The Weekly Spectrum VOLUME 38 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY MAY 2, 1924 NUMBER 27 May Festival Next Week Is Largest Ever Attempted Rain Will Not Slow ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OPENED MEETING TODAY Every Effort Is Being Up Spring Athletics Made To Make Festival Says Director Stan Good Support Helps Osman And Theta Chis While the rain of the past week, ac- REPORTS OF VARIED cording to Einar Leifson, is a godsend Of 1924 A Record One in that it prevents the spread of nand- NATURE TO BE READ Win—Benshoof Whiffs Six Men---Boners Pulled tarism, by making impractical for the cadet battalion to put into practice Theta Chi ball tossers got away to The Seventeenth Annual Inter-High what they have learned from their BY ASSEMBLED PROFS Comment has been rife on the a good start Wednesday evening, in long days of tedious toil in School May Festival which will be the class- campus during the past week as the first game of the campus circuit, Hedvig Sand-Marie Smith room, The North Dakota _ Academy of held at the North Dakota Agricultural it has caused dismay to Coach- the result of a scourging attack by capturing the- opening American Science, a group of men composea College, Fargo, North Dakota, Thurs- es Borleske and Dewey, because they on the R. 0. T. C. by members League game, at the expense of the largely of the faculties of the North Have High Winter Averages day, Friday and Saturday, May have been unable to do very little of the student body through this Alpha Kappa Phi club, 3 to 2. Dakota A. C. and the State University eighth, ninth and tenth, nineteen work on the Spring athletic program. paper. opened their annual meeting here this The winners gathered in enough hundred and twenty-four promises to Coach Borleske announced that all games, which have been morning. One of the agitators has chal- scores, behind two hits, by Johnson Fargo High Honor Students Of Two Years Get be one of the best festivals ever cancelled be. lenged us to secure the opinion and Butte, and an misplay by Wahl, cause of the weather, will be played About thirty members of the staff held. Many delegations of students of the students. ..Next week's in the first frame to make the game Excellent Marks In College-Senior, Ag's on the first open date that it is poss- and station of the college here are and instructors from various high Spectrum will carry a number of secure, The Kappa Phi tossers, who ible for the two teams, involved In attending and nearly as many have al- High-Greeks Beat Barbs schools of., the state have already - short candid comments secured went out in order for the first three the cancellation, to get together. The ready arrived from the school up signified their intention of being from leading students and facul- frames, came to life at the openug of captains of all teams affected should north and some from scattered other present for the three-day session. ty on the campus. The results the fourth inning and scored two runs, Hedvig Sand and Marie Smith, both of Fargo, and also both valedic- see Borleske as to when arrangements points in the state. The meeting More high school students than ever will be of interest—watch for poor base running depriving them of torians of their respective high school classes, lead the individual honors can be made td play. wil continue today and tomorrow. before will participate in the vari- them. the tying tally. Sailer got life on an for the _North Dakota Agricultural college during the winter term. ous contests arranged for the three Courts Reserved for Profs. A varied program will_ be given, a error by Butte, and hits by Peterson Miss Sand is Senior while Miss Smith is Sophomore. Alpha Zeta, days. Borleske also announced that the part of which folloWs: "Mathematical and Wahl scored Sailer and Peterson. honorary Ag fraternity bads the organization averages followed closely tennis courts will be reserved from 5 Principals of Bond-Bidding"—Profes. Usual - Events Run. Commission Proposes Benshoof hit a long fly to Peet, Wahl by Phi Upsilon Omicron. P. M. to 6 P. M. for faculty members, sor I. W. Smith, "Marketing Dairy , going to third and Peet threw to Of the social organizations the Delta Phi Beta sorority have the highest The contests, which are open to and asks that all students bear this in Products in North Dakota" by Dr. A. Publications Board; Johnson, who stepped on, the bag re- average. As a group the seniors in the School of Agriculture have things all bona.efide high school student's, mind, that there may be no misunder- H. Benton, N. D. A. C.; Bush-form Be Sure To Vote tiring 'Wahl. Johnson singled' and nearly their own way although be Seniors school of Pharmacy (Seth have been