39/1/1 Public Affairs Director's Office Subject File, 1919-96 Box: 1 A - Enrollment Figures, 1962-64 A - Radio, 1932-34 Radio - Agricultural Replies, 1928 Alma Mater, 1927, 1929, 1935 American College Publicity Association Meeting, 1933 American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, 1932-33 Applications for work, 1932-34 Association of College and University Broadcasting Stations-Correspondence, 1931-33 Association of College and University Broadcasting Stations-Bulletins, 1932-34 Associated Press, 1928-36 B - Radio, 1931-35 Band-Sousa, 1933-38, 1941, 1947 Basketball Comments, 1933 Basketball Comments, 1934 Bennett, James O'Donnell, 1929-30 Bond Issue, 1960 Broadcasting Short Course, 1935 Burlison., W.L., 1945, 1951 Buswell, A.M., 1931-32 Illinois Alumni News, October, 1932-concerning the death of Thomas Arkle Clark C - Radio, 1933-36 Chase, President Harry, 1930-33 Chase, President Harry, (The Man) Chase, President Harry-Talks, 1930-33 Chicago Professional Colleges (CPC) News, 1956-62 Chicago Tribune, 1932 Chicago Tribune Clippings, 1941-48, 1952 Clark, George L., 1930-32, 1935-36 Community Planning Commission, 1948-49 Complimentary Letters, 1919-32 Crandell, Professor J.S., 1934-35 D - Radio, 1931-34 Daniels, Arthur H.-Talks, 1933-34 Devine, John P., 1933 E - Radio, 1932-35 Editorials, 1921-32 1929 1929-30 1932-33 39/1/1 2 1948-49 Electron Microscope, 1941 Enrollment Figures, 1962-64 Box: 2 F - Radio, 1931-34 - Magazine F - Radio, 1931-34 Faculty Letter-Volumes 1, 22, 26, 45-46, 48-49, 51-55, 59, 62, 64, 66-68, 70-79; 1959-64 Faculty Letter-Volumes 82-86, 88-89, 91-102; 1964-65 Finnegan, R.J., 1926-27 Football Programs, 1929-31 G - Radio, 1931-34 Glee Club Tour, 1933 Griffith, Coleman R., 1945, 1948-50, 1953, 1955, 1966 H - Radio, 191-34 Harno, Dean A.J., 1930-34 Heating and Ventilating, 1931-42 Hindsley, Mark H., 1924 Hitchner, O.S., 1935 Hunter, M.H., 1932 I - Radio, 1933-34 Illinium, 1926-27, 1930, 1932 Illinois Press Association, 1927-35 Illinois Press Association, 1934-35 J - Radio, 1930-36 K - Radio, 1932-34 Kelly, Arthur R. and Indian Pictures Kinley, David, President, Emeritus, 1920-31 Kinley, President David, 1919-30 Kinley, David, President Emeritus, 1920-30 1919-32 1930 L - Radio, 1927-34 Language Broadcasts, 1933-34 Lohnes, Horace L., 1932-33 1933-34 Mc - General McCollum, Mrs. Vashti, 1945 M - Radio, 1933-34 McDougal, M.S. Magazine Articles, 1920, 1923, 1934, 1941-45, 1948-58, 1959-61 39/1/1 3 Box: 3 Morey - Radio Courses Morey, Lloyd Motion Pictures, Illini Trail, 1932 1920-32 Murphy, Lawrence W., 1929 Murphy, Lawrence, 1934-35, 1938 Music Club Scholarships, 1931-32 Music Festival, 1952 N - Radio, 1922-34 National Advisory Council on Radio in Education, 1930-33 National Association of Broadcasters, 1932-34 N.A.E.B. (National Association of Educational Broadcasters) Bulletin Material - 1934-February, 1935 National Broadcasting Company, 1930 National Committee on Education by Radio, 1930-June 15, 1932 June 15, 1932-1933 1933-34 Newspaper Clippings, 1949-51, 1956-63 Newspaper Clippings on University Hall Razing, 1938 News releases and Articles Concerning the Work of the College of Engineering, 1921, 1924-25, 1927, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936-37, 1943 Newspaper Enterprise Association, 1919-26 O - Radio, 1932-1934 Parr, Samuel W., 1926-30 P - Radio, 1933-34 Phillips, R.G., 1932-34 Program, Children's Radio, 1933 