CAl ~VOillEil I JP>OlY +UPFPOil A series of seminars, panel discus­ Women", Cynthia Johnson, and Slide sions, and multimedia presentations Show "Women-The Way We Were, on the current concerns of women will 12:15 pm, Staff Dining Room; Work­ be presented during a week-long shop "Women in Management - How REPORT to Further Your Career", 1:30 pm, "Women Up Front" celebration to be California Polyteclinic State University held at Cal Poly from Sunday (May 7) Staff Dining Room. San Luis Obispo, California 93407 through Friday (May 12). To be held in TUESDAY (MAY 9)- Panel Discussion a number of campus locations, the "Minority Women and Discrimina­ series is being sponsored by the Dean tion: The Case In Education", 11 am, of Students Office. May 4, 1978 Administration 211D; Panel Discus­ The celebration will begin with an sion "Women and Money", noon, opening ceremony at 5 pm on Sunday, Administration 211 D. Volume 29, Number 34 (May 7) in the University Union Plaza WEDNESDAY (MAY 10) - Panel and continue through Friday, May 12. Discussion "New Horizons", 11 am A two-and-a-half mile "Awareness and noon, University Union 220; Fun Run" for women will Immediately Symposium "The Hidden Profes­ follow the opening ceremony during sional", 11 am and noon, University Stadium which Mary E. Kennedy will speak Union 219. briefly. Participation In the run, which THURSDAY (MAY 11) - Keynote improvements will begin at the University Union Address ''Women's Place???'', Elaine Plaza, wind through the university St. Johns, 11 am, University Union on the way campus, and return to the plaza, is 204; Presentation "Total Body open to any women who wish to take A scaled-down plan to renovate Mus­ Helath", Jeanette Reese, 11 am, part. The complete program is listed tang Stadium is under way with University Union 219; Workshop-Dis­ below: 1idding on the installation of 900 cussion "Legal Rights of Women", bleacher seats on the east side of the SUNDAY (MAY 7) - Opening Cere­ Susanne I. Moran, noon, University stadium. E. Douglas Gerard (Execu­ mony, 5 pm, University Union Plaza; Union 204; Discussion "Female Sexu­ tive Dean) said he expected the call for Talk "Feminism: The Changing ality", Joan Cirone, noon, University bids to be issued by May 10. The Scene", Hazel J. Jones, 6 pm, Staff Union 219; Coffee House, 8 pm, project will utilize contributions raised Dining Room; Slide Show "Women­ University Union Mustang Lounge. in an earlier fund drive which had The Way We Were", 6:30 pm, Staff FRIDAY (MAY 12) - Closing Evalua­ called for razing the wooden bleachers Dining Room; Slide Show "Four tion Session ''Where Do We Go From on the west side of the stadium and Outstanding Women Artists of the Here?", noon, University Union 204. replacing them with 5000 new seats. 20th Century", Bernice Loughran , 7:30 pm, Staff Dining Room. Further information about "Women The scaled-down renovation plan was Up Front," which Is open to the described in a March 14 letter from MONDAY (MAY 8) - Luncheon (no­ public, can be obtained by telephoning President Robert E. Kennedy to host) with talk "Changing Roles of Sam Spoden at Ext. 2476. donors and those who had pledged to support the renovation. Dr. Kennedy had asked for donor comment on the revised plan by Apr. 4. On that day he Gordon appointed Foundation advised all those participating In the fund campaign that enough contribu­ ME head board meeting tions remained to make the revised President Robert E. Kennedy has plan possible. The Board of Directors of the Cal­ announced the appointment of Ray­ Ifornia Polytechnic State University Dr. Kennedy's letter (which pointed mond C. Gordon as acting head of the Foundation will hold a regular meeting out that the original project at an Mechanical Engineering Department on Monday, May 15, 1978 at 8:30 am estimated $908,000 must be deferred beginning with the 1978 Fall Quarter. in Administration Bid., Room 409 on indefinitely) reported that available The assignment was recommended by the California Polytechnic State Uni­ funds are expected to provide for the Robert G. Valpey (Dean, Engineering versity campus In San Luis Obispo, 900 steel bleacher seats, to place and Technology) after consultation California. This is a public meeting. fiberglass seat caps on the wooden with tenured department faculty, and For further information about this Jleachers in the west-side stands, and endorsed by Hazel J. Jones (Vice meeting, or to obtain a copy of the to develop handicapped seating. President for Academic Affairs). Dr. meeting agenda, contact AI Amaral Gordon has been on the Cal Poly (Executive Director, Cal Poly Founda­ faculty since 1967. tion) In University Union 212, or call Continued on page 4 Ext. 1131. Author Sol Gordon to give lecture A well-known author, educator, and Graduate School of Humanities and member of the National Council on speaker on learning disabilities, ado­ Social Sciences, Yeshiva University in Family Relations and the American lescent sexuality, coping with bore­ New York City. Before that, he was Association of Marriage and Fam' dom, and preparation of today's youth chief psychologist at Middlesex