ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DAM SAFETY INTERIM RISK REDUCTION MEASURES AND RESERVOIR DRAWDOWN AND OPERATIONS PLAN Anderson Dam Hydroelectric Project - FERC Project No. 5737-007 California Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Office of Energy Projects Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance 888 First Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20426 October 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ iii LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. iv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................ v 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Filing ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose of Action.................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements ................................................................. 4 1.4 Public Review and Comment .................................................................................. 8 2.0 PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES ....................................................... 10 2.1 No-Action Alternative .......................................................................................... 10 2.2 Existing Project Management ............................................................................... 10 2.3 Applicant’s Proposal ............................................................................................. 13 2.4 Staff Alternative with Recommended Measures .................................................. 18 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 18 3.1 General Description of the River Basin ................................................................ 18 3.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects Analysis ................................................................. 22 3.3 Proposed Action and Action Alternatives............................................................. 24 i 4.0 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................... 168 4.1 Staff Recommended Measures ........................................................................... 168 4.2 Unavoidable Adverse Effects ............................................................................. 173 4.3 Consistency with Comprehensive Plans ............................................................. 174 5.0 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT .......................................................... 175 6.0 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................. 176 7.0 LIST OF PREPARERS ............................................................................................ 188 APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................. A-1 ii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Location of proposed FOCP actions. ................................................................ 16 Figure 2: Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles in Anderson Reservoir .............. 37 Figure 3: Monthly Median of Daily Flow (cfs) Recorded in Coyote Creek at Five Stream Gages, Water Year 2000 through 2019 ........................................... 56 Figure 4: Potential stranding locations in Anderson Reservoir during dewatering to deadpool, elevation 488 ft ....................................................................... 59 Figure 5: Critical Habitat for CCC DPS steelhead and sDPS green sturgeon in the Coyote Creek and Upper Penitencia Creek watersheds .............................. 97 Figure 6: May 2020 pulse flow ..................................................................................... 107 Figure 7: Upper Penitencia Creek relocation reaches .................................................... 112 Figure 8: Outflow and TSS from Anderson Reservoir for Scenario 1 (existing low-level outlet; reservoir elevation 488 ft) with two-year event inflow. ........................................................................................................ 118 Figure 9: Anderson Lake County Park Recreation Sites and Facilities ........................ 153 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Estimated inflow in cfs into Anderson Reservoir for summer and winter, and water year type. ..................................................................................... 28 Table 2: Designated Beneficial Uses for Surface Waterbodies and Groundwater Basins Within the Proposed Project Area ................................................... 32 Table 3: Average Water Temperatures (°C) in Coyote Creek Watershed, 2000 – 2020. ............................................................................................................ 35 Table 4: Fish captures in Anderson Reservoir, 2017 and 2019 ........................................ 49 Table 5: Fish found in Coyote Creek CWMZ and from Ogier Ponds to Highway 237 by family ............................................................................................... 51 Table 6: Summary of Existing Land Cover Types, Natural Communities, and Habitats within the FOCP footprint and Landslide Remediation Areas ............................................................................................................ 70 Table 7: Special-Status Plant Species Considered for Potential Occurrence in the FOCP Area .................................................................................................. 78 Table 8: Special-Status Animal Species with Potential to Occur in the Project Area ............................................................................................................. 78 Table 9: Jurisdictional Waters within the FOCP Footprint and Slide Remediation Areas ............................................................................................................ 85 Table 10: Federally-listed species that may occur in the project area and presence of critical habitat in the project area. ........................................................... 91 Table 11: O. mykiss surveyed in the mainstem of Coyote Creek from 2014 to 2019 ............................................................................................................. 99 Table 12: Steelhead Life History Periodicity ................................................................... 99 Table 13: Passage conditions at Coyote Percolation Dam with flashboard dam ........... 101 Table 14: Flow schedule for phased fish rescue and relocation efforts ........................ 108 Table 15: Proposed habitat and fisheries monitoring in the CWMZ ............................. 110 Table 16: Peak TSS Results Summary ........................................................................... 118 Table 17: Sediment Deposition in Ogier and Metcalf Ponds ......................................... 119 Table 18: NMFS conservation recommendations and Commission staff response and recommendations. ............................................................................... 145 Table A 1: Abbreviations and Biological Resources Effects ......................................... A-1 Table A 2: Summary of Valley Water BMPs to Be Implemented for Project Effects on Wildlife and Terrestrial Resources .......................................... A-2 Table A 3: Summary of Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan Conditions Applicable to Project Effects on Wildlife and Terrestrial Resources .............................. A-4 Table A 4: Summary of VHP-Required Aquatic Avoidance and Minimization Measures Related to Conditions 3, 4, and 5 That Are Applicable to Project Effects on Wildlife and Terrestrial Resources .............................. A-6 iv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ac-ft Acre-feet ADSRP Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project ADTP Anderson Dam Tunnel Project Advisory Council Advisory Council on Historic Preservation AFM Anderson Force Main AIS Aquatic Invasive Species AMM Avoidance and Minimization Measure APE Area of Potential Effects BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District BGEPA Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act BMPs best management practices °C degrees Celsius CalFire California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection California DFW California Department of Fish and Wildlife California SHPO California State Historic Preservation Officer CalTrout California Trout CCC Central California Coast CEQ Council on Environmental Quality cfs cubic feet per second Commission or FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Corps U.S. Army Corps of Engineers County Parks Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department CRLF California red-legged frog deadpool reservoir elevation 488 feet v CWA Clean Water Act CWMZ Cold Water Management Zone CVP Cross Valley Pipeline D2SI the Commission’s Division of Dam Safety and Inspections DO dissolved oxygen DPS Distinct Population Segment EA Environmental Assessment eDNA environmental DNA EFH essential fish habitat EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ESA Endangered Species Act ºF degrees Fahrenheit FAHCE agreement Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Cooperative Effort Agreement FOCP FERC Order Compliance Project FPA Federal Power Act ft feet
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