s What the Amusement Places 4f* Offer for the Safe and A Few Feelings Left Over from Mm Fourth. and is Last Season Anticipat¬ New York getting to be auch a r the Next. nowned summer resort-however it »0t th* ing reputatlon-and so attractive withal * t'° . That little compan of Irish players who those who have not already wherever their weathered Pre going alx»ut the world winter of it. that the amusement Diae.. a hand of language is spoken almost like are having a lively time has arrived in London, and is the crowds The Indoor accommodating troubadours have vaudeville, and .playing a "season" there. The players the parks both are making spe-jai efforts been to London many times before, often to live up to the hopes and refer to their visit as their an- expectations of enough to the Fourth of July crowds that win swa there aie some play¬ ,ttual 8eascn. Ar.d all entertainments next Thursday in 5. goers in the big. dark city thai like the tail the blllb of the various mere m resort« will L, tone of the National lush Theatre, as follows: ''people than thsrs seemed to be here in Columbia. America lest fall and winter during the rather dramatic, from more points of view The Merry-Go-Rounders, the 8urr than one. career of the Abbey Theatre burlesque production at the Columbia T** player? In this country Still, there is no atre. begins its fourth week at that hous'ê tremendous enth isiasm about them even in to-morrow afternoon Several new com .London.no widespread Interest, no general edy »cenes will be introduced by George P* "recognition that something new. something Murphy. Ralph Austin and Leona Stephen« altogether sound, In drama has come up out and a new musical number by Irving Ber-' of the lm. composer of "Alexander's Ragtime The » of the theatre to-day, as Band'" and other popular song?. ¦*-*** ^ compared with such drama as that offered heard for th*» first time. It Is called The ' by the ir-..-:«. Players, or !>y the Oberammer- Soldier Ragtime Man. and It win be ren- gau people, or by the cathedral players In dered by the principal? ?nd entire Greeks choruV I the Middle Ages 01 by the ancient Business at the Columbia continues very I In the concentrated pits of their amphithe- large notwithstanding th» boat, and the atres, is photographic rather than interpre¬ Merry-Go-Rounders will .-err.ain th»re is ambi- until tative. The playwright of to-day the opening of the regular season, in Au¬ I tious to become a kodak. able tS . it» h I ta gust. 'unawares, m*k< inapahots that reveal un- Fifth Avenue. 1 such sj the expecte con pathos, its «usual eye is too vague, to diverse, to see. Continuing recently announced policy of at least one act new I Photographic ai is a wi/.ardlike thing, presenting to vau- lsurt.lv, full of fascination and interest. But deville each week. Proctor'.- Fifth Avenu« »strangely ephemeral Few things can rivet Theatre next week will prcser.t three feat¬ »interest and arous« delight as a new photo« ures new to th« t-vo-a-day style of enter¬ tainment. Th»» first of these will be I graph Can. one which is concern*».« with Thomas scenes and subjects you know about or one A. Wise in an original character sketch by »..whicr. .-.nd printed Abigail Marshall. Dad and Mother," which i yourself. Yet 8 year liter a great deal of will give Mr. Wise ample sco¡ e tor hia fun- th< interest has vanished from the oiten- making abilities and a leg-itimate oppor¬ [ttines faded old print Btylei have (handed. tunity to introduce some bits of pathos. [the people look unnatural and tho situation Mr Wise, as usual in his vaudeville flights, tthat made the picture imualng or v.tai has will be supported by an excellent l.ttlè I grown different or vanished The inte.:.-*. [ company. »,was only a surface one, aft« r all. and natu« Something which should Interest all mu¬ I rally, as photography Is only a surface art le lovers will be the debut of Carl The usual play ii. I ared for us Schuetze.. hitherto harp soloist of the Phil¬ to-day seems to be largely along the same harmonic Society and Metropolitan i th< Opera ; lines as the snapshot, it hits Interest House orchestra. Mr. Scheutze will ce as- o ¿of the moment f r surfs repre- siated by Miss Hetti« Douma soprano, and or later it is out . aentations. but a year two numerous nt his confrèrees of the mus.cal date. world have to OÍ, who promised augment the or¬ On the other hand, the playwright chestra to full conceit strength. s an eye, but who has not perhaps pr< else The third r.ew number on the btfl will r* :b.BA depths of feeling«: to »express, feelings De Witt Mot*, and unique, Mary Maxfield. in a bit twhich are his own and therefore airy persiflage suited to th« time«, "The is In the nature ¡of «.develops BOptething which Salesman and the Manicurist," in which Ue when he gains the power -, of a revelation r»partee is exchanged so rapidly that the tr.