of Greater Manchester... Greater of 14 13 A587 A59 12 A583 M55 32 A671 HEART the at Right 3 1 4 11 M6 A59 M65 10 A6 9 A583 A666 8 Blackpool 31 7 A584 Preston 6 Blackburn A646 30 5 A53 A59 29 A646 29 4 A56 Halifax 1 3 A582 28 M65 A644 8 19 A62 7(M) Huddersfield A666 1 A58 M6 M66 M62 Rochdale A629 D 21 M62 R Horwich Bury A58 E L 27 2 A Heywood 20 D H Bolton 3 C Rochdale A627(M) 6 A58 19 O Ormskirk R Radclie 5 N L M61 Whitefield Middleton O Oldham N L I 3 4 19 3 D 4 L 6 5 26 3 17 6 H 20 L A LN Y A 16 O E 1 21 L M Walkden 15 H N M58 22 R 1 U A Royal R 14 Wardley B 6 Oldham D 2 Hospital 25 A627 7 7 6195 M6 A580 B North Manchester OLD M RD 12 H A 24 Golf Club A 1 3 A6010 23 A628 Mills Hill 6 6 7 A580 11 1 M57 23 G MI 4 10 RIM Middleton DD S LET 24 3 H ON Oldham Knowsley 4 A RD M62 6 W 62 Manchester 6 LN Y A 22 A M67 A Wallasey 11 F 102 OX A W A5058 D L Chadderton 15 E N D 9 NT N 0 5 O 2 4 5 A 6 A56 J20 M62 / J21 M60 8 A 6 B 7 4 B 2 O 1 3 6 2 21 3 2 1 Source: Google Maps 6 LOCATION DRIVE TIMES 18 RA553 M60 3 9 B Birkenhead Warrington Chadderton, Oldham, Greater Manchester B 9 R Liverpool 3 A5300 A557 4 O A • Strategically located within 1.5 miles of Destination Miles Time 3 5 20 A 1 6 A562 Hackley D 19 2 both Junction 20 of the M62 motorway20 7 8 6 G 6 J21 M607 1 4 mins A6 B M53 A56 Golf Club APrestatyn A41 andSpek Junctione 21 of the M60 motorway.9 VICT T ORI E 4 Llandudno A A A5137 Manchester V 10 J20 M62 Airport 4 6 mins Rhyl E E 2 Bromborough • Liverpool Five miles northA533 of Manchester City Centre. Benlech 21 6 John Lennon 11 A A523 River Mersey Airport Manchester A34 6.3 18 mins Hollyhead M60 • ProximityA557 to a major labour force with 12 19 5 6 A55 7 various skill base. M6 Manchester Airport 17.4 19 mins Moston 4 Colwyn Bay ManchesterRhuddlan A6A54010 8 Ellesmere A623 A547 A533 Leeds A537 36.3 42 mins A55 9 Port• Manchester International Airport within Anglesey A55 22 A41 A556 Beaumaris 20 minuteM56 drive time. Liverpool 41.3 50 mins 10 14 A537 Llangefni A548 St. Asaph Llanfairfechan A49 11 Northwich MACCLESFIELD A537 A55 15 A6 A525 A541 TERMS VAT A473 A41 Bangor A548 A5117 NEW LOGISTICS / MANUFACTURING / Freehold and leasehold A34 Where applicable VAT 12 A533 terms are available upon will be charged at the A development by Grant supported by Supported by Highways England’sA54 Growth & Housing Fund Denbigh request.18 prevailing rate. A544 A494 A51 A54 DESIGN & BUILD OPPORTUNITIES A487 Chester A49 A513 A5 A523 A53 CONGLETON UP TO 400,000 SQ FT APPROX. A55 Llanrwst 17 Ruthin A494 A50 ON 39 ACRES A470 A41 A51 A34 A530 A534 A5 M6 Further Information Richard Johnson Michael Rooney A470 A534 [email protected] [email protected] A534 A53 A5 For further information pleaseA494 contact the retained agents. 16 A527 A500 AndrewNANTWICH Lynn A500 Jack Weatherilt WREXHAM A41 A49 [email protected] [email protected] 0161 828 6440 0161 228 1001 A520 A500 jll.co.uk/property avisonyoung.co.ukA34 A5 A51 NEWCASTLE- UNDER-LYME STOKE ON-TRENT Corwen A5 A525 Misrepresentation Act 1967. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 The Property MisdescriptionsLlangollen Act 1991. These particulars are issued without any responsibility on the part of the agent and are not to be construed as containing any representation or fact upon which any person is entitled to rely. Neither the agent nor any person in their employ has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. July 2019. RB&Co 0161 833 0555. www.richardbarber.co.uk 15 A50 www.broadwaygreen.co.uk A51 A34 A520 A53 Stone A519 A5013 A518 A51 A34 A41 A519 14 Staord A518 B5405 of Greater Manchester... Greater of 14 13 A587 A59 12 A583 M55 32 A671 HEART the at Right 3 1 4 11 M6 A59 M65 10 A6 9 A583 A666 8 Blackpool 31 7 A584 Preston 6 Blackburn A646 30 5 A53 A59 29 A646 29 4 A56 Halifax 1 3 A582 28 M65 A644 8 19 A62 7(M) Huddersfield A666 1 A58 M6 M66 M62 Rochdale A629 D 21 M62 R Horwich Bury A58 E L 27 2 A Heywood 20 D H Bolton 3 C Rochdale A627(M) 6 A58 19 O Ormskirk R Radclie 5 N L M61 Whitefield Middleton O Oldham N L I 3 4 19 3 D 4 L 6 5 26 3 17 6 H 20 L A LN Y A 16 O E 1 21 L M Walkden 15 H N M58 22 R 1 U A Royal R 14 Wardley B 6 Oldham D 2 Hospital 25 A627 7 7 6195 M6 A580 B North Manchester OLD M RD 12 H A 24 Golf Club A 1 3 A6010 23 A628 Mills Hill 6 6 7 A580 11 1 M57 23 G MI 4 10 RIM Middleton DD S LET 24 3 H ON Oldham Knowsley 4 A RD M62 6 W 62 Manchester 6 LN Y A 22 A M67 A Wallasey 11 F 102 OX A W A5058 D L Chadderton 15 E N D 9 NT N 0 5 O 2 4 5 A 6 A56 J20 M62 / J21 M60 8 A 6 B 7 4 B 2 O 1 3 6 2 21 3 2 1 Source: Google Maps 6 LOCATION DRIVE TIMES 18 RA553 M60 3 9 B Birkenhead Warrington Chadderton, Oldham, Greater Manchester B 9 R Liverpool 3 A5300 A557 4 O A • Strategically located within 1.5 miles of Destination Miles Time 3 5 20 A 1 6 A562 Hackley D 19 2 both Junction 20 of the M62 motorway20 7 8 6 G 6 J21 M607 1 4 mins A6 B M53 A56 Golf Club APrestatyn A41 andSpek Junctione 21 of the M60 motorway.9 VICT T ORI E 4 Llandudno A A A5137 Manchester V 10 J20 M62 Airport 4 6 mins Rhyl E E 2 Bromborough • Liverpool Five miles northA533 of Manchester City Centre. Benlech 21 6 John Lennon 11 A A523 River Mersey Airport Manchester A34 6.3 18 mins Hollyhead M60 • ProximityA557 to a major labour force with 12 19 5 6 A55 7 various skill base. M6 Manchester Airport 17.4 19 mins Moston 4 Colwyn Bay ManchesterRhuddlan A6A54010 8 Ellesmere A623 A547 A533 Leeds A537 36.3 42 mins A55 9 Port• Manchester International Airport within Anglesey A55 22 A41 A556 Beaumaris 20 minuteM56 drive time. Liverpool 41.3 50 mins 10 14 A537 Llangefni A548 St. Asaph Llanfairfechan A49 11 Northwich MACCLESFIELD A537 A55 15 A6 A525 A541 TERMS VAT A473 A41 Bangor A548 A5117 NEW LOGISTICS / MANUFACTURING / Freehold and leasehold A34 Where applicable VAT 12 A533 terms are available upon will be charged at