’ •-a*' ; iWjf' .’W*® |AOB rOOKTCBIl p . ^ f - TUESD AY, JU N E 1 .1M7 _^tt^M t^E ttM iitig EcraUk AVERSE DAILY CIBOULATION for the montli of May, 1SS7 THE WEATHER Mrs. Thomas Dannaber la chair­ Tha wminy Worksn of ths Wss- i>orecast et 0 . • . Weather Bmeaa. man of the committee of arranye- Isyaa OuUd wlU hold tbair rsyular Oarttard ABODTTOWN menta for the Emblem club mem­ moothly msstlny tomorrow aftsr- bers’ social tomorrow afternoon at nooB at 8:80 at ths South Methodist 5,890 Member o t the Audit X MO, MMimn June* Brmdl«y. 3:30 at the Elks biwie In RockriUe. churdL Special Change This Week Ih ir Soalght; H n it a * y fair and W M b m tS, 19S7, at the Mrs. John Wilson of tbla town Is Bnreaa ot arcnlatiooe warmer. r BaittOrt bo^tal to Mr. aad Mn. oos of her asslatanta. H azy BushnsU Chaney suzUiary. ICofcaa wadlay of Eailoctoo MANCHESTER —A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM \ 3. D. B. W. V. will msst tomorrow Due To The Holiday taad. Bast Bartftnd. Mrs. Bradley Mirstlc Review, .Woman’s Benefit night in tha Stats Armory. The «a a the f oi iaar Mra. Luella B. •VOL, LVI., N o . 207 association, will open its business coming annual atats conventloa and (ClaaaUM AdverUslat aa Fhge 14). MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2,1937 (SIXTEEN PAGES) N m r a o f tbla town. meetiny In Odd Fellowra hall tonlyht summer actlviUea will be dlscusMd. PRICE THREE CENTS at 7:1S to allow for a public set - Baalnntng' today the summer back party at 8:13. Cash prises will The Joint committee on RellyioUa Wloimili wfil atart at both Recrea- be awarded and refreshments served. Education %f the North Main street Hoo OMtsra, namely from 1 to 9:SU The standlny social committee will churches, wlU have a rneeUng to­ |k m. STM7 day. be In ebarye, and a yood attendance night at 8 o’clock at the T. H. C A. LEGISLATIVE GROUP HOUSE PASSES of members and friends is hoped to plan for the church vseation Am automobUs owned by Bernard for. school in July, The school has been ■dlBoaa of 08 Well* street, was conducted for three wrecks every BIG REUEF BILL MUSSOLINI’S WARSHIPS (bund Sunday in the woods in the Rev. P. J. O. Cornell and Mrs. July for 11 consecutive years. Mount Nsbo seetloa and reported to Will Be Observed At ON REORGANIZATION Cornell returned yesterday to live Om police. The automobile was at their home at 33 Hamlin street Mrs. Catherine Habsrem of B7 tafeso from far front of Mr. Sulii- They have been livlny in Worcester Blasell street has been admitted to IN comnnsE taa'a house aarty Sattirday mom- for some years, and the death in the Oak Nursing home on Oak ESTABLISH BLOCKADE lay. Tbs aotomobtle when found February of their daughter Hlldur, street. With Outstanding Values In The COMPLETES ITS TASK 1*as in no way damaged. M ra Thure Hanson, following that Earmarks Demand Is Drop­ of Mr. Hanson, Influenced them to Mrs. M. E. Mack of 364 East t Michael and Anna Demko have return to Manchester, where Rev, Center street and her grandson. purchased from the Sa"lnys Bank Cornell was long the pastor of John Hack o f Rockville, attended Domestics and Fabrics Dept. ^ d s Up Affairs B^ore ped on Promises; PWA _ i f Manchester a double bouse ati Emanuel Lutheran church. the dedlcaUon o f SL Phllllpe church Given With Cash Sales In Both ADMITS S i m OF LOYALISTS’ PORTS Trumbull street, the transfer In WarrenvUle, Sunday morning at 10:80. ibiy Meets; AU Bills AH-Relief PoHcy to Be IM ny made last Saturday. ADVERTISEMENT— These Stores ALL DAY ‘ The Ladles' Aid society of the I Lowest Prices In Town At Our Center CSiurch Women's Federa- ' CONCERNS HAVE Abandoned to Aid Cities. Where Europe’s Peace Is Periled Reports from Rome Ako Ooooordla Lutheran church will | Liquor Department Arthur Drug tlon wrlU hold Ita annual meetlnp (ol Voted On Are Refer- ; tonlfht at 7:30. Store— Rubinow Bldg. wiU> elscUon o f officers, tomorrow State That a Reinforced evening at 7:45. This win be the W E D N E S D A Y to Legislative Council STORm ARMS final meeting' of the season and ali - Washington, June 2— (A P )—The M A L A O K A T ^ members are urged to attend. Mrs i administration's $1,500,000,000 i«- BAKCSLOltAO^ ^ German Battk Fleet k Earl Shaw of 592 East Center' Bute Capitol. Hartford, June 2.