NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CUtCULATIOX for tbe month of October, 1028 5,205 Member of the Audit Borenn of _____ CIrcnIatlons_____________ (Classifled Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLin., NO. 18. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, %-i928. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S DOCTOR LIVED TO 109 BY KEEPING BODY IN LAMBERT STILL LONGITUDINAL POSITION A Monument to English Heroes of the Somme Vienna, Oct. 3.— A certain Doctor Julius Tlchwehr who re­ IN JAIL; ALIBI cently died here at the age of one hundred and nine, often de­ clared that the secret of his longevity consisted in taking a IS NOTBROKEN horizontal position as often as possible during the day, and naturally, every night. Whenever it was possible Story of Waitress and Cash­ throughout the day, he would place his head In the direction In Last Major Speech of of the North Pole and the re­ ier to Be Further Qnes- mainder of his body parallel to the meridian line. The doctor Campaign Nominee Prom­ tioned^Local Man Seeks affirmed that this position cor­ responded to the direction of Certain ises to Solve the Prob­ the magnetic current running Advise of Attorney. through the surface of the earth and thhs permitted a kind of lems "Before the Next magnetism of the iron mass con­ West Branch, Iowa, Nov. 3.-—. treat.” tained in the body. With the serenity of its Quaker tra­ Signs of the celebration were Paul G. Lambert, formerly of dition, West Branch, Iowa, today -<S> in evidence today. Flags and Harvest" If Elected; Mon­ Manchester, held in Stamford as a awaited the “ big momont” which bunting bedecked the streets, stores suspect in the violent death of Miss may make it Immortal as the birth­ and residences when "Herbie” came place of a President of the United ster Crowd Cheers Him Olga Bayes, 20 year old stenogra­ home Ia.st August to.retrace boyish HERALD WILL GIVE States. trails, were being hahled out of pher a week ago Thursday, was still So sure is this Iowa village of storage today. In S t Louis. in police custody this morning. It 800 persons that it wlH go down in “ We won’t take it down until was intimated that he might be re­ history as the cradle of Herbert Friday, either.” the mayor said EECTION RETURNS Hoover, President, that it nas leased befor the day ended, how­ with a calm assurance. quietly made arrangements for s» The little house where the Repub­ Aboard Hoover Special, EnrouLe ever. monster ctlebration next Thursday, lican nominee was born was geiting to Pueblo, Nov. :i.—Herbert Hoov­ There were no developments In two days after the election, intend­ an extra polishing for next week., er is pledged today to deal defi­ the case, the Stamford police said ed to shatter the usual calm. Extensive Plans Made for Mrs. Jennie Sellers, who lives in nitely with the bugaboo of farm re­ this morning, but they admitted Mayor N. F. Olsen announced to.- the Old Hoover home, and who there is no denying a big gathering More than 7000 Englishmen gave their lives here during one tragic month of 1916. This monument day that daylight fireworks have lief “ before the next harvest.” This erected by the Guards division at Les Boeffs, France, near Albert on the Somme, now commemorates thei’r served Mr, Hoover with ..a real of circumstantial evidence that has Announcing Results of been purchased. Gov. John Hammil country Treakfast, including peac’a was the last word of the Republi­ not as yet been discounted. The sacrifice. Major General Sir George Geoffrey Field Ing officiated at the unveiling the other dav and here invited to speak, and the country­ can presidential nominee to the you see a general view of the ceremonies. preserves, hot blscut and fried peta- alibi given by Lambert and sub­ Tuesday's Poll. side for miles around notified that tces, on homecoming day, is seeing great American grain belt, deliver­ stantiated by the Lockwood family West. Branch is ready to “ stand to that. ed last night at St. Louis. with whom he said he dined the As he sped westward through night of the attack, has not been «- Kansas and Colorado today en broken. This despite the fact that The Herald has made plans to ALL SHAKERS TO VOTE route to his home in Palo Alto he two restaurant waitresses claimed College Boys **SteaV* SMITIfS FINAL FOR HERBERT HOOVER. give complete service on election awaited with confidence, according they saw him shortly after the a.s- HINT OF MURDER to his Intimates aboard their “ Vic-' sault is supposed to have occurred. returns Tuesday night. November Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 3.