Public Information, Annual Report, 1933-34 Public Information Office Publications, 1961-65 Public Information Office Releases, 1963-64 Preston, S.P., 1924-32 Publicity Reports, 1920-27 1930-31 1929-30 1931-32 Publicity College, Salaries Public Information Requisitions, 1934-35 R - Radio, 1922-33 Radio Commission, Federal, 1933-34 1928-33 Illinois Alumni News, April, 1924 - concerning the deaths of Nathan Ricker and Henry Bacon Illinois Alumni News, May, 1924, concerning the death of Nathan Ricker 39/1/1 4 1932 - applications of WILL to the Federal Radio Commission Radio, Complaints, 1930-34 Copyright, 1932 Correspondence, 1925-30 Radio Courses - Proposed Outlines, 1938-39 Box: 4 Radio, Educational Programs - WILL Responses Radio Educational Programs -University of Alberta, 1930 -University of Chicago, 1930-31 -University of Iowa, 1931-34 -Kansas State College, 1933-34 -University of Kansas, 1930-34 -University of Kentucky, 1930-34 -National Broadcasting Company, 1934 -New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, 1930-34 -Ohio State University, 1929-33 -WNAD University of Oklahoma, 1932 -Oregon State System of Higher Education, 1934 -Purdue University, 1930-33 -University of Wisconsin, 1933-34 -WLS, 1928 -WMAQ Radio - Football Responses, 1933-34 Radio - FM, 1944-46 Radio in the Classroom By Dun and Koon, 1934 -Letters and Telegrams to Commission, 1928-31 -Licenses and Applications, 1927-33 -Listener Surveys, 1943-48 -Miscellaneous, 1947-49 Musical Continuities, 1934 -Policies, 1940-49 -Program Comments, 1936-40 Program Responses, 1933-34 Program Suggestions for 1934-35 -Questionnaires and Information Concerning WILL, 1940-42 -Short Wave Application, 1938 Station Requisitions, 1934-35 -Television, 1938-50 -Time Agreements, 1931-32 Requisition - Time Agreements, 1933-34 -Transmitter, 1938 39/1/1 5 -Time Agreements, 1932-33 -Volunteer Speakers, 1931-32 -WILL Responses, 1931-32 Box: 5 Religious Foundations - Willard, Arthur C. Religious Foundations, 1930-32 “Some Contributions of the University of Illinois to the Welfare of the People by Members of the Staff,” ca. 1941 T - Radio, 1932-34 T - General - Trees - Townsend, 1934, 1938, 1960 Talbot, Arthur N., 1936-38, 1941-42 Taft, Lorado, 1929, 1931, 1936-38, 1940, 1956 Time Agreements, WILL, KUSD, KENF, 1930-31 Tutorial System, 1934 Tykociner, Joseph T., 1941, 1948, 1960 U - Radio, 1927-32 United Press, 1924-31 U - Radio, 1933 W - Radio, 1927-36 Western Newspaper Union, 1930-34 Williamson, H.L., 1928-32 Willard, Arthur C., 1934-35 Box: 6 David D. Henry, Appointment and Speeches President Henry - Academic Year, 1955-56 Speeches, welcomes, by President Henry for Academic Year, 1955-56 President Henry's Speeches for Academic Year, 1956-57 Box: 7 George Barrett, 1942 - Housing Analysis, 1957 Barrett, George (Atty. Gen.) 1942 Chicago Undergraduate Division Site - 1954-56 "Campus Pathways" Civil Service - 1958-60 Midwest Thanksgiving Spotlight Service CROP, 1958 Christian Rural Overseas Program Founders Day - 75th Anniversary 1943 Grange, Harold (Red) - 1937 Harding, Austin A., 1930-58 Harno, Albert J., 1934-57 History of U. of I. 1934-53 39/1/1 6 Analysis of the Rental Housing Market in Champaign-Urbana, 1957 Box: 8 Illini Union Building, 1938-63 - Frederick S. Siebert, 1931, 1935, 1944 Illini Union Building - 1938-63 Journalism, School of 1952 Kinley, David (President Emeritus) - 1934, 1936, 1940, 1944 Lincoln