MAJALLA MA1HAD AL-MAKHTUTAT AL-1ARABIYA. [Vols. 1-5.] [Arab.] [Já.mi`at al-Duwal al-tArabïya.] [Cairo] 1955-59 Bg.14.10. MAJALLA -YE DANESHKADEH EDEBIYAT VE ULUM ENSANI. See TEHERAN. UNIVERSITY. Revue de la Faculte des Lettres. MAJALLAT AL- MAJMA' AL -'ILMI AL- ARABI, DIMASHQ. Vol. 31- 1956 - [Dimashq.] Islamic Lib. MAJALLAT AL-MAJMAt AL-tILMI AL-`IRl1KÌ. Vols. 1-3, 4, pt. 1, 32-33 (in ló). 1950-1956, 1981-1982. [Baghdad] 1950-56)81-St. Islamic Lib. - -- Vols. 30, 31(1, 4). 1979 -1980. Per. .89 Maj. MAJANI EL ADAB. Majani el adab fi hadáik el arab.] [Arab.] Pts. 2-6. Beirut, 1882 -83. Ys.10.361 -5. - -- Another issue. Pts. 1, 3, 7(1) and Index vol. 3. [Beirut, 1883, 1882 -86.] Islamic Lib. ;_ Various eds. - -- Another issue. 6 pts. and indices (in 7 vols.). Beirut, 1900, 01, 1899. Bw.l.l21-7. Various eds. - -- [Notes to pts. 1-3.] Beirut, 1882 -88. Bw.1.131-3. MAJARO (SIMON). - -- International marketing; a strategic approach to world markets. Lond., 1977. .6588:.328 Maj. MAJAULT (JOSEPH). - -- Education documentation centres in Western Europe; a comparative study. [UNESCO Educ. Stud. and Doc. No. 44.1 Paris pr. [1963.] P .37(4)01 Maj. - -- See COUNCIL OF EUROPE. Council for Cultural Co- operation. Secretariat. Teacher training, by J.M. - -- See THOMAS (JEAN) and M. (J.) MAJAULT (MICHEL JOSEPH). - -- See CAYLUS (ANNE CLAUDE PHILIPPE DE TUBIÉRES DE GRIMOARD DE PES'l'hLS DE LEVIS, comte de) and M. (M.J.) MAJCEN (ZORAN). - -- Les forets du parc national Forillon, Gaspésie, Quebec; etude phytosociologique. [Étud. Ecol. 4.] Québec, 1981. Forestry Lib. MAJD AL -DIN AL- MUBÁRAK IBN AL- ATHIR. See IBN AL -ATHIR (MUBÁRAK IBN MUHAMMAD) . MAJDA (ANDREW). - -- The existence of multi -dimensional shock fronts. See AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. No. 281. MAJDALANY (FRED). - -- State of emergency; the full story of Mau Mau. Lond., 1962. .9(6762) Maj. MAJDI (MAJD AD-DIN MOH.AMMAD AL-HOSEINI). - -- [Zinat al- majales. Ed. by Haj Seiyed Ahmad and Haj Seiyed Mahmud.] [Pers. ] [Tehran, 1940.] F .29752 Maj. ADDITIONS MAJED KHAN (ABDUL). See KHAN (ABDUL r1AJED). MAJEKE (NOSIPHO). - -- The rôle of the missionaries in conquest. Johannesburg [1952. .266(6) Maj. MAJENDIE (FRANCçOIS). See MAGENDIE. MAJENDIE (VIVIAN DERING). - -- Up among the Pandies; or, a year's service in India. Lond., 1859. Bh.5.16. MAJER (ABRAHAM GOTTLIEB) - -- resp. See FABER (J.G.) praes. MAJER (ERNEST THEOPHILUS) - -- prae- s. Disput. inaug. jurid. de attentatis, quarr ... submittit G.F. Seegeres. Tubingae ( 1723.) Q.P. 801/9. - -- prae- s. Diss. jurid. de contumacia, quam ... sub praesidio ... E.T. Majeri Crusiani ... subjicit ... M. Kulenkamp ... Tubingae, 1701. Q P. 990/20. MAJER (JOANNES CHRISTIANUS) - -- prae- s. Diss. inaug. ... de imperii immedietate ejusdemque acquirendae modis, quam ... defendet ... G.F. Schmid. Tubingae ( 1788.) QP. 978/2). - -- prae- s. Diss. inaug. ... sistens observationes de reginime territoriali ... g1a m ... defendet G.H.C. Sunz. Tubingae ( 1791). P. 981/2. MAJERUS. See also MAIERUS. MAJEhUS (PIERRE). - -- L'Etat luxemb orurgeois; manuel de droit constitutionnel et de droit administratif. 2e éd. (ev., augm, et mise à jour. Luxembourg, 1959. C.E.G.S. AI)lìl`l'lliNS MAJEROVÁ (MARIE). --- [Sirena.] The siren; a novel. Tr. by I. Urwin. Prague, 1953. JA 5930 Hugh MacDiarmid Collection. MAJERUS (PIERRE). - -- L'état luxembourgeois; manuel de droit constitutionnel et de droit administratif. 