COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - Session of 1975 159th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 Referred to Committee on Transportation. The House convened at 1 p.m., e.s.t. By Messrs. NOVAK, TRELLO, MISCEVICH, MRKONIC, COWELZ, Mrs. GILLETTE, Mrs KERNICK, THE SPF.AKER (Herbert Fineman) IN THE CHAIR Messrs. ITKIN, McGRAW, M. M. MULLEN, PRAYER REVEREND DOCTOR DAVID R. HOOVER, chaplain of BELLOMINI, TAYLOR, TAYOUN, VALICENTI, the House of Representatives and pastor of St. Paul's McCALL, LEDERER, MYERS, GEISLER, CAPUTO, Lutheran Church, McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, offcred FLAHERTY, McLANE, WANSACZ, BRUNNER, the folluwing prayer: PETRARCA, SALOOM, LETTERMAN and SHUMAN HOUSE RILL No. 289 0 God, in the glorious creation of our world, Thou hast An Act amending the "Pennsylvania Urban Mass Trans- shown forth the of my glory the strength of portation Assistance Law of 1967," approved January 22, Thy power. Make us conscious of the truth that Tkou art 1968 (p, L, 42, N~,8), providing for kee local transit continually creating as Thou dost breathe into each new- service for permanently hsabled persons who are amhu- born babe the breath of life. Make us awarc of the latory and the mentally retarded. fact that Thou dost constantly work in the hearts and lo Committee on minds of men to bring about Thy will and way. Make us sensitive to the still small voice which speaks through By Messrs. BRANDT, WESTERBERG and LEHR the conscience of each of us to make known the pathway HOUSE BILL No. 290 which Thou wouldst have us follow. Mercifully vouch- An Act naming a bridge ovw the Susquehanna River, safe to make us the workmen of Thy power as Thou hast Wright,s Ferry Bridge. made us co-heirs of Thy glory. In Thy blest name, wc pray. Amen. Referred to Committee on State Government. By Messrs. KUSSE, BENNETT, WESTERBERC, JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED I SCHMITT and PUTT HOUSE BILL No. 291 The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the An .\ct a!l!tnd~ng lh~~"Pcnnsy:\';.nl.. S j1.d U'..FIL11:111- Journal for Wednesday, February 5, 1975, will be post- I A, npprl.~t.dJuly 31. I:l6X 11'. I. ;?8, N . 241 , poned until printed. ord\.lJinr iur ccrt:,in munlcio~l11lt:sI ~~ICI\,LL Strll.: kubsldy and malung an approprlatlon HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Referred to Committee on Conservation By Mrs. GILLETTE, Messrs. MORRIS, GEESEY and By Messrs. McCUE and PETRARCA WILSON HOUSE BILL No. 286 HOUSE BILL No. 292 An Act amending the "Public Utility Law," approved An Act making an appropriation to the Fepartment of May 28, 1937 (P. L. 1053, No. 286), prohibiting retroactive Public Welfare for establishment and operation of a med- rates and further providing for voluntary changes m rates ical facility in Armstrong County. and temporary rates. Referred to Committee on Appropriations. Referred to Committee on Consumer Protection I By Messrs. KLINGAMAN, LAUDADIO, RENWICK, YAHNER, HALVERSON, R. W. WILT, HOUSE BILL No. 287 / DOMBROWSKI, SALOOM, BENNETT, MORRIS, An Act amending the "Pennsylvania Public La?ds Act," GRIECO, NOYE, KUSSE, W. W. FOSTER and approved July 9, 1959 (P. L. 510, No. 1371, prohlbltlng a A. K. HUTCHINSON HOUSE BILL No. 293 fee simple transfer of publlc land except by statute. An Act amending "The Game Law," approved June 3, Referred to Committee on Conservation. 