1 HE WESTFIELD LEADER Serving Westfield Since 1890 USPS MOJO Published iDREDTH YEAR, NO. 34 Second Clw Pottage Piid WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1990 24 Pages—30 Cents •i WnificM, N.J. Every Thursda> School Board Will Review "Status Quo" Budget, Calendar A tentative "status quo" school "The budget is tentative and The proposed school calendar budget and a school calendar for has to remain so until we hear for next year was discussed at 1990-1991 are both on the agenda from the State Department of the Board's public meeting on for the Board of Education's for- Education about state aid," said Feb. 6 and approved by the Board mal public business meeting at 8 William J. Foley, assistant for first reading in public on Feb. p.m., Tuesday, March 20, in the superintendent for business. 13. Board Meeting Room at 302 Elm "Governor Florio will deliver his Also on the school board agen- St. budget message to the legislature da Tuesday is first reading ap- The tentative budget was on March 15 and we will find out proval of an African-American discussed at the Board's public about our state aid after that. In one semester elective social meeting on March 6 and is to be the meantime, we are estimating studies course at the high school. submitted to Union County that we will receive 90% of the The meeting is open to the School Superintendent Vito funding due us according to the public, with time for public input Gagliardi by the state-mandated state formula for school aid." and questions. deadline of March 23. A formal public hearing on the proposed tentative budget will be held on Tuesday, April 3. Westfield residents will vote on the school budget on April 24. Blood Pressure Screening at Y The Westfield Board of Health HIGH SCHOOLERS TO STAGE "RUMBLE" — Westfield High School Drama and Music Departments will conduct a free blood will present "West Side Story," this weekend at the high school. The play opens Friday, at 8 p.m. and pressure screening on Wednes- there will be performances on Saturday at 2 p.m. and again at 8 p.m. Pictured above are the Jets, waiting day, March 21, from 6:30 a.m. - 9 to meet rival gang, the Sharks, in a drugstore. Tickets are available at the high school or at the door a.m. The program will be held at before performances. Tickets may also be purchased beforehand at Barrett & Crain Inc. on Elm Street. the Westfield Y, 220 Clark St. Westfield Girl Scouts Keep Walter Lee Plaza Named Town Clean and Green For Leader's Publisher JUDY TKETIAK, FRANKLIN SCHOOL kindergarten teacher, wat- Most people think of green on environmentally conscious effort ches two of her students, Cameron Kelly (center) and Kanako Sai ex- St. Patrick's Day, but the was officially launched in For the balance of 1990, Elm Street between North Avenue ecute a computer program. Ms. Tretiak and Franklin kindergarten Westfield Girl Scouts will be January with a Chambers • and East Broad Street has been re-named Walter Lee Plaza, in teacher Kathy Stamberger and several of their students will making an extra effort to make sponsored poster contest. The honor of the Westfield Leader's 100th anniversary and its demonstrate how the use of computer software has been incorporated their town greener on that Satur- girls' posters, which are now publisher, it was moved by Mayor Raymond W. Stone and the into the new kindergarten curriculum at the fourth annual New day afternoon. The girls have displayed in merchant's store Town Council in a resolution Tuesday night. Jersey Educational Computing Conference today and tomorrow chosen March 17, which also hap- windows, serve as public Mr. Lee, publisher and owner of the town's official newspaper (March 15 and Hi) at Raritan Valley College in North Branch. pens to be the last day of Girl reminders to discourage littering since 1928, died Jan. 24, in his home. He was 83. Mr. Lee held Scout Week, to pick up litter and encourage environmental various positions in the town including the presidency of the Jacobson Is Named Advocate around the streets and parks of awareness. Westfield Lion's Club, ancL.membership in the Westfield Area their town. Nearly 500 girls, rang- After cleaning up their town, Chamber of Commerce, the Sons of the American Revolution, For Educational Media Assoc. ing from kindergarten age the Westfield Girl Scouts will be the Westfield Historical Society and the Westfield College Men's "Daisy" scouts to High School treated to refreshments provided Club. He was also a past president of the New Jersey Press Westfield Board of Education perative," and has served on the "Senior" scouts and their adult by Dunkin' Donuts and Association and was one of the founders of the Westfield Adult member Susan Jacobson has New Jersey State Library's Com- leaders will do their part to main- McDonald's in the high school School. been named a legislative ad- mittee on Guidelines