Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 15 12/03/1968 Memo From Woods to Chapin Re: Congressman Ogden Reid wishes to have an appointment with Nixon concerning foreign affairs. 1 pg. 22 15 11/29/1968 Memo From Harlow to Chapin Re: Senator Ed Gurney would like to have an appointment with Nixon 1 pg. 22 15 11/18/1968 Memo From Harlow to Chapin Re: Senator Goodell wishes to meet with Nixon. 1 pg. 22 15 11/18/1968 Memo From Chapin to Harlow Re: Congresswoman Frances Bolton wishes to have an appointment with Nixon. Previous memo attached. 2 pg. 22 15 11/14/1968 Memo From Woods to Chapin & Haldeman Re: Bolton's secretary called again concerning her request for an appointment with Nixon. 1 pg. 22 15 10/23/1968 Letter From Senator Hruska to Nixon Re: the American National Cattlemen's Association wishes to meet with Nixon. 1 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 1 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 15 12/13/1968 Letter From Jackson to Flanigan Re: request for a position in the Nixon administration, particularly as an ambassador to New Zealand. Letter to Nixon and letters of praise for Jackson attached. 12 pg. 22 15 11/22/1968 Form Appointment Request form for a meeting with Walter Judd. Memo concerning topics attached, mostly concerning personnel issues. 2 pg. 22 15 12/21/1968 Memo From Harford to Sloan Re: List of major newspaper publishers in the U.S. List attached. 3 pg. 22 15 n.d. Other Document Information concerning James Dury and Roy Acuff. 1 pg. 22 15 n.d. Other Document A list of phone numbers for certain individuals. 3 pg. 22 15 12/04/1968 Memo From Woods to Chapin Re: recommendation that Nixon give a phone call to Loren Berry. 1 pg. 22 15 12/02/1968 Memo From Haldeman to Chapin Re: Nixon wishes to see Walter Lippman and give phone calls to Arthur Krock, Dave Lawrence and Raymond Moley. 1 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 15 11/30/1968 Memo From Sloan to Harlow Re: Phone calls made by Nixon to members of Congress that day. 1 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 3 of 3 I 7'D ACTicm _ I SCH!:()ULE IlD. -;-_ December 3, 1968 [ DATE RECEWED MEMORANDUM I DEC 4 1968 FUolpj "'''SSAQ~.,,"c:::c:::c:::: TO: D>vigh[ Chapin BUR~AU I I SPEAIlERB OTHER FROM: Rose Mary Woods I AI'POINTlolEN OFFIC~ Congressman Ogden Reid called today -­ said the President-Elect mentioned to him when he was in Wel;Hchel;fter djllt he would like to speak With him on foreign affairs, etc. The Congressman would, of course, like to see him lind Is avallilble whenever RN can see him. His Washington numberS: Office 2256506 ··-----·Horne 2658257 Purchase, New York WH 9-0040 Harrison, New York 9L4 TE 5-3370 " , " , ""~ _-- _.­ RECEIVED To: Bryce Harlow From: Dw1ght Ch~pln NOV 2919GB ~ PLE~SE R"'"od "'.•••••••••••ay •••_ •• WILL YOU ADVISE IF RN SHOULD _ _•..._. SEE GUHNEY---- ________ ................. .._ _.. Thank YOllr )l"ovembe MEMORANDUM ~/--- TO: ~eHarlCw v"'1Jwight Chapin FROM: Rose Mary Woods RE: Senator-Elect Ed GUrlJey Lois Elliott called to say LIlac tile Senator-elect will be coming to New York the night of the 8th of December and would like to see the President Elect [Dr a very few minuooB on either December 9th or 10th. Following that meeting he would like to talk. to someone about patronage and liON it works, e«:; It it would work berter with me schedules here in , New York, he could make it the 10th and 11th. " , .~ ... MEM:ORAND\JM TO: Dwight Chapln DATE: Nov. 18, 1968 FROM: Bryce Harlow Senator Goodell ls eager to meet wlth RN to glve h1.m f10me f1uggeatlona, programatlcally and otherwlse, He f1wearfl he wlll not advocate the appolntment of any lndlvldual. I thlnk thare la no rUflh about thlf1 -- but aome­ thlng to be done when RN can do lt Without too much bother. M E M 0 R A H DUM TO: BRYCE HARLOW FROM: Doi'IOHT CHAPIN NOVEMBER 18, 1968 ------------------------------------------------------- Concerning a requeat from Congreeswoman Fra1ces Bolton (eee attached Me~o), do you don­ aldsr thIs a CongreSsIonal matter that YOU wl11 handls. 0' should I phone Congresewomen Bolton I ewalt your reply. November 12, 1968 - 1,40 PM TO: Dwil2ht Chapin RMW Irene Lewis, AS~lstant t.o Congress,,",oman France. 'Bolton called to speak with you, Mrs,. Bolton met,t ~t'" RN next week. She is in Cleveland now but wIll be ~01nl! ~,Jungton On S ... turd...y and will come to New York to se" hem "l h~s/:,onvenlence. unless RN is going t.o be in W~shington neXl '4Iee; nd could see her al that time. , L­ C'" .... 