TAKE PRIDE IN United States Department of the Interior AMERICA' NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. Box 37127 Washington. D.C. 20013-7127 IN REPLY REFER TO: The Director of the National Park Service is pleased to inform you that the following properties have been entered in the National Register of Historic Places. For further information call 202/343-9542. MAR I 7 1995 WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN ON PROPERTIES: 3/06/95 THROUGH 3/10/95 KEY: state. County, Property Name, Address/Boundary, City. Vicinity, Reference Number NHL Status, Action, Date, Multiple Name COLORADO, COSTILLA COUNTY, Smi t.h-Gallego House, Main St . San Luis "OOOSO^RBOVAL 2/27/95 ^ Colorado COLORADO. DENVER COUNTY, Broadway Bridee, Broadway Ave., Denver, 85000203, REMOVAL, 2/27/95 COLORADO, DENVER COUNTY, Shorthorn Building. 2257 Larimer St.. Denver '9000"»' COLORADO. PUEBLO COUNTY. McCarth^iL^se, 817 N. C- Ave Pueblo 6001122 R)EMOVAL. 2,,27/95 MAINE CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Fitch's General Store and House. Long Hill Rd., E side, at ]ct MAINE^ OXFORD ^COUNTy! Bam,,el D .. House. 162 Main St., Bethel, 95000216 PISCATAOUIS COUNTY. S!*^ Sh. , 950002:17 M ATI . 3/10/9 ^ :iNE, ro — ^ ^-¿r-S, — Ave., SE.. Grand Rapids, 95000073. NOMINATION, 2/27/95 Front St Missoula, 95000143, NOMINATION. 3/09/95 (Missoula MPS) MONTANA, MISSOULA COUNTY, Gleim Building II, 255--257W. Front St., Missouia NOMINATION 3/08/95 NEBRASKA, SEWARD COUNTY. Troyer Site, *^ess «estricted^ ,4i ^ =:y, 500015 • ~I0N, /0 NEW JERSEY, PASSAIC COUNTY, Paterson City Hall, 155 Market St.. Pat:arson, 95000212. NOMINATION, 3/10/95 NEW YORK GREENE COUNTY, Van Vechten, John. House, Susquehanna Tpk. (Co. Rd. 23B). Leeds, - YORK ORANGE COUNTY Peachcroft, River Rd., Montgomery, 95000211, NOMINATION. 3/10/95 ^RTHcL™GU™ m^ada Met hnd i s t Protestant Church and Cemetery, 5601 Liberty Rd., Greensboro, 95000231, NOMINATION, 3/10/95 k vicinity, 68000013, NORTH CAROLINA, HENDERSON COUNTY, Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, W of Flat Rock, Flat KocK y. NHL ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION, 3/09/95 surrounding the S. Yadkin R..N to NC 2156, NORTH CAROLINA. IREDELL COUNTY, Allison Woods, Roughly, area E and S of US 21 surrounding t qtatesville vicinity, 95000173, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 .. hl„,.ir«, nf F NORTH CAROLINA. STANLY COUNTY, Onera House--Starnes Jewelers Building. 127-133 W. Main St., Z™0LINA°9™ COUNTY, ^ Tea,ah Wi1 son. House, and Marks House, 112 N. Third St., Albemarle, 95000190, "^LINA^ COUNTY. hietorlc District (Boundary Increase,, Roughly bounded by E. Chatham. S. Hughes. S. Mason and E. Moore Sts. Apex, 95000210, BOUNDARY INCREASE, 3/1°'» V^hT^bX ng Rock 95000172. NOMINATION-, 3/09/95 NORTH CAROLINA, WATAUGA COUNTY, Bollinger-Hartley House, 423 N. Main St B:Lowxng Rock, 950 ^ OHIO. ASHTABULA COUNTY, Mother of Sorrows Church, 1500 W 6th St ^tabula , 95000171. OHIO, CARROLL COUNTY, Pottorf. Henrv and Mary. House and Farmstead, 4071 Meter Rd. , Mechamcstown y, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 Broadway Salem 95000167, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 OHIO COLUMBIANA COUNTY, Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, 244 S. Broadway, saiem, un . Ohio' COUNTY, Farmers National Bank, Jet, of Mal^ and Chillicothe Sts.. SW corner, Plain City, 95000168. 0HI0™0N3C0^. liars' and Sailors' Memorial Chanel, OH 423, E side, within Marion Cemetery, Marion. 95000169. PENNSYLVANIA^^GREENE COUNTY. -.eHe-e Zander V.. House. Jet. of second and Minor Sts., Greensboro, 95000114. NOMINATION, 3/09/95 (Greensboro--New Geneva MPS) Greensboro, 95000113. NOMINATION, PENNSYLVANIA, GREENE COUNTY. Greensboro Public School, Jet. of Second and Clear sts., 3/09/95 (Greensboro--New Geneva MPS) Greensboro 95000112, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 PENNSYLVANIA, GREENE COUNTY, Jones. James, House, Jet. of Front and Stone Sts., Greensnoro, P^^lI^Ji^. Jet. of Third and Clear Sts.. Greensboro, 95000115, NOMINATION. 3/09/95 ;Ers™A;TREErcOU^: Pet era--Graham House. Jet, of Walnut and Second Sts., Greensboro, 95000116. NOMINATION. 