HI&H TIDE LOW TIDE Z-Z2-69 1-- Z2-89 4 Z at U42 Z 8 0448 .J - - - - _ _ at ~IOURGlASS 2 0 at Z824 .. ~,'\-J ... ".. ,.:~~!.\o.J~.... " ..... 14& -----------,-------------------------------------------------------------- VOL 9, No 3697 Saturday, January 11, 1969 losba er, Millionaire achtsman, :Today's News CHINA Named as Nixon's Chief of Protocol NEW YORK (UPI)-- Preslaent-elect Richard M N"xon today named ~lnll B Mosbach­ At a Glance er Jr , a mllllonalre yachtsman who has "salled agdlnst prlnces" and tWlce SklP­ pered the Unlted States to vlctory In the fabled Amerlca's Cup races, as hlS ChIef of Protocol JORDAN -- Jordan cla~ms Israell jets Wllllam P Rogers, Nlxon's Secretary of State, announced the appolntment and attack clvilian areas sald he hoped Mosbacher stlll would be able to partlclpdte In the next Amerlca's Cup challenge In 1970 He termed the 47-year-old sportsman the "ocltstandlng LOS ANGELES -- Slrhan Jury selectlon may begln Monday :~m~::::::'.:::'::. ':,:::o:":::::h I" bA;;i;;g'p;;~'eSt;;t~;;d DENVER -- all and Chemlcal Unlon to Ambassador, wlll succeed Tyler Abel as begln bargalnlng the offlclal WhIte House greeter He lTo Break TaiL Delays PARIS Talks still deadlocked ~~~~sa~~:n~~x~~p!~~a~~~ya~~s~t~~ev~~~c- PARIS (UPI)-- Allled ~gotlators be- Itlng dlgnltarlE:s an work Lc,aay on a new strategy deslgn- NEW YORK -- Wlre Servlce GUlld strlke Nlxon met brlefly wlth Mosbac~er and d to bredA tne deadlock delaYlng the sees no bargalnlng as yet Rogers ln hIS Hotel Plerre Heaaquarters roade1'ed D",r1s talk" on Vlet r,am and also VISIted WIth several deslgnat- Dlplomat1c quarters sald the allles PROTOCOL -- ~lxon appolnts Emll B ed Cablnet members here for a serles ould m,k2 ~ hard new try In future Mosbacher Jr of meetlngs WhlCh 101111 help shape the eet1ngs wlth the 1II0rth VIetnamese to domestIC pol1cles of the Nlxon Admln- flnd a cornp~-otnlse nver the unresolved SA.LGON N1ne-man U S patrol am- Istratlon probluTl 01 the shap,- of the negotlat1ng bushed The Cablnet deslgnees are wlndlng up tabl e and tbe orde.r oi speakers two days of seSSlons WIth a total of Ihere WaS speculatIon that before he HIJACK -- Fourth hlJack of the new 22 task forces WhlCh are report~ng 01 fIles horne ,fan 19, ChIef Amerlcan Ne­ takes place near Mlaml two-month long studles of broad spec- got later Av~rell Harrlman would meet trum of domestlc problems ranf'lng from )lJ ~ Hanol counterpart, Xuan Thuy, to­ poverty and educatlon to Inter5 0vern- ward t~lS e~d I Workers Oall Meetin mental relatlons No publlC st8.tel'lPnt Today' s str,-tegv seSS10n was held by Cong Guerrillas Catch IS expected on the results of the meet- HarrIman's Dep-tty, Cyrus R Vance, and Ings Salgon'" Chlef Delegate, Pham Dang Lam Of Bargaining Panel US Infantrymen Napping Rogers conceded that Mosbacher of Jam sald he ana Vance had a useful work- SAIGON (UPI)-- VI' t Cong guerrIllas Suburban Westchester County had no Ing meetlng, deallng wlth new Jdeas on To Discuss Wage Offer caught a nIne-man allIed patrol nap­ dlplomatlc experlence but saId he had how to overcome the Impasse DENVER (UPI)-- The 011, Chemlcdl and pIng In a hut near Silgon today and "saIled agalnst prlnces" and has many COL Ha Var Lau~ Hanol's Deputy Dele- close assoclatlons In dlplo~atlc Clr- gatlon ChIef, spent today In Stras- Atomlc Workers Internatlonal Unlon kllled SlX Amerlcan lnfantrymcn wlth called a meetlng of 1tS natlonal bar­ pOlnt-blank bursts oj gunflre, mlll­ cles bourg, at a peace movement meetlng galnlng commlttee to conslder a wage tary sources sald 'J'he patrol's "The lmpresslons he makes, tho 'Ihe all led WOrkln!! meetlng cOlnclded offer by the Unlon-Pure 011 Co In the Vletnampse scout was also kllled and frlends he makes, are partlcularlJ Im- wlth reports that Cornmunlst Insurgents flrst apparent break In the week-old three Amerlcans wer, wounded port ant In Internatlonal relatlons," In both Laos and Thalland, vlet Narn's Rogers saId nelghbors, were steppIng up thelr ac- strlke of more than 50,000 011 workers In Salgon, U S pall flcatlon experts The news came as flrst reports of fu lssued a new optlmlstlc report today Mosbacher sald 1 t would be a .. few tl Vl ty Allled strateglsts belleve the shortages In Detrolt and Southern Call­ WhlCh saId three people out of every months" before he could determlne If rebels there would llke to draIn the hlS new Job would prevent hlm from status of the V1et Cong and one day fornla began comlng 1n four ln South Vlet N iIll now 11 ve In A spokesman for the Denver-based unl "relat1vely secure" ,reas It sald partlclpatlng 1n the competltlon to hold talks on the future of all of In- select the defendlng yacht and crew dochlna sald the commlttee tomorrow would con­ more than 500,000 peasants came under slder the offer WhlCh would affect a South Vletnamese control last