Page 54 ~FQGOFE/PL~%S*~ZINE December, 1924 IN - ---- ww - RTH ADVERTISERS I IC CANDY COMPANY YE "WASHER QUALITY NEVER VARIES" The Home of STETSON and DOBBS HATS STACY ADAMS and EDWIN CLAPP SHOES and MANHATTAN SHIRTS WASHER BROTHER" - R. W. ALFORD. President I Saoe Monthly-Place Lump Sums With Ice Storage 2500 Tons Us Without Advance Membership Fee I I I We Have Always Made 10% Loans on Homes / 1 Alford Ice Company I All Our Funds Are Loaned on Homes, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Factory and Yards West Magnolia Repaid $1,333 per $1,000 per Month I I and Frisco Tracks 1 Citizen's Savings and Loan Ass9n I I CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY I N. W. Cor. 6th and Main FORT WbRTH, TEXAS FORT WORTH, TEXAS Fort Worth Stock Yards The Practical Market for the South western 'Shipper LOWER FREIGHT LESS SHRINK THE PRICES WITH OTHER MARKETS 3RTH STOCK YARDS COMPANY December, 1924 'p7-Zc6 ~MPLO~S~~WZ~NE In Memoriam H. F. SHIVERS, A REAL R / J. C. ELLEGARD TALKS WITH J. C. Ellegard, commonly knbwn as "Chris," employed as car inspector In And now a little personal chat with be able to furnish enough news from the 19th Street yards, died October the reader employes of this terminal. this terminal to All several pages or 14th. Mr. Ellegard was one of the We are not getting the ccl-operation the magazine each month, and we can oldest employes, in point of senice, in regards to news items that we and will if you men out in the shops on the Northern Division, having en- think we are entitled to. There is a and on the road will just take the tered the service of the old Kansas large number of engineinen and train- time to drop me a line when you learn Clty, Ft. Scott and Gulf on Septem- men operating out of this terminal, as or observe anything you think would ber 14th, 1884, as car inspector, under fine a bunch of men, we dare say, as be of news interest. The reporters the management of Bill Nettleton. you will find anywhere, every man are all doing their best, giving of their ' Sometime ago, in speaking of some jack of them on his toes to try to time and energy, in an effort to give of the many changes he had wit- make the Frisco the premier road of yon a magazine that will be the cri- nessed during the forty years he had the Southwest. They all, or most of terion of the railroad magazine Reld, been employed on the Frisco, he said them me will say, take trips, go on and we, as well as all the other re- that in the early days the cars were hunting and fishing expeditions, get porters over the system, sure will ap- loaded to a capacity of twenty-five to married (railroad men are no excep- preciate it ih you will, once in awhile, thirty thousand pounds, and later tion to the rule in that respect), buy try to do a little to make our task less were increased to forty thousand, and trade automobiles, have their arduous. Thank you. which at that time was considered a mothers-in-law come to visit them. pretty heavy load. Comparing en- and lots of other things happen, all gines of that time with those of to- of which would be interesting family clay, he said it was just like compar- news, but we never hear of it, there- Traffic Department ing a wheelbarrow with an automo- fore, cannot give the rest of the Fris Rose Resnick, Reporter bile. co family the benefit of it. We are During hls forty years of service rery busy (even if the boss doesn't On October 15th, the personnel of with the Frisco, he had always been think so) and cannot see each one of the traffic department was reinforced very punctual and painst~kfngin his you personally, so I am taking this hy the acquisition of some "high- work, and by his going this company means of reaching you. The maga- 1:owered talent" from our rery ef- has lost a faithful employe and the zine is your magazine and we all like ficieut accounting department. We family a devoted father and husband. to see it brimful of good, live news are pleased to note the appointment He is survived by his wife, three sons every month, and thia can only be of F. C. Freiburg, formerly auditor and three daughters. The funeral was brought about by each one putting his frelght accounts, as general freight held October 16th from the family shoulder to the wheel and doing what agent. R. N. Nash has been promot- residence, 605 South Park Avenue, he can to help the poor reporter get ed to the position of assistant freight Kansas City, ICans. some items to send in. We ought to traffic manager and the list of assist- Turning Through This Catalogue -is an 44EducationalNews Reel" that teaches Genuine ECONOMY S ITS