February News Items “PRSRT STD” nd Current Postal Patron U.S. Postage DUE January 22 PAID Boxholder/Rural Route Permit No. 8 Mt. Holly, VT 05758 38/12 February 2013 Village Baptist Church – Worship 9:30am, Pastor Glenn Davis 259-2440 E. Wallingford Baptist – SS 10:00 am – Worship 11:00 am Evening 6:30 pm Phone 259-2831 www.ewbaptist.com St. Patrick’s Mass, Wallingford Sat 4 pm Sun 9:15 am Rev Justin Baker, Pastor & Rev James Dodson, Parochial Vicar Phone 446-2161 Annunciation Mass, Ludlow, Sat 4 pm, Sun 8 am & 11 am Proctorsville Sun 9:30 am, Rev. Romanus Igweonu Ph. 228-3451 Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce – Marji Graf 228-5830 Town Library: Sat 9-1 Sun 2-4 Mon 3-7 Wed 3-7 Mt. Holly Town Library, P.O. Box 93, Belmont, VT 05730 Call 259-3707 Town Office Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Closed Fri. & Holidays Phone & Fax 259-2391 Town Treasurer’s Office Hours: Mon 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Wed 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm and by Appointment 802-259-2391 Burn Permits: Call Fire Warden ~ Jim Seward 786-3408 or 259-2211 Transfer Site: Sat. 8 am – 2 pm & Sun. 9 am – 12 pm 1st Freedom Day- Pres. Lincoln Approves 13th Amendment Abolishing Slavery 1865 2nd Groundhog Day 3rd Fire Dept. Business Meeting, Belmont Fire Station 7:00 pm V.F.W. Post #10155 meeting, Route 103, Ludlow 7:00 pm 4th Sno*Drifter Meeting – 7:00 pm 6th Mt. Holly Community Association Meeting, Library 7:00 pm Union #39 School Board Meeting, Ludlow Elementary School 7:00 pm Mt. Holly School Board Meeting, Ludlow Elementary School 7:00 pm 7th Bobcat Hunting Season Ends 8th Boy Scouts Founded 1910 10th Red & Gary Fox Hunting Season Ends 11th Rescue Squad Meeting, Rescue Squad Building 7:00 pm Thomas Alva Edison Founder of General Electric Co. 1847 12th Community Guild Meeting, IOOF Hall, Belmont Abraham Lincoln 1809 9:00 am Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office 7:30 pm Fire Dept. Drill, Fire Station 7:00 pm 13th Mount Holly Grange Boston Latin School 1st Public School in USA 1635 7:30 pm Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary Meeting, Belmont Fire Station 7:00 pm ODD Fellows Meeting, IOOF Hall, Belmont 7:00 pm Mt. Holly PTC Meeting, Mt. Holly School Library 3:00 pm 14th League of Women Voters Formed 1920 ~ St. Valentine’s Day 15th Susan B. Anthony 1820 Women’s Rights Leader 18th Mount Holly Planning Commission, Town Office Presidents Day Observed 7:30 pm 19th Fire Dept. work night, Fire Stations 7:00 pm Mason’s Meeting, Mt. Moriah Lodge, E. Wallingford 8:00 pm 20th Mt. Holly Town Library Meeting, Library, Belmont 7:00 pm 21st Two Rivers Supervisory Union Transition Board, Green Mtn UHS, Library 6:30 pm 22nd George Washington 1732 23rd Battle Of Iwo Jima 1945 25th Rescue Squad Meeting, Rescue Squad Building 7:00 pm 26th Community Guild Meeting, IOOF Hall, Belmont Levi Strauss 1829 9:00 am Fire Dept. Drill, Fire Station 7:00 pm 27th ODD Fellows Meeting, IOOF Hall, Belmont 7:00 pm US Supreme Court Upholds 19th Amendment For Women’s right to Vote 1922 28th Otter Trapping Season Ends * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Emergency Services Mount Holly Fire Dept. 259-2700 or 911 Poison Control (802) 658-3456 Mount Holly Fire Warden – Jim Seward 786-3408 259-2211 American Red Cross 773-9159 Mount Holly Rescue Squad 775-3133 or 911 Game Warden – Greg Eckhardt 802-875-2112 773-9101 Mount Holly Constable Paul Faenza 259-4100 802-786-4404 Health Officer - Frank Bickford 259-2885 Animal Control For Mt. Holly [email protected] 802-786-4404 Vermont State Police 773-9101 Send ARTICLES to: Diana Garrow, 3379 Shunpike Rd., Mt. Holly, VT 05758 Phone 259-2314 or E-Mail to [email protected] Check out Mt. Holly Web Site www.mounthollyvt.org “The views and opinions expressed in the enclosed articles are solely those of their authors and are not necessarily those of the Chit Chat, its staff, or its board of directors. The authors are solely responsibility for the content of their articles.” Donation Thank Yous: Donna Lee (Perfect cLEEn House Cleaning Service) * Kevin & Lana Murphy * Bill Walters (Tattersall’s Clothing Emporium) * Barbara Pallota (Pallota Pet Sitter) * Stephen Flanders (Flanders Excavating & Firewood) * Greg & Betty Klimock * Janet & Paul Warren * Ted & Sue Crawford * John Manning & Lydia Graves II * Paul & Cecilia Ayres* Natalie & Jerry Brown * Ron Unterman & Dotti Finerty * Minga Dana * Liz Flint * Jim & Ruth Lewis * Gail Graves (Engle & Voelkers, Woodstock & Ludlow Real Estate) * John McClure & Susan Presson * February Birthdays: 4th -Chris Charuk. 5th –Pat Marro. 6th -Candance Bussino. 