![Bibliography of the Wakashan Languages [Microform]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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Colourad covara/ Colourad pagas/ D Couvartura da coulaur I I Pagas da coulaur Covars damagad/ r~n Pagas damagad/ I I Couvartura andommagAa Pagas andommagtes Covars rastorad and/or laminatad/ Pagas rastorad and/orand/oi laminatad/ I I D Couvartura rattaurte at/ou palliculAa Pagas rastaurAas at/ou palliculAas Covar titia misting/ Pagas discolourad, stainad or foxad/foxai I I I I La titra da couvartura manqua Pagaa dicolorAas, tachattas ou piquAas Colourad maps/ Pagas datachad/ I I I I Cartas gAographiquas an coulaur Pagas dttachAas Colourad Init (i.a. othar than blua or black)/ Showthrough/ I I D Encra da coulaur (i.a. autra qua blaua ou noiral Transparanca I I Colourad platas and/or illustrations/ Quality of printprir varias/ I I Planchas at/ou illustrations 9n coulaur Quality intgala da I'imprassion Bound with othar matarial/ r~~| Includas supplamantary material/matarii D RaliA avac d'autras documants Comprand du material supplAmantaira Tight binding may causa shadows or distortion I Only adition availabia/ I— D along intarior margin/ Saula Mition disponibia La reliura sarr6e paut causar oa I'ombra ou da la distortion la long da la marga IntAriaura Pagas wholly or partially obscurad by arrata n slips, tissuas, ate, have been refilmed to Blank laavas addad during rastoration may ensure the best possible image/ D appaar within tha taxt. 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Les diegremmes suivents illutttrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 % w HMITHHONIAN : NHTI TDTION BURBAIJ OK KTHNOLOQY: J. W. POWELL, 1)1 RECTOS BIBLIOGRAPHY or THE WAKASHAN LANGUAGES at JAMES CONSTANT! NH PILI^INO WASHINGTON aOVERNHBNT PRINTIKO OWVICK 1804 LINGUISTIC BIBLIOGRAPHIES ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. SmithRonian iiistltntion— Bnroan <»f ethnolojry. Catalofirno of lin- giiiMtic iiiaiiUHcriptM in tlic library of tlio Bur<>au of ethiiolof^y. Hy JaineH 0. Pilliiif;. In Bnreaii of etbiinlogy flnt annniil ntpnrt; liulf-titlit um itlMtvn p. nTi!), text pp. 66&-677, WnshinKtoii, 1881, niyal » . Imned separatoly with cttver titln m followH: Catalopio of linguistic iiiaiuiMTiptH in tho library of the Rnr^aii | | | I of ethnology by James (-. Pilling (Extracted from the tlrHt annual | | | of the Bureau of ethnology) [Vignetti'] rei>ort | | | WaBhington Government printing office | 1881 | Cover title oh abov<>, no inside title, half-title n« nntler rntry next abovo p. 563, text pp. 5R5-R77, roynl 8^^. One hun<lr«>(l ropieH iiHUiMl. institution of J. W. Powell di- Smithsonian —Bureau ethnology | rector Proof-sheets of a bibliography of the languages of the | | | | | I Indians James Constantino Piliing (Distrib- North Americun | by | I | uted only to eoUaborators) | Washington Government printing office 188.'i | | Title venH> blank 1 1. notice (iiiguo«l J. W. Towell) p. iii, preface (November 4, 1R84) pp. r-viii, introdnction pp. ix-x, liHt of iiuthnriticM pp. xi-xxxvi, list of lihraricn re- ferred to by initialo pp. xxxvii-xxxviii, liNt of fiM--HiniileH pp. xxxix-xl, t«xt pp. 1-839, a«lditionH and corrections pp. Htl-1090, intlex of lanKuuges and dialuctH pp. 1091-1136, plates, 4'^. Arranged alphabetically by name of anthor, tranHlator, or first word of title. One hundred and ten copies printed, ten of them on one side of the sheet only. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology : J. W. Powell, di- | rector Bibliography of the Kskim(» language by James (/onstan- | | | | I tine Pilling [Yignett^^] | | Washington Government printing oflBce 1887 | | Cover title as above, title as above verao blank 1 1. preface (April 20, 1887) pp.iii-v, text ]»p. 1-109, chronologic index pp. 111-lUi, 8 rac-Hiniiles, 8'^. An edition of lOU copies wns issued in royal 8^. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology: J. W. Powell, di- | rector Bibliography of the Siouan languages James Constan- | | by | I | tino Pilling [Vignette] I | Washington Government printing office 1887 | | Cover title as above, title us above verso blank 1 1. preface (September 1, 1887) pp. iii-v, text pp. 1-^, chronologic index pp. 83-87, 8". An edition of 100 copies iwued in royal 8". Bt . IV LINGUISTIC niHIilOORAPHIRH HY THE BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. SmitliBoiiittii iustitiitiuii | lttii»uuoretliiiulotjcy: .I.W.Powvll, director Bibliogruphy of the Iro4|uoi»ii laiitriuiKUH by JuiuesGouHtautiue | | | | I PilliiiK [Vignettu] I | WiiHliiiigton Goveriiiiioiit priutiiiK ofllcc 18HH | I Cover title ait ubiive, titli) im ut>ov« vormt Itltink 1 1. prefiioe (Docemlier 15, 1888) pp. iii-vi, t«>xt pp. 1-lHC, mhlontlu pp. lMl-18t>, cbronoloKir iiidox pp. hH~'X6, 9 fnivNlmilcs, 8". An edition of 100 copieH wom iMiieil in niyul 8' SmitliHoiiisiii iiiHtitiitioii Bureau of ethnology: .I.W. Powell, director | Bibliogmpliy of the ^luMkhoguuii luiiguageM by .ItunuH | | | | Coustuu- I tine Pilling [Vignette] | | WiiMhington Government printing offiee 1889 | | Covnr titlt) ns iihove, title iih uliitvo vufno hlunl< 1 1. pri^fiioo (May 15, 1889) pp. iii-v, Uixt pp. 1-108, olirouulugit! index pp. 1(KV-114, 8 . An tiditiun of l()Ot!opi«« was Iwued in royal 8". Bibliographic notes on Eliot's Indian bible and on his other | | | | tranHiatiouH and workH in the Indian languugt^ of MassachuHettH | | £xtra(;t from a "Bibliography of the Algontiuian languages'' [Vig- | nette] I Washington Government printing office 1890 j j (.'over titlu aH above, title an above vei-so blank 1 1. text pp. 1-58, 21 fac-nimileH, royal K'-. r\>rm8 pp. 127-184 of the Hiblio^rapliy of the AlKonqnian languages, title of which follows. Two linndred and tifty copieH isaned. Smithsonian institution Bureau of ethnology : J. W.Powell, director | Bibliography of the Algonqnian languages by James j | | | Constan- I tine Pilling [Vignette] | j Washington Government printing office 1891 | j Cover title an above, titlu an above verHo blank 1 I. preface (Jane 1, 1891) pp. iii-iv, intro4lnction p. v, index of laoguageH pp. vii-viii, liHt of facsimiles ]ip.
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