the CORD weekly VOTE! Tuesday, October 8 Business Director a By-Election First Year Council Election Wilfrid Laurier University Volume 26 Number 7 Thursday, October 3, 1985 WLUSU cans off-campus events by Andrea Cole issue. decided to hold their event in the (by the University ) and he said he'd Off-Cam's planned safety mea- Certosimo said he recommended - The Off-Campus club at Laurier I urret, a move which enabled them resign if it got to that point. ' sures included a pre-event speech to some guidelines, has been forced to cancel its planned and consulted to cooperate with the measures being Certosimo said at the Board meet- ensure that all attending the event lawyer. The lawyer sug- pub crawl due to a one-week suspen- WLUSU's taken and still hold their event. ing that he did not want to jeopardize knew that anyone who wasn't pre- gested taken, as sion of all WLUSU off-campus that caution be and Watt said he told Certosimo Fri- WLUSU's autonomy. pared to accept strict control would told Board, that events. Certosimo the day that they had made an executive "We are upset," said Watt, "but be offered an immediate refund. Off- The motion to suspend events for "WLUSU not be involved in any decision to run the event anyway, the last thing Off-Cam wants to do is Cam was to meet with the bus drivers such activities until inquest." the one-week period from September after the "because we have a large member- get into a situation that would harm beforehand to ensure that buses were off-campus 29 to October 9 was passed at the Three groups had ship...if we back down, what would WLUSU." Watt is afraid the club, parked and waiting with their engines planned: Wilfrid Laurier University Students' events the University- happen to everyone else? No other with its 850 members, will get off. Union Board of Directors' meeting affiliated Alumni Board and events would be run.'' pushed aside. In addition, two non-drinking Tamiae, last Sunday night. The postpone- and the WLUSU Off He stated that Certosimo told him supervisors were to be on each bus. Campus club. measures be ment of events was necessary in drastic would taken if "They've denied us the privilege of Participants would have had to sign According to Graham Watt, pres- ahead with the order that the Presidential Advisory Off-Cam did go being able to run an event in order to a waiver form stating that they under- ident of Off-Cam, his club agreed to loss club's Commission have time to set up fair event, such as of the affili- run Oktoberfest," he said, adding stood that these supervisors instruc- their event if all other clubs did and reasonable guidelines for these cancel ation with WLUSU. that Off-Cam can't run any events tions were to be followed. Watt said events, WLUSU president Matt Cer- as well. The Alumni Board cancelled Certosimo said he believed he told until after Oktoberfest because they that if anyone got too rowdy, "they their planned the some sort of tosimo told the Board. These guide- Homecoming pub club that similar just can t compete with the October were to be put in a taxi and sent crawl, lines will also be sent to the Universi- but as of Monday afternoon, motion would be brought to the celebration. home at Off-Cam's expense." ty's senior administrative planning Tamiae was still selling tickets to Board if the event went ahead as biz group. their all-years' bash at Ruby's. planned. Other clubs which attempt The Presidential Advisory Com- WLUSU has no jurisdiction over to run events face the same possible was created aid the Tamiae, since it is university- consequences. meal plan mission to inves- Laurier tigation into the death of Launer stu- affiliated. WLU's vice-president: "There were several alternatives dent Brigitte Bouckaert. Results of academic Dr. Russell Muncaster available," said Certosimo. "We the investigation will be presented at said Monday that he had spoken to wanted to act in a reasonable and the forthcoming coroner's inquest. the club when Certosimo first responsible manner ... putting the questioned September 25, Off-Cam at- brought the matter to his attention. "1 emphasis on co-operation rather On "Food Service at WLU: A Brief tempted to begin promoting their pub have done what I told Matt (Certo- than unilateral heavy-handedness." by Mark Ertel simo) I do," Informative Guide to the Universi- which was to be held on would he said. "1 talked Watt said that a lot of time, crawl ty's Food Services Department." October 2. They went to have pos- to Tamiae." money and effort have been spent on First-year students have been