Index Abiotic factors, 201 Annelida, 12-13,24 Abiotic pollination, 44 Annelids, 12-13,25 Acacia, 13, 15, 17, 173 Anticarcinogens, 132, 133 Acarina, 13 Antiherbivore defenses, 3, 200. See also Mutualism Acromyrmex, 128 artificial, 17 Acuyo, 179 tritrophic interactions and, 18-22 Aduncamide, 132 trophic cascades and, 22-27 Aedes aegypti, 133 Ant lions, 12 Africa, 1, 180, 189, 194,201-202 Ants, 5-29, 114. See also Piper ant-plants; specific Agrobacterium rhizogenes, 151 species Agua Buena, Coto Bros Province, 8 arnides and, 128-129, 130 Alkaloids, 118 dispersal ecology and, 65-66 Alpha-pinene, 118 leafcutter, 10, 21, 128, 129 Amazon, 52,84, 180, 185, 187, 188,202 mutualism and, 2, 3, 5-7,10-11,13-18,23,28,98, biogeography of, 85, 89, 90, 91, 93 99-102,105,112-113,130,168,169-174,200 flower morphology in, 191 origin of plant structures associated with, 173-174 phenology displacement in, 38 Piper sect. Macrostachys and, 156-157, 159-162, Ambates, 9 166, 168-174 Ambates melanops, 21 predators of, 107 Ambates scutiger, 21 Anyphaenidae, 106 Ambophily, 45,51 Anyphaeniids, 107 American tropics, 183, 185, 189, 191, 194,202 Apatelodids, 27 Amides, 3, 19,20-21,24,34,118-133 Apidae, 43, 45 ecology of, 128-130 Apomixis, 42, 43 evolution of, 131-132 Aporcelaimium, 13 isolation and quantification of, 120-121 Aprovechado, 28 synthesis of, 121-127 Arachnida, 11 Ananeae, 11 Araneae,11 Andes, 164, 180, 185, 188,202 Arboreumine, 132 biogeography of, 84, 85, 86, 89,90-91,93 Archipteridae, 13 dispersal ecology in, 74, 75 Arctottonia, 180, 181, 183, 185 Macrostachys in, 187 Argentina, 90 Anemophily, 41, 44, 45, 47, 49-51 Aristolochiaceae, 182 Angiosperms, 51,181 Artanthe, 188 205 206 INDEX Arthropoda, 12-13, 24 Birds, 2, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72,199 Arthropods, 128, 129. See also specific types Bisexual flowers, 2,185,189 Piper ant-plants and, 12-13,25 Black pepper, 2, 42, 52, 145, 179. See also Piper Piper urostachyum and, 102, 103-107 negrum Asca, 13 Bolivia, 90, 187 Ascalaphidae, 12 Bottom-up trophic cascades, 22-23, 24-26, 28 Ascidae,13 Branch fragmentation, 37, 38 Asebogenin, 118, 119f Branch prostration, 37-38 Asexual reproduction, 37, 38, 51 Branch repositioning, 37, 38 Asia, 179, 182, 183, 186, 188-189, 191, 194, Brasflia, Brazil, 40 201-202 Braullio Carillo National Park, 8 Atlantic Forest, Brazil, 52,180,185,188,202 Brazil, 3, 180. See also specific locations biogeography of, 84, 88, 89,90,93 biogeography of, 84 Macrostachys in, 187 dispersal ecology in, 63 Alta, 10, 128 pollination and resource partitioning in, 33-52 Aurantiamide benzoate, 123 Broadcast dispersal, 67, 72 Australia, 1,43,44,52, 141 Bull's Hom Acacia, 13, 15 Automeris postalbida, 10 Burger's hypotheses (revisited), 156, 157, 165-167, Awke, 146, 148t, 149, 150-151 174 Azteca, 17, 19, 171 Butterflies, 45 Bana, 84 Caatinga, 84 Barro Colorado Island, Panama, 58 Cadenas project, 22 Barteria, 16 Camphor, 118 Bats, 2, 3, 34, 128, 179 Campo rupestre, 84 characteristics of, 59-62 Carabodoidea, 13 coevolutionary aspects of Piper interactions, Carara Biological Reserve, Puntarenas Province, 8 72-74 Carbohydrates, 20, 160, 173 dispersal ecology and, 58-62, 64-67, 71-74, Caribbean, 5, 8, 73,183 199,200 Carollia, 65, 66, 67, 71-74, 200 mating