1937 (P. L, 1225, No. 316), increasing the maximum pur- I chase price per acre the commission may pay for land. 1%I. Kl:SSE, T:ISNSIS(;ER. HENWICK. Referred to Committee on Game and Fisheries. II.4I.VERSOS. GEOILGi:. LE\'I. CI:UBEI{I..\SD and KLINGAMAN HOUSE BILL No. 288 1 BY Messrs. RHODES. BERSON, IRVIS, SCIRICA, An Act amending the "Forest Reserves Municipal Fi- -HASKELL, W. D. HUTCHINSON and nancial Relief Law," approved May 17, 1929 (P. L. 1798, PRENDERGAST HOUSE BILL No. 294 No. 591). increasing the amount of money paid for road benefits. An Act regulating the use of certain firearms and am- February 10, munition by police officers and privately employed agents An Act amending "The Administrative Code of 1929," and providing a penalty. approved April 9, 1929 (P. L. 177, No. 175), providing that the Department of Justice shall furnish legal opinions to Referred to Committee on Law and Justice. the General Assembly on certain matters. By Messrs. ARTHURS, GREEN, STOUT, KOLTER, Referred to Committee on Judiciary. MILANOVICH, A. K. HUTCHINSON, BURNS, TURNER and W. D. HUTCHINSON By Messrs. ANDERSON, GEESEY, DORR, HOUSE No. 295 A. C. FOSTER, LEHR and MEBUS HOUSE BlLL No. 302 A Supplement to the "Housing Authorities Law;' ap- proved May 28, 1937 (P. L. 955, No, 265), providing for An Act amending the "Inheritance and Estate Tax Act civil service protection for certain employees of cerhain of 1961," approved June 15, 1861 (P. L. 373, No. 207), ex- housing authorities. tending the six percent taxatlon level to certain brothers and sisters. Referred to Committee on Labor Relations. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. By Messrs. ARTHURS, SHUMAN, TAYLOR, KOLTER, By \lessrs. WILSON, SCII.MITT, HENSINGER, MILANOVICH, A. K. HUTCHINSON and BURNS .\I. E. MILLEH. WRIGHT. HL'HSS. C'VSSXn. HOUSE BILL No. 296 KNEPPER and'7.0~~ ' HOUSE BILL'No. 303 An Act amendl;:g "The Fourth to Eighth Class County Assessment Law, approved May 21, 1943 (P. L. 571, No. An Act pro\.ldlng f.>r thc public rbs;ll sulu r.f incunlr by 254), requiring exemptions from certaln personal taxes. all publ~c~ffic.r;,ls 2nd vandidstcs for clwtt\rt. ufiwc :,,N\ tilt rlmc cmalovrcs: de11n.11~ccl-tail, terms:~, ~recl.ldllnc - Referred to Committee on Local Government. and ianncr of filiig such disclosures; impo&gcertG powers and duties on certain wublic administrative of- Bv Messrs. ARTHURS. SHUMAN. TAYLOR. KOLTER. ficers; and providing penalties MILANOVICH, A. K. HUTCHINSON HUTC BURNS / Referred to committee on State Government. HOUSE~~ ~ BILL-- No. 297 By Messxs. YAHNER and W. W. WILT An Act amending "The Local Tax Enabling Act;' ap- proved December 31, 1965 (P. L. 1257, No. 5111, requiring HOUSE BILL No. 304 exemptions from certain taxes. An Act amending "The Clean Streams Law," approved Referred to Committee on Local Government. June 22, 1937 (P. L. 1987, No. 394), permitting the De- partment of Environmental Resources to certify ccertain laboratories. By Messrs. ZEARFOSS, WORRILOW, LYNCH, Mrs. WHITTLESEY. Messrs. PANCOAST. RYAN. Referred to Committee on Conservation. BUTERA, BEREN, M~S. CRAWFORD, Messn. By Messrs YAHNER, W. W. WILT, RENWICK, E. H. SMITH, SCIRICA, YOHN, Mrs. FAWCETT, WEIDNER, RENNINGER