INDUSTRIAL LOAN SOCIETY; he. See Page 20 Buyers' Guide 1*2 E. FRONT ST. PLAINFIEUD, N. Jf. Tels. PIJ in field 6-1215 and 6-1218 HUGH CLARK MOTORS DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS and TRUCKS Authorized Sales and Service QUALITY USED CABS AND TRUCKS 603-609 North Ave., Opp. Clark St. Wcstfield, N. J. TEL. 2-3434 IF YOU LIVE, or have a > business in WESTFIELD - SEE PAGE 23 "/'/ *\ • • . Enlightened Westf ield members of the 90% group Let Do the GAS 4 BSG JOBS • Cooking 9 Refrigeration • Water Heating • House Heating Elizabeflitowfl Consolidated Gas Gompany WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO. Iff; Inc. North Avenue and St. Paul Street Telephone 2-1038 VISWATS DAIRY WESTPIELD, N. J. TEL. 2-0529 CITY DIRECTORY USES 1. SALES PROMOTION: a. Sales Analysis— Comparing present amount of business obtained in a given area with possible maximum business in that area. The Householders' Directory shows the classes of business located on a street, in office buildings, in sections of the city, etc. In' checking up salesmen's call on business » in an assigned territory the directory presents a picture of how many places have not been reported upon, and shows a ready list of pros- pects for your goods or service. b. Leads— Determining prc ales interview. The alphabetical list] fional concern, shows the names of th< c. Selected disti For Reference Determining pai asing business. The Householders' SI type of business or residences along if the occupant of the home is Not to be taken d. Building maili mpaigns— k 1. List of local in a given, radius of Business loca from this library le to include the ter- ritory you v, lood list. From the 1 map you can with intersections in the circle you . Street Directory you will find the correct name of the occupant at each house, or building on these streets. This will give you a 100% list of the territory desired. CD 2. Lists of business houses and the professions—The business direc- CD tory at the end of the book classifies every business and profession U according to the nature of the business. Complete lists such as doctors, lawyers, printers, garages, auto dealers, furniture stores, to contractors, etc., can be found in this classified directory section. 3. Vocational Lists—Such as clerks, stenographers, telephone oper- ators, carpenters, salesmanagers, purchasing agents, laborers, etc. The alphabetical directory shows the occupation of every indi- vidual in the city. Kun over the alphabetical pages—check marking the persons whose occupation is the one wanted for your list. This will give you a complete and accurate list for the entire city. 2. CREDIT: a. Verifying customer's statements and information. b. Information about customer. Correct name, address, where employed and wife's name is given in the alphabetical directory for every individual. Whether he rents or owns home is usually shown in the Householders' Directory. c. Determining character and stability of applicant for credit. This directory gives his present occupation and residence. By re- ferring to each yearly edition of the directory for the past few years, it is quickly determined whether the applicant holds the same job C and residence, or flits from one job to another and one residence to Q I another. After the new directory is delivered to you keep the old one on file. Never destroy it. You'll find old ones invaluable in check- v ing your past records. 3 9520 00119 5926 BUSINESS d. Identifying applicant and applicant's references. The alphabetical directory gives complete information for each indi- vidual. (See Information about customer). The references given by the applicant for credit, can be identified in the same manner—who they are, what position they hold, etc. e. Collecting accounts. Tracing apd locating debtor. Locating other members of debtor's family or relatives. 3. DELIVERY AND SHIPPING: a. Routing—laying out route for delivery. Use description of streets in the Householders' Street Directory, with an indexed map of the city for locating and laying out delivery route. b. Obtaining correct addresses. Where numbers on shipping instructions are not plain, or only_ street is given, the correct number can be found in the alphabetical 01 Householders' Street Directory. c. Locating streets, buildings, un-numbered houses. A full description of every street—with location is given in the House- holders' Street Directory. When the address given is an apartment or building without street and number being given, the alphabetical sec- tion will give you the correct street and number for that building. Many buildings on streets are not numbered—or badly numbered— making it difficult to find the building wanted. The Householders' Street Directory shows the location of the buildings along the streets. 