month for the next race Cornm~nlst Chlna, sources sald, was 1,000 strlklng employees at the UPlon­ The paclflcatlon report was Issued ~osba~rer 1'0 marrleu to the former taKlr5 d~ I1'crcaslng II "prpst l' t~p Pure Ref .LnerleS a1. Wl.lmlng-con anu 011'o~ a few hours after Communlst gunners Patrlcla Ryan and the couple has three Parls conference and was belleved to sons whose ages range from 12 - 18 He be sponsorlng the mountlng CommunIst Callfornla shelled 12 cltles and towns ~hroughout "We have a new offer from the Unlon­ South Vlet Nam Many of the shells graduated from Choate School and Dart- actlvlty It' Laos and ThaIland mouth College a~d served In the Navy Harrlman and Thuy last met In Oct- Pure Co at ItS Callfornla reflnerles hlt flve provlnce capltals and seven WhlCh IS an Improvement over any pre­ dlstrlct towns, most of them consld­ durlng World War 11 emerglng wlth the ober when they reached an agreement VIOUS offer b r any company," a mllon ered among "relatlvely secure" areas rank of lleutenant after flve months of tough bargalnlng spokesman sald He decllned to IlSt of the countryslde the provlslons of the offer The serles of Vlet Cong attacks He sald 1f the oifer lS approved by broke out late today Jury Selection May Begin londay the commlttee, members of the locals U S authorltles s Lld Communlst gun­ Involved would have to ratlfy the de­ ners shot down an Arrr~ hell copter 60 Despite Focus on Sirhan's Lawyer C1Slon mlles northwest of Salgon, woundlng LOS ANGELES (UPI)-- Jury selectlOn may begln Monday In the tnal of Supan He sald the 011 flrm had other fac­ two m_~e~n~ __ B Slraan, desplte defense efforts to put off thp t~lal because of embarras­ Illtles besldes the ones ln Callfornla slng publlClty about the chlef defense lawyer and It was posslble the other plants Attorney Grant Cooper, 65, consulted a colleague about the advisablllty of cnuld also be Inv_o_l_v_e_d____ _ Peruvian Jet Hijacked hlS wlthdrawlng In the case he hoped could CdP a glltterlng career as one of Callfornla's most successful trlal lawyers He was adVIsed to remaln on the Jordan Assails Israel To Cuba From Miami case, but he and fellow defense counsel Russell Parsons and Emll Zola Berman have sought, apparently unsuccessfully, to delay the trlal because of what MIAMI (UPI)-- A Pe!UVlan Jetllner they called "saturatIon" of publlClty about Cooper For Alleged Jet Raids carrYlng 118 persons Includlng 88 --- The trlo spent the weekend preparlng JORDAN (UPI)-- Israell w~rplanes at­ Argentlne students enroute to the argue that the orlglnal Grand Jury tacked Jordanlan clvlllan areas tWice country under a U S State Department No Talks Scheduled Indlctment charglng the 24-year-old today wlth machlneguns and napalm, af­ exchange program, waE hlJacked to Cuba ter two gunbattles across the cease­ tOday whlle on ItS landlng approach "re Servl"ce Strl"ke Jordanlan Imrr.lgrant wlth the slaYlng of In WI Sen Robert F Kennedy be squashed on flre lIne, a Jordanlan mllltary spokes­ to Mlaml NEW YORK (UPI)-- There was no pro­ grounds the Grand Jury was not selected man sald It was the fourth plane dlverted to gress today and no bargalnlng talks from a cross-sectlon of the communlty There were no reported casualtles ln Havana durlng the flrst 11 days of the scheduled In the chree-day-old na­ new year The defense also wlll challenge Call­ elther rald, the flrst In the Northern tlonwlde strlke by the Wlre Servlce forn1a's entlre JUry selectlon process Jordan Valley and the other near the Pllot George Wagner, Captaln of GUIld agalnst the Assoclated Press Con )PI 's dlfflcultles WIth a Federal Dead Sea The spokesman also reported Peru lan Internatlonal Alrllne Fllght Spokesmen for the GUlld and the AP Grana Jury here stem from hIS defense both sldes exchanged tank, artlllery 60,was Just flve mlnutes out of Mlaml sald both sldes were standlng by for of Maurlce Frledman, one of flve men and machlnegun flre for more than two when he suddenly anncunced he needed calls from federal medlators attempt­ convlcted of cheatlng card players at hours near the brldge clearance for Havana Ing to end the strlke but the medla­ the Beverly Hllls Israell spokpsmen dld not conflrm the' "You know the reason why," Wagner tors had not arranged yet to meet Frlars Club out of alr rald reports, although Israell set-I sald wlthout elaboratlon separately wlth the dlsputants an estImated $400, tIers In the Belsan Valley sald they saw, The exchange students, accompanled "As of now I contemplate belng 000 In crooked gln the Jets streak Into Jordan about 10 by three adult leaders, are enrolled I In touch wlth them to determlne If rummy games mlnutes after the flrst reported gun­ In a program called "Youth for Under­ there has been some flexlblllty In Late
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