• 1896. CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD-SENATE. 2809· By Mr. HARMER: Petition of Ashland Council, No. 81, Order amble of the Constitution of the United States'-to the Committee United American Mechanics, unanimously asking for the passage on the Judiciary. of the Stone immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration Also, petition of the Massachusetts Woman's Christian Temper­ and Naturalization. ance Union, to authorize a commission to promow the arbitration By Mr. HICKS: Petition of W. S. Kantner and William Heller, of international disputes-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. officers, and 51 members of Washington Camp, No. 402, Patriotic By Mr. NORTHWAY: Petition of George C. Jackson, pub­ Order Sons of America, of Juniata, Pa., for the passage of the lisher, of Akron, Ohio, against the passage of House bill No. 4566, Stone immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration and amending the postal laws relating to second-class matter-to the Naturalization. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Also, petitions of J. L. Sechler, of South Fork, Pa.; L. G. La­ By Mr. PHILLIPS: Petition of Wilson Post, No. 496, Grand made, of Altoona, Pa., and Lon A. Smitt, of Myersdale, Pa., Army of the Republic, of Zelienople, Pa._, to accompany House praying for favorable action on House bill No. 4566, to amend the bill No. 6894, for two condemned cannon and cannon balls; also, postal laws relating to second-class matter-to the Committee on petition of W. H. Weier, commander of Post No. 573, Grand Army the Post-Office and Post-Roads. of the Republic, of Evans City, Pa., to accompany House bill No. Also, petitions of W. V. Marshall, of Berlin, Pa., and Amos 6894,for a condemned cannon-totheCommitteeon NavalAffairs. Claar, of Bedford County, Pa., protesting against the passage of Also, paper to accompany House bill granting a pension to House bill No. 4566, relating to second-class mail matter-to the SamuelS. Patterson-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. POOLE: Petition of 200 citizens of Syra-cuse, N. Y., By Mr. HENRY of Connecticut: Petition of Lafayette Lodge, members of Salt City Council, Order United American Mechanics, No. 37, Order United American Mechanics, in behalf of the Lodge praying for the passage of the Stone immigration bill-to the Com­ immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration and Natu­ mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. ralization. By Mr. REYBURN: Petition of N. Belfield & Co., of Philadel­ By Mr. HITT: Petition of 25 ex-Union soldiers and sailors, in phia, praying for favorable action on House bills Nos. 838, 4566, favor of the passage of a service-pension bill-to the Committee and 5560, to provide 1-cent letter postage per half ounce, and to on Invalid Pensions. amend the postal laws relating to second-class and free matter­ Also, resolutions adopted by the Retail Grocers and Merchants' to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Association of illinois at their third annual convention, sympa­ By Mr. STEELE: Petition of James M. Gillespie and 3 others, thizing with the Cubans in their struggle for liberty-to the Com­ of Jonesboro, Ind., asking that the present low rate of postage mittee on Foreign Affairs. be maintained on second-cla-ss matter-to the Committee on the By Mr. HOOKER: Petitions of J. W. Crawford, E. J. Rey­ Post-Office and Post-Roads. nolds, and others, of Olean, N. Y., also T. S. Woodard, J. J. Also, petition of Mathew Atkinson and 40 others, of Red Key, Crandall, and others, of Scio, N.Y., for amendment of postallaws Ind., praying for the passage of a service-pension bill-to the Com­ so that religious literature, such as tracts, etc., be given the ad­ mittee on Invalid Pensions. vantage of the act of Congress of July 16, 1894-to the Committee By Mr. SORG: Paper to accompany House bill No. 7202, for the on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. relief of Miss A. Dorsey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. JENKINS: Petition of M. H. Wilson and 28 others, of By Mr. SOUTHWICK: Petition of Abraham Lincoln Lodge, Barron County, Wis., protesting against joint resolution-propos­ No.7, Order of United American Mechanics, indorsing the Stone ing amendment to the Constitution of the United States-to the immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration and Nair Committee on the Judiciary. uralization. By Ml.