The guide doesn't mention either ters approved by Betty Mitchell, He added that he would be speak- the event, which has been planned given conflicting literature about ing beginning summer. hot chocolate or muffins as an item. assistant to the dean of students . She to them again since Certosimo since the of the their meal plans and no one seems What the "Food Services at suggested that they speak to Certo- had brought him up-to-date on the "Matt (Certosimo) told me that he quite sure why. WLU'' does say is that a "main simo concerning the sensitivity of the WLUSU suspension. did not want the situation where Upon arriving at Laurier, first- Early on Tuesday, Tamiae WLUSU would be told what to do year residents were given a booklet dish" at dinner counts for three entitled "Wilfrid Laurier University: points. A main dish consists of Regulations and Guidelines." The meat, vegetables and potatoes. booklet is designed to relate the This year a main dish counts four rules and regulations of residence points. Reiner, life. Included is a section called Millie Food Service Man- "Food Services." ager, explains, "The servers were The booklet has caused prob- giving out too many potatoes and lems of late. Those who chose to vegetables. It was supposed to be read the pamphlet were told that, at two ounces of each. Now it is four supper time, two muffins would be ounces each so the main meal allowed for one point. This is not, counts four points.'' however, the case. Earl Rayner, Craig Witterick, a first-year bus- Director of Personnel, who super- iness student, disagrees: "How can vises WLU Food Services, asked, they say that?" he asks. "They give "How could 1 muffin be 1 point for some people more, some people breakfast and 2 muffins be 1 point less." for dinner or at any other time?" Quantity is often called into The booklet also states that "cof- question. Kenny Yun, a first-year fee, tea and hot chocolate are free honours business student, says, items." There is no hot chocolate in "The soup bowls are half full." the dining hall and, according to Mike Bryce, a first-year economics " Farl Rayner, hot chocolate was student, adds, The milk glasses never supposed to be free. 'We are too small. I use two points at don't have hot chocolate down lunch for milk and two points for there. So few students were using it supper." that they took the machine out. It's The combination of extra points never been free." for the main meal and small quanti- "I don't even know why they put ties of milk, soup and other items food services in here (the booklet). have caused some to rethink their A class act? They (the frosh) get this as well," The WLU Marketing Association's float was one ofabout 20 in the annual Homecoming parade on he said in reference to another continued on page 4 Saturday. Clara Conrad's "A Touch of Class" entry was judged as the best, photo by Andrew Dunn pamphlet for residents entitled Hawks escape Inside A view to the future 1964 in 1985 Tear up your Cord! the Blues The Gospel accord- The Future of Work series The best cover band Laurier I his may be Laurier students' The Wilfrid Laurier football ing to Nader opens with Frank Feather, who has ever seen flew in from last chance to demand re- Hawks downed the University gives students a look at the jobs Miami Beach last Friday. They nowned bands on campus. of Toronto Blues 33-10 Satur- Nader says students are contri- and lifestyle they may expect in told us something they hoped Make yourself heard. day, before a large enthusiastic buting to ' social deterioration the "age of information. - we'd understand. homecoming crowd. through their apathy. page 3 page 5 see page 15 see page 17 page 19 2 Thursday, October 3, 1985 The Cord Weekly 8:00 p.m. at the TURRIT HLaurier Favorite : Support the ■ ' I CUFF ERICSON | f jW I I I I FREE TO STUDENTS! ™w Bowse; choose J_ wlu? I from assorted silk, plaid & WEDNESDAY VARIETY WKF polkadot ties when you NIGHTS! purchase your ticket r -glass of Champagne i i Punch at midnight WLUSU presents the WLUSU -DOOR PRIZES! (keep your ticket) ONTARIO FEDERATION OF STUDENTS ELECTION at W.L.U., Oct. 3 - 6 (Thurs.-Sun.) SPECIAL THANKS TO & FRAME neckwear CO. LTD. -Get to know OFS the ISSUES Tuesday, October 8 -ALL Workshops & seminars are Business Students vote Friday Oct. 4, in 1E1,12 -1 p.m. Arts Students vote in Friday,OcT? BARB DONALDSON ' CFS chairpersor CONCOURSE at 8:00 p.m. in i Ei and BERNARD DRAINVILLE,OFSchair Make your vote count! wwwperson, will lead an OPEN FORUM.
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