— Ilef bill, winning midnight House Catalonian Govt^Hqri.) street, formerly of Rochester, N. Y. RepubhVs Head Says AU approval after a compromise had Will be the soIoUt. The J W .H A L 6 CORK fA P )—The Reorganization commit­ Cooperating With Italy’s quashed a persistent revolt, went to tee/-created by the General Aasem- MADKIO M a n c h is t e r Co n h - Plants Keep Guos to Pro­ the Senate today for another major ■ Tall Cedars ■ Both the School street RecreaUon bly at the diitaei of the year to C ^ te r and ths West Side building battle. Economy advocates In that o Men of War; Diplomats handle one o f the major issues of chamber said they would renew de­ PALMA started on their summer . schedule* tect Men and Property; (Rebel t^ay. opening from 1 to '9:30 p. m. the session, wound up its affairs to­ mands to cut the fund by one-tbird. dally. To the first 200 customers who pur­ A House bloc lost a similar attempt BeseF^ Consider Situation Graye. day, Just one week from the final before tbe final 323 to 44 vote by CfHOUSC'^SON, chase a dress len^h during National adjournment date. Steel Production Goes On. which tbe bill passed. There were Mrs. Peter Oallasso o f 180 Sum- S r t U M S i ■ J O Y L A N D ! INC. Cotton Week we will give a real Cotton Meeting before the House and prospects, too, that aome Senatora m t street, the former Marcella IS. Rome, June 2.— (A P )— Ital­ Ball right from the cotton plants in Senate sessions, the committee ap­ would try to reinstate amendments O t o n ^ waa the guest o f honor at Youngstown, O., June 2.— (A P )— to earmark one-third of tbe total ian warships established a vir­ a ^mUaneous gift shower given Georgia. proved Its final batch of minor Militant labor forces and unyielding for roads, ddms and other special IVIZA tual blockade of eastern Spain M c A tly at the Moose elubrooma on measures and then voted to refer to the Legislative Council all other steel corporations. locked in projects. These won tentative House (Rebel Fori) today to prevent Russian ves­ iAUThis Week! Bralnard place. Dancing and approval last week over the objec­ bills left In Its boa. p w jp B ln ^ g waa enjoyed by the 40 New Patterns! Reg. 25c Fast Color week-old strike across seven states, tions of administration leaders. sels from carrying war supplies large number o f relatives present. The Legislative Council was faced new tests of strength today Roll Calls Blocked DImicr to the Madrid-Valencia gov­ gA« DOUGHERTY LOTg created under one of seven major aa Republic Steel Corporation push­ A fter week-end conferences, how­ ernment. reorganisation bills approved by the Jt was a kiss and a "happy landing dear” from George Palmer Put­ electee The J W .H A U CORR Percale Prints ed ahead with plans to produce nam that started his wife, Amell a Barhart, on an west-east world ever, the President’s lieutenants A reinforced German battla Gleaners’ group ol General Assembly, Its chief func­ agreed on modifications, which were steel In spite of the strike. Repub­ flight from Miami, Fla. She said she was making the trip "Just for M a x cm STIR Comm- tion will be to study various prob- lic's high command promised not fun." accepted last night by Ured and fleet was understood here to be- president and Mrs 4 yds. lems and submit recommendations to ask Idle men "to wade through hungry members who had been In cooperating with the Italian ■ Big Free Act Every Night * urer Olbson, secretary and treaa session since noon. Bix roll calls, to incoming Legislatures. blood" and scoffed at reports that men of war in their determined A beautiful new range of patterns In faat color prints ik.f Besides the Legislative Council, each requiring 35 minutes, prevent­ SELF SERVE and tightened picket lines would Impede move to stop Soviet ships from make up so quickly and easily into dresses, smocks, blouses, the General Assembly on recommen­ shipment of manufactured steel. ed moat members from leaving the * FMtiwlng Kurtzo & Kurtz ^ A DVEHTISEMENT— culottes, bouse coats, etc. chamber for dinner. dation of the Reorganization com­ It also admitted that arms and running munitions to the Span­ Majority Leader Rayburn (D., proprietor of the ' HEALTH MARKET mittee passed during the session munitions were stored in plants of GOV. CROSS WILL NAME ish government. ^ • ■ I TeX.), bad argued that tying of tbe ^ m p lk o Barber Shop has now re- I All Oar Regular 29e bins creating a Public Works De­ the nation's thlrd-largest producer Grave views of Premisr turned to work after being away for partment, a Department of Finance President's bands by tbe earmark­ I for protection of .
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