3 -3 . P rov iding DisasterForeword I nformation by U tiliz ing Earth O bserv ation S atellite 3 -3 -1. S entinel Asia In 2018, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) ( 1 ) O b j ec t i v e celebraADRCted its 20conthti anniversary.nues to particip Toat coe inmm theemor Senatetine thisl Asia m ileproject.stone, T he project was launched in 2006 the Asianwith anConf oberencejective onof Disasterestablish Reductiing a disasteron (ACDR risk )management 2018 was system by making the use of held satelliteon Awa imagesji Island in inAsia. Hyog ADRCo, Japan, functions from as 30 the Oc focaltober po toint 1 to receive emergency observation request in the framework of the Sentinel Asia. U pon receiving a request, ADRC decides November 2018. It brought together 118 participants, including whether the request is appropriate and whether the emergency observation should be representatives of 25 member countries and one advisory implemented mainly by assessing the damages and casualties. B ased on its own judgment, country,ADRC as wewillll asforward other observersthe request and to partners,five space to ag takeencies, stock na ofmely, the ISRO (India), the JAX A ADRC’s(Jap anachievements), the GISTDA and (T hastrategizeiland), the futureK ARI programs(K orea), NARL and (Taiwan), CRISP (Singapore) , activMBities. RSC (Dubai) participating in the Sentinel Asia P roject. In accordance with the Cooperation Agreement between the U nited Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (U NOOSA) and ADRC signed on 4 June 2009 on the establishment of the ADRC In addition, ADRC and its member countries welcomed Turkey as a new member in 2018. U N-SP IDER Regional Support Office, the ADRC U N-SP IDER Regional Support Office has Turkeybeen is espronetabli stohed various within naturalADRC offidisasters,ce and operaas areted other by ADRC Asian staffcountries, memb suchers as as coord earthquakes,inators of floods,the and ADRC lands U N-SPlides. IDER In its RSO. recent history, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Izmit, located in northwesternADRC, Turkey, as a andU N-SP devastating IDER RSO, the localshou ldco mmthusun wority andk towa therds region’s ensur economy.ing the su I ccebelissfuevel that Turkey’simplementation experiences of the in UN managing-SP IDER natural W ork disastersP lan thereby will facilitaticontributeng furthercountries to increating Asia to a saferhave access to and develop the capacity to use space-based information to support the whole of Asia with ADRC and its member countries. disaster management cycle. ADRC has been promoting activities in the field of information-sharing, human resource development, community capacity-building, and regional cooperation in the Asian region since its establishment and we will further contribute to these activities going forward. In 2019, we will continue to encourage and focus attention on efforts such as GLIDE, to support our work monitoring the Sendai Framework and the SDGs, the Visiting Researcher program, to improve disaster risk reduction (DRR) capacity, and public-private partnerships to improve cooperation in utilizing effective technologies and affordable solutions in addressing DRR issues. As natural disasters have no boundaries, I sincerely appreciate your active cooperation across boundaries and borders to advance our work on DRR now and into the future. Fig.3-3-1 Flow of emergency observation March 2019 Masanori Hamada, Chairman Asian Disaster Reduction Center 20 3 . Col l ec ti on a nd D i ssem i na ti on of D i sa ster Infor m a tion Foreword Foreword In 2018, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) In 2018, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) celebrated its 20th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, celebrated its 20th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, the Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) 2018 was the Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) 2018 was held on Awaji Island in Hyogo, Japan, from 30 October to 1 held on Awaji Island in Hyogo, Japan, from 30 October to 1 November 2018. It brought together 118 participants, including November 2018. It brought together 118 participants, including representatives of 25 member countries and one advisory representatives of 25 member countries and one advisory country, as well as other observers and partners, to take stock of country, as well as other observers and partners, to take stock of ADRC’s achievements and strategize future programs and ADRC’s achievements and strategize future programs and activities. activities. Fig.3-3-2 Data P rovider Nodes of Sentinel Asia In addition, ADRC and its member countries welcomed Turkey as a new member in 2018. In addition, ADRC and its member countries welcomed Turkey as a new member in 2018. Turkey is prone to various natural disasters, as are other Asian countries, such as earthquakes, Turkey( 2 ) isI m pronep l em en to t avarious t i on of Snatural en t i n el disasters, A s i a S t ep as 3 are other Asian countries, such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides. In its recent history, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Izmit, located in floods, and- lands A steplides.