>a/u7 gsssrai ^ lr* "fp 0 i80> W SURREY TIMES. *SgggM.,B. 6* No. 23. CLOVERDALE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SEPTEMBER 6, 1895. Vol. 1. LOOAL ITEWS. Items From Tinehead, is situated convenient to his resi­ $(i.50; M. K. Harrington, ucc. con- I HAVE BEEN APPOINTED Prom an OouuBlniml Ci>rruR|>ouilunt. dence and bus the requisite plant tract on Clover Valley 'road, $20 ; HABVEBT is over in this part of Messrs. Inglis and Davis, the for doing such necessary repairs us .1. Armstrong, Reeve;' monies paid the district. acting trustees of Serpentine are required in the business of the to witness for bill, $17.36; J. Appel agent for the celebrated TIIK Feasor bridge business is ex­ school district aro to be con­ farm, Tbe drainage done on tlie cutting trees Hull's Prairie road, ceedingly Hut these times. gratulated upon securing a first tho land should also be mentioned. $1.50; E. M. Camcross, .tuxes re­ class teacher for the school for the Alreudy in the arable portion about mitted to W. Sniilli for use of road Si'iiiiny TIMKS till the oml of the cm-rent year. Mr. Fraser, the 30 acres havo been thoroughly un­ to haul gravel, $22.20; E. M.t'imi- year for 25 cents cash in advance. late teacher, whose services had der-drained, and of the romainder eross, tuxes remitted to S. Walker been highly acceptable to the dis­ the main drains huve been formed for cutting thistles on Keith estate, Raymond Sewing Machines Mu. J. BABTOM is building n trict, could not bo re-engaged for und ure in operation. Tlie minor $9 ; George Boothroyd, work ou burn on his property just south of another term, be having accepted drains arc on an average 30 feet Boothroyd road, $10; .1. Edwards, Cloverdnle. and in future will carry a stuck oi Uie Lates Styles of Machines, also a position witli a larger salary apart and are 2 feet wide and 3 work on Quible road, $24; Wood & Needles, Oil, &c, ivo. Prices arc so low and terms so easy that MONDAY lust was Labor Day, from tlie Vancouver school board. feet deep. Tlie mains are 6 feet linker, Insurance on hall, $22.50; it will not pay you to lie without one. nnd a legal holiday, The harvest­ In country school districts it oc­ deep und -I feet wide and uro con­ Howay & Reid, costs Draper ap­ ing proceeded as usual. casionally happens that one structed and covered in ou the peal, $85 j A.. A. Richmond, salary obstreperous trustee may cause same plan us tlio minors, the July and August,$88.50; .1. Crutch- Every Machine Guaranteed. TIIKIIK will be a special anniver­ some friction, more or loss acute, planking being 6 to 8 inches thick. ley, work on White Rook, Wash. sary service in tlie Methodist in tlie whole district, of which Ser­ Stumping and grubbing the land Ave, $40; Stanley Richmond, ace. Church on Sunday next. pentine experienced a brief period is going on daily, u capstan witli u salary as care taker, $3; .1. C. Wil­ last your, happily soon ended by wire calilo being the chief power son, ace. contract Nicomekl bridge, RAIN, rain, beautiful rain I Tho tlie retirement of the somewhat implement employed. The method $400; E. M. Carncross, ucc. com­ STILL SELLING beautiful snow can be dispensed factious representative to tlie re­ of treating the reclaimed land used mission, $75; C. S. Corrigan, regis­ with, but rain is au essential. freshing coolness of a socllro and by Mr. Balfour is to prepare and try office fees, $3li; G. A. llootli­ TIIK Surrey exhibition draws commodious cellar. sow it with clover and grain, the royd, ucc. contruct Coast Meridian closo, Two weeks from next Wed­ Mr. D. M. Robertson, one of our object being to fertilize the earth road, $3(1.95; Bank of Britisli Col­ STOVES AT COST. nesday and It will bo with us. with nitrogenous matter, the roots umbia, balance of loun, $1,500 and most enterprising settlers, shot a of the cloVer acting as an agent to interest, $55—$1,555. Hardware, 1'iilnls & Oils, Tinware, (li-unltoware, etc. TIIK Oddfellows of Cloverdale fine bear a short timo ago. Tlie this end. In tlie matter of wheat will bold thoir annual ball this dressed head makes a fine trophy. culture, Mr. Balfour has imported Council adjourned to meet on evening, Sept. litli, in the!" hull Mr. Peter Anderson has com­ the seed of the hard variety from Saturday, Sept. 14, at 1 p. in. hero. A large attendance is antici­ menced tho construction of a fine Edmonton, and has this year suc­ A. GODFREY, New Westminster, B.O. pated, house. Tlie building will bo a cessfully grown fine specimens of Ottawa, Sept. 4.