APPENDICES 2003 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 1 – Referendum, Poll and Plebiscite Results Results of referendums, polls and plebiscites are not binding, but do provide an indication of public opinion for the Council to consider when making decisions on issues. Town of Vincent A plebiscite was conducted for the Town of Vincent to decide the method of election of the mayor. Which method of filling the office of mayor do you prefer? Votes Elected by the Electors 5,632 Elected by the Council from amongst the Councillors 582 Total Valid Votes 6,214 Informal 24 Total Votes Received 6,238 The majority of electors voted to elect the office of mayor by the electors. 39 2003 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 2 – Reasons for Rejection of Voter Packages Declaration not Declaration District Other Total signed Missing City of Albany 168 17 3 188 City of Armadale 150 33 0 183 Shire of Ashburton 15 9 0 24 Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 39 8 0 47 Town of Bassendean 82 25 3 110 City of Belmont 147 33 4 184 Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes 10 4 1 15 City of Bunbury 52 58 2 112 Shire of Busselton 89 27 2 118 Town of Cambridge 114 34 7 155 City of Canning 259 61 2 322 Shire of Capel 34 19 0 53 Shire of Carnarvon 26 7 4 37 Shire of Chittering 7 3 0 10 Town of Claremont 18 2 2 22 City of Cockburn 395 125 4 524 Shire of Collie 62 8 4 74 Town of Cottesloe 36 19 1 56 Shire of Cuballing 6 1 1 8 Shire of Dardanup 0 0 0 0 Shire of Denmark 36 9 1 46 Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 32 0 0 32 Shire of East Pilbara 16 9 0 25 Shire of Exmouth 10 5 0 15 City of Fremantle 194 44 7 245 City of Geraldton 107 28 4 139 Shire of Gingin 19 6 0 25 City of Gosnells 373 117 5 495 Shire of Greenough 44 10 0 54 City of Joondalup 452 166 4 622 Shire of Kalamunda 192 49 3 244 City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 122 56 1 179 Town of Kwinana 110 21 1 132 Shire of Lake Grace 13 10 0 23 City of Mandurah 263 50 9 322 City of Melville 399 153 13 565 Shire of Merredin 9 0 0 9 Shire of Mount Marshall 1 1 1 3 Shire of Mundaring 101 17 1 119 Shire of Murray 19 0 2 21 Shire of Nannup 5 0 0 5 City of Nedlands 77 25 5 107 Town of Northam 40 1 2 43 City of Perth 53 14 3 70 Shire of Plantagenet 8 2 0 10 Shire of Ravensthorpe 17 3 0 20 City of Rockingham 378 81 1 460 Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale 20 4 0 24 City of Stirling 822 289 19 1,130 City of Subiaco 88 21 1 110 City of Swan 232 43 3 278 Town of Victoria Park 161 54 5 220 Town of Vincent 138 0 3 141 City of Wanneroo 386 113 8 507 Shire of Waroona 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 6,646 1,894 142 8,682 40 2003 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 3 – Enrolment and Voter Turnout District Enrolment 1 Voter Turnout 2 Percentage Turnout City of Albany 21,522 10,553 49.0% City of Armadale 18,065 5,338 29.6% Shire of Ashburton 2,107 615 29.2% Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 4,136 2,099 50.8% Town of Bassendean 9,559 3,321 34.7% City of Belmont 16,270 5,796 35.6% Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes 1,566 723 46.2% City of Bunbury 5,889 2,190 37.2% Shire of Busselton 12,326 5,226 42.4% Town of Cambridge 16,755 6,896 41.2% City of Canning 33,581 10,639 31.7% Shire of Capel 4,914 1,867 38.0% Shire of Carnarvon 