Dust ................... Phencyclidine hydrochloride sprinkled on parsley or marijuana C ....................................... Cocaine Cabal l o ............................. Heroin Cactus ............................. Peyote B a g .................................... A small quantity of either heroin or Cadet ................................. New addict cocaine packaged in cellophane California Sunshine . LSD (hallucinogen) envelopes C a n ................................ One ounce of marijuana Bang ................................ The exhilaration experienced after Candy .......................... Barbiturates; pills in general drug administration C a n d y m a n ................... Dealer or pusher of addicting drugs Barbs ................................ Barbiturates Canary .......................... Pentobarbital B e n n ................................. Amphetamine sulfate Cashing-A-Script . Getting a forged or bogus Belongs .......................... On the habit prescription order dispensed Bennies .......................... Benzedrine (amphetamine sulfate) C a rtw h e e ls .................... Amphetamine tablets Bernies F la k e ................ Cocaine Catch Up .................... Withdrawal process Bhang ............................. Marijuana, smoking pipe CD ................................ Glutethimide tablet Binge ................................ An extended period of continued Cecil ............................. Cocaine consumption of alcohol C h a r lie .......................... Cocaine B itter ................................. Paregoric C h ie f ............................. Mescaline Black Beauties ............. Amphetamines Chippin'; Chipper . Subcutaneous administration of Black Hash ................... Hashish containing opium small dose of heroin; Black Russian ................ Hashish (potent, dark) “ weekend user" w ho used drugs Black Stuff ................... Opium, prepared for smoking less than da ily Blackjack ....................... , Paregoric w hich has been prepared Cleared Up ................ To have withdrawn from drugs to be injected C o a s tin g ....................... Under drug influence B la n k s ............................. Poor quality merchandise Cohobe ....................... D M T in powdered seeds B lotter A c i d .................... LSD on paper (hallucinogen) Blow Charlie or Snow . Sniff cocaine C o k e ............................. Cocaine Blow H o r s e .................... Sniff heroin Cokomo (Kokomo) . Cocaine Blow Weed .................... To smoke marijuana Cold Turkey ............. Withdrawal process Blue Birds ....................... Amobarbital capsules Come Down; Crash . Dissipation of drug effects Blue Devils .................... Amobarbital capsules Connect ....................... Make a purchase Blue H e a v e n .................... Amobarbital capsules Cook It U p ................ To prepare a drug for injection B o g a r t ............................. Not to pass the "joint" to a C o o k e r.......................... The apparatus used to heat and neighbor dissolve a drug prior to injection B o m b id o .......................... Injectable amphetamine (spoons or bottle top) B o m b it a .......................... Methamphetamine C o p ................................ To obtain a small quantity of a B o y ................................ Heroin drug B r i c k ............................. Marijuana compressed, usually for C offin .......................... Tobacco purposes of transport C o -p ilo ts ....................... Amphetamines Brody .......................... A f it or spasm staged by an addict Courage Pills ............. Barbiturates to elicit sympathy C ra n k s .......................... Metham phetamine B ro w n s .......................... Amphetamine tablets Crap ............................. Heroin of weak potency Bull J i v e ....................... Marijuana heavily cut with tea. C r y s ta l.......................... Methamphetamine catnip, or other impurities Cube (The) ................ LSD B u m m e r ....................... A bad trip or experience C u t ................................ To adulterate with agents such as Burned .......................... Received fake narcotics quinine, milk sugar Burned O u t ................ Sclerotic blood vessel fro m too many injections; relative overdose; addict who tires of abuse "hassle" Daytop Lodge .... Drug abuse treatment center and tries to stop drug abuse directed by ex-addicts 68 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 4, NO. 1, 1977 Compendium of Drug Abuse Jargon (continued) Street Name Definition Street Name Definition Dealer .................................One w ho
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