AQUInas THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2007 NEWS 3 Student meets former governor University COMMENTARY BY Ford appointed Mr. Scranton as Notices MICHAEL SPIRONELLO the United States Ambassador to Correspondent the United Nations in 1976. In June of 2000, Mr. Scranton 3rd Annual I am a freshman from Allentown became the third recipient of the Royal Summit Pennsylvania Historical and Mu- attending The University. Through Royal Summit, a 3 day a project that I completed for my seum Commission’s Pennsylvania’s Founders Award. The award is leadership conference, will Reading Research class, I had the be held March 30-April 1. honor of meeting Pennsylvania’s meant for those that possess the ideals of William Penn in indi- Freshman, sophomores and former Governor William Scran- juniors ae welcome, and all ton. Many of you may have heard vidual rights, religious toleration, representative government, public clubs should send at least of this remarkable man, and many one representative. Register of you many have not heard of support of education, and free en- terprise. in 225 Gunster. Space is lim- him. I believe since we all belong ited. to the Scranton community that From my personal research of we should appreciate a part of his- Mr. Scranton, I found that he was tory that is right around us. truly a man dedicated to those he Scheduled Network William Scranton was born served. George Bush is quoted in Maintenance July 19, 1917 in Madison, Conn., William Scranton’s Biography as the family’s ancestral home, to saying, “Mr. Scranton is a public The campus data network Mr. and Mrs. Worthington Scran- servant in the finest tradition of will not be available on Sat- ton. William Scranton’s father, our land.” urday, March 17, between Worthington, was a descendant of During the later part of Novem- 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. the family that founded Scranton. ber 2006, myself, my classmate William Scranton’s mother, Mar- Katie Oehl, and my Professor gery Warren Scranton was very Jeanne C. Yarmey attended a per- active in the Republican Party and sonal interview with Mr. Scranton. Important brought young William Scranton Everything that I read about him to presidential and gubernatorial and researched on his personal Announcement conventions. quality as a distinguished man William Scranton received his of honor and modesty was abso- lutely true. He believes that politi- for Students basic schooling at the Fessenden PHOTO COURTESY JEAN YARMEY School in Massachusetts and at cians today are out for their own KATIE OEHL and Michael Spironello are pictured above with personal gain and not solely for the Hotchkiss School in Connecti- Gov. William Scranton during a personal interview they had with Housing will close cut. He went on to study at Yale him. the will of the people. I asked him if he had the chance to begin his University, receiving a Bachelor of politics. He served as the Assistant markets made the state more de- life over again what would be dif- for Spring Break Arts degree in 1939. to the Secretary of State under sirable to industries and buyers of ferent. He admits if he could do it Before earning his law degree at President Dwight Eisenhower. He Pennsylvania’s products and ser- all over again that he would make Yale, he enlisted to serve in World represented the United States at vices. things even better. The one thing War II. While serving in the war, conferences in Latin America, the Mr. Scranton received national March 9, that he would never change is Mr. Scranton played an important North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- interest to run for President in marrying the same girl and having role in moving combat planes tion, and at the United Nations. 1968. He was defeated by Barry 9 p.m. all the same wonderful children from Brazil to North Africa. In 1960, he campaigned to serve Goldwater, who represented the that he has today. Mr. Scranton During the war, on July 6, 1942, in Congress and won. Mr. Scran- Republican nomination. said that he has had a good and William Scranton married the ton was appointed to the Banking In 1968, President Richard Nix- instead of long vibrant life. He loved serving woman he considers the love of and Currency Committee while in on asked Mr. Scranton to serve in politics and helping the less for- his life, Mary Lowe Chamberlain. Congress. William Scranton later as Secretary of State. He turned tunate. He really does have a love March 10, They had four children during ran for Governor of Pennsylvania down the offer and accepted an- for life and a dedication to those their marriage. in 1963. He won a landslide victory other role serving as a special en- that he has served so vigorously. I Mr. Scranton was discharged over opponent Richard Dilworth. voy to