The inner ear’s vestibular organs and the Electronystagmography (ENG) refers to a associated nerves and brain centers form group of tests or test battery, and uses a complex system that serves many small electrodes placed over the skin functions and can be affected by a around the eyes during testing. number of outside systems. A thorough Videonystagmography (VNG) refers to evaluation of the inner ear may therefore the same test battery run using goggles require several different kinds of tests. with video cameras to monitor the eyes. Doctors use information from a person’s Both the video cameras and the medical history and findings from a electrodes can measure eye movements physical examination as a basis for to evaluate signs of vestibular ordering diagnostic tests to assess the dysfunction or neurological problems. vestibular system function and to rule out Generally these tests are performed in a alternative causes of symptoms. Most room that is dark or with low lighting. people tolerate these tests well. However, The examiner asks random questions that sometimes the tests are fatiguing and can are meant to occupy the person being result in temporary unsteadiness. tested and keep them alert. ENG/VNG tests are the most common set of tests administered to people with dizziness, vertigo, and/ or imbalance. The vestibular and visual systems are Parts of the ENG/VNG test battery connected to each other and to the evaluate the movement of the eyes as muscles in the eyes and neck that help they follow different visual targets. Other maintain good balance. Head movements parts of the ENG/VNG observe eye or other stimulation of the inner ear movements as the head is placed in sends signals through the nervous different positions. A third component of system to control eye muscle the ENG/VNG is called the caloric test, movements. This forms a reflex pathway which uses changes in temperature within called the vestibulo-ocular reflex, or VOR. the ear canal to stimulate part of the This system is designed to generate eye vestibular system. Air or water may be movements that maintain clear vision used to modulate the ear canal when the head is in motion. Many temperature, which may be warmer or vestibular tests use equipment to monitor cooler than body temperature. This test the eyes for normal and abnormal should provoke jerking eye movements movements when the vestibular system is (nystagmus) for a short time. stimulated. Rotation tests are another way of evaluating how well the eyes and inner ear work together. These tests also use © Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ vestibular.org ◦ Page 1 of 4 video goggles or electrodes to monitor VEMP testing is used to evaluate whether eye movements. The head is rotated side certain vestibular organs and associated to side at moderate or slow speeds, and nerves are intact and functioning associated eye movements are analyzed. normally. Responses in this test are Like the ENG/VNG, rotation tests are measured from different muscles in the performed in a room that is dark with the neck and around the eyes. VEMP testing examiner asking random questions during uses adhesive, skin surface electrodes testing. Rotation tests provide (like ENG or some rotational tests) and information beyond the ENG/ VNG about earphones (like those used during a how well the balance organs are hearing test). Sound is played for a few functioning. Not all people in the seconds through the earphones, the diagnosis phase will require rotation vestibular organs are stimulated and tests. activate muscle responses, and electrodes record the results. There are different kinds of rotation tests: auto head rotation, computerized rotary chair, or a screening test. In auto head rotation, the person being tested is asked CDP tests postural stability or the ability to look at a fixed target and move his/her to maintain upright posture in different head back and forth or up and down for environmental conditions. Maintenance of short periods of time. During postural stability depends on sensory computerized rotary chair tests, the information from: the body’s patient sits in a motorized chair that muscles/joints, eyes, and inner ears. This swivels side to side at a controlled rate. testing investigates relationships among Screenings can be performed with the these three sensory systems and records examiner watching the eyes while turning the balance and posture adjustments the subject side to side in a swivel chair. made when different challenges are presented. This test may also be used in a rehabilitative setting after a diagnosis has been determined, and is not vHIT also evaluates how well the eyes performed on all people in the diagnosis and inner ears work together. A small set phase. of glasses with a camera are used to monitor eye movements. The vHIT is CDP tests involve standing still on a similar to rotational