Theme Main Menu Theme Session H What do fish learn in schools? Life cycle diversity within populations, mechanisms and consequences Conveners: Dave Secor (USA), Pierre Petitgas (France), Ian McQuinn (Canada), and Steve Cadrin (USA) Papers/Oral presentations Code Author(s), title and keywords H:01 Authors: Steve Cadrin, Matthias Bernreuther, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Einar Hjörleifsson, Torild Johansen, Lisa Kerr, Kristjan Kristinsson, Stefano Mariani, Christophe Pampoulie, Jákup Reinert, Fran Saborido-Rey, Thorsteinn Sigurdsson and Christoph Stransky Title Mechanisms and consequences of life cycle diversity of beaked redfish, Sebastes mentella Keywords: stock identification, redfish, Sebastes mentella H:02 Authors: L. A. Kerr, S. X. Cadrin, and D. H. Secor Title Consequences of spatial structure and connectivity to productivity and persistence of local and regional populations Keywords: population structure, connectivity, metapopulation, population persistence H:03 Authors: Michael J. Wilberg, Brian J. Irwin, Michael L. Jones, and James R. Bence Abstract Title Effects of source-sink dynamics on harvest policy performance for yellow perch in southern Lake Michigan Keywords: Perca flavescens, stock-recruitment relationship, harvest control rules; density dependent growth, metapopulation; spatial management H:04 Authors: Christopher Glass and Huseyin Ozbilgin Abstract Title Fish escapement from fishing gears: the role of learning Keywords: behaviour, learning, social facilitation H:05 Authors: Mikael van Deurs, Christina Frisk, Asbjørn Christensen, and Henrik Mosegaard Title Adaptive foraging behaviour and the role of the overwintering strategy Keywords: adaptive foraging; overwintering; Ammodytes marinus H:06 Authors: Julian Dodson, Nadia Aubin-Horth, Véronique Thériault, and David Paez Title Sexual selection, resource polymorphism and the evolution of partial migration: lessons from anadromous salmonids Keywords: partial migration, frequency dependant selection, resource polymorphism, population divergence. H:07 Authors: Daniel E Duplisea, Michael Frisk, and Verena Trenkel Title Has cumulative habitat destruction and fragmentation caused systematic deviations from the expected interspecific occupancy-abundance relationship of the George’s Bank fishes? Keywords: occupancy-abundance, habitat fragmentation, extirpation, population recovery H:08 Authors: C. Harma, D. Brophy, and M. Clarke Abstract Title The long term Autumn-Spawning/Winter-Spawning component proportions in the Celtic Sea Keywords: long-term dynamics, herring stocks, Celtic Sea, spawning season component, life- cycle diversity H:09 Authors: Pierre Petitgas and Dave Secor Title Mechanisms that sustain life cycle closure in space and time Keywords: collapse, recovery, behaviour, life cycle diversity H:11 Authors: Geir Huse1, Anders Fernö, and Jens Christian Holst Abstract Title Establishment of new wintering areas in herring co-occur with peaks in recruit to spawner ratio Keywords: herring, migration, wintering H:12 Authors: Jay R. Rooker, David H. Secor, R. David Wells, and Richard T. Kraus Title Blue travelers: basin-scale connectivity of bluefin tuna and blue marlin in the American Mediterranean Keywords: bluefin tuna, blue marlin, population connectivity, movement H:13 Authors: Grégory Charrier Title Discrepancies between population genetic structure and adult migration patterns in cod (Gadus morhua) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus): evidences for entrainment ? Keywords: cod, whiting, Gadus morhua, Merlangius merlangus, genetic structure, migration, gene flow, natal homing, entrainment H:14 Authors: Graham D. Sherwood, Matthew J. S. Windle, Jonathan H. Grabowski, and George Abstract A. Rose Title Could ecotype variation have stacked the deck for harvest selection in Newfoundland cod? Keywords: Atlantic cod, life history, ecotype, resident, migrant, stable isotope, maturity, telemetry, Newfoundland H:15 Authors: Jonathan H. Grabowski and Graham D. Sherwood Abstract Title Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) alternate life-history strategies in the Gulf of Maine Keywords: cod, morphometrics, life-cycle diversity, ecotypes H:16 Authors: Alethea Barbaro, Baldvin Einarsson, Björn Birnir, Sven Sigurðsson, Héðinn Valdimarsson, Ólafur Karvel Pálsson, Sveinn Sveinbjörnsson, and Þorsteinn Sigurðssib Title: Simulations and scaling laws for a bioenergeticmodel of the Icelandic capelin stock Keywords: collective motion, fish migration, Icelandic capelin, interacting particle model, Mallotus villosus H:24 Authors: Michael Sinclair, Robert Stephenson, Michael Power, and Iain Suthers Abstract Title: Persistent aggregation and retention of herring larvae in the Bay of Fundy Keywords: larval retention, herring larvae, population connectivity, population structure Posters H:10 Authors: David H. Secor Abstract Title An update on Harden Jones’ migration triangle Keywords: partial migration, natal homing, biodiversity, portfolio effect, storage effect H:17 Authors: Sun-Do Hwang, Tae-Won Lee, and Il-Su Choi Title Environmental factors affecting the daily catch levels of glass eels Anguilla japonica in the Geum-river estuary, Korea Keywords: glass eel, Anguilla japonica, estuary, daily catch, environmental factor H:18 Authors: Anna Kuparinen, Sakari Kuikka, and Juha Merilä Abstract Title Phenotypic selectivity of fishing Keywords: fishing, Gadus morhua, life-history, phenotype, selection, selectivity, trait H:19 Authors: B. J. McAdam, T. B. Grabowski, and G. Marteinsdottir Title Morphological markers and the population structure of Icelandic cod Keywords: morphology, cod, Gadus morhua, population structure, behaviour, genetics H:20 Authors: Svetlana Piyanova, Andrey Petrov, and Nikolay Kokorin Title Assessment of ovary condition of Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni (Nototheniidae) from the Ross Sea Keywords: Antarctic toothfish, reproductive potential, maturity, oogenesis H:21 Authors: Salvador Peraltilla, Ramiro Castillo, Luis Vásquez, and Andrés Chipollini. Title Characteristics schools of Peruvian anchovy during the summer months 2003 to 2008 Keywords: schools, Peruvian anchovy, acoustics, costal cold waters, subtropical superficial waters, mixing waters H:22 Authors: Leonardo R. Castro, Nicolas Alegría, Pamela Barrientos, Jorge Castillo, Mauricio Landaeta, Sergio Lillo, María I. Muñoz, Edwin Niklitscheck, and A. Saaved Title Inner fjords and shelf break canyons: spawning habitats for the southern hake Merluccius australis and hoki Macruronus magellanicus in the Chilean Patagonia Keywords: alternative spawning habitats, hake, egg differences, Patagonia. H:23 Authors: Gloria Blanco; Agustín Fernandez; Ian McCarthy, and José A. Sánchez Title Life-history strategies and environmental variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Keywords: climate changes, life-history strategies, genetic variability .
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