.. |<01h?M J G# .o * ~i,t I '/ g A. | ' M [! 'jb [; BROOKHAVEN NAllONAL LABORATORY (MEf|rL| { LOO |T P.O. Box LOW /f- M - Of[ U Lii "l. k Il9 L; C ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES. INC.Upton, New York 11973 6000 TEL (516) 282 5406 FAX (516) 282 3503 Budget Offico E-MAIL - July 31, 1995 __ Dr. David L.Morrison Room T10 712 RES/ Director's Office U.S. Iluclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Dear Dr. Morrison: In accordance with the 11RC MC Appendix 1501, Part VIII, J.1, regarding Foreign Travel, enclosed is/are the following foreign travel trip report (s). As instructed, you will also find the distribution copics required. llame Department _ Periods of Travel Giuliano DeGrassi Advanced Technology Jun 23 - Jul 7, 1995 n / vXSincerely,p], -. /a,w. hm Patricia Durcan Assistant Staff Specialist Foreign Travel Enclosures (2) cc: Division of Security - ARM /DS (1) Office of International Programs - GPA/IP (1) Executive Director for Operations - EDO (1) }[V3 , I :. 2 9 , y, .b ]II||\\f]\|\\]))), .. ,2eim ,50,21 nme mp OW"" TOPRF' EX1B _., m w - n *[$ } f i ..- .. ._ , p -; I ! ; : ; July 21,1995 t , RFPORT OF FORFIGN TRAVFt. by Giuliano DeGrassi Engineering Research and Applications 7ivision Department of Advanced Technology Brookhaven National Laboratory Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation Obayashi Nuclear Facilities Division Kansai Electric Power Company Kyoto University MHI Kobe Shipyard and Machinery Works Kobe City and Port Island Tadotsu Engineering Laboratory . ,n.--, - -. --r-- -y +,- na s a. --- .._.- --~...---. , , . SUMMARY ' Giuliano DeGrassi (516) 282 2949 I Engineering Research and Applications Division Department of Advanced Technology ': Brookhaven National bboratory . 1 , Dates of Trip: June 23 to July 7,1995 Destination: - Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC) Tokyo; Japan , - Obayashi Nuclear Facilities Division Tokyo, Japan ] - Kansal 'dlectric Power Company (KEPCO) . Osaka, Japan ' { - Kyoto University i Kyoto, Japan - MHI Shipyard and Machinery Works ; Kobe, Japan - Areas Damaged by the January 1995 Earthquake in . Kobe City and Port Island - Tadotsu Engin,:ering bboratory Tadotsu, Japan 4 Purpose: The traveler and two representatives from the USNRC (N. Chokshi and D. Terao) ; visited several organizations regarding US Japan collaboration in the seismic area. t Meetings were held with NUPEC at their Tokyo headquarters and at the Tadotsu i Engineering bboratory to discuss current and future collaboration programs and ' to witness the ongoing seismic tests on the Main Steam and Feedwater Piping 3 Systems, in addition, seveal meetings were held with representatives of Japanese : industrial organizations and universities to share technical information related to the January 17, 1995 Kobe er.$1uake. Finally, an inspection of the earthquake e damaged areas was conductec (o obtain first hand information on the status of ' restoration efforts. , ' Abstract: De traveler, Giuliano DeGrassi, Engineering Research and Applications Division, i Department of Advanced Technology, Brookhaven National Laboratory and two I representatives from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission visited Japan during the period of June 23 to July 7,1995. De objectives of the travel were carried out and the results of the discussions, observations, and information obtained during ; this trip are described in this report. 2 i f | -. _ 1 -. _ .-_m-_. ,. -- - - , , . ,- - _ - - . _ . , - . - - , , - - _ . ._._-.---_,,---..---o .-- . t t. TRIP RFPORT FOR TRAVFL TO JAPAN Travel Dates: June 23,1995 - July 7,1995 Traveler: Giuliano DeGrassi Engineering Research and Applications Division Department of Advanced Technology Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, N.Y. I1973 Itinerary: June 23 Departure from New York June 24 Arrivalin Tokyo, Japan June 25 Weekend June 26 Meeting at NUPEC (am) Meeting at Obayashi Nuclear Facilities Division (pm) Meeting with Professor Shibata at Toranomon Pastoral Hotel (evening) June 27 Meeting with Professor Akiyama at NUPEC June 28 Travel to Osaka Meeting at Kansai Electric Power Co. June 29 Meeting with Professor lemura at Kyoto University (am) Meeting with Professor Kameda at KyotoTower Hotel (evening) June 30 Visit to MHI Kobe Shipyard (am) Visit to Kobe Earthquake Damaged Areas under Reconstruction (pm) July 1 Weekend July 2 Travel to Takamatsu July 3-4 Visit to Tadotsu Engineering Laboratory July 5 Return to Tokyo July 6 Vacation July 7 Departure from Tokyo, Japan and arrival in New York, NY. Purpose of Travel: The purpose of this trip was as follows: 1. To participate in a meeting on the MS Seismic Proving Test Program and observe the MS tests with energy absorbing supports at the Tadotsu Engineering l2boratory. 2. To participate in a meeting with MITI/NUPEC to discuss seismic collaboration programs. 3. To meet with Professor Shibata to discuss piping criteria and reevaluation of seismic criteria. 4. To meet with Professors Akiyama, lemura and Kameda to discuss seismic studies and evaluations related to the Kobe earthquake. 1 * \ . 