the A development by Grant supported by Supported by Highways England’sA54 Growth & Housing Fund Denbigh request.18 prevailing rate. A544 A494 A51 A54 DESIGN & BUILD OPPORTUNITIES A487 Chester A49 A513 A5 A523 A53 CONGLETON UP TO 400,000 SQ FT APPROX. A55 Llanrwst 17 Ruthin A494 A50 ON 39 ACRES A470 A41 A51 A34 A530 A534 A5 M6 Further Information Richard Johnson Michael Rooney A470 A534 [email protected] [email protected] A534 A53 A5 For further information pleaseA494 contact the retained agents. 16 A527 A500 AndrewNANTWICH Lynn A500 Jack Weatherilt WREXHAM A41 A49 [email protected] [email protected] 0161 828 6440 0161 228 1001 A520 A500 jll.co.uk/property avisonyoung.co.ukA34 A5 A51 NEWCASTLE- UNDER-LYME STOKE ON-TRENT Corwen A5 A525 Misrepresentation Act 1967. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 The Property MisdescriptionsLlangollen Act 1991. These particulars are issued without any responsibility on the part of the agent and are not to be construed as containing any representation or fact upon which any person is entitled to rely. Neither the agent nor any person in their employ has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. July 2019. RB&Co 0161 833 0555. www.richardbarber.co.uk 15 A50 www.broadwaygreen.co.uk A51 A34 A520 A53 Stone A519 A5013 A518 A51 A34 A41 A519 14 Staord A518 B5405 of Greater Manchester... Greater of 14 13 A587 A59 12 A583 M55 32 A671 HEART the at Right 3 1 4 11 M6 A59 M65 10 A6 9 A583 A666 8 Blackpool 31 7 A584 Preston 6 Blackburn A646 30 5 A53 A59 29 A646 29 4 A56 Halifax 1 3 A582 28 M65 A644 8 19 A62 7(M) Huddersfield A666 1 A58 M6 M66 M62 Rochdale A629 D 21 M62 R Horwich Bury A58 E L 27 2 A Heywood 20 D H Bolton 3 C Rochdale A627(M) 6 A58 19 O Ormskirk R Radclie 5 N L M61 Whitefield Middleton O Oldham N L I 3 4 19 3 D 4 L 6 5 26 3 17 6 H 20 L A LN Y A 16 O E 1 21 L M Walkden 15 H N M58 22 R 1 U A Royal R 14 Wardley B 6 Oldham D 2 Hospital 25 A627 7 7 6195 M6 A580 B North Manchester OLD M RD 12 H A 24 Golf Club A 1 3 A6010 23 A628 Mills Hill 6 6 7 A580 11 1 M57 23 G MI 4 10 RIM Middleton DD S LET 24 3 H ON Oldham Knowsley 4 A RD M62 6 W 62 Manchester 6 LN Y A 22 A M67 A Wallasey 11 F 102 OX A W A5058 D L Chadderton 15 E N D 9 NT N 0 5 O 2 4 5 A 6 A56 J20 M62 / J21 M60 8 A 6 B 7 4 B 2 O 1 3 6 2 21 3 2 1 Source: Google Maps 6 LOCATION DRIVE TIMES 18 RA553 M60 3 9 B Birkenhead Warrington Chadderton, Oldham, Greater Manchester B 9 R Liverpool 3 A5300 A557 4 O A • Strategically located within 1.5 miles of Destination Miles Time 3 5 20 A 1 6 A562 Hackley D 19 2 both Junction 20 of the M62 motorway20 7 8 6 G 6 J21 M607 1 4 mins A6 B M53 A56 Golf Club APrestatyn A41 andSpek Junctione 21 of the M60 motorway.9 VICT T ORI E 4 Llandudno A A A5137 Manchester V 10 J20 M62 Airport 4 6 mins Rhyl E E 2 Bromborough • Liverpool Five miles northA533 of Manchester City Centre.
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