and THOMAS Messrs. GALLAGHER, POLIm, WILSON, BURNS, HOUSE BILL No. 305 WEIDNER. O'CONNELL. GWEN. M. E. MILLER. PITTS, VROON, WRIGHT, DOYLE; MORRIS, An Act amending "The Administrative Code of 1929," MEBUS, McCLATCHY, M. E. MILLER, JR., PYLES, approved April 9, 1929 (P. L. 177, No. 175), authorizing the Department of Environmental Resources to lease cer- GARZIA, BERLIN, O'KEEFE, STAPLETON, tain rlghts-of-way across State property under the juris- GILLESPIE and McGINNIS HOUSE BILL No. 298 diction of the department. An Act amending "The ha1Tax Enabling Act," ap- Referred to Committee on Conservation. proved December 31, 1965 (P. L. 1257, No. 511), further providing for credits. By Messrs. ECKENSBERGER, ZORD, DOYLE, Referred to Committee on Local Government. ZELLER, SHUMAN, DiCARLO, CUMBERLAND, BARBER, LEHR, DAVIS, MRKONIC, POLITE, By Messrs. SHELHAMER, S. E. HAYES, A. C. FOSTER, GI-CO, Mrs. GI-TTE, Messrs. PRAm, DORR, DIETZ, KLLNGAMAN, DeVERTER, GALLEN, REED, TAYLOR, RHODES, FLAWERTY, RITTER Mrs. WHITTLESEY, Messrs. L. E. SMITH, ZELLER and ZWIKL HOUSE BILL No. 306 and DAVIS zs9 An Act providing for assistance for innocent victims of crime; creating the Criminal Injuries Compensation An Act amending the ,,Public Welfare approved Board and. providing fof its powers and duties; prescrib- J~~~ 13, 1967 (p. L. 31, NO. 21), prohibiting increases in assistance without specific statutory authorization. ing penalties; and malung an approprlat~on Referred to Committee on Law and Justice. Referred to Committee on Health and Welfare. By Mcssrs. SULLlV.LY, .\ILGISNIS, \V,\SS.AC%. By Messrs PETRARCA, MANDERINO, STOUT, I PIEVSKY, I.EUEHER. GALLEN. PYLI.:S, KOLTER, I\ K. HEI'CIIISSOS, IIHENDERG.ZST MCCLATCHY and Gs. FAWCETT SCH.\II'l"l'. WILSOS, SIIUR1.4S i.nd 1.AUI)ADIO I HOUSE BlLL No. 301 HOUSE BILL No. 300 1 An Act amending the "Li uor Code," approved April 12, An Act amending "The Vehicle Code," approved April 1951 (P.L. 90, No. 21), furaes providing for the employ- 29, 1959 (P. L. 58, No. 32), further providing for emer- ment of minors. gency exits and seats in school buses. Referred to Committee on Liquor Control. Referred to Committee on Transportation. I Uy Mr7;srs SULLIVAN, ~ILGINSIS,PIEVSKY, By Messrs. ANDERSON, GEESEY, LEHR, LEDEIIER, A. K HETCHlNSON. CAPUTO. A. C. FOSTER, DORR, S. E. HAYES, DIETZ and BELLOMINI, DOMBROWSKI aid WORRI~W MEBUS HOUSE BILL NO. 301 HOUSE BILL No. 308 LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE An Act amending the "Liquor Code," approved .April Act," approved Allgust 15, 1961 (P. L. 987, No. 4421, chang- 12, 1951 (P. L. 90, No. 21), establishing the salar~esof ing the monetary amount of contracts subject to the act. the chairman and members of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. Referred to Committee on Labor Relations. Referred to Committee on Liquor Control. I By Mr. THOMAS HOUSE BILL No. 316 An Act amending the "Civil Service Act," approved By Messrs. M. E. and August 5, 1941 (P. L. 752, No. 286), providing for the BURNS HOUSE BILL No. 309 inclusion of sewage and water treatment plant and distri- b~tionsystem operators in the classified service, and pro- A Joint Resolution amending the of vidlng for their compensation.
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