TWO SECTIONS--SECTION TWO (Issue of April 20 1929) ?' The. TTYFjnrnrutt tonwrcati I lirtintriv A WEEKIN NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States JANUARY TO MARCH, 1929, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 128—PART 1 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPETSTER rs., Nair YORK. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyright in 1929. according to Act of Congress. by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY In office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JAN.-MAR., 1929.] INDEX rer INDEX TO VOLUME 128 PART 1. JANUARY I TO MARCH 31 1929 EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page• Air, Building in the 302 Book Notices and Reviews (Coneluded.)— Cincinnati Stock Exchange for Four Years, ircraft—Permission Given to Fly Over Conduct of The British Foreign Relations Monthly Record of Sales on 066 Panama Canal and Colombia 1276 Since the Peace Settlement, The—Book Cincinnati Stock Exchange, The Record of Acceptances, Unloading, On the Federal Re- by Professor Arnold J Toynbee of Lon- The—By Kenneth P.11111 965 serve. (Editorial from The New York don University 784 Cincinnati Stock Exchange, Record of Prices "Journal of Commerce.") 17. 163 Curzon, Lord George, Life of—Book by On 963 Acceptances, Uniform Buying Rates by Fed- The Earl of Ronaldshaw 303 Clearings, Bank. See Bank Clearings. eral Reserve Banks 1284 Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria—Book Cleveland is Confident. Article by Leonard Advent of 1929, The 14 by Joseph Redlich 1112 P. Ayres 964 Afghanistan, King Amannuel Abdicates His Human Factor in Industry, The—Book by Cleveland Stock Exchange, Record of Prices Throne 296 Professor Cathcart 613 on The 948 Agricultural Classes, The Improvement in the Investment Trusts in America—Book by Cleveland Stock Exchange, Review of The Situation of the 474 Marshall H. Williams 615 —By Francis J. Smith 964 Allyn, A. 0., Article on Investment Condi- National Crusade in Syria, The—Book by Columbus (Ohio) Stock and Bond Exchange tions in Chicago Federal Reserve District_ 472 Elizabeth P. MacCallum 1985 During 1928, Record of Prices on 966 American Association for the Advancement Peace Pact of Paris, The—Book by David Combines and Trusts in Germany 1460 of Science, Meeting of 1113 Hunter Miller 301 Conduct of British Empire Foreign Relations American States on Conciliation and Arbitra- Whither Mankind—Book by Charles A. Since the Peace Settlement, The—Book by tion, International Conference Considers Beard 158 Professor Arnold J. Toynbee 784 the Bolivia-Paraguay Dispute 7, 151 Bowman, John McEntee, Opens"Meditation Coolidge's, President, Review of Eight Years Americas,The Central—Book by ArthurRuhe 160 Chapel" 16 of a Budget System 610 Arnot, President, of Chicago Board of Trade Bright Outlook for 1929, The 795 Coolidge's, President, Washington's Birthday Forecasts Increased Activities on Part of British Commonwealth, The 785 Address 1273 Board 305 British Foreign Relations Since The Peace Cost and Character of Sports, The 157 Arnot, Samuel P., Article on The Improve- Settlement, The Conduct of—Book by Cruiser Bill and The Freedom of the State. 783 ment in the Situation of the Agricultural Professor Arnold J. Toynbee of London Cuban Government Seeks Treaty with United Classes 474 University 784 States to Allow Free Importation of Sugar- 445 Artificial Prosperity 1111 Brokers' Loans, A Further Pronounced Ex- Cuban Government Ends Sugar Restrictions 7 Austria, Emresror Francis Joseph of—Book pansion__1, 290, 440, 600, 772, 1270, 1444, 1784 Curzon, Lord George, The Life of—Book by by Joseph Redlich 1112 Brokers' Loans, Reduction In__146, 928, The Earl of Ronaldshaw 303 Aviation—Compact Regarding the Rights of 1100, 1608, 1969 Czechoslovakia—Resignation of Premier Commercial Aviation in The Panama Canal Budgets, Federal and State, And The Sverhla 778 Zone 1276 Financial Outlook 610 Ayres, Leonard P., Article Entitled "Cleve- Building Construction, The 1928 Record of Dallas Federal Reserve District--Business land is Confident" 964 New 458 Conditions in 788 Building in The Air 302 Dana, Arnold G.