—The seperate handsome one well finished the Red Fife, and he contends sohools all opened yesterday. Tlie Mas. (imi. CAMI'IIKI.I, went to throughout. that hurd wheat may be grown only concession which bus been Vancouver on Tuesday, ns delegate The crops in this settlement are made lo those who huve been fight- to the Sunday School Convention, here in perfection provided the turning out well, and we rejoice seed is imported and not grown ing against the engagement of Parnell & Gunn, which is sitting in the termlnial in a bountiful harvest. The acreage Christian Brothers us teachers, is city tliis week. from seed raised in this locution, is much larger than heretofore. UB the moist climate hus u soften­ that the Garneau school is to be conducted by Sisters instead oi A FEW trout are being taken in A well has been put down on the ing effect on tho gruin. Serpentine school grounds) and the Brothers. The other three schools, the streams here, but tlie usual full which tlio Brothers conducted, are run seems to be late. The first pupils have now an abundant Other purticulurs of interest re­ supply of splendid water. A served for u future notice, not tn again under their charge, So The Westminster Grocers freshet will no doubt bring them that tho trouble is not yet over. up from the sea in abundance. peculiarity of the well was noticed encrouch upon your valued space. in the digging. It would be found It is reported that a mandamus FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, CHOPPED FEED partly filled with earth some morn­ Surrey Council. will bo issued by Trustee Moffet ings, although the Bides showed no against tbe Brothers being per­ and Feed Merchants. BRAN, SHORTS, ROLLED OATS, etc.. evidence of having caved in. It Council met in Town Hull, Sur­ mitted to teach in any of the TRY YOUDALL & SINCLAIR, NEW must have caved up from the rey Centre, on Saturday) Aug. 31, schools, in face of tlio report ui the WESTMINSTER. bottom. at 1 p. m., all the members present. commission appointed by the gov­ Minutes of previous meeting were ernment to enquire into the schools. , a , read and confirmed. WE have received a copy of the Langley Township, Call and see them, and Save Money Richmond Agricultural Society's Communications wero read from prize list for 1895. The annual Correspondence SUBIIKV TIMKB. the following; IT is stated that .Mr. Justice exhibition will be held at Steves­ About three miles from the town, Depart ment of Finance, enclosing Crease will shortly retire from lie when in Town. ton on Friday and Saturday, Sept. reached by a pleasant path through cheques for $79(1 und $800, boing bench and A. J. McColl, li. C. of 13th and 14th. the woodsj there is situated the grants from the Government for New Westminster, be appointed to residence of one of our most im­ trunk roads, his place, FALDINO, the defaulting Supreme proving and enterprising settlers, Court Registrar of Westminster, R. Balfour Esq., of Beaver Park Wm. D. Johnson, calling atten­ PREVOST, the defaulting Victoria §#* Opposite C. P. R. Station; 807 Columbia St., Westminster, B. C who left for parts unknown on farm, who hus invested a large sum tion to Clover Valley road ditch Registrar, lias been beard irom .it August 23rd, was arrested at Spo­ in buildings and making clearings being filled by J. Park's cuttle.— Port Townscnd. Constable M.:- kane on Monday. Hb will be and improvements which are The Clerk wus authorized to notify Kennuj of Victoria) is after hire Wm. Johnston, brought buck to Westminster. wOrthy of notice, as being in ad­ Mr. Parks to repair damages to tlie and expected to have liim arrested vance of most of those which have ditcli liefore next Council meeting yesterday. THE last week has brought a or proceedings will be taken against THE LEADING DEALER been undertaken by others in the him. in all grades of change of weather. On Monday Municipality. The dwelling house J. C, PnBVOST, Registrar oi liie Auliiy Morrison) re. the Draper and Tuesday there was a light fall is a Commodious and picturesque Supreme Court at Victoria) and of rain, but it has now cleared erection with ornamental gables, appeal case; again, though there is a coolness spacious verandahs and bay win­ J. A. Foriii) re. Surrey vs. Munn. W. II. Fabling,occupyingI -imilar BOOTS AND SHOES. in the air that reminds one of ap­ dows) two stories in height with -Filed. position at Westminster, have both proaching autumn. Mrs. Katie George, notice of ap­ "skipped'' the country, takir^u Sole agent for the celebrated basement availuble for storage and other purposes. The rooihS) eight plication to transfer Surrey Hotel with them il large amount of pri­ REV.
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