system of, 61 characteristics of, 59-62 Bayesian analysis, 162, 164, 175, 183, 196 Carollia brevicauda, 71 Bees,42,43-44,45,47,48,51,58,99,200 Carollia castanea, 71, 72, 73 Beetles, 113, 128, 129 Carollia perspicillata, 60, 61, 65, 66, 71, 72 c1erid, 25, 26-27, 28, 106 Carolliinae, 59, 74, 179 coccinellid, 106, 108 Ceccidomyiids, 103, 107 leaf-feeding flea, 9 Cecidomyiidae, 12, 13,44 Piper ant-plants and, 9, 12, 18,23,25,26-27, Cecropia, 17, 19, 170, 173 28 Cecropiaceae, 65 Piper urostachyum and, 105, 106, 108, 110 Cecropia peltata, 65, 66 pollination by, 43 Cenocladamide, 20, 120, 12lt, 124, 132 Belboidea, 13 Cenozoic era, 73 Belize, 83 Central America, 38, 52,128,164,167,180,183,186, Beltian bodies, 173 194,200,202 Betle leaf. See Piper betle biogeography of, 84-85, 86, 87f, 89, 91, 93 Bignoniaceae, 93 dispersal ecology in, 58, 59, 73, 75 Biogeographic affinity, 84-85 flower morphology in, 189 Biogeography, 78-94. See also Geographical Macrostachys in, 187 distribution Central Cordillera, Costa Rica, 12 growth form variation and, 86-89 Cepharadione, 119f regional species pools and, 84-85 Cerradao, 84 species richness and, 78-79, 84, 86, 91-93 Cerro El Hormiguero, 83 study site characteristics, 80-82t Chaicones, 118 Biotic defenses, 19-22, 199 Chemical defenses, 19-22, 130 Biotic pollination, 44 Chiapas, Mexico, 65 INDEX 207 Chironomidae, 13 Density-mediated indirect interactions (DMIIs), Chloranthaceae, 51, 181 97-99, 113 Chlorophora tinctoria, 66 Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 83-84, 88, 89f Choco Region, 180,191 Desmethoxyyangonin, 149t, 150f Cholesterol, 118 4'-Desmethylpiplartine, 120, 121!, 124, 126f Chrysomelidae, 9 Dichapetalaceae, 88 Ciccadellidae, 107 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act Cinnamic acid, 118 (DSHEA), 140 Cinnamylidone butenolides, 118 Dihydrochalcones, 118 Classification of Piper, 180--181 Dihydrokavain, 149, 150f, 151 Cleridae, II (+ )-Dihydrokawain, 127 CIerid beetles, 25, 26-27, 28, 106 (+)-Dihydrokawain-5-0I,127 Climate, 89-90, 201 Dihydromethysticin, 149, 150f, 151 Clonal growth, 3, 37, 93 Dihydropipercide, 121 Coccidae, 103 8, 9-Dihydropiplartine, 132 Coccinellid beetles, 106, 108 5, 6-Dihydropyridin-2(1H)-one, 126 Coccinellidae, 12 Dihydropyridone, 132 Coevolutionary theory Dioecious species, 2,182,189,191,202 on amide susceptibility, 132 Diplopods, 12 on bat-Piper interactions, 72-74 Dipoena, II Coleoptera, 9, 11,43,103 Dipoena schmidti (banksii), II, 16,99-102, 107, 113 Coleopterans, 9, 25, 129 Diptera, 12, 43, 44, 48, 51 Collembola, 42 Dipterans, 25, 28 Collembolans, 12, 25 Dispersal ecology, 58-75, 93,199-200 Colombia, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 93 coevolutionary aspects of, 72-74 Combretaceae, 88 fates of seeds, 65-67 Competition fruiting phenology and, 62-64, 72 dispersal ecology and, 66 patterns of, 64-65 resource partitioning and, 33, 34, 36, 49-52 postdispersal patterns of, 67-72 Conservation ecology, 34, 49-52 Diversity. See Species diversity Continual flowering strategies, 39 DNA techniques, 73,162,174,182,194 Convolvulaceae, 88 Dominica, 73 Copestylum, 45 Dry season, 63, 65 Corcovado National Park, Osa Peninsula,S, 8 Dwarfpipers, 191, 193f Cosmolaelaps, 13 Costa Rica, 99, 180. See also specific locations