3e éd., remaniée, complétée, et mise á jour. Luxembourg, 1970. C.E.G.S. MAJESTY (The) and singular copiousness of the Hebrew language asserted and illustrated ... in a letter to a friend. Lond., 1745. R.P. 24/3. MAJID (SYED ABDUL). See cABD AL-MAJÌD, Sayyid. MAJJHIMA-NIK1YA. - -- The Majjhima Nikaya. Vols. 1 -4. [Pali Text Soc.] Lond. .8913701 Pal. 1. gc1. by E. Trenckner. 1888. 2 -3. gd. by R. Chalmers. 1898 -99. 4. Index of words. Ed. by Mrs. R. Davids. 1925. - -- The Majjhima Nikaya. General editor: B.J. Kashyap. 3 vols. [Nalanda Devanagari Pali Ser.] [Nalanda] 1958. .8913701 Maj . *** Each volume has also a Pali title -page. 1. Mitla pannasakam. Editor: P.V. Bapat. 2. Majjhima papnasakam. Editor: M.R. Sankrityayana. 3. Upari pannasakam. Editor: M.R. Sankrityayana. - -- Further dialogues of the Buddha. Tr. from the Pali of the Majjhima Nikaya by Lord Chalmers. Vols. 1 -2. [Sacred Books of the Buddhists, 5 -6. Dialogues of the Buddha, Pts. 4 -5.] Lond., 1926 -27. ,.3.45 84/370/./,R..Q . - -- The collection of the middle length sayings (Majjhima- Nikaya) ... Tr. from the Pali by I.B. Horner. 3 vols. LPali Text Soc. Translation Ser. Nos. 29 -31.] Lond. .8913701 Pal. 1. The first fifty discourses (Mi.lapannasa). 1954 [Continued overleaf.] AllllITIONS MAJEWSKE (OTTO P.). - -- Recognition of invertebrate fossil fragments in rocks and thin sections. [Int. Sedimentary Petrographical Ser. vol. 13.] Leiden, 1969. Geol. Lib. MAJEWSKI (HENRY F.). - -- The preromantic imagination of L. -S. Mercier. New York, 1971. .84259 Mer. Maj. MAJID (KAMAL IZELDEEN). - -- Non- lonear structures; matrix methods of analysis and design by computers. Lond., 1972. Engin. Lib. - -- Optimum design of structures. Lond., 1974. Engin. Lib. - -- Theory of structures with matrix notation. Lond. [1978.] Engin. Lib. - -- Introduction to matrix and numerical methods for civil engineers. Oxford, 1980. Engin. Lib. MAJID (FARIDA) . - - ed. and tr. Take me home, rickshaw; poems by contemporary poets of Bangladesh. (Cover designed by F. Topolski.) Lond. [1974.] JA 5931 MAJJHIMA-NIKÁYA. [continued]. 2. The middle fifty discourses (Majjhimapapi sa). 1957. 3. The final fifty discourses (Uparipannasa). 1959. - -- Die Reden Gotamo Buddhts aus der Mittleren Sammlung Majjhimanikayo des Pali- Kanons. Zum ersten Mal übersetzt von K.E. Neumann. 3 Bde. MUnchen,1922. .29431 Maj. --- See BUDDHAGiOSA. [Papa4icha-sadaniÿa mama Majjhima- nikay'atthakathaya paAhamo (-tatiyo) bhago.] [Pali.] MAJLESI (MOHAMMAD BÁQER). --- [Behar al -anvar. Tr. from the Arabic by Mohammad Hasan ebn Mohammad Vali Orumiyé.] [Pers.] Vol. 13. [Tehran, 1953.] .29752 Maj. - -- Another copy. .29752 Ma . !-l1, - -- [ Bahar al- anwar.] [Arab.] Vols. 1lm@, 14 -22, 25 -26, 35 -42, 57 -60. [ Tehran, 1957 -68.] .8927:.29752 Maj. --- ['Ein al- hayat.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1954.] .29752 Maj. --- [Haqq al-yagin.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1953.] .29752 Maj. - -- [Hayat al- qolub.] [Pers.] 2 vols. [Tehran] n.d. .29752 Maj. --- [Helyat al-mottagin.