The Newtown Bee, VOLUME XXXI. NEWTOWN. CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. v NUMBER 43 CONGREGATIONAL SANDY HOOK'S INDUSTRY. THE Stepney. THE CHURCH. NEW METHODIST CHURCH. TEINITY PABISH. , Long HilL THE BRLOVtaTpiiyglCIAN. Thank Offerinrr Meetine. W. Mershon the Niantio Visitation of District Christmas Sale and NEWS JIIilltEABOUTS. The short but I. Buys Superintenden' Supper, very slgnlfoant Item In Mills. Adams. Bitmuel Rronk started Ms meat route readers In thin The through long ilill and vicinity for the whole vicinity to exper- Ladles' Mlotlonnry society will The annual Christmas sale end Wlnlr, Inst i'uediliiy. ience a snook not easy to com- hold meet- The M.iHter Is a endure, Its annual Thank Offering The NIantic Mills at San- quarterly meeting will be held supper of Trinity Guild will be held Mutnn Jloyt, who at the St ing with audi nnnoHH. Though property Vltii'ont Ih now wna not v i perhaps.,V at the home of Mrs W. M. Reyn- in tne church on Do on December 8, begin- hospital, gaining nicely It rim imnviu ing dy Hook has been formally trans- Wednesday. Wednesday, and to be able to home cember 8. 5 hopes return In l"inh0f t,,n? .c",""'lly dropping olds, Saturday, December 4, at 2.30 ferred by S. W. Gledhill to W. L. The ladles of the church ning at p. m. Supper including about a week, i nonce " "n it or turn p. m. An interesting program has Mershon. the new owner. Mr Mer intend serving a chicken pie dinner Ice cream, 35c. The excellence of Mr and Mrs T. J. Northrop of Naupn-tuc- k away from the sight. a were over 11 During long been and a soclalN at 12 o'clock for 25c and Is served ladles guttstH ThnnkHKlvliiic ?,rvJ?ei 'J8 n,,iht op without very arranged pleasant slion has been at Sandy Hook, this it hoped past suppers by Trinity with Mr nnd Mrs W. N. Hurd. alight Interruption for rent and covering hour is anticipated. Everyone in- for that it will be well patronized. It warrants a large attendance for next Mr and Mrs Leo Gnhlus and a Period of more wee, getting the factory ready son, than 40 years our terested whether members or not are will be a day of privilege as the dis evening. Richard, spent Thanksgiving In Bridge- beloved doctor, our friend and most the installation of Machinery. For Wednesday truHted cordially invited to be present. The 30 or so Mr Mershon was trict superintendent, Dr Adams, will port, the guest of Mr and Mrs K. P. ncJvlnor, when we needed a years at Nichols, Wednesday evening they at- mend the moot, has always been ready regular thank offering collection will the heud of the successful Mershon preach at 1.30 o'clock. As be ex- Sunday Services. tended a heater Jackson's and fiilihfiil mid party at never careless nor be received. Press at Ni manufact- pects to go from this district soon, in wiener. negligent when culled him to the Railway, J., At 11 a. m morning prayer, Holy 7S ar- duty of Ml this will be his last The pnnulnr brand of (lour hag aid of tne Hick and suffering. The gen- urers books. Mr Mershon prints probability Communion and sermon by the rec rived and now Is to eration he served Sunday Seivices. sermon. Dr Adams is a your opportunity moHt, who for yonra standard works from original plates greatly pure 12 m at 7.30 get a barrel or bag of the best brand trusted In th tor; at Sunday school; willingly rololy his know- At 11 a. service with Thack-er- y, elated here and much re llci. r t lie affords low and m., morning of such authors as Dickens, it minket at a figure. ledge nhlniv, are nenrly all "gone sermon Is so p. in., evening prayer. This flour is guaranteed to make more on, having laid down thulr work at by the pastor, Rev Alexander Mary J. Holmes. He manufart gret that the church here soon Steele. to lose his wise bread than any oilier brand of flour on the anttlng of the aim. The homes of Subject: "Christ and thv n res books for such firms as Grossett and very able minis' the market. The to save money. former are now place days occupied by the Sabbath." Sunday school at 12 m.; & Dunlap and Funk & Wagnalls. Hi t trations. The meeting of the trustees TO DOUBLE-TRAC- BEKKSHERE. The Long Hill Store, W. N. Hurd, stranger. May the warm sunshine of Christian Endeavor at 7.30 13 for 11 o'clock. Dinner Proprietor. the honest hearts of his host of frlonds meeting son, William Mershon, Jr., who has appointed An Move. Mr and Mrs W. Croft be m. "Life Lessons me