for School tain and preserve their com- cafeteria. At that time, Mayor Special signs will be posted in the near future displaying the vocate for the Educational Media Library/Media Centers. munity's environment. Raymond W. Stone and members new name for the remainder of the Leader's anniversary. Association of New Jersey. The Educational Media Associ- Armed with trash bags provid- of the Westfield Chamber of ation gathers statistical data and ed by the Westfield Public Works Commerce will greet the girls Mrs. Jacobson participated in communicates findings on the Department, the 41 girl scout and present them with tokens of the statewide conference "School value of libraries in the education troops will clean selected sites their appreciation. Bd. of Ed. Citizen's Advisory Library Media Centers in New system to legislators, consti- chosen by the town's Chamber of The enthusiastic response by Jersey: An Educational Im- tuents and organizations. Commerce. hundreds of local Girl Scout The Westfield Girl Scouts ap- troops to this project and the Forms Four Sub-committees proached the town six months magnitude of the service it will ^ # # a %* ago with the idea of providing the provide will enable the Westfield The nine-member Citizen's Ad- has been informed and has had service to display their concern Girl Scouts to become eligible for visory Committee, charged with opportunities for public input." for the environment to the town the Colgate Youth for America studying enrollment projections, The committee will hold open- residents and merchants. award for outstanding service to use of the district's 11 facilities to-the-public meetings during the course of its deliberations to hear Coined "Clean and Green" the the community. and the need, if any, to redistrict, has formed four subcommittees, from the public. After the Board according to Robert Mulreany, of Education receives the recom- chairman of the committee ap- mendations and looks into viable pointed by the Board of Educa- ones, the Board will hold open-to- tion in December. the-public input sessions before "The committee has held four scheduling a vote on any future meetings, toured the six elemen- recommendations concerning tary and two intermediate building usage. schools and is beginning in-depth Following are the four charges studies by the subcommittees," to the Citizens' Advisory Com- Mr. Mulreany stated in a status mittee: report issued today. "The ad- * a review of elementary visory committee has not reach- enrollment districts and the ed any conclusions nor made any potential for redistricting to recommendations so far. make best use of the available "At this time, the committee is school facilities, looking at a number of alter- * the best future use of the Elm natives as it develops recom- Street and Lincoln School mendations on the most buildings, educationally effective and * the most desirable means of economically responsible use of housing students in the inter- the district's 11 buildings," he mediate grades, A REPRESENTATIVE of all five levels of Girl Scouting in Westfield continued. "Committee * potential district needs for ex- witnessed Mayor Raymond Stone's signing of a proclamation declar- members will study the educa- panding or renovating facilities ing March 11-17 Girl Scout Week in Weslfield and another proclama- tional and financial aspects of to best accommodate projected tion proclaiming Saturday, March 17 as Westfield Clean and Green alternatives and will take into school enrollments. ' Environmental Day. The Girl Scouts shown with the Mayor are from consideration any transportation The Advisory Committee was left: Colleen Mncaluso, IMcKinley Daisy Troop 481, Cathy Kujawa, needs and racial balance, as re- formed in December by the Edison Cadctte Troop 502, Mayor Stone, Kelly Korecky, Franklin quired by law." Board of Education at the recom- Junior Troop <>0!>, fhristn Walsh, Senior Troop U97 and Jenny mendation of School Super- Korecky, Franklin Brownie Troop 5!)l. According to Mr. Mulreany, the advisory committee is in the intendent Mark Smith. beginning of a year-long process Dr. Smith gave four reasons for Recycling Information which will culminate in recom- recommendating the study com- The Union County Utilities March. mendations to the Board of mittee: Authority (UCUA) has released Newspapers, glass and Education by Feb. 1,1991. An in- * shifting elementary enroll- Westfield's schedule for curbside aluminum will be collected every terim status report to the School ment patterns have caused some pick-ups of recyclables during other week according to the Board will be presented by June elementary schools to be fully following schedule: 30, 1990. utilized while others have empty North of railroad tracks Thurs- "The Citizens Advisory Com- classrooms, Today's Index days, March 22.
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