PAGES unfold their "story" before you, you'll marvel at the stupendous A savings Ward's "train-load" buying is constantly bringing to millions of American families. Are YOU profiting by them In YOUR buying? Ward's merchandise MUST measure up to high quality standards, or else we could not possibly live up to such a liberal guarantee as we have given for 52 years- "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back." Our Fort Worth House gives the fastest Mail Order service to all Texae plnts- and our Retail Store, connected with this greatly enlarged plant, enable8 you to select your merchandise right over the counter in the usual Retail way, without sacrificing any of the savings made possible by the Mail Order method of doing business. Chicago Kansas City St. Paul FORT WORTH. TEX'AS Page 56 December, 1' ant general freight agents has been will leave on October 30th for Louis- extended to include H. P. Norden, for- ville and Cincinnati, where they will merly chief clerk in the general visit relatives and friends. More Stories of Veterans freight office. Anna Mason returned Monday from and Their Experiences On behalf of the employes of the a .trip to Denver, Colo. How's Denver traffic department, wish to extend and incidentally how's Bob, Anna? Please ! sincere congratulations and well Mrs. Branson leaves the latter part wishes to the newly appolnted traffic of October for New London, Conn., oPPicers. Mr. Norden's long and faith- where ehe will vlsit her son who is in ful service has been rewarded by this An Excellent Performance Is initiation into the "official family." the Navy. Enroute she will stop over at Niagara FalIs and other places of Herewith Noted The inevitable has again happened interest. In the stenographic wing of the gen- By H. L. WORMAN, eral freight office. Bernadette Mc. Our twins, Mamie and Amy Bradley, Grath, so long and well known in the spent Monday and Tuesday of this Superintendent Motive Power traPPic department, has deserted us week in St. Louis with their brother. for the ranks of matrimony. We all They say they had a wonderful time, Quoting below performance and dislike to see Misa McGrath go, but hut LMamie lost her watch. handling of train No. 10, October 10th. inasmuch as she is going to live hap- Anna Helbig, Marie Hill and Amelia 1924, between Sapulpa and Spring- pily ever after, we have given our Schmidt, of the Per Diem Department, field, to be published in the Frisco consent and now the only thing left spent Sunday and Monday in St. Magazine : is to tell the tale. Miss McGrath was Louis. Engine 1,612, Engineer Robinson, married on September 3rd to Alfred Fireman Walsh. Conductor Connerly. Oonk.. also a former Frisco employe. handled eleven cars Sapulpa to ~ulsa, Mr. Oonk will be remembered as one The Frisco Psalm 18 cars Tulsa to Springfleld. This of our valuable representatives on the train handled without the use of the St. Louis commercial office staff, who Tell me not in mournful numbers, booster on engine 1,512. severed connection with our Corn- Frisco service is a dream, pany to enter the traffic department And the men who run it, slumber, This train consisted of one mail. of the Monsanto Chemical Works. It Sleepers though some clerks may one baggage, three coaches, one diner. is our sincere wish that Mr. and Mrs. seem. eleven sleepers and one business car. Oonk will have a healthy, happy and The handling of thls train made 3,- prosperous wedded life. Frisco's real and Frisco's earnest; 322 car miles, 2,307 gallons of oil, Anne Hickey succeeded Miss Mc- Super-service is its goal; making .69 per car mile. The train Grath as supervisor of the dictaphone Rust we were, steel we now are, was handled by the engineer 100 per section. Ballast fills up every hole. cent, no rough handling whatever. We are glad to report that Harry Block, traveling freight agent, St. The firing of fhe engine was 1W per All enjoyment, and no sorrow, cent. Engine didn't pop between Louis, is rapidly recovering from Is our motto day by day: Sapulpa and Springfield and was up the effects of a recent automobile ac- Working so that each tomorrow, to around 195 pounds at all times. cident. Finds no wrecks alotlg the way. The engine was blowed out frequently With the shipper always DIeasant, to keep the boiler in good condition. Car Accountant's Office Consignees we do not dread, Conductor Connerly was on the job Mary Howell, Reporter For their goods are handled promptly, at all times trying to hurry up the After a leave of absence, Dan Cupld If it's live stock, none are dead.
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