DOCUMENT RESUME ED 056 962 SO 002 18 TITLE ConsumerEducation Bibliography. INSTITUTION New YorkPublic Library, N.Y.; Officeof consumer Affairs,Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 199p. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U. S.Governme Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 ($ 00) EDRs PRICE MF-$0.65 HC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies;Audiovisual Aids; Childrens Books; consumer Economics;*Consumer Education; Consumer Science; ElementaryGrades; Environmental Influences; InstructionalMaterials; Money Management; Pollution;Resource Guides; Secondary Grades ABSTRACT This second edition, annotatedbibliography contains over 4,000 books,pamphlets, periodical articles,audiovisual aids, and teacher materials relating to consumerinterests and consumer education. The recent proliferation ofmaterials has made it impossible to produce an exhaustive/isting. The authors instead have attempted to provide an overviewof the field which will beuseful to consumers, educators,school and public libraries, andcommunity information centers. Major categoriesin the bibliography are: consumer classics; consumerand the economy; consumerbehavior; consumer protection;fraud, deception and other consumerconcerns; agencies and organizationsproviding services and sources ofredress for consumers; consumer andthe environment; money management: consumer education; andchildrensg consumer goods and services; edition books.A. subject index is provided.ED 037 560 is the first of the bibliography. (Author/JLB) OFICE OF CQNSUMER AFFAIRS Executive Office e'f the President -FERm$55ION TO REPPIOCLICE THIs cOPy- RIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE CTATLy consumer HAS 8EtN GRANTED BY education To ERIc ANOORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.5 oFFIce bibliography OF EDUCATIoN. FORTHERREPRODUCTION Oursf05 THE. ERIC SYSTEM REOUIRES PEW MISSION OF THE copyRIGHT OVvNER.- OF HEALTH, VS,DEPARTMENT& WELFARE EDUCATION OFFICE OFEDUCATIONREPRO- HAS ..EEN FROM RECEIVED THISDOCUMENTEXACTLY AS ORIG- OPIN- DUCEDPERSON ORORGANIZATIONVIEW OR THE POINTS OF INATING IT. NECESSARILY DO NOTOFFICE OFEDU- IONSSTATED OFFICIALPOLICY. REPRESENTPOSITION cot CATION HOUSE FOR SOCIALSCIENCE EDUCATION ERIC CLEARING 855BROADWAY BOULDER, COLORADo80302 Prepared by The Office ofConsumer Affairs and The NewYork Public Library September .1971 2 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing OS Tice Washington, D.C.a20402 Price *1 FOREWORD As President Nixon stated in hisConsumer Message sent to Congress February 25, 1971, "Legislativeremedies and improved enforcement procedures are powerful weaponsin the fight for con- sumer justice. But as important asthese are, they are only as effective as an aware and aninformed public make them. ConsumerEducation is an integral part of consumer protection." Consumer Education is a valuable tool and mut be made avail- able for all Americansyoung or old,rich or poor. I have encouraged Consumer Educationand am aware of the in- creased number of consumer programs. Moreneeds to be done, how- ever, particularly for the poor,foreign language speaking, and the elderly. It is hoped that this bibliography willbe helpful to consumer educators, school and public libraries, andcommunity information centers in establishing such programs. Children are often overlooked as consumersand it is important that they learn how to be wise consumers at anearly age ; therefore, a new section on books forthe education and pleasure of our young people is included. This Consumer Education Bibliography isthe result of the efforts of many. I am particularly indebtedto Mr. John Mackenzie Cory, Director, the New York Public Library,Mr. Robert C. Sheehan, Principal Librarian, History & Social ScienceDepartment, Mid- Manhattan Library and my Consumer Educationstaff, Mr. Samuel B. Blaskey, former Director and Mrs. DorisSasser Stalker, Director, who coordinated the development of thisbibliography. A special thanks is due Miss GermaineKrettek and Miss Eileen Cooke, American Library Association, for theirprofessional counsel. Also, a debt of gratitude is owed the professionalbibliographic staff who researched literally thousands ofpossible entries. They are: Loda M. Hopkins Formerly Director of the Library Simmons College, Boston Lydia B. La Fleur Supervising Young Adult Specialist The New York Public Library Lillian Lopez Administrator, South Bronx Project The New York Public Library Aileen O'Brien Murphy Children's Literature Specialist Office of Children's Service The New York Public Library Shirley Quement Supervising Librarian History and Social Science Dept. Mid-Manhattan Library The New York Public Library Faye Simkin Assistant Executive Director New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency Irene Patj ens Singer Formerly