MICKLEFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Official Notice of a Meeting of Micklefield Parish Council to be Held on: Thursday 2nd July 2020, at Zoom.us to commence at 7.15pm. Members of the Council are summoned to attend this meeting. Meetings are open to press and public (please contact the Clerk for joining details). The press and public may only speak during the public forum. Signed: Clerk Date: 26th June 2020 AGENDA 20/01 REMOTE MEETINGS STANDING ORDERS /1 To receive for consideration the draft Remote Meetings Standing Orders and agree any amendments (document attached) /2 To approve the adoption of Remote Meetings Standing Orders as an addendum to the Parish Council’s Standing orders 20/02 To receive questions and comments from members of the public (PUBLIC FORUM) 20/03 To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests and any other significant interests that the member wishes to declare in the public interest, for the purposes of the Localism Act 2011, s31 and the Members’ Code of Conduct paras 10-14 20/04 APOLOGIES /1 To receive apologies for absence /2 To approve reasons for absence 20/05 To consider dispensation requests received by the Clerk prior to the meeting 20/06 To identify any items requiring the exclusion of the public, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s2, and the reason for exclusion 20/07 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 March 2020 (circulated in April) 20/08 To note matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 March 2020 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 20/09 To note the renewal of the YLCA annual membership subscription at a cost of £553.00 20/10 To note correspondence received (list attached) 20/11 ANNUAL AUDIT 2019/20 /1 To note the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2019/20 on page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 (attached) /2 To approve Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 for Micklefield Parish Council on page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 (attached) /3 To approve Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2019/20 for Micklefield Parish Council on page 6 of the annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 (attached) /4 To approve the publication of documents required by Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015, SI 2020/404, The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities /5 To set a date for the exercise of public rights in accordance with Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 /6 To note a bank reconciliation for the financial year ending 31 March 2020 (attached) /7 To note the budget spend and variance for the financial year ending 31 March 2020 (attached) 20/12 FINANCE /1 To ratify the payments made under delegation since 1 April 2020 (previously circulated) /2 To approve the accounts for payment (attached) /3 To note a budget update to 22 June 2020 (attached) /4 To note a bank reconciliation to 31 May 2020 (attached) /5 To note the receipt of the precept (£55,967.00) and LCTS grant (£3538.00) /6 To note the reclaim and receipt of £5416.51 of VAT spent in the financial year ending 31 March 2020 /7 To note the receipt of a CIL payment of £64,044.93 /8 To note a refund of £230.00 from YLCA for an undelivered training seminar /9 To note that the Clerk submitted the year end data to HMRC /10 To note that the Clerk submitted the year end data to WYPF /11 To receive an update on the future use of the restricted donation given to Micklefield Parish Council by the now defunct Micklefield Bowling Club 20/13 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY /1 To note the continuation of the contract with H2H to undertake the annual cutting of the Public Rights of Way (in accordance with the provisions of The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 /2 To note the work undertaken during 2019/20 as part of the Community Paths Partnership (attached) /3 To note the receipt of a P3 grant of £675 from Leeds City Council 20/14 DIGITAL STORAGE /1 To note the written report on digital storage for the Parish Council (circulated previously) /2 To receive digital storage recommendations and approve the purchase of raid enabled personal cloud (network attached) storage 20/15 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL /1 To note planning application notices received: 20/02899/FU – Church Close, Great North Road: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 17/01457/FU to enable omission of visitor parking spaces to rear; 19/04328/CLE – ‘Snack Box’, 97 Great North Road: (Appeal against refusal of) Certificate of Existing Lawful Development for Use as a Mixed Shop (Class A1) and Hot