Counselors. His appearance at C;,J for future family life will present a County Mental Health Clinic, New Poly is being sponsored by the Child lecture at Cal Poly Tuesday (May 9). Brunswick, N.J., and Philadelphia Development Club and the Child Sol Gordon will discuss "Coming to Child Guidance Clinic In Philadelphia. Development Department. Admission Terms With Your Own Sexuality Dr. Gordon Is the author of 15 to the lecture will be free. Before You Start Messing Around different books and monographs and With Someone Else's" at 11 am in the over 30 articles and pamphlets. He has Cal Poly Theatre. also produced three filmstrips and was Presently a director at The Institute for the senior consultant on a series of Family Research and Education at filmstrips on parent counseling, devel­ Syracuse University in New York, Dr. oped a 65-program serial on sexuality Gordon has spent time as an associate shown In Canada, and has appeared on professor and director of Project various popular TV and radio talk Beacon (a research, training, and shows throughout the United States. A demonstration program in the area of fellow of the American Psychological urban disadvantaged youth) at Ferkauf Association, Dr. Gordon is also a 73 faculty promotions announced ________~ President Robert E. Kennedy has Walter D. Wilson Physics Euel W. Kennedy Mathematics announced the promotions of 73 Cal George N. Knecht Biological TO PRINCIPAL VOCATIONAL Poly faculty members effective Sep. 1, Sciences contingent upon the approval of funds INSTRUCTOR John Mottman Physics Charles Atiee Crop Science for faculty promotions as currently Lee A. Parker Biological Sciences Albert W. Draves Architecture and contained in the Governor's Budget. Pierre C. Rademaker Art Environmental Design The promotions include 33 to the Mona G. Rosenman English Arthur C. Duarte Agricultural academic rank of Professor or Princi­ Raymond D. Terry Mathemati pal Vocational Instructor, and 40 to the Management rank of Associate Professor or Senior Raymond G. Gordon Mechanical TO SENIOR VOCATIONAL Vocational Instructor. President Ken­ Engineering INSTRUCTOR . nedy extended his congratulations and James Hallett Crop Science Sharad D. Atre Architecture & Envi­ Jon A. Hoffmann appreciation to the following faculty Aeronautical ronmental Design Engineering members receiving promotion: Jack E. Bedwell Natural Resources Roger L. Keep Industrial Technology Management TO PROFESSOR Irvin J. Kogan Engineering Charlotte Burns Ornamental Horticul­ Emile Attala Computer Science Technology ture &Statistics Royce Lambert Soil Science Arthur J. Chapman Architecture and PhilipS. Bailey, Jr. Chemistry Gary D. Reif Dairy & Poultry Science Environmental Design John B. Connely Education F. Raymond Steele, Jr.Food Industries Gary C. Dwyer Architecture and Robert H. Dickerson Physics Environmental Design Douglas Donaldson Biological Sciences TO ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR James S.W. Grell Crop Science Bernard W. Dusek Art Linda Atwood Chemistry Howard F. Itzkowitz Architecture and Geraldine B. Ellerbrock Management Dan Bertozzi, Jr. Business Environmental Design Leland S. Endres Chemistry Administration Robert K. Janeway Engineering Jack B. Jones Education Robert L. Blodget Child Development Technology Richard J. Krejsa Biological Sciences Leslie S. Bowker Biological Sciences Timothy J. LaSalle DairyI Poultry Martin T. Lang Mathematics Raul J. Cano Biological Sciences Science Russell A. Lascola Philosophy ArthurS. Cary Physics Lynn S. Mosher Industrial Technology John A. Lindvall Business John H. Culver Political Science Oliver A. Noyes Food Industries Administration Herbert A. DeKieine Mathematics John C. Phillips Crop Science Edward L. Mayo History Donald A. Floyd Social Sciences Norman Pillsbury Natural Resources Robert G. Reynolds Art Roger D. Gambs Biological Sciences Management Thomas L. Richards Biological Barbara M. Hallman History Robert L. Rogers Engineering Sciences Adelaide T. Harmon-Elliott Mathe­ Technology David M. Roach Physics matics Thomas Ruehr Soil Science~ Clifton E. Swanson Music Kenneth A. Hoffman Physics Dale A. Sutliff Architecture a Isaac N. Walker English AlanW. Holz Mathematics Environmental Design Stephen T. Weinstein Mathematics Robert Howell Art Don E. Swearinger Architecture and Patrick 0. Wheatley Mathematics Ralph_!\. Jacobson Chemistry Environmental Design Cal Poly Report- May 4, 1978 Page 2 'Pablo Cruise' An entertaining season concertizes Puppeteer Shari Lewis and her friend ''World of Sholom Alelchem'' has drawn International acclaim. Hansen Pablo Cruise, the A&M Records rock Lambchop will be In the audience this summer when the California Puppet will be coming direct from the Sydney ~roup, and Roger Voudourls, Warner Opera House In Australia with a new Brothers recording artist, will appear Theater presents Its premiere season production that he Is premiering there in concert at Cal Poly on Friday (May at Cal Poly. ''I know the master this spring. 5) at 8 pm. Their performance, puppeteers Involved,'' the stage and television entertainer said.
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