8th –Alyssa Collins * Debbie Alosi. 9th -Emma Coldwell. 10th -Amy Perrino * Jack Koponen. 11th -Mary Desautels. 16th –Michele Tattoli Colm. 18th–Andy Bolalek * Peggy Taylor. 19th -Dennis Turco * Denise Turco. 20th -Barbara Palotta. 21st -Ben Veysey. nd rd th 22 –Susan Horsman. 23 -Jerome Brown. 25 -Meghan th Garrow. 27 -Mary Crawford * Steven Radonis. February Anniversaries: 23rd - Raymond & Clarise Dana. 27th – John & Carol Delaney. 28th –Andy & Teresa Bolalek. If you would like to add or remove yours or a family members birthday and or anniversary from the list please send the information to me at the above address or e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at 802-259-2314. Local Post Office Hours Mount Holly 802-259-2796 Post Master: Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 10:00 am & 2:45 pm – 4:45 pm Sat 7:30 am – 10:30 am Belmont 802-259-2790 Post Master: Jane Hill Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:45 pm Sat 8:00 am – 10:45 am East Wallingford 802-259-2829 Post Master: Lynnette Devereux Mon – Fri 7:00 am – 12:30 pm & 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Sat 7:00 am – 10:00 pm Cuttingsville/Shrewsbury 802-492-3585 Post Master: Barbara Perkins Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 11:00 am & 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm Sat 8:00 am – 10:30 am January 2013 Mount Holly Chit Chat Inc. 2 www.mounthollyvt.org [email protected] Mount Holly Post Office Post Plan Implementation Dear Mount Holly Postal Customer, The Postal Service has concluded the POST Plan review process for the MOUNT HOLLY PO. Customer survey responses input from the community meeting and the operational needs of the Postal Service were considered in reaching the implementations decision. It has been determined that effective 01/26/2013, the Mount Holly PO will provide 4 hours of window service each weekday. The facility retail hours will be from 8:00 am to 4:45 pm with lunch from 10:00 am to 2:345 pm on Monday through Friday, and from 7:30 am to 10:30 am on Saturday. Current Saturday window service hours will not be reduced and access to delivery receptacles will not change as a result of the POST Plan realignment of weekday window service hours. Customers will have access to their mail receptacles from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday-Friday and from 7:30 am to 10:30 am on Saturday and Post Office Box mail will be available daily for pick-up by 10:00 am on Monday-Friday and 10:00 am on Saturday. Sincerely, Jim McCartney, Post Plan Coordinator NOTE: Belmont Post Office will still be open for eight hours a day and if you need assistance or postage Post Master Jane Hill would be more than happy to accommodate your postal needs. Belmont Post Office Hours are Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:30 pm – 4:45 pm and Saturday 8:00 am – 10:45 am. Randy Bixby and The NewsFlash Hi Folks, Randy Bixby has been providing the town of Mt. Holly with an email NewsFlash for many years. He has put countless hours into a service that has benefited us all. Randy has been in the hospital for many weeks now with a stubborn infection and other health complications. He is very sick and was lucky that his family got him to Dartmouth as soon as they did. He is improving bit by bit but still has a long road to travel. He has days that are good and days that are worse. Randy’s daughter Leslie has taken over doing the NewsFlash in his absence and is doing a fantastic job. We thank her for stepping up! This illness has put the Bixby Family in a very tough financial situation. We hope that all the folks that have benefited from Randy’s NewsFlash can help out at this time. Please pass the word along to your family and friends. You can send Randy “Get Well Wishes” and donations to the following address: Lawrence Bixby, Dartmouth Hitchcock Med. Center, Room 323, 1 Medical Center Dr., Lebanon, NH 03756 MOUNT HOLLY LIBRARY READING DISCUSSION GROUP The Mount Holly Library Reading Discussion Group is reading The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency this month by Alexander McCall Smith. The meeting is February 13th at 7:00 p.m. at Jane Hill’s, Tarbellville Road, Belmont. Please call Minga if you have any questions at 259-2471 or would like to obtain a copy of the book and join the group. Mt. Holly School Board Meeting The Mt. Holly school board met on Wednesday, January 2 at the Black River High School with the LES and U39 boards. Mr. Williams updated the board on the Two Rivers SU meetings and the issues with the after school program sustainability.
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