The Oldest Continuously Published Masonic Newspaper In The United States MASONIC HOME, KENTUCKY 40041 128 TH Year of Publication May, 2012 Number 8 Highland Lodge 311 of West Liberty May & June District Meetings Disaster Relief in Action DISTRICT 6 Pewee Valley Lodge, turn right, MAY 12 then first left onto Kavanugh Rd. ——— Gene Snyder to Exit 30 (Pewee Jerry Fletcher Valley/Anchorage) turn onto D.D.G.M. 6 Hwy. 146 E to Crestwood, turn right onto Kavanugh Rd.; just be - The annual fore 3rd red light from Gene Sny - meeting of Dis - der. Kavanugh Rd. is across the trict 6 will be railroad tracks from Pewee Val - held on Saturday, May 12, 2012 ley Lodge No. 829. Turn right at the Scottish Rite Temple, 668 across tracks then first left. South Park St., Madisonville, Church is located on the right. Kentucky. Lunch will be at 12 noon for Master Masons and their ladies. DISTRICT 10 Meeting to follow at 1:00 p.m. MAY 18 Yocum Lodge No. 897 of Evarts, Kentucky and Wallins Lodge No. Directions: Madisonville Scot - ——— 666 of Wallins, Kentucky recently traveled to West Liberty with just tish Rite Temple is located at 668 Carl Moody over $2,000.00 in food, personal items, water, bedding and clothes for South Park Street, Madisonville, D.D.G.M. 10 the people of West Liberty who were devastated by the March torna - Kentucky, across from the City The annual does. The Lodges also mailed a donation to Highland Lodge 311 who Park. meeting of Dis - lost their Lodge in the storm. This is what the foundation of the Ma - trict 10 will be sonic Fraternity is about... Mason’s not just helping Mason’s, Mason’s DISTRICT 8 held on Friday, May 18, 2012 at “just helping.” MAY15 South Warren High School, ——— 8140 Nashville Rd., Bowling Nathaniel Green, Kentucky. Rock Highland Lodge 311 of West Liberty D.D.G.M. 8 Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. (cst) for Master Masons and Breakfast Fundraiser The annual their ladies. Meeting to follow at meeting of Dis - 7:00 p.m. A Bluegrass Band will trict 8 will be held on Tuesday, provide the music for the ladies. May 15, 2012 at the Ohio County - Directions: 4 miles South of Community Center, 130 East Bowling Green, on 31 West. Washington Street Suite 106, Hartford, Kentucky 42347. Meeting to start at 7:00 p.m. – Continued on page 2 – (cst). DISTRICT 17 MAY 17 INSIDE THIS ISSUE... ——— Lawrence F. District Meetings 1, 2 Thompson Grand Masters Message 2 D.D.G.M. 17 Grand Secretary 3 The annual meeting of Dis - Service Awards 4 Lancaster Lodge No. 104 held a breakfast fundraiser for the trict 17 will be held on Thursday, Community Outreach 4 May 17, 2012 at Crestwood Brothers of Highland Lodge No. 311 who lost their Lodge during the Masonry at the Downs 4 March tornadoes. Brother Leonard Edwards, (left) Senior Warden of United Methodist Church, 7214 Lancaster Lodge No. 104 is shown, presenting Leslie Smith, (right) Kavanugh Rd., Crestwood, Ken - Officers 5 Secretary of Highland Lodge No. 311 a check for $1200.00. Brother tucky 40014. Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. (est) Masonic News 6, 7, 10, 16 Leonard collected additional donations of $500.00 from Wilmore for Master Masons and their Lodge No. 922 and Hart Lodge No. 61. A very special thanks to all Resolutions of Respect 12 ladies. Meeting to follow at 7:00 the Brothers from the many Lodges who attended the breakfast and p.m. By-Laws, Notices 12 gave to assist Brothers in need. Directions: I-71 to Exit 14 Masonic Directory 14, 15 – Community Outreach continued on page 4 – (Crestwood); go into Crestwood, cross railroad tracks in front of Page 2 MASONIC HOME JOURNAL May, 2012 – District Meetings continued from page 1 – DISTRICT 11 DISTRICT 19 Master Masons only. Meeting to MAY 19 MAY 22 follow at 1:00 p.m. ——— ——— Directions: Hwy 321 to Hwy Les Russell Robert H. 1107; turn right onto Rt. 302; ap - D.D.G.M. 11 Smith prox. 2 miles, Lodge is on the left, D.D.G.M. 19 The annual School House Hollow Rd. Follow The annual the signs. Assisted parking will meeting of Dis - be provided. trict 11 will be meeting of Dis - held on Satur - trict 19 will be held on Tuesday, day, May 19, 2012 at the North May 22, 2012 at Covington Scot - tish Rite, 1553 Madison Ave., Cov - DISTRICT 29 Metcalfe Elementary School, JUNE 2 Center Sulpher Well Rd., Ed - ington, Kentucky 41011. ——— monton, Kentucky 42129. A special dinner theater will be Bobby Thomas Lunch will be served at 12 at 6:30 p.m. (est) for Master Ma - D.D.G.M. 29 sons only. Dinner will be served in noon the meeting to follow at The annual TERRY L. BOWMAN 1:00 p.m. Bring you own aprons. the setting of Shattuck’s Inn, May Grand Master meeting of Dis - Directions: I-65 South to the 22, 1775 and will feature a Ma - trict 29 will be Horse Cave exit; turn left onto sonic Play “The Fight” depicting held on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at KY 218 take KY 218 through Colonial and Loyalist Brothers at Perry County Central High School, Grand Horse Cave and approx. 