divided into three district standing. Fruit Trees" by A. F. Yeager, N. D. went to 3rd on to 'Wahl's misplay of Welch) is not far behind. groups—athletic, industrial, and lite- Saturday at 1:30 P. M. will witness A. C.; "Important Insects Affecting The following rules have been Bohnsack's grounder. Hamnton walk- The Weekly Spectrum staff landed in, fifth place thereby proving that rary. The Athletic contests will be the opening of the interclass meet. Crops in Spring Wheat Area" Dr. R. adopted by the Student Commission at ed and Bohnsack and Hamilton scored their dumbness is practically confined to their publication. divided into two groups, those for The captains of the various class L. Webster, N. D. A. C.; The History their meeting of April 22 and are on Butte's double. Fraternity men had a decided advantage over the non-fraternity men men and those for women. The con- teams should get out their perform- of the Ellendale Artesians," Howard here submitted to the Students for as did the Sorority women over the non-sorority women. tests for men will consists of four- ers on time and see that all is in readi, E. Sinipsoh, U. N. D.; The Predction Benshocif pitched good ball but was their approval on May 9 when a spe- The tabulated results follow: teen different field and track events ness before the meet opens. The of Miinmum Tetnparatares" A. W. given poor- support at critical times. cial election will be held on the sub- Wahl showed good early season form —a one hundred yard dash, a two meet this year is more worthy of ef- Cook and Karl H. Fussier, U. N. D.; mitted measures. Students Grades for the Winter Term 1924 hundred and twenty yard dash, a fort, because all contestants making "Early Dianogsis of Tuberculosis" Dr. keeping the boserunnersliugging the The rules constitute a long felt need four hundred and forty yard dash, an six points or more will be awarded a B. K. Kilbournee, Fargo. bags. The winners present a strong General Institutional Average (All students, all curricula)____79.3 eight hundred and eighty yard run, class numeral, whereas, in past years in the Agricultural College with refer- inner defense with Johnson and Bate (All men, all curricula) 78.0 a mile run a two hundred and twen- only the honor of winning an event, ence to the various school publics - as the Outstanding performers., Butte (All women, elf curricula) 81.3 ty yard low hurdles, a hundred and which was soon forgotten, was the Doc Pearce Shines tions and the students should back was -the battling star 'of the game, In Role of City's this measure heartily._It will provide getting a .single and double in two General Average (All undergraduates) 79.2 twenty yard high hurdles, the high best a man could hope for. _ for better papers and a much more times at hat. Peterson got the only (All men) 78.0 jump, the broad jump, the pole Many Entries On. (All women) Cleanup Chairman systematized method of office appoint- other extra-base hit of the tame, e 81.3 vault, the shot put, the discus throes- , Entries for the May Festival, to be (Continued on page 2.) the Javelin throw and a one half ment. - double on hs second time at bat. The held the last three days of next week, Dr. W. T. Pearce, head of the school mile relay. If the measure is approved the game was called In the..fifte which is (Continued on page 3.) of chemistry, and chairman of the city students -will always be assured that The athletic contest for girls will cleanup drive announces that he is re- their paper is in the hands of an ex- Gamma Kappa Psi Receives consist of folk and interpretative ceiving excellent cooperation from the perienced journalist and the editor in Concordia Girl Wins dancing, to tennis tournament, and Promotions of Cadet city authorities and town people in turn will be assured that he will track events. The industrial con- ► test Officers Effective the annual cleanup week. have cooperation on the part of stud- Enforcement Co Sigma Phi of Kappa Delta tests will be in the nature of exhi- The campaign opened Monday with At Once Say Major ent body and staff. Vote YES May With Fed Girl Second bits of the work done in the high the distributioh of cards by school ninth (9). schools in art, cooking, mechanical' The following promotions, assign- children to homes asking household- The proposed artcles follow: Engineers Get There drawing, sewing and wood-work. Miss- Agnes Kjorlie of Concordia Sorority Is First Large - Na- ments and tranfers within the Cadet ers to check items in cleanup which THE BOARD OF CONTROL OF Contests in stock judging will the college has been announced as the After Battling Gumbo Battalion are announced, effective they would take part in.
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