1_ "-..,.' ~ MEMORANDUM TO; D",igr,t Chapin Bob Haldeman - --- FROM: Rose Mary Woods ~r&. Frances bolton's secret~r~ c3lled again ti,is mornIng tD ~sll: abDut an appDintJlJent fur Mrs. Boltun next week with the President-Elect -- either 1n Wash1ngtun ur New Yurko ' ..... 0_ =~"D, ~"•. ~'._ "'-'H O. """"""••x ~~ _,.,"," ........ ,,--,-, _ •. "C~~.~... .... ""'... L "_.... • _ _ ~"""'._",••_o_ '~H. 'U~".".', .-••, L ~.~. "'_~ c. ,...,. "'w." ~'U.'._ ..,""". ""0" =~,.'_ &OW..D •• '-0. MD. ."H'.'''''"D__ ._ .,H,..~."'. M'" ""...........-'''"... - O~tober 23, 1968 Mr. Ri~hard Nixo~ Post Offi~e Box 1'168 Tl.llles SqUll.re S.......ion Nev York, N. Y. 10036 De...... Di~l<.: Your O~tober 11 sta."elnent In Dallas, "Fair P1J>.y For The Ca..tle Industry," vas very v"ll received by the livestOCk industry. Its timely rel"...s" served to firm up in a most positive way the dis­ cussians several of us have been having with leaders in the :field &nd ve ...re most gr&tef~l to yo~ for the forthright ...nd explicit poaition taken in Dallas. A couple of weekS ago, I trMlllilitted to Jahn Mitchell by phone the request of th~ American National C&ttleln~n's Association for a conference ~ith yo~~111 KadaR of Cedsr ya.~, ~~~~I, A"lISocatlCm president, and tva or thn:e or his "'99ociate~ v...,.,t.,d ..0 Bee you at your convenience anywhere, prior to the election" John Mitch.,ll suggested that 1 propose & delRy of such conf~rence lilIt11' an., .. the electiOn, ~o 1;""e Jit 'lie "UI'~~ns plaee~ nj)Ull yon-" Md-ll-1:ao---t-a-&tlOV for a ."'-9_re lei&UJ"~ consJ:derahon or'ffie points th'iy'sougllft:oestahl1sh. -- --_. I was succes3ful in getting them to d~r~r their request ,mtil ~fter the election. H~ever, this letter i~ being vritten so that the request is ccnsidered as renewed &nolo 30 that it vill be placed On the list for those times ~hen you ~ll accept deleg...tions of this type. Naturally, tbey want to allow you ... chance to ..est up a bit from the rigors or the camp&i~ which is entirely the order or the d&y. If your office would let my oftiee know a time and pla~e convenient, in due time, I vill follow ~p ~ith Mr. Hous~'a group. It ~ill number nO mOre than thre~ or four. Mr. De&n Pohlenz, my Ad!ll:lnlstratiy~ Assista.nt in W...shington, Can carry 00 shOUld I not he available personally. With kindest persou&l regards. Rana.n L. Hruska RLH:hh U, S. Senator, Nebraska cc; John Mitchell OFFICE OF THE PRES'OEHT_EI..ECT r---'A'C"T~;O R,CHARD M. NIKON TID_ SCIit:O!ILr. " . W"5MIN<iTON, D.C. ~~O~t~~'7"'~:V£~--- Mr;-P"eter Flanigan \¥l!t,-, t,;; ';;J Hotel Pierre ~ Office of the President-Elect "Rr 5th Avenue at 61st Street Jf r":S;:;"GE ~ /lsnAF.EA5SURf;AU--~- New York City, N. Y. " r O-'IiEIl ---­ Dear Peter; ~ APPOINTMENT OFFICE I t was pleasant to chat wi th you on the telephone lase night and 1 do appreciate your taking time out of your very heavy schedule to di5CUSS several possibilities for a post in the new Administr<ltion. Pursuant to your request for additional in­ formation on my Congressional and military activities and back­ ground, I submIt the following as perhaps bearing upon my fitness and qualifications for the positions to which I aspire. My number one preference is for a post in the Department of the N<lvy as one of the several Assistant Secretaries (Manpower and Reserve Affairs). I have had over twenty years of service and close association in and with the regular and reserve components of the naval establ ishm~nt. I saw combat service in the navy during World War 1'. and presently hold the ranI-; of Colonel, l!.S. Marine Corps Reserve. I have served in the navy at sea, and am familiar with naval custom and usage. I am convinced that I could render significant service to the country, the r,<lval service, and the Nixon administration as an Assistant Secretary. My second preference for service would be as the American Ambass· ;;dor to New Zealand. In this connection I should point out that during my fourteen years in the Congress, I served for that period on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. During the Eisenhower Administration (B3rd Congress), I lola .. Chairman of the Inter-American sub-committee of the parent corrmi ttee.
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