3,959 1,616 40.8% Shire of Chittering 2,055 1,204 58.6% Town of Claremont 6,240 2,873 46.0% City of Cockburn 44,509 14,407 32.4% Shire of Collie 5,993 2,327 38.8% Town of Cottesloe 5,130 2,269 44.2% Shire of Cuballing 610 426 69.8% Shire of Dardanup No election (All elected unopposed) Shire of Denmark 3,798 2,365 62.3% Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 3,126 1,660 53.1% Shire of East Pilbara 2,475 877 35.4% Shire of Exmouth 1,508 890 59.0% City of Fremantle 18,259 8,083 44.3% City of Geraldton 12,555 4,476 35.7% Shire of Gingin 2,453 1,505 61.4% City of Gosnells 51,993 15,536 29.9% Shire of Greenough 7,792 3,103 39.8% City of Joondalup 100,532 27,054 26.9% Shire of Kalamunda 32,273 11,137 34.5% City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 17,373 6,636 38.2% Town of Kwinana 12,885 4,162 32.3% Shire of Lake Grace 1,152 724 62.9% City of Mandurah 34,292 12,647 36.9% City of Melville 64,876 25,780 39.7% Shire of Merredin 2,284 1,293 56.6% Shire of Mount Marshall 222 172 77.5% Shire of Mundaring 17,310 5,915 34.2% Shire of Murray 2,465 896 36.4% Shire of Nannup 711 400 56.3% City of Nedlands 13,949 5,501 39.4% Town of Northam 3,973 1,556 39.2% City of Perth 8,593 4,373 50.9% Shire of Plantagenet 1,260 605 48.0% Shire of Ravensthorpe 976 683 67.0% City of Rockingham 44,339 14,237 32.1% Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale 2,816 932 33.1% City of Stirling 101,936 32,437 31.8% City of Subiaco 9,910 4,221 42.6% City of Swan 26,742 8,839 33.1% Town of Victoria Park 17,630 6,288 35.7% Town of Vincent 17,925 6,648 37.1% City of Wanneroo 52,379 15,297 29.2% Shire of Waroona No election (All elected unopposed) TOTAL 907,948 317,313 35.0% 1 Enrolment – Elector figures for contested elections 2 The voter turnout consists of the number of returned voting packages that were scanned (accepted and rejected). 41 2003 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 4 – Replacement and Provisional Votes Issued District Replacement Votes Provisional Votes City of Albany 116 10 City of Armadale 24 3 Shire of Ashburton 18 4 Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 8 6 Town of Bassendean 42 0 City of Belmont 50 2 Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes 11 2 City of Bunbury 9 2 Shire of Busselton 35 0 Town of Cambridge 81 0 City of Canning 44 1 Shire of Capel 11 0 Shire of Carnarvon 39 0 Shire of Chittering 30 3 Town of Claremont 14 0 City of Cockburn 34 0 Shire of Collie 9 0 Town of Cottesloe 192 0 Shire of Cuballing 14 0 Shire of Dardanup 0 0 Shire of Denmark 36 5 Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 40 3 Shire of East Pilbara 15 0 Shire of Exmouth 18 0 City of Fremantle 102 5 City of Geraldton 97 3 Shire of Gingin 4 0 City of Gosnells 74 0 Shire of Greenough 41 1 City of Joondalup 77 1 Shire of Kalamunda 66 0 City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 281 2 Town of Kwinana 22 3 Shire of Lake Grace 0 1 City of Mandurah 52 2 City of Melville 281 2 Shire of Merredin 38 2 Shire of Mount Marshall 3 4 Shire of Mundaring 50 0 Shire of Murray 1 2 Shire of Nannup 5 3 City of Nedlands 124 0 Town of Northam 44 1 City of Perth 237 14 Shire of Plantagenet 10 0 Shire of Ravensthorpe 4 0 City of Rockingham 62 0 Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale 2 0 City of Stirling 293 6 City of Subiaco 26 0 City of Swan 55 12 Town of