UNCLASSIFIED DepartmentofDefense Office for the AdministrativeReviewof the Detentionof Enemy Combatants at Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 13 March 2007 To : HADI, SALEMA SUBJECT UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD INTHE CASE OF SALEM A HADI 1. AnAdministrativeReviewBoardwill be convenedto reviewyour case to determineif your continueddetentionisnecessary. 2. The Administrative Review Board will conduct a comprehensive review of all reasonably available and relevant information regarding your case. At the conclusion of this review the Board will make a recommendation to : (1) release you to your home state; ( ) transfer you to your home state, with conditions agreed upon by the United States and your home state; or (3) continue your detention under United States control. 3. The followingprimary factors favor continued detention : a . Commitment 1. The detaineeflew fromYemento Karachi, Pakistan, in 1997 with 1,000 UnitedStates dollarswiththe intentofpurchasingapproximatelyfifty kilos ofhoney. The detaineeplannedon sellingthe honeyfromhis homein Yemen The detaineedidnotbuyany honeyin becausehemet a Pakistanimanat a localmosquewho influencedthe detaineeto go to Afghanistanfor jihad . 2. Although thedetainee was influencedby the Pakistaniman, the idea ofjihad was already on the detainee'smind. The detainee traveledto Kabul, AfghanistanbecauseTaliban forces which were at war with Masoud's forces, controlledthe area. The detainee received a Kalashnikovriflefrom a distributioncenter day beforehe was sent to the front line. 3. After spending approximately three months on the front line near Kabul, Afghanistan, the detainee and his group were sent north to an area near Konduz, Afghanistan to fight the NorthernAlliance. The detainee chose to support the jihad, and was not deceived by anyone. The detainee fought against the Northern Alliance because they were regarded as oppressors, not infidels. 4. A source statedthe detaineewas his commander. The detaineehadbeen one oftwo sub -commandersuntilthe originalcommanderwas injuredin lateSeptember2001. The detainee was the oldest of thegroupandbecamethecommander. DMOExhibit 1 Page of3 UNCLASSIFIED 140 UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHECASEOF SALEMA HADI b. Training 1. The detainee stated he had not received any training on his AK 47, but he did admit he knew how to fire a PK , as well as a RPG . The detainee's name was on a document issued the Officeof Mujahideen Affairs that lists over 150 al Qaida members scheduled for tactics, artillery, security, sniper, and anti aircraft training dated March 2001. The detainee's name was listed under artillery class 2 . c . Connections/Associations 1. The detainee stated he fought with the Taliban in Kabul, Afghanistan , from July to December 2001 . 2. A source stated the detainee was on the northern front line with Abdul Hadi al Iraqi. 3. A sourcestated Hadi alIraqiwas a senior al Qaida member and former commander ofthe Arab Brigade. 4. The Arab Brigade had a unit north of Kabul Afghanistan with AK -47 assault rifles, hand grenades and different types of machine guns. They defended the front line . 5. A sourceidentifiedthe detaineeas trained at al FarouqTrainingCamp, and saw himonthe front lineswitha Kalashnikov. 6. A suspectedalQaidaoperativepossessedtwo forgedpassports, one ofwhichwas a Yemenipassportinthe detainee'sname. 4. The followingprimaryfactors favor release or transfer: a. The detainee stated he did not receive any formal training at a training camp. b . The detainee denied assuming a leadership positionwithin the Taliban command structure when his leader was injuredon the front lines. A source corroborated the detainee's account indicatingthedetainee was not the unit commander Kabul and Kunduz, Afghanistan afterhis commander was wounded. d . The detainee deniedhaving any knowledge ofthe attacks in the United States prior to their executionon 11 September The detainee also deniedknowledge of any rumorsor plans offuture attacks on the United States or United States interests. e. ThedetaineedeniedknowingAbdHadial Iraqi. UNCLASSIFIED DMO Exhibit 1 Page2 of3 141 UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARY OF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHE CASE OF SALEMA HADI 5. Youwill be afforded a meaningfulopportunityto be heard and to present informationto the Board; this includes an opportunityto be physicallypresent at the proceeding. The Assisting MilitaryOfficer ( AMO ) will assist inreviewingall relevantand reasonablyavailable unclassifiedinformationregarding your case. The AMO is not an advocatefor or against continued detention, nor may the AMO form a confidential relationship you or represent you inany othermatter. UNCLASSIFIED DMOExhibit1 Page3 of3 142.
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