testing, where the platform. The platform may be still or head is moved to evaluate the vestibulo- able to shift, or a visual target may be ocular reflex. However, the vHIT test still or able to move during testing. uses very small and quick movements of Pressure gauges under the platform the head to evaluate reflex function, as record shifts in body weight (body sway) opposed to the slow or moderate speeds as the person being tested maintains used in rotation testing. Not all people in balance under different conditions. A the diagnosis phase will require vHIT safety harness is worn as a precaution, tests. should the patient lose their balance. Audiometry measures hearing function. Hearing evaluations are an important part © Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ vestibular.org ◦ Page 2 of 4 of vestibular diagnostics, because the position. Not all people in the diagnosis inner ear contains both hearing and phase will need ECoG tests. balance organs. More than one hearing test may be required when a person has An earphone plays sound in the ear and a vestibular disorder, especially when an electrode measures a response. there is evidence of hearing loss, a Different electrodes can be used in this sensation of fullness in the ears, or test. Some may be adhesive, skin-surface tinnitus (ringing or noise in the ears). electrodes. Others may fit in the ear canal like an earphone, while a third type The audiometric test battery is carried of electrode is designed to gently rest out in a sound-treated room. Earphones against or touch the eardrum. A fourth are used to present words and tones at type of electrode is a needle that is different pitches and levels. A response is placed through the eardrum to touch the requested when these sounds are heard. inner ear. Most clinics use the first three Testing with words may include repeating types of electrodes to measure an words in a quiet room or when noise is electrical signal while sound is playing. playing. Another part of a standard hearing test is tympanometry, which can help detect problems between the ear drum and the inner ear. Tympanometry uses a small The ABR measures how the nervous earpiece that creates pressure and plays system responds to sound. The test setup sound in the ear canal to gather and procedure is similar to the ECoG. information. The same equipment can Most often ABR is used to test hearing for also be used for acoustic-reflex testing, people who are unable to respond for which measures the reflex of muscles in audiometry (such as infants). the middle ear in response to pressure Occasionally this test is used when and loud sound. someone cannot have imaging performed (such as people with a metal plate in the body/brain). OAE testing provides information about Under certain circumstances, this test can how the hair cells of the cochlea are indicate the presence of an acoustic working by measuring the responsiveness neuroma (a rare, benign tumor of the of hair cells to a series of clicks produced vestibulo-cochlear nerve). It may also by a tiny speaker inserted into the ear help identify conditions such as multiple canal. Most often this test is used to sclerosis if they have affected the evaluate hearing for people who are auditory pathway to the brain. unable to respond to a traditional hearing test (such as infants). MRI uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce cross-sectional images ECoG measures a response to sound from of body tissues being scanned. An MRI of the nervous system. It utilizes an the brain can reveal the presence of earphone and electrodes while the person tumors, stroke damage, and other soft- being tested lays still in a comfortable tissue abnormalities that might cause © Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ vestibular.org ◦ Page 3 of 4 dizziness or vertigo. MRIs of structures in REFERENCES and around the inner ear can be helpful in 1. Campbell K. Essential Audiology for the diagnosis of some vestibular Physicians. San Diego: Singular Publishing disorders. Group; 1997. 2. Jacobson GP, Newman CW, Kartush JM. Handbook of Balance Function Testing. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group; A CT scan is an X-ray technique that is 1993. best for studying bony structures. The 3. Jacobson GP, Shepard NT. Balance inner ear is inside of the skull’s temporal Function Assessment and Management. bone on each side. These scans are often San Diego: Plural Publishing Inc; 2008. used to look for abnormalities around the Second edition; 2014. inner ear, such as fractures or areas with 4. MacDougall HG, Weber KP, McGarvie LA, thinning bone. Halmagyi GM, Curthoys IS. The video head impulse test: diagnositic accuracy in peripheral vestibulopathy. Neurology 73 Depending on your circumstances, other (14): 1134-1141. 2009. tests may be necessary to discover the 5.
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