5. To attend meetings with Obayashi, Kansai Electric Power and Mitsubishi Heavy -Industries to discuss issues related to Kobe earthquake. - 6. To visit Kobe city to view seismic damage and restoration. Report: A summary of the various movdng discussions and information obtained at the meetings is presented in the following sections, 1 | t 2 : '. 1. Meeting at NUPEC on Selsmic Collaboration Programs DATE: June 26,1995 (am) LOCATION: NUPEC Headquarters, Tokyo 1 1 PARTICIPANTS: NRC: N. Chokshi, D. Terao BNL: G. DeGrassi hilTI: hir. hiatsuhashi, hir Kawahara NUPEC/SEC: N. Tanaka, Y. Ibe, S. Nakamura, Y. Sasaki NUPEC/ INS: T. Haga, S. Shiga M Hl: K. Sato SUBJECT: Seismic Collaboration Programs ; DISCUSSION: Mr. Tanaka of NUPEC welcomed the U.S. team and introduced the representatives of the Japanese organizations. Dr. Chokshi of NRC introduced the U.S. representatives from NRC and BNL. Mr. Tanaka provided the final schedule for the various meetings that had been arranged for the remainder of the trip. Dr. Chokshi indicated that the schedule was acceptable to the NRC/BNL team. Mr. Nakamura gave a presentation on the PCCV Seismic Proving Test Program. This is the next major seismic proving test program that will be conducted at the Tadotsu Engineering Laboratory. The objectives of this test are to demonstrate the seismic stiwtural and functional integrity of a prestressed concrete containment vessel (PCCV), to verify the seismic analysis and design methods, and to determine the seismic margin of the PCCV by testing the model to failure. The proving test will be performed on a 1/10 scale model of a PCCV. The PCCV dome will be replaced by a thick slab with lead blocks. The model will be pressurized during the Si and S2 level seismic tests. Based on their analysis the anticipated failure location is at the bottom of the PCCV under the equipment hatch. Auxiliary tests on the liner system are being performed at Takasago Engineering Laboratory. The objective of the auxiliary tests is to obtain the pullout and shear force capacities of the liner anchors and to investigate the structural interaction between the liner system and the concrete wall. Fabrication of the PCCV test model is in progress. Seismic testing is expected to begin in early 1997. Dr. Chokshi gave a presentation on NRC plans for collaboration on the PCCV program. In his opening remarks, he indicated that the exchange of technical information between the US and Japan over the years has provided benefits to both sides. He emphasized the long term mutual benefits of continued collaboration. He briefly discussed new developments in the US including new siting criteria, new piping criteria, and proposed revisions to RG 1.60. He then discussed specific NRC plans for collaboration with NUPEC on the PCCV program. NRC participation would focus on analytical predictions of test results. The evaluation would be conducted by Sandia National Iaboratory. He described the proposed " Multi Grid Technique for Nonlinear 3 _ _. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , Dynamic Analysis" that would be applied in the analysis. This is a new methodology that could be validated against the PCCV tests. Reports describing the methodology and results would be made available to NUPEC. Representatives of NUPEC Institute of Nuclear Safety (INS) gave a presentation on Seismic PSA Collaboration. Dr. Haga indicated that NUPEC has initiated PSA studies and plans to complete them in about four years. They have studied US reports on this subject and have recognized the importance of developing component fragility cuives. However, they would like moie detailed information on methods for calculating component fragilities by analysis or test, the use of engineering j idgement, evaluation of uncertainties, and categorization of components into generic groups. NUPEC/ INS is interested in obtaining a manual with detailed procedures for performing PSA studies. 'Ihey prepared a summary of the procedures or type of information they need in this area. Both the ori 31nal Japanese document and the English translation were provided to the US team. NUPEC/ INS proposed that this information be made available as part of the CCV collaboration program. Dr. Chokshi indicated that we will study their questions very carefully. He pointed out Wat the NRC does not have a manual for performing PSA studies. Procedures are developed by industry and reviewed by NRC. Fragility data including the data collected by BNL is considered proprietary. Dr. Haga stated that they are asking for the BNL methodology, not the industry data. Dr. Chokshi stated that he needs to study their request and discuss it with i.is management. He pointed out that it may be ve;y difficult to include this as part of the CCV collaboration since two different national laboratories are involved. He agreed to send his reply to Mr. Yagyu of MITI. Documents Obt4..e 1. Presentation Material "PCCV Seismic Proving Test," S. Nakamura. 2. Presentation Material on proposed analytical evaluations for PCCV collaboration, N. Chokshi. 3. " Questions on the Seismic Fragility of Components" prepared by NUPEC/ INS, 6/26/95 (Original document in Japanese and English translation).
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