Branch Librarian 96th Street Regional Branch The New York Public Library William Sloan Film Librarian The New York Library The members of President Nixon's Consumer Advisory Council, particularly Dr. Stewart Lee, Geneva College, and Dr. Carmen Bus- quets, University of Puerto Rico, gave invaluable and expert advice to the preparation of this document. I am, also, most grateful to the numerous teachers and librarians throughout the country who offered suggestions and comments on this publication. I hope that I will continue to receive suggestions and comments for future editions. The Yonkers Public Library, Yonkers, New York, under the direction of Mr. Grinton. I. Will, Director, and Miss Irene Rogers, Coordinator of Adult Services, are to be commended for their pioneer work in producing the first Consumer Education Bibliography. VIRGINIA H. KNAUER Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs IV 5 CONTENTS Consumer classics 1 Consumer and the economyimpactof consumers on the economy and influences of themarketplace on consumption_ 4 Consumer behaviorfactors thatmotivate and stimulate consumers 11 Internal influencesstatus, prestige 17 External influencesadvertising andmarketing tech- niques 19 Consumer protection 24 Fraud, deception and other consumerconcernsinthe marketplace 29 Agencies and organizationsservices and sourcesof redress for consumers 34 Consumer and the environment 47 Money management 50 Planning and consumer decision making 50 Budgeting 54 Credit 56 Savings and investments 66 Insurance 68 Life 69 Liability and casualty 71 Taxes 73 Retirement planning 74 Consumer goods and services 77 General principles 77 Product safety and testing 80 Food and nutrition 82 Clothing and personal care 89 Housing _91 Transportation 93 Health care and services 96 Household furnishing, equipment and services 102 Leisure 105 Education 106 Con umer education 108 Curriculum development 108 Textbooks 115 V Audiovisual materials 118 Teaching aids 134 Spanish teaching aids 141 Free and inexpensive materials 150 Professional reading 163 Children's books 169 Index _ _187 INTRODUCTION This bibliography is a listingof over 4,000 books, pamphlets, periodical articles, audiovisual aids,and teachers' materials relating to consumer interests and consumereducation. It was undertaken at the invitation of Mrs. VirginiaH. Knauer, Special Assistant tothe President for Consumer Affairs. The recent proliferation ofmaterials in this area has made it impossible to produce an exhaustivebibliography. We have instead attempted to give an overview of thefield. For practical reasons of space, we haveomitted those items which appear inuniversity extension bulletins and those itemswhich are readily available only in local areas. No attempthas been made to index everyarticle appearing in consumer oriented periodicals.Annotations have been kept as brief as possible. Wherever possible the most recentedition of each item has been listed. The nature of the subject,however, requires constantrevision of materials, so the user shouldbe sure to obtain the latestedition for the most up-to-dateinformation. It has been an honor for TheNew York Public Library tobe consulted on this revision and to beassociated with what is hoped to be a useful contribution to a fieldof such paramount importance. JOHN MAERENZIE CORY,Dire tor The New York Public Library ConsumerClassics Affluent Society, by John Ken-Consumer Cooperation in Amer- nethGalbraith,1958.368p.ica, by Bertram B. Fowler, 1936. $6.95. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.305 IxO.P. Vanguard, New Also available in paperback : 95¢York. (cat. no. MT348) New American"Mr. Fowler's engagingly written nar- the rativeisauthoritative and penetrat- Library,1301Avenue of ing but not in the least dogmatic ... Americas, NewYork, N.Y.it should be read by everyone who is interestedinour national economic 10019. reorganization." Manya Gordon. Sat- "A book which is as disturbing asiturday Review of Literature,v.14, is brilliant It is a book withwhich itJune 20, 1936: 3, is easy to cavil or to disagree,but which it is impossible to dismiss. ... Consumer Interest, by Persia The general reader will relish abook Crawford Campbell, 1949. 660 p. whose style is polished and witty, but willfeelitssharpO. P. Harper, New York. the professional York barbs." R. L. Heilbroner. New "The entire book deserves thoughtful Herald Tribune Book Review, June 1,reading by students and educators, 1958: 3. governmental policy makers, and, ob- viously, consumers in general." M. B. American Chamber of Horrors; Matson. Survey, v. 85, Oct. 1949: 555. theTruthaboutFoodand Drugs, by Ruth de Forest Lamb,Consumer Movement, by Helen 1936. 418 p. O. P. Farrar-Rine-Laura Sorenson,1941.245p. hart, New York. O. P. Harper, New York. " ... ahistory
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