Sesquicentennial Celebration - Feb. 12, 1959 1958-59 Sandburg, Carl, 1956-58, Sandburg Dinner Jan. 15, 1958 Siebert, Frederick S., 1931, 1935, 1944 Box: 9 Files of Arthur Wildhagen received 9/5/74 Agriculture, 1938, 1943, 1946, 1955-61 Allerton Park, 1954-58 Anthropology, archaeology, 1950-54, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1964-67, 1969 Assembly Hall, 1957-64 Astronomy, 1958 Aviation, 1967 Bicycles, 1960-62 Buildings, 1956-64, 1968-69 Camping Show, 1958 Census Tracts, 1962 Ceramics, 1954 Chemistry, 1939, 1946-47, 1951, 1962-73 Civil Engineering, 1955-73 College & Career Day Programs, 1958-61 Commencement, 1963-67, 1969, 1971 Computer Based Education - PLATO, 1961-62, 1964, 1967, 1970-72 Computer Science-Digital Computer Laboratory, 1950-69 Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1963-67 Crippled Children Division, 1954, 1959-60 Cyclotron, 1935, 1940, 1945-46, 1956 Dads Association, Dad's Day, (5 folders), 1944, 1946, 1952, 1955-56, 1958-73 Electrical Engineering, Radio Astronomy, Aeronomy, 1952-73 English, Rhetoric, 1950-58 Entomology, 1951, 1961 Highway Engineering, 1956, 1958-67, 1969, 1971 Illiac IV, 1966-74 Radio Telescope, 1958-71 Box: 10 39/1/1 7 University Report Scripts, December 1965-June 1967 Radio and Television Summaries 1966-69 stations carrying university programs Program Notes 1965-66 Workpapers concerning specific programs presented by stations 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 Notes and Scripts, 1965-66 TV Correspondence, 1965-66 Stations, 1964-65 General Mailing, Fall, 1965 13 Minute TV Film, 1966 Righeimer Shows-WMAQ-TV, 1966 State of the University, 1967 Summer Youth Music, 1967 Program Notes, 1963 Centennial TV & Radio, 1966-67 Address, D.D. Henry (2 folders) 1968 Agriculture Exhibit, 1967 Radio, 1968 State of the University, D.D. Henry, 1969 Box: 11 Alaska Exchange, Dec. 1967 Centennial Calendar, 1967-68 Committee Meetings, 1963-68 Concert - McCormick Place, 1965-68 Exhibits, 1967-68 Fund Raising, 1963-68 Misc., 1964-68 Publications, 1967-68 Symposium, 1967 Television Show, 1966-67 Land Grant Committee, Centennial, 1961-62 Student Demonstrations, 1959-70 Discipline, 1957-59, 1961, 1963-64, 1966-71 J.B. Turner Land Grant Plaque, 1962 Box: 12 Admissions Clippings - President Corbally's Speeches, 1946-75 39/1/1 8 Admissions Clippings, 1969 Advance Enrollment Program and Dad's and Mother's Association, 1967 Allerton Estate, 1946-50 "Analysis of the Rental Housing Market in Champaign-Urbana", Real Estate Research Corporation, 1957 Army Corps of Engineers Research Lab (CERL), 1964-66 Betatron, 1950, 1960 Board Faculty Appointments, 1971 Board Purchases, 1971 Brodie Twins, 1952-53 Bronze Tablets, 1967 Campus Reports, 1968 Campus Unrest, Clippings, 1962-70 Centennial Letter, Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, Vol. 1-5, 7-11, 14, 16, 1962 Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 1971 Chancellor's Office, 1968 Chicago Daily News, 1962-71 Chicago Sun-Times, 1963-71 1974 Chicago Today, 1963-74 Chicago Tribune, 1969-75 Chicago Science Monitor, 1962-66, 1970, 1973 Clabaugh, Rep. Charles, 1966-68 College Bowl, 1967-68 Communist, 1948-49 Commencement, Mark Van Doren, Jan. 1958 Sidney Smith, Jan. 1959 James Killian; C. Northcote Parkinson, 1960 Laurence Kimpton, June 1961 Program, 1962 Program, Clippings; Mark Van Doren; Henry T.
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