-by-st Inep its app recentroach history, for the a magnimplemitudeenta 7.4tion earthquakeof Sentine lstruck Asia Izmwasit ,adop locatedted asin follows: northwestern Turkey, and devastating the local community and the region’s economy. I believe northwestern Turkey, and devastating the local community and the region’s economy. I believe - Step1: Implementation of the backbone Sentinel Asia data dissemination system that Turkey’s experiences in managing natural disasters will contribute further to creating a safer that Turkey’s- Step2: experiences Expansion in managing of the disse naturalmina disasterstion backbone will contribute with new further satellite to creatingcommunication a safer Asia with ADRC and its member countries. Asia with ADsystemsRC and its member countries. - Step3: Establishment of a comprehensive disaster management support system ADRC has been promoting activities in the field of information-sharing, human resource ADRC- has At bAPeeRSAF-n promo19ti (Asia-Png actiacviificties Regiin theona lfield Spac ofe Agenc informy atFoionrum,-sh AParing,RSAF) human held resourin K ualace Lumpur in December 2012, successful completion of Sentinel Asia Step 2 was declared. development, community capacity-building, and regional cooperation in the Asian region since development, community capacity-building, and regional cooperation in the Asian region since Sentinel Asia Step 3 has the following concept, based on experiences in Step 2 and user its establishment and we will further contribute to these activities going forward. In 2019, we its establishmrequenti reandments. we will further contribute to these activities going forward. In 2019, we will continue to encourage and focus attention on efforts such as GLIDE, to support our work will continue- A toba sicencourage continua andtion focusof Step attention 2 activities on efforts such as GLIDE, to support our work monitoring the Sendai Framework and the SDGs, the Visiting Researcher program, to improve monitoring- theExpans Sendaiion froFrameworkm response and (in the St epSDG 1 ands, the St epVisiting 2) to coResearcherver the mi program,tigation/ preparednes to improves disaster risk reduction (DRR) capacity, and public-private partnerships to improve cooperation disaster risk andreduc recotionver (DRR) y phases capac in theit y,di sasandter pub manliac-privategement cycle partnerships to improve cooperation - P articipation of various satellites: earth observation satellites, communication satellites, in utilizing effective technologies and affordable solutions in addressing DRR issues. in utilizing effective technologies and affordable solutions in addressing DRR issues. and navigation satellites - Further collaboration for operation As natural disasters have no boundaries, I sincerely appreciate your active cooperation across As natural- Fu disastersrther utiliza havetion no of boundaries, human network I sincerelying throug appreciateh capacit youry building active and cooperation outreach across boundaries and borders to advance our work on DRR now and into the future. boundaries and borders to advance our work on DRR now and into the future. ( 3 ) E m erg en c y O b s erv a t i on A c t i v i t i es i n t h e P a s t Despite the year to year changes in the number of requests, the ratio of activated numbers March 2019 March 2019 remains stable at around 80%. After a peak of 2010-2011, however, the number of requests Masanori Hamada, Chairman Masanori Hamada, Chairman reduced after ALOS, a laser sensor had stopped in May 2011, which might had affected the Asian Disaster Reduction Center number of requests. From January to December 2018, 31Asia emern Digencsastery obserReductivationons Center were 21 requested, 30 of which were underForewordtaken, after the operation of ALOS-2, and succeeding satellite of ALOS had started from November, 2014. In 2018,50 Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) celebrated its 20th anniversary. To43 commemorate this milestone, 40 the Asian Conf40 erence on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) 2018 was 36 35 34 held on Awaji Island in Hyogo, Japan, from 30 October to 1 32 31 31 3130 30 November 2018. It brought together 118 participants, including Request 24 25 2524 representatives of 25 member countries and one advisory (要請) 20 19 20 19 Activation 20 18 18 18 18 (発動) country, as well as15 other16 observers and partners, to take stock of ADRC’s achievements and strategize future programs and 10 activities. 0 In addition, AD200RC7 2and008 its20 09member2010 201cou1ntr 2012ies welcomed2013 2014 Turkey 2015 20as16 a new2017 member2018 in 2018. Turkey is prone to various Fig.3-3-3 natural Changes disasters, in the number as are of emerotherge ncyAsian obser countries,vation 2007-2018 such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides. In its recent history, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Izmit, located in Looking at the breakdown of type of disaster from 2007 to 2018, the ratio of flood occupies northwestern Turkey, and devastating the local community and the region’s economy.
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