4. PURCHASING: The complete classified business section n he back of this directory, makes available all sources of goods warned; assists in selection of most reliable and satisfactory firms to deal with; the nearest com- panies to facilitate delivery-of purchases, and determining the proper official of firm to deal with. The standard classified headings are complete and show all firms under the proper headings. There are many special headings marked with an asterisk(*) showing firms in display type. These firms are progressive and desire a more com- plete classified representation of their products. 5. GENERAL INFORMATION: The Alphabetical Directory lists—Persons' full name and correct spelling, occupation, where employed, street address of residence, if married gives wife's name, head of house or roomer, renting or owns home. Lists all corporations showing officers, all partnerships show- ing partners, all individual business showing proprietor. All public officers, clubs, associations, etc. The Householders' Street Directory shows every street—a description of its location, all occupants on each street, the ownership of the property and all intersecting cross streets. The Classified Business Directory shows all business in the city ar- ranged under heading most descriptive of the nature of the business. 9IRECTORY (1947) They were sturdy little ships that withstood the tossing ocean for sixty days at a stretch back in 1492, and made possible the finding by that sturdy fellow, Columbus, of a land, where by calling Westfield fourteen ninety-two you get real "Sturdy materials for sturdy construction." Coal -- Lumber -- Millwork Mason Materials -- Paint Hardware -- Fuel Oil Glass -- Linoleum -- Screens Storm-Sash - Fertilizers "Sturdy Materials for Sturdy Construction" THE PLAZA PHONE 2-1492 POLK'S WESTFIELD and CRANFORD (UNION COUNTY, N. J.) DIRECTORY 1947 Including Garwood and Kenilworth Containing an Alphabetical Directory of Business Concerns and Private Citizens, a Directory of Householders, Occupants of Office Build- ings and Other Business Places, Including a Complete Street and Avenue Guide, and Much Information of a Miscellaneous Character; also a BUYERS' GUIDE . and a Complete Classified Business Directory FOR DETAILED CONTENTS SEE GENERAL INDEX Leased Only on Subscription This book is the property of R. L. POLK & CO., Publishers 545 6th Ave., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Member Association of North American Directory Publishers Copyright, 1947, by R. L. Polk & Co. Section 28, Copyright Law In Force July 7, 1909 That any person who wilfully and for profit shall infringe any copyright secured by this act, or who shall knowingly or wilfully aid or abet such infringement, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court. PUBLISHERS NOTE The information in this Directory is gathered by an actual canvass and is compiled in a way to insure maximum accuracy. The publishers cannot and do not guarantee the cor- rectness of all information furnished them nor the complete absence of errors or omissions, hence no responsibility for same can be or is assumed. The publishers earnestly request the bringing to their attention of any inaccuracy so that it may be corrected in the next edition of the directory. R. L. POLK & CO., Publishers GENERAL INDEX Page Abbreviations 108 Alphabetical List of Names: Cranford 367 Garwood 557 Kenilworth 597 Westfield 109 Apartment Buildings 50 Associations and Clubs—Commercial 51 Banks and Trust Companies 54 Buildings—Office and Public 57 Buyers' Guide preceding Classified Cemeteries 58 Churches 59 Classified Business Directory , 49 Clubs 61 Convents 65 Halls 76 Hospitals and Dispensaries 77 Hotels 77 Libraries 81 Newspapers 85 Parks and Playgrounds 89 Post Office 297 Railroads 93 Schools—Parochial 98 Schools—Public 98 Schools, Colleges and Academies 98 Societies—Benevolent and Fraternal 99 Societies—Miscellaneous 100 Societies—Patriotic 99 State Government 242 Street and Avenue Guide: Cranford 517 Garwood 555 Kenilworth 596 Westfield 321 Town Government 309 U. S. Government 297 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS PAGE NUMBERS BELOW REFER TO BUYERS' GUIDE Page Allemann Paul 19 Austers right side lines and 14 Bells Pharmacy right top lines and 14 Braunsdorf Wesley R Associates right top lines and 18 Broad Decorators left side lines and 31 Brunners back cover and 19 Builders General Supply Co back cover and 10 Bushby Walter E 10 Central Jersey Models 18 Chapman Bros right side lines and 26 Christensen Hans back cover and 12 Clark Hugh Motors front cover and 3 Cranford Citizen & Chronicle ... left bottom lines and 24 Cranford Cycle & Toy Co 9 Cranf ord Dairy
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