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1952.] .29752 Maj. - -- [Jela' al- oyen.] [Pers.] [ Tehran, 1952.] .29752 Maj. ADDITIONS MAJJHlMA-NIKÁYA. - -- See ERGARDT (JAN T.). Faith and knowledge in early Buddhism; an analysis of ... an arahant -formula in the Majjhima- Nikaya. MAJLESI (MOHAMMAD BAQER). --- [Bahar al-anwar.] [Arab.] Vols. 23-24, 27. eTehran, 1966:70.] .8927:.29752 Maj. - -- Vols. 61 -66. [Tehrai., 1967 -1973.] .8927:.29752 Maj. MAJLIS PENGELUAR- PENGELUAR GETA$ MALAYSIA. See RUBBER PRODUCERS' COINCIL OF MALAYSIA. MAJKA (LINDA C.). - -- and MAJKA (THEO J.). - -- Farm workers, agribusiness, and the state. Philadelphia, 1982. .33188(794) Maj. MAJKA (THEO J.). - -- See MAJKA (LINDA C.) and M. (T.J.) c MAJMA AL -CILMI AL- 'ARABI, Damascus. See DAMASCUS. Arabic Academy. MAJMAc (AL -) AL -cILMÌ AL- IRAQÌ. See IRAQ. Academy. MAJMAc AL- LUGHAT AL- cARABIYAf. See EGYPT. Academy for the Arabic Language. MAJMAc FU'ÁD AL -AWWAL LI'L- LUGHAT AL- cARABIIYAH. See EGYPT. Academy for the Arabic Language. MAJMUcA -I ABU'L -DIYÁ. [ 5 vols. (in 11, with 3 unbound parts), Nos. 1-158.1 [Turk.' [Kustantiniya, 1880 -1912.] Bg.13.19. MAJMUDAR (HARIT). - -- Electromechanical energy converters. With special editorial contributions by N. Balabanian. 2nd pr. [Allyn and Bacon Ser. in Elec. Engin.I Boston, 1968. Engin. Lib. MAJMUDAR (MANJULAL RANCHHODLAL) - -- ed. Historical and _cultural chronology of Gujarat, from earliest times to end of the Rastrakuta- Pratihara period ... With a foreword by J.M. Mehta ... Baroda, 1960. :9() -11$4 - Illaj MAJMU'E-E ESTELTHTT-E cELMI. See ANJOMAN-E ESTELTHAT-E 'ELMI. [Majmu'é-e esteláhá,t-e 'elmi.1 MAJNUN _LAILA. See FARRAJ (cABD AL- SATTÁR AHMAD) comp. [Diwan Majnun Laila.] [Arab.] ADDITIONS MAJMUDAR (MADHAVI). - -- See LYTHE (CHARLOTTE MARGARET) and M. (M.) MAJNO (GUIDO) . - -- The healing hand; man and wound in the ancient world. 2nd pr. LA Co,/..rrsi44t r..,.A 8ík,1 Cambridge, Mass., 1977. K.B.L. - -- Another copy. F .61(3)09 Maj. MAJO (MONICA DE). See DE MAJO (MONICA). MATÓ FRAMIS (RICARDO). - -- Vidas de los navegantes, conquistadores y colonizadores españoles de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Tom. 1. Madrid. .9(4603 -05) Maj. 1. Navegantes. 4a ed. 1957. MAJOCCHI (GIOVANNI DOMENICO). - -- Dissertazione, ossia risultato delle osservazioni fatte ... sulla febbre scarlattina epidemica. Pavia, 1803. H.18.51/8. MAJOLUS (SIMON) Bp. - -- Dies caniculares: hoc est, colloquia tria et viginti physica, nova Ursellis, 1600. 0.21.68. --- 3a ed. Moguntiae, 1614. V.15.33. M4JONICA (ERNST). - -- [Deutsche Aussenpolitik.] East -West relations; a German view. New York [1969.] C.E.G.S. - -- Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des deutschen Aussenpolitik. Stuttgart [1969.] C.E.G.S. MAJOR. See also MAJOR. MAJOR (ALBANY F.). - -- Sagas and songs of the Norsemen. Lond., 1894. .8396 Maj. - -- Another copy. Scott. Stud. Lib. MAJOR ( ANDRÉ). --- Le cabochon. Montreal [1964.] .84899(71) Maj. - -- La chair de poule. 2e ed. [Coll. "Paroles ", 3.] Montreal [1973.] .84899(71) Maj. - -- L'épouvantail; roman. Montreal [1974.] .84899(71) Maj. -- Felix- Antoine Savard. [Ecriv. Canadiens d'Aujourd'hui.] Montreal, fir. 1970. .84899(71) Say.Maj. - -- Une soiree en octobre. [Montreal] 1975. .84899(71) Maj. - -- Le vent du diable; roman. Montreal [1968.] .84899(71) Maj. MAJOR (C.J. FORSYTH). - -- See S'PEFANI (C. T)T+1), M. (C.J.F.) and BARBEY (W.). MAJOR (CLARENCE). --- No. New York [1973.] .8135 Maj. MAJOR (DAVID R.). - -- First steps in mental growth; a series of studies in the psychology of infancy. New York, 1906. *X.15/1.66. MAJOR (DIANA). - -- The acquisition of modal auxiliaries in the language of children. [Janua Linguarum, Ser. Minor, 195.] The Hague, 1974. .1367)4. Maj. MAJOR (EMIL) . - -- Strassburger Bildteppiche aus gotischer Zeit. Basel [1943.] .7463 () )1383) Maj - -- See GRAF (URS).
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