SQWQ.001.002.0286 annual report 2008/09 • SQWQ.001.002.0287 SQWQ.001.002.0288 • Contents R~port from the Chairman and CEO 2 Governance 20 About Seqwater 4 Organisational structure 20' Tha South East Queensland ISE91 Orgar:Jisational review n Water Grid 6 Executive lea~ership team 22 The YO,ar In review 8 Related entities 22 Seqwater Board 22 Vision and Mission 10 Responsible Ministers 24 Vision 10 Board role 25 Mission 10 Board committees 25 • Sustainable catchments 10 Board attendance 26 Strategic goals and performance 13 Board remuneration 27 ~ey Performance Indicator summary 15 Strategic and operational planning 27 Risk management 28 Summary of financial Internal audit 28 information 2008~D9 17 Information systems and record keeping 28 Key financial ratios 17 Workforce planning and retention 29 Summary of major assets 18 Conduct and ethics 29 Dams 18 Whistleblower protection 29 Water Treatment Plants 18 Consultancy 31 Overseas travel 31 Greenhouse gas emissions 32 Legislative and policy requirements 32 Glossary 34 Financial Report 37 QUEENSLAND BULK WATER SUPPLY AUTHORITY IQ8WSAJ TRADING AS SEaWATER ANNUAL REPORT 2008/09 SQWQ.001.002.0289 Ann~belLe Chaplain Peter Borrows • Report'from the 2 Chairman and CEO As the Statutory Authonty for bulk water While the rain and Increase In storage supply and catchment management. Seqwater levels brought welcome relief With many of made good progress this year In helping to Seqwater"s dams overflOWing In spectacular secure safe and reliable water supplies for fashIOn, they In fact serve as a reminder of the South East Queensland. challenges associated With more extreme and unpredICtable weather The 2008·09 year marked the first futl year 01 operation as Seqwater, following the July An equally challenging and Immediate 1 2008 Implementation of water Industry pnonty this year has been to bring together reforms under the South East Queensland the vanous water entity assets and staff that Water Restructuring Act 200? compnse the new Seqwater bUSiness. Each of these entities and assets brought their own • Without doubt It has been a challenging year, technologies. processes and systems The with extremes In weather and Increased integration of people, processes and systems operational demands as Seqwater took IS a Sizeable undertaktng and a cntlCal aspect on new roles and responsibilities. while of thiS has been to bUild greater operatIOnal Investment In large· scale water supply understanding and capabllilies of the expanded Infrastructure projects continues. asset base under Seqwater"s control A senes of extreme weather events across the Combined With thiS IS a concentrated focus region dunng this penod has seen a remarkable on workplace health and safety, targeting turnaround for our storages In the space of Identified high fisk areas across the bUSiness. 12 months, we have gone from a poslllOn of A number of preventative programs were preserving bulk water supplies In extreme Introduced throughout the year, slgnlflcantty drought conditIOns, to a situation where storages redUCing the lost time injury frequency rate. are now at levels few would have predicted at the height of the drought The year began W1th A number of major Infrastructure projects, a combined storage capaCity at Just under 40 some inherited as parI of the reform process percent, It reached 50 percent capacity In late and some new, were undertaken throughout March, and finished the year at over 76 percent. the year 10 Increase storage capaCity, Improve water treatment and deliver water 2 CEO AND CHAIRMAN'S REPORT SQWQ.001.002.0290 fluoridation services across the region. These Looking ahead. as we continue to build a incude raising the Hinze Dam wall and the comprehensive understanding of our assets construction of advanced water treatment and operations, and extend collaboration facility at the Ewen Maddock Dam on the with other Water Grid entities, we will Sunshine Coast. Seqwater will continue to demonstrate the value of a regional approach invest in improving the performance and to owning and operating these assets within quality of the region"s waler storage and the Seqwater business. treatment facilities as well as preparing for The integration of bulk water supply and future demand. catchment management harnesses skills, Our investment throughout the year extended expertise and knowledge in whole-of­ • beyond infrastructure to include knowledge, catchment management, supported by through science. technology and research. community awareness and the lalest science and research in order to achieve our strategic Seqwater is driven by the principles of goals of water supply quality and security, and productive catchments and sustainable catchment sustainabiUty, water quality. The organisation affirmed this commitment by publishing both a The