East Indian islands, I dispersal ecology in, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 72, Ecuador, 61, 79 74 Eleocarpaceae, 65 Piper ant-plants of, 5-29 Elevation, 79,83-84,86, 89f, 91, 180 Piper sect. Macrostachys in, 156, 157, 159, 164, Enchytraeid worms, 13 165,166,167,174,175 Enckea, 183-185, 191 pollination in, 37, 40, 43, 48 Endophytic animals, 24-26 Cotton, 114 Entomophily, 45, 51 Coumaperine, 121 Eocene era, 73 Crab spiders, 99 Eois, 103, 105, 106, 129, 130, 132 Crematogaster, lOS, 107,171,172 Eois apyraria, 9, 129 Ctenidae, 106 Eois dibapha, 9 Cubeb pepper, 2 Epidorylaimus, 13 Curculionidae,9, 103 Epimecis,9 Cynopterus brachyotis, 72 Episodic flowering strategies, 39 Erophyl/a bombifrons, 73 Damaeoidea, 13 Eucephalobus, 13 Dehiscence, 167 Euclea plungma, 10 Dehydropipernonaline, 123, 124f Eudorylaimus, 13 Density. See Species density Eugenol, 118 208 INDEX Euphtheracaroidea, 13 Gap species, 63, 67, 70-71, 72, 201 Evenness, of visitor insects, 44, 48t Geocoridae, 114 Evolutionary aspects. See also Coevolutionary theory Geographical distribution, 201-202. See also ofant-plant associations, 156-157, 168-174 Biogeography of flower morphology, 189-191 Geometridae, 103 of Piper chemistry, 131-132 Geometrids, 9, 27,130 of Piper sect. Macrostachys, 156-157, 167, Geonoma, 192 168-174 Germination, seed, 66-67, 71 of plant architecture, 191-192 Glossophaga soricina, 61-62 of pollination and resource partitioning, 33, 34, Glossophaginae, 61 49-52 Golfo de Uraba, Costa Rica, 84 of species richness, 93 Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve, Costa Rica, 99 Gondwana, 73, 74 Fabaceae, 168 Greater Antilles, 73 Facultative associations, 3,107,161,162,168,172, Green desert model, 22-23, 24 173,174 Grenada, 73 Fertilizer, 20, 24-26 Guadeloupe, 73 Ficus, 41, 65, 72 Guaiol, 118 Fijian archipelago, 188 Guineensine, 132 Flavanones, 118 Flavones, 118 Habitat affinity, 79, 86-89 Flies, 12-13,43-44,45,58, 118,200 Habitats, 36-37, 144 Flora Costaricensis, 156 Hacienda Lorna Linda, Costa Rica, 8 Flowering phenology, 38-40, 4lf, 42, 42f, 43f, 44f Halictidae, 43, 47 biogeography and, 93 Haplozetidae, 13 dispersal ecology and, 72 Harem-polygynous mating system, 61 Flower morphology, 189-191 Hawaii, 141 Flowers, 62 Height of plants, 87, 92f, 93, 141 bisexual, 2, 185, 189 Heliconiaceae, 93 dispersal ecology and, 58 Heliotropin, 118 hermaphroditic (see Hermaphroditic flowers) Hemiepiphytes, 88, 93 of Piper ant-plants, 8 Hemipodium, 162 unisexual, 188, 189 Hemiptera, 114 Folivores, 99, 113 Hepatotoxicity, 143-144 amides and, 129 Herbivores, 2. See also Antiherbivore defenses on Piper ant-plants, 10, 16, 17,26-27 amides and, 128-130 on Piper obliquum, 100, 10 1-102 generalist, 129, 130, 132,200 on Piper urostachYum, 109-112 Piper ant-plants and, 9-10 Food and Drug Administration, U.S. (FDA), 143-144 Piper urostachyum and, 103-105 Food bodies, 98, 99, 101-102, 103, 104f, 106, 107, specialist, 129, 130, 132,200 112, 114, 173 Hermaphroditic flowers, 2, 41, 58,182,183,185,187, of Cecropia trees, 19 191,202 of Piper ant-plants, 11, 13, 18-19,20 Hesperiids, 27 Food webs, 13, 14t, 24-26 Heteroptera, 103, 105 Formicidae, 10 Hoja santa, 2 N-Formyl aporphines, 118
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