Food Takeaway ( Class A5) (Planning Inspectorate Reference APP/N4720/X/20/3250686); 20/02915/FU – The Old School Site: Construction of nine dwellings and associated works /2 To note the Parish Council’s delegated response to planning applications received: /3 To note planning decisions received: /4 To consider application 20/02899/FU and agree a consultation response /5 To consider application 20/02915/FU and agree a consultation response 20/16 WEST YORKSHIRE DEVOLUTION /1 To receive the West Yorkshire Devolution Consultation document and agree a response 20/17 PHONE AND INTERNET SERVICES /1 To consider an alternative monthly rental package from BT for phone and internet services (attached) 20/18 REGISTRATION AND TRANSFER OF TITLE /1 To note the most recent estimate from Leeds City Council, dated 30th April 2020 for the provision of the legal service to Micklefield Parish Council of registering the two titles /2 To note the previous estimate dated 10th March 2020 /3 To note that Leeds City Council provided the legal service to Micklefield Parish Council for the transfer of the Charity and the title to the Charity land from the previous Trustees /4 To approve commissioning Leeds City Council to provide the legal service of registering the two titles in the name of Micklefield Parish Council, as Sole Trustee of Micklefield Recreation Ground Charity /5 To approve expenditure by purchase order to Leeds City Council of £600.00, as per the lower estimate /6 To authorise the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, to approve additional expenditure if necessary, on the title registrations up to a total of £1,280.00, as per the upper estimate 20/19 HOOK MOOR WIND FARM: COVID-19 REVENUE GRANTS /1 To note the availability of Revenue Grants of up to £2,000.00 from the Hook Moor Wind Farm Fund, targeted solely at community response to the Covid-19 Emergency /2 To note that, contrary to any initial suggestions, the Hook Moor Wind Farm Fund decided that it would not make any direct donations to eligible Parish Councils for this purpose /3 To consider whether the Clerk could make a sequence of online purchases of foodstuffs and other essential household items up to a total value of £2,000.00 from one or more supermarkets, and if there is a suitable venue in Micklefield at which the deliveries could be received /4 To identify if an appropriate distribution process already exists for the foodstuffs and other essential items to be distributed to households in Micklefield which are 'shielding' and/or are otherwise experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the Covid-19 Emergency /5 To decide whether the above constraints/parameters would be conducive to the Parish Council applying to the Hook Moor Wind Farm Fund for a Revenue grant of £2,000.00 and, if so, to authorise the Clerk to submit an application 20/20 ANNUAL SHRUB MAINTENANCE /1 To note that the existing annual shrub maintenance contractor has ceased trading /2 To note that Aire and Calder Ltd. (grounds maintenance contractor) has taken over the contract at the same rates (purchase order attached) 20/21 YLCA /1 To receive a report from the Leeds branch meeting held on Tuesday 16 June 2020 20/22 GARDEN VILLAGE BUS SHELTER /1 To note the weekly inspections sheets (attached) 20/23 VANDICOURT ACCESS SAFE ENVIRONMENT (V.A.S.E) /1 To receive an update on a set of revised leasing arrangements and the identification of what would be required from the Parish Council at each stage in terms of indicative and final designs for the V.A.S.E Scheme and legal and administrative charges 20/24 VANDICOURT INFANTS’ PLAY AREA AND GREENSPACE /1 To note that the play area will reopen on 4 July in accordance with changes to relevant legislation /2 To note the weekly inspections sheets (attached) /3 To note the removal of the plant growth (saplings and weeds) on the perimeter of Vandicourt Infants’ Playground /4 To receive an update on the refurbishment of the springy rocker (rubbing down and treating the rust and repainting) /5 To receive an update on the crown lifting and reduction works to the tree near the southwestern corner 20/25 MICKLEFIELD RECREATION GROUND /1 To note that the MUGA and skate park opened in June due to changes in the original legislation that instructed their closure /2 To note that a purchase order for the annual waste removal contract was sent on 25th March 2020 (attached) /3 To note the weekly inspections sheets (attached) /4 To note that an increase in use of the amenities has led to an increase in litter deposited in and next to the skate park bins /5 To note a quotation from the waste removal contractor of £98 (ex VAT) per visit to empty
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