benefits of this include improved quality sustainability charter and water quality policy and quantity of water supply, improved throughout the year. as well as undertaking community confidence, increased operational a number of on the ground activities and management and incident response, and the initiatives in conjunction with leading research ability to anticipate and respond to regional partners such as the CSIRO. growth and climate change, A successful program of education and Ultimately, South East Queensland community engagement was launched communities and businesses will gain the during the year. Focusing on the link between maximum sustainable value from Seqwater's catchments, storage and treatment as part natural and built catchment. storage and of the broader water cycle and built around water treatment assets and services, tour activities. informative curriculum and supporting resources and participation at several major shows and events; the program continues to grow and be recognised across • the industry and by the community. As with any new business, there have been operational issues. and the fluoride incident at Peter Borrows North Pine provided us with clear insights into Chief Executive Officer the challenges and responsibilities we face. and on behalf of the Chairman This incident was caused by a unique set of circumstances relating to equipment and operational issues. We acknowledge that this incident was unacceptable. Appropriate changes to operating procedures, physical assets and control systems and further training have been implemented to ensure such incidents are not repeated. Importantly, the learning from this experience has . been incorporated into the roll-out of the second stage of the South East Queensland Fluoridation project. QUEENSLAND BULK WATER SUPPLY AUTHORITY [QBWSA[ TRAD.ING~.s SEQWATER ANNUAL REPORT 2008/09 3 SQWQ.001.002.0291 ....-.""~.-.- .. .. --. ,J'.' ' ....\ . --'J '., , ~, . .' ,', '.: • 4 About Seqwater Seqwater provides bulk water storage In addition to this Seqwater currently manages and treatment services to the South East 66 operational Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Queensland (SEQI Water Grid. facilities and 14 groundwater bore fields. Seqwater works collaboratively with a number Seqwater also provides essential flood of other water entities as part of the SEa monitoring services, catchment management Water Grid - designed to interconnect new and services for landholders, water quality research existing water sources across the region and and investigation, recreation .services, and secure OUf water supply now and for the future. irrigation services to around 1,000 rural customers in five water supply schemes. The formation of Seqwater as part of the Government's reform of water supply In addition. the organisation is responsible for • arrangements in South East Queensland a range of new water infrastructure projects created an opportunity to take an integrated and initiatives, including an Advanced Water approach to catchment-sourced water Treatment Plant IAWTP] on Ewen Maddock management across the region. Dam on the Sunshine Coast, raising the dam wall to increase the capacity of the Hinze Dam This approach will help ensure the long-term on the Gold Coast, and the fluoridation of the security and sustainabilily of our region's region's drinking water supply. catchment-based water supply. In delivering these services. Seqwater seeks With further transfers and acquisitions to maintain productive relationships with throughout 2008-09, Seqwater now owns, government agencies, research organisations, manages and operate physical assets with an landholders and the community. estimated value of $2,63 billion. Seqwater has responsibility for managing 25 dams and 67 weirs across South East Queensland, including Wivenhoe, Somerset and North Pine Dams, Hinze Dam on the Gold Coast and Baroon Pocket Dam on the Sunshine Coast. 4 ABOUT SEaWATER SQWQ.001.002.0292 • SQWQ.001.002.0293 • The South East Queensland 6 (SEQ) Water Grid Seqwater is a partner in the new SEQ Water ~ The SEQ Water Grid Manager [SEQWGM] Grid. which brings together diversified water who oversee the flow of water around the supplies. distribution methods and water Grid on a contractual basis and by issuing industry entitles to diversiry and interconnect instructions to the other Grid partners. new and existing water sources across the The SEQWGM purchases bulk water and region. water transport services and sells treated water to existing Local Government owned Seqwaterworks in close collaboration with water businesses and Councils . other grid members to secure the region's water supply now and for the future. It is intended that from July 2010 three water distribution
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