— tory Special,” the reaction of the Keith in Stamford 6, from Its plant on Bissell street. SPEECH TO BE Every Shaker in the town of agricultural battle ground to his Warren I. Keith, of this town, a As soon as returns begin to come Whole Subway Train Hancock in the Mt. Lebanan IN BURNING CASE promise. “ I would call a special ses­ personal friend of Lambert’s, yes­ in they will be announced, flashed community eligible to vote has sion in order that we might speedi­ terday went to Stamford to learn on to a screen, and otherwise broad­ registered this year and it was ly arrive at a determination of the reported today that they were what he could of the case for Lam­ cast to the crowds wh6 gather to New York, IJJov. 3.— Three hun-^gency cord. The other passengers MADE TONIGHT question before the next harvest.” bert’s two aurits who live at 16 hear the results of the election. Re­ dred over-enthusiastic Columhbla got out immediately and scurried 100 per cent, strong for Herbert St. IjQuis Speech Chestnut street here. Keith sought Hoover for president. It was Autopsy Shows Miss Knaak turns will reach The Herald through students, flushed with the excite- for saJety. I “ I am hopeful that in the Decem­ the advise of a prominent Stamford special arrangements with the In­ ment of a "pep meeting” held at, In the theatrical district the army the’ first time in 52 ‘ years ^that ber session of Congress it will be attorney but he was not engaged ternational News Service and the university last night on the eve of students amused themselves by Last Address at Madison the Shakers have registered, the Had Received a Heavy possible to reach th^t solution,” he to defend Lambert. Keith simply through special arrangements with of the football game with Cornell, pushing automobiles in the opposite last lime being when they were declared to an tudlence of 17,000 In investigated the case for his own Republican State committee head­ “ captured” a subway train early, direction to which they had been! out for their fallow townsnies St. Louis coliseum to which’he had and for Lambert’s aunts,’ satisfac­ quarters in Hartford. Radio returns today and then paraded through the headed. One notorist "ordered Square Garden— Repub­ Samuel J. Tilden in his fight Blow on Head. v outlined his specific relief plan of tion. He talked with no one other will also be received and broadcast Times Square district to work off two policemen to arrest the 300 against Rutherford B. Hayes. four distinct projects or methods. than one attorney and members of at the Bissell street plant. their enthusiasm. rioters. The two bluecoats, some­ “ However, as I have already the police department. The Herald in previous elections licans Pleased With Cool- 1 said, if this is not possible, I would Yelling, waving torches and what dubious at the prospect, com­ Lake Forest, 111., Nov. 3— Fol­ After returning here Keith said call a special session in order that has been able'to give Its readers the clanking cowbells, the collegians promised by arresting two unwary lowing a report of Coroner John L. that he believed Lambert would be very best of service on the returns boarded a subway train without we might speedily arrive at a de­ students. Then the others comman­ idge Endorsement. Taylor that Elfrieda Knaak had released some time today. He said from the polls. This is made possi­ paying any fares, turned out the deered another subway train and PLEA OF INSANITY termination of the question before that’ even police officials admitted the next harvest.” ble by the cooperation 'of the Am­ lights and stopped the train .every finished the celebration by serenad­ suffered a blow over the head -1 that the case against Lambert was erican Telegraph and Telephone few minutes by pulling the emer- ing the girls at Barnard college. which caused concussion of the Hoover’s program calls for these not strong. The death of Miss Bayes Company, William Halstead, manv New York, Nov. 3 — The final brain' before the burns which prov­ projects: aroused so much feeling In and ger of the Southern New England salvos of campaign oratory will be FOR THRILL KILLERS ed fatal were Inflicted, the investi­ 1. To secure stability of prices around Stamford that the authori­ Telephone Company, and Clarence fired tonight throughout the nation, gation into the circumstances sur­ as regards the .existing violent sea­ ties do not care to release their sus­ G. Willard, secretary of the Repub­ CAMP MEMORIAL rounding “her death was intensified sonal fluctuations. pect until, they are positive he is lican State Central Committee. THIRTY PRISONERS signalizing the end of the most Coming Trial of Atlanta today on- the theory that she had 2. To reorganize the entire mar­ innocent. ■ - ; Elaborate Preparations turbulent and remarkable presiden­ been murdered. keting system for all agricultural International News Service will tial contest in the^history of 'Amerl- The fi’ifdfng ot a light colored prodifcts to eliminate the present^ furnish The Herald the most com­ DEDICATED TODAY ,can politics.
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