·. KEM: Memorial of 195 citizens of Nebraska, -relative By Mr. TERRY: Petition of L. P. Gibson, editor of the Journal to the bill ceding to the State of Nebraska the public lands for of the Arkansas Medical Society, protesting against the passage of irrigation purposes-to the Committee on the Public Lands. House bill No. 4566, to amend the postal laws relating to second­ By 1\ir. LAYTON: Resolutions of the Maryland Historical So­ class matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. ciety, of Baltimore, for an appropriation to enable the Secretary of By Mr. TRACEWELL (by request): Petition of .Tames Gor­ State to prepare for publication the records and papers of the don, jr., and 69 other citizens of Jennings County, Ind., request. Continental Congress-to the Committee on Appropriations. ing Congress to pass joint resolution No. 11, to amend the Con­ By Mr. LINTON: Petition of George W. Owen, publisher, of stitution of the United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Owotto, Mich., asking for favorableaction on House bill No.4566, By Mr. TRACEY: Paper to accompany House bill granting a to amend -the postal laws relating to second-class matter-to the pension toW. S. Riggs-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. TURNER of Virginia: Petition of Noah Price, of Madi­ Also, petition of Victor B. Rottiers and J. E. Austin, represent­ son County, Va., praying reference of his war claim to the Court ing the Grand Army post at Birch Run, Mich., praying for the of Claims-to the Committee on War C1aims. passa;ge of a service-pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Also, petition of the heirs of James C. McCue, deceased, late of PensiOns. Albemarle County, Va., praying reference of his war claim to the By Mr. LOUD: Petitions of Charles T. Bainbridge & Sons and N. Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. Belfield & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., praying for favorable action on Also, petition of Benjamin Bowman, of Rockingham County, House bills Nos. 838,4566, and 5560, to provide 1-cent letter post­ Va., praying reference of his war claim t.o the Court of Claims­ age per half ounce, and to amend the postal laws relating to sec­ to the Committee on War Claims. ond-class and free matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office By Mr. WOOMER: Petition of Washington Camp, No. 160, of and Post-Roads . Richhmd, Pa., in favor of the Stone immigration bill-to the Com­ Also, petitions of Duncan McPherson and George Bentley, ask­ mittee on Immigration and N aturalizatiqn. ing for favorable action on House bill No. 4566, to amend the pos­ tal laws relating to second-class matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. SENATE. By Mr. McDEARMON: Petition of J. L. Sparks & Co., pub­ MONDAY, March 16, 1896. lishers, of Ripley, Tenn., protesting against House bill No. 4566, to amend the postal laws relating to second-class matter-to the Prayer by Rev. Is..u.c W. CANTER, of the city of Washington. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. On motion of Mr. HOAR, and by unanimous consent, the read­ By Mr. MILLER of West Virginia: Petition of the trustees of ing of the Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was dispensed the First Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Point Pleasant, with. W.Va., with exhibits and evidence to accompany their bill-to EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. the Committee on War Claims. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Also, evidence to support bill for the relief of Andrew J. Hol­ tion from t.he Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, ill r esponse ley-to the Committee on War Claims. to a resolution of the 1oth instant, a. report of the Director of the · By Mr. MILNES: Petition of 1\irs. W. A. Gillespie, president, Geological Survey concerning the progress and result of public­ and other officers of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union land surveys in the Indian 'l'erritory under the direction of the of Kalamazoo, Mich., asking for the passage of a Sunday law in Geological Survey, etc.; which, with the accompanying papers, the District of Columbia-to the Committee on the District of was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be Columbia. printed. By Mr. MONEY: Petition of Frank Burkitt and others, of Oko­ He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secre­ lona, Miss., praying for the adoption of the proposed religious tary of the Interior, in response to a resolution of February 26, amendment to the Constitution of the United States-to the Com­ 1896, calling for information as to whether or not poaching is mittee on the Judiciary. carried on to any extent in the Yellowstone National Park, whether By Mr. MORSE: Petitions of 83 citizens of Selma, Cal.; 10 citi­ animals from that park cross the boundaries thereof into Idaho zens of New York City, N.Y.; 15 citizens of Millville, Mass.; 73 and Montana and are there slaughtered contrary to existing law, citizens of Waltham, Mass.; 10 citizens of Baltimore, Md.; 39 citi­ etc., transmitting a report of the Secretary of the Interior and of zens of Kansas; 162 citizens of Pennsylvania, and 45 citizens of the acting superintendent of the Yellow_stone National Park for Lisbon, N.Dak., praying for the recognition of God in the pre- the :fiscal year ended June30, 1895,respectively, in which poaching 2810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.
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