at 12 noon. 1.30 Important George of yet living a constant comfort and p. Subject, for won high rank as a student at the Preaching at p. m., Black Hock spent a few days, last week, sure :o our 4:7-2- 1. plor ong loved Dr Hill as he from First John." Ref. 1 John New York Military Academy Corn' after which follows the quarterly The board of directors of the New the guests of Mrs Mary a Peet takes his well earned rest at Hillside York. New Haven Hartford Railroad Selectman Charles Ci. and Miss on Leader, Miss Anna Carlson. will be associ conference. All the friends are In Peet cottage Tashun's summit. The doc- company has authorized the letting of Mary A. i'eet spent Thanksgiving day vited to take remain to double-trackin- tor's retiring from active practice ated withhls father. Mr Mershon dinner and the contract for the g of with Mr and Mis David S. Leavitt. 'eaves fine a opening for some voung Thursday evening prayer meeting is also Interested in the the preaching service at 1.30 o'clock. the line of the Berkshire division from Mr nnd Mis George Wolf and daugh- man nna De a o'clock. largely upper eiepney would tine at 7.45 Webster Press of New York Mr Hawleyville to Shelton, a distance of ter, Maud, were guests over Saturday place for him to locate. Next December City. 20 miles. The contract will involve and Sunday of Mr and Mrs Peter Thursday evening, Mershon hopes to business at Sunday Services. some railroad work in the way of Gables. REV A. H. 9, after the the board begin heavy BOUTWELL RESIGNS. prayer meeting, Sandy Hook early in the year. He is grading, ecpeciany oetweon uotsroru Due to arrive in a few days, a car of At the ,.,e of directors of the Meifs Federation Morning service, preaching by the and Shelton where the line runs be. bran and Get ciose of morning service, a man of affable, attractive fancy middlings. our last Sunday, the pastor, Rev A. H. will meet at the home of L. C. Morris. qualities, pastor, Rev T. N. Laine at 10.45 tween two valleys. When the new line price before you buy. John S. Hurd'a Boutwell, asked the members of the and the new Industry promises to be o'clock. Bible study and Sunday is completed there will be a double track Feed Store. church to remain a few moments and a valuable to the town. road lor the whole distance between Mrs Owen of Morlden, who has been t-- acquisition school at noon. The read i them his resignation to take" ef- Sunday evening New Haven and Poughkeepsie. The dou spending a few days here with her sis- NOTICE. Mr Mershon resides at N. be 5 fect on January 1, 1910. which was ac- Rahway, devotions will at o'clock for the ble track Is built to provide for the ters, Misses Kate and Marlon Hurd, has cepted with deep regret. Mr Boutwell J., but for 14 years ha3 had a sum- present, including a brief sermon. largely increased business between the returned to her home. has done splendid wotk during his pas- A mer residence at Colebrook. Poughkeepsie Bridge system and Dew About 40 attended the dar.ee. last Fri torate here and will be greatly missed Worthy Suggestion. Haven. This Is of interest locally, as day evening, at the room of the Country by his parishioners ana also by all the Week night service, Thursday at about 12 to 14 mues or this aoubie club and spent a very enjoyable people of the village. To the patrons of Rural Free De- 7.30 o clock. tracking will go through Newtown. ST ROSE'S. George Jennings ana daughter. Doro BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES livery routes No. 16 and 34: In the thy, of iuuiord were guests. Sunday. Covenant 10.30 future will you please buy stamps of LADIES' 3 SHOES. A WORD TO WOMEN. of Mr and Mrs C. P. Jennings. Sunday, meeting at Fair A Bier Success. , Mon- followed by the morning worship. the carrier and have all letters and They are stylish, extra good quality Mrs Judd of Bridgeport spent The ana maue, rencn a, Is a safe assertion 75 cent day here, the guest of her sister, Mrs pastor will hoiu his laat' meeting postals stamped when you put them St Rose's fair closed on union at y uetnei. It that per Smith. In Lower Stepney on Sunday evening at Saturday of all women resolved, last winter, that. Marietta 7 o'clock. in your mail box, as it makes it very night and was a good success, thanks "" this would do their John BroadwicK, the popular foreman WINTER UNDERWEAR.
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