the Middle East. Nixon also personally would like to thank Mr. with the rank of captain at the Serving as Governor from 1963 to appointed Mr. Scranton to investi- due to Scranton for his time, allowing me end of the war. He finished his 1967, William Scranton made ma- gate the deaths of four students at to interview him and for all the law studies at Yale and began to jor changes to the state of Penn- Kent State University - Mr. Scran- the St. Patrick’s many parts he has played in shap- practice law in Scranton. sylvania. Reforms in education, ton served as the Chairman of the ing the country and the world we Mr. Scranton served our coun- mental health, and promoting Commission during the investiga- live in. Day parade! try and Pennsylvania proudly in Pennsylvania’s national and world tion process. President Gerald R. “T-SHIRTS” CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and my friends and one for my and Butash asked Wilson for a gi- Gates claims U.S. economy mom.” ant poster hanging behind him, By the end of the first day the he referred to them as “The Four initial order of 1,200 shirts was Morons.” nearly sold out. Since then the name stuck. slowed by education policies The Dunder Mifflin shirts not Philadelphia Magazine’s John only found buyers in Northeast Marchese wrote an article about BY WILLIAM L. WATTS Gates urged lawmakers to pur- H-1B visa restrictions and other Pennsylvania, but were also or- “The Office”’s impact on the city MCT Campus sue programs designed to double measures are choking off the sup- dered online from the website of Scranton, and featured them, high school graduation rates and ply of highly skilled workers. www.pixeldstudio.com/parade- referring to them respectfully as A lackluster school system to re-tool curriculums toward Gates said the H-1B visa pro- day, using Paypal. Butash report- Wilson did. and onerous immigration poli- math and science-related careers. gram, which deals with skilled ed sales to places such as New Jer- The encounter with Wilson did cies threaten to undermine United Gates argued that the U.S. educa- workers, is outmoded. For fiscal sey and Connecticut, and even as not impact Butash and Loscombe States’ ability to compete in the tion system remains stuck in the 2008, H-1Bs are expected to run far away as Hawaii. in their idea to sell the shirts. How- world economy, Microsoft Chair- past, geared toward an economy out next month, the same month Loscombe, Butash and Oster- ever, the connections they made man Bill Gates warned a Senate based on manufacturing and ag- in which they first become avail- mayer plan to donate most of were not broken, and The Mall at panel Wednesday. riculture rather than digital tech- able. the proceeds to “scholarship and Steamtown ordered 50 shirts from Gates, appearing before the nology. “For the first time in the history service,” and they are currently them. They also offered Marchese Senate Health, Energy, Labor and Gates called on lawmakers to of the program, the supply will determining how much to allocate a T-shirt. He responded to their Pensions Committee, said he felt re-authorize the No Child Left run out before the year’s gradu- to each area. offer via e-mail. “deep anxiety” about the nation’s Behind education program, boost ating students get their degrees,” Shirt sales ended Wednesday, “I’d love a T-shirt, thanks,” Mar- ability to keep up with foreign incentives for top teachers, and Gates said. “This means that U.S. March 7, and now they have to de- chese wrote. “I’m going to attend competitors unless it takes steps set a goal of doubling the number employers will not be able to get termine how much of the money the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick’s to boost high-school graduation of math and science graduates by H-1B visas for an entire crop of they collected has to be paid for dinner this year, (I’ll wear the T- rates and entice more students 2015 while recruiting an additional U.S. graduates. We are essential- the web domain used for online shirt under my tuxedo) and will to study for advanced degrees in 10,000 science and math teachers ly asking top talent to leave the sales and total shipping costs. probably catch some of the pa- math and science-related fields, a year. U.S.” Loscombe and Butash were rade. I haven’t done that since while also doing way with immi- Gates also praised the “early col- Gates also said it makes “no among four area residents who 1982.” gration policies that drive away lege high school” program, which sense” to require foreigners who became known as “The Four Mo- Loscombe is excited about the the world’s “best and brightest” has received funding from the apply for student visas to prove rons” when “The Office’s” Rainn shirts’ popularity.
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