15 miles an after-Lodge supper. The Dis - 305 Park Ave., Hazard, Kentucky until KY 677 South and KY 218 trict Meeting will follow in the 41701. Master’s intersect with KY 314 turn right; newly restored auditorium. Direc - Dinner will be at 5:30 p.m. for approx. 3 miles KY 318 to James tions: 12th Street exit from I-75; go Master Masons only. Meeting to Message F. Keel #320 Lodge; turn right east to Madison Ave; turn right. follow at 7:00 p.m. and go to the other end of Center Directions: Entering Hazard Brethren, bear left and take the Center DISTRICT 24 from either direction on Hwy. 15, MAY 24 take the Ky 550 exit, turn left, All of the Lodges that were Sulpher Wells Rd. approx 3.1 continue about 1 mile, Perry placed on Probation will be re - miles; the school will be on the ——— James Hayes Central High School on right. stored to good standing if you at - right. DO NOT VEER RIGHT D.D.G.M. 24 Question: [email protected] tend your District Meeting. The ONTO KY 1243. Educational Meetings are so very The annual important for the future of our meeting of Dis - DISTRICT 23 Fraternity. Every Officer of every trict 24 will be JUNE 9 Lodge should attend these Meet - held on Thursday, May 24, 2012 at ——— ings every year. They change George Rogers Clark High School, Paul Todd 620 Boone Ave., Winchester, Ken - Jones each year with new and better in - D.D.G.M. 23 formation. tucky 40391. Officers, please read the Book Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. for The annual Master Masons only. Meeting to meeting of Dis - of Constitutions concerning what June 30, 2012 is the deadline your duties are and learn what follow at 7:00 p.m. trict 23 will be held on Saturday, for all Lodges to be online with the June 9, 2012 at New Rowan your Lodge can and cannot do. Grand Lodge Office. We will help There seems to be so much confu - DISTRICT 25 County Middle School, 499 Viking you anyway we can, but do not JUNE 1 Dr., Morehead, Kentucky 40351. sion concerning Lodges that want wait till the last minute. The Sec - to Consolidate. The BOC is a good ——— Lunch will be at 12 noon for retaries I have talked to say the Bobby Griggs Master Masons only. Meeting to place to find the answers to your program really speeds up their D.D.G.M. 25 questions. follow at 1:00 p.m. work. The annual Directions: from Lexington The Masonry Matters Pro - meeting of Dis - take I-64 East to Morehead Exit gram that is and will be discussed trict 25 will be 137 West; turn left onto 32 to - at all the District Meetings is truly held on Friday, June 1, 2012 at ward Flemingsburg; turn left The Oldest Continuously one of the best programs a Lodge Madison Central High School, onto KY 3531; take first left onto Published Masonic Newspaper can do for the Community. The vi - Richmond, Kentucky. Viking Drive. In The United States sionary for this Program is our Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. for Worthy Brother and Justice of the Master Masons only. Meeting to OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Kentucky Supreme Court, Bill DISTRICT 27 follow at 7:00 p.m. JUNE 9 THE GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY Cunningham. We all owe Brother Directions: Madison Central ——— First Issue June 14, 1883 Cunningham a debt of gratitude High School is located at 705 Issued the First of Each Month Ernest DEADLINE - Copy for each issue must be received by for sharing his idea with us, but North Second Street, Richmond, Romans the 10 of the month. knowing Bill; he does it for the love Kentucky 40475. D.D.G.M. 27 Published monthly by Grand Lodge of Kentucky of the Fraternity and the Com - Masonic Home, KY 40041 The annual monwealth of Kentucky. Non-members $8.00 per year. DISTRICT 28 meeting of Dis - Thank you very much Resolutions of Respect . 50¢ a Line JUNE 2 trict 27 will be held on Saturday, Lodge Notices and By-Laws Notices .
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