Victoria Park 37 1 Town of Vincent 42 5 City of Wanneroo 43 2 Shire of Waroona 0 0 TOTAL 3,063 113 42 2003 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 5 – Summary of Activity in May 2003 Local Government Postal Elections Contested Packages Packages % Local Government Wards Vacancies Candidates Contested Unopposed Unfilled Electors Mayoral Wards Sent Returned Returned City of Albany 7 5 8 19 6 2 0 21,522 21,522 10,553 1 49.0% City of Armadale 7 4 7 11 4 3 0 32,883 18,065 5,338 29.6% Shire of Ashburton 5 3 5 8 3 2 0 2,819 2,107 615 29.2% Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 3 2 3 6 2 1 0 6,047 4,136 2,099 50.8% Town of Bassendean 3 3 4 8 4 0 0 9,559 9,559 3,321 34.7% City of Belmont 3 3 5 13 5 0 0 16,270 16,270 5,796 35.6% Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes 4 2 6 8 3 3 0 2,957 1,566 723 46.2% City of Bunbury 4 1 7 8 3 4 0 20,750 5,889 2,190 37.2% Shire of Busselton 4 3 6 12 5 1 0 14,081 12,326 5,226 42.4% Town of Cambridge 2 2 5 15 5 0 0 16,755 16,755 6,896 1 41.2% City of Canning 3 2 5 9 4 1 0 48,371 33,581 10,639 31.7% Shire of Capel 1 1 5 9 5 0 0 4,914 4,914 1,867 38.0% Shire of Carnarvon 2 1 5 8 4 1 0 3,959 3,959 1,616 1 40.8% Shire of Chittering 1 1 7 13 7 0 0 2,055 2,055 1,204 58.6% Town of Claremont 3 3 5 10 5 0 0 6,240 6,240 2,873 46.0% City of Cockburn 3 3 4 8 4 0 0 44,509 44,509 14,407 32.4% Shire of Collie 1 1 6 7 6 0 0 5,993 5,993 2,327 38.8% Town of Cottesloe 4 4 6 12 6 0 0 5,130 5,130 2,269 44.2% Shire of Cuballing 2 2 7 10 7 0 0 610 610 426 69.8% Shire of Dardanup 4 0 6 6 0 6 0 5,801 Shire of Denmark 5 5 6 13 6 0 0 3,798 3,798 2,365 62.3% Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 1 1 5 10 5 0 0 3,126 3,126 1,660 53.1% Shire of East Pilbara 3 3 5 14 5 0 0 2,475 2,475 877 35.4% Shire of Exmouth 1 1 4 7 4 0 0 1,508 1,508 890 59.0% City of Fremantle 6 6 6 13 6 0 0 18,259 18,259 8,083 44.3% City of Geraldton 1 1 6 10 6 0 0 12,555 12,555 4,476 35.7% Shire of Gingin 8 5 10 16 6 4 0 3,985 2,453 1,505 61.4% City of Gosnells 3 3 6 15 6 0 0 51,993 51,993 15,536 29.9% Shire of Greenough 4 3 6 10 5 1 0 8,081 7,792 3,103 39.8% City of Joondalup 7 7 8 26 8 0 0 100,532 100,532 27,054 1 26.9% Shire of Kalamunda 5 5 6 12 6 0 0 32,273 32,273 11,137 34.5% City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 1 1 7 16 7 0 0 17,373 17,373 6,636 1 38.2% Town of Kwinana 2 2 5 10 5 0 0 12,885 12,885 4,162 32.3% Shire of Lake Grace 3 3 9 13 9 0 0 1,152 1,152 724 62.9% City of Mandurah 4 4 6 16 6 0 0 34,292 34,292 12,647 36.9% City of Melville 6 4 7 20 5 2 0 64,876 64,876 25,780 1 39.7% 43 2003 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Contested Packages Packages % Local Government Wards Vacancies Candidates Contested Unopposed Unfilled Electors Mayoral Wards Sent Returned Returned Shire of Merredin 1 1 11 16 11 0 0 2,284 2,284 1,293 56.6% Shire of Mount Marshall 3 3 3 6 3 0 0 222 222 172 77.5% Shire of Mundaring 4 3 6 12 5 1 0 23,292 17,310 5,915 34.2% Shire of Murray 4 1 6 7 2 4 0 6,866 2,465 896 36.4% Shire of Nannup 3 2 4 7 3 1 0 932 711 400 56.3% City of Nedlands 4 3 8 13 7 1 0 13,949 13,949 5,501 1 39.4% Town of Northam 1 1 7 8 7 0 0 3,973 3,973 1,556 39.2% City of Perth 1 1 5 15 5 0 0 8,593 8,593 4,373 1 50.9% Shire of Plantagenet 4 1 4 5 1 3 0 2,773 1,260 605 48.0% Shire of Ravensthorpe 3 3 7 11 7 0 0 976 976
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