3/09/95 (Greensboro--New Geneva MPS) oenterville Borouah Richeyville, 95000126, NOMINATION, PENNSYLVANIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Welsh--Emery House, 114 Emery Rd. , Centerville Borough, Ricneyvme, 3/07/95 Continued on next page TENNESSEE, RUTHERFORD COUNTY, Fortress Rosecrans Site, W of Murfreesboro at Stones River, Murfreesboro vicinity, 74001926, ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION, 3/09/95 TEXAS, RUSK COUNTY, Henderson Commercial Historic District, Roughly bounded by Charlevoix, Marshall, Elk and Van Buren Sts. Henderson, 95000219, NOMINATION, 3/10/95 VERMONT, ADDISON COUNTY, Field Farm, Fuller Mountain Rd. , Femsburgh, 95000214, NOMINATION, 3/10/95 (Agricultural Resources of Vermont MPS) VERMONT, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Leonard, Chauncey B. House, N side Shed Rd., about 0.2 mi W of Scott Hill Rd., Berlin, 95000176, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 VERMONT, WINDHAM COUNTY. Crawford, Theoohilus, House, SW side Hickory Ridge Rd., about 2 mi. N of Putney, Putney vicinity, 95000175, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 VERMONT WINDSOR COUNTY, Beaver Meadow Union Chapel, N side VT 132, Norwich, 95000185, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 WASHINGTON KING COUNTY, Kirk. Lilly. House, 19619 100th Ave. NE. Bothel, 95000188, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 (BothellMPS) WASHINGTON KING COUNTY, Sorenson House, 10011 W. Riverside Dr., Bothell, 95000187, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 (Bothell MPS) WASHINGTON, PIERCE COUNTY. Smith. Peter. Farm--Donation Land Claim, 12504 Spanaway Loop Rd., Parkland vicinity, 95000194, WMHINGTON! SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Bates--Tanner Farm, 3420 240th St. SE, Bothell, 95000189, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 (Bothell MPS) WASHINGTON, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Grimm House, 2002 Hartford Dr.. Lake Stevens, 95000191, NOMINATION, 3/09/95 STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION Preserving Vermont's historic, architectural and archeological resources January 27, 1995 Carol D. Shull, Keeper of the National Register National Register Branch, Interagency Resources Division National Park Service P.O. Box 37127 Washington, D.C. 20013-7127 Dear Ms. Shull: Enclosed please find the National Register nomination for the following: Beaver Meadow Union Chapel Norwich, Windsor County, Vermont This property is being submitted under the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended in 1980, for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Enclosed is a copy of the favorable comment letter from the owner. g-i n /-> o "r o "I E _ Director/Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer EG/EG Enclosures 135 State Street, Drawer 33, Montpelier, Vermont 05633-1201 • (802) 828-3226 NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 10024-0018 (Oct. 1990) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. See instructions in How to Complete the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (National Register Bulletin 16A). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate box or by entering the information requested. If an item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." For functions, architectural classification, materials, and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions. Place additional entries and narrative items on continuation sheets (NPS Form 10-900a). Use a typewriter, word processor, or computer, to complete all items. 1. Name of Property historic name BEAVER MEADOW UNION CHAPEL other names/site number. N/A 2. Location street & number State Route 132 (Beaver Meadow Road) _N£A not for publication city or town Norwich Ni/Avicinity Vermont Windsor state. code. county. code 027 Zjp code 05055 3. State/Federal Agency Certification As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, I hereby certify that this 0 nomination • request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property SI meets • does not meefTthe National Register criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant SI^pafion&lly El $$tewid/JQ Iç^ally. (• See continuation sheet for additional comments.) Vermont State Historic Preservation Office State of Federal agency and bureau In my opinion, the property Q meets D does not meet the National Register criteria. (D See continuation sheet for additional comments.) Signature of certifying official/Title Date State or Federal agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certification I hereby certify that the property is: Signature of the Keeper Date of Action • entered in the National Register. • See continuation sheet. • determined eligible for the National Register • See continuation sheet. D determined not eligible for the National Register. • removed from the National Register. • other, (explain:) BeaVer Meadow Union Chapel Windsor Coimt.y, VT Name of Property County and State 5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (Check as many boxes as apply) (Check only one box) (Do not include previously listed resources in the count.) 0 private S building(s) Contributing Noncontributing public-local • • district 1 • public-State • site __ buildings • public-Federal • structure —- sites • object structures —- objects 1 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Enter "N/A" if property is not part of a multiple property listing.) in the National
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