«- me- I to express these thin thi »ugh flyest" audience must pay strict attention ; djiim of the drama. to glean all the points Others on a gala main difference- between the two The In¬ holiday bill well calculated to amuse th« latyles, both of which ar.» »absorbingly stay-at-r.orr.os over t.-.o F'i'.rth I the art which will seems t<. be that fav rites as teresting, what it has 'established F-ank Mayn* lad ils phOtO^aj hes in that remarkable protein fay. whereas each scrap of the interpre¬ [company,The Third Bu.r.ham an«j i*fl of a new drama. Degree', tative art is merely the beginning ¡Greenwood, '«mirir.e eccer.'.nques world of thought, and sometimes a new Welch uti M and emo- pianoiog.stes: Mealy i world of feeling, understanding in a slang classic of baseball experience«; -"tlon besides. O Donnell. the lunatic tumblers, of the work Lane and Probal.iy no one would think and Ben Beyer and ¦.:.. cling mo*« to any of the Ir:.-n Flayers a.- belonging senger boys. ¡other than the lnte**pretaUva style of an it shows of surface things is im-j Hammerstein's Roof Ga«-d«n. .^"hat and presslor.lstic- The scenery, costumes Harry Hojdlnl and fifteen other s'ror.; to life, of «story of each play are true are la the rather than THE MADISON SQUARE GARDEN ROOF. numbers prom.r.er.t complet« course, but they are suggested DANCING BETWEEN COURSES AT change of bill announced for Hammer«-».n 2 That is probaMy w-;th roses \ definitely dwelt upon. Tat«- :n pian«-«- entertain raskets ar.d cornucopias filled Roof Garden and Victoria Tbeatre, part of l <«ni»e before i .íarry "íotorlng"; because they are not the important effects and plays of to¬ month Thee« mervel appeared lammon; ventrllo.yalst Arth'J and carnations. r.ir.g Monday afterr.oor.. h what the stage photographic being 1 i test English per«, for July the plays- What Is important, to Um ol animal 111 - tiiai«->gue In the general design of decoration ar... » that day.a style which haves nothing plcturea th» varie) ::-... -ive h.s naval famed as the original ;ail breaker rlays were written for. is something nourish lh< suggest! Africa have attracted rr.nr» at- Misa ClSSi« Loftua, «ano «rill ver» the house the flowers on the first circle Will cuff will head the bill the surface It is imagination.and the hat been first public iecr.RT.lt:in 'f 1.1? m tier and deep king, ¡toss down deep beneath which would in return nourish them, Is cer¬ anything of kind that ihownj let« in Ce programme and re be pink, the second yellow new lensationa to reveal .". the fire, the spirit and the ...<. Un« y.-.o meel ¦>;-..r..r.» omission. On the blue flow- ¡of the interpretation of a Proba before In motion pict !v«» memories o: it.« earlier "turno." Finali«. red for the third. ceiling way. and form, h "... the calibre of tainly question. h «in oranc.-.- every shap«*- f the people, ". of ..'. MU« Adelina «.«ne» is also lefi In wnici or.» will lead to rayg of yellow roses ;the in change to the n< «old style larden Party," from inconceivable placea H tho mysteries that hang from Krim medy. ; i Is In a mass of wistaria in the centre. ; 4their thinking, People will haw to become emotion« orne 17«"> veil known music hall peri rrr.er Ing from police chiefs, jail ware*« ai lum keeper« them. are alone but hiKhh- admission will be inclosed ¡the air a'JOUt it slowly Oc-cidcr.tal.- They not entertainlnf, Inclusion of Pet th« lawn of a beautiful gar- The tickets of and the :s challenged M who .» public both sides of the Atlantic and ». '.'¦¦' , it that Pa« ar» of wnlte card, tied with Writers »an for ancestor worship While they then, educational, arP' |i t it II lises by which they in simple envelope» lation handcuffs. leg irons, chains HC to \ their of the plays Is a Ftrltlsh In outside with expresf-ed opinions custom. But no one should to your.»; ar,d old. rhll« Gene« ¦at. to the publtd, and wir. conclu«l«i a purple ribbon and decorat/d test Houdini's powers Ft the Ha [have National Theatre have said worship l h:is of the arms Inside tho Irish at either Changes in too ra*-id succession Eng ttlonal anthem.
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