—"Is Not Group Speculat- Baldwin, Prime Minister Stanley—Address Bullard, General Robert Lee, U. S. A., Re- ing A Conspiracy Working for Sham Pros- on "Suspicion in the Relations of the marks on The Building of Cruisers 159 perity" 161. 1455. 1624 Nations" 454 Business Conditions in Dallas Federal Deposit System, The Guarantee of 611 Baltimore & Ohio, New York Central, and Reserve District 788 Detroit Banks and Trust Companies—Analy- Now York Chicago & St. Louis Rwy's Or- Business Failures— tical Comparison 794 dered to Divest Themselves of Wheeling & During December and Year Ending Detroit Stock Exchange, The Activities of Lake Erie Ry. Stock 1635 December 1928 147 the—Rapid Growth in 1928 795 Baltimore & Ohio RR. Submits Unification During January 774 Detroit Stock Exchange, Monthly Range of Plan to I.-S. C. Commission 1099. 1130 During February 1446 Prices on the 789 Bank, A Two Billion Dollar 1623 "Mercantile Insolvencies During 1928"_ _ _ 621 Detroit Stock Exchange, Yearly Range of Bank, A Proposed International—The Work Capital Flotations (New)— Prices on the 792 of the Committee of Experts at Paris_1621. 1781 During December and for the 12 Months Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe 156 Bank Clearings in 1928 and The Course of of the Calendar Year 309 Dignity and Majesty of the Law, The—The Trade and Speculation 163 During January 951 Penalties Under the Prohibition Law 1798 Bank Deposit Guarantee System, Break- During February 1627 Disarmament Commission, Preparatory, To down of 611 Capital Issues in Great Britain, The New.. 322 Convene at Geneva April 15 6 Bank Rates at Foreign Centres. See Money Capper and Porter Resolutions, The 939 Discount Markets, Local—Uniform Buying Rates at Foreign Centres. Capper and Porter Resolutions, Uncertainty Rates by The Federal Reserve for Bankers' Bank Stock Earnings During 1928, Table of— of Acceptance of The 932 Acceptances. (Editorial from New York By Rogers & Tracy, Inc 477 Cartels, Combines and Trusts in Post-War "Journal of Commerce.") 1284 Bank, The Relative Strength of the Small _1983 Germany—Book by R. A. Michel 1460 Drugs, Narcotic, Agreement Completed for Banking Situation in the Middle West, The— Cathcart, Professor of University of Glasgow Information Exchange Respecting Illicit Article by M. A. Traylor 473 —Book on The Human Factor in Industry.. 613 Trade in 1105 Banks in Iowa. The Size of Failing—Pamphlet Central Americas, The—Book by Arthur by Ralph Pickett 1983 Rube 160 Electrification of Railroads 1283 Bankers' Acceptances, Unloading Them on Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Submits New mperor Francis Joseph of Austria—Book by Federal Reserve Banks 17, 163 Unification Plan to I.-S. C. Commission Joseph Redlich 1112 Bankers' Acceptances, Uniform Buying Rate 1099. 1134 Encouraging Outlook at The Head of The at Federal Reserve 1284 Chicago Bank Stocks, Annual Review of— Great Lakes, The, Article by Stanley L. Barnes, Dr. Harry Elmer, on "Medical Local Bank Stock Prices Soar During 1928. Yonce 1129 Science Versus Religion" 1115 By Roger & Tracy, Inc 476 England, Bank of. Raises Its Discount Rate Beard, Charles A.—Book on "Whither Man- Chicago Board of Trade, President Arnot 771, 779 kind" 158 Forecasts Increased Activities on Part of England, Bank of, Weekly Returns..8. 152, Belgium. Dutch Newspaper Claims that Board—Election of Officers 305 297, 446, 605, 779, 935. 1105, 1276, 1616. Secret Franco-Belgian Military Conven- Chicago Federal Reserve District---Article 1791. 1976 tion was Concluded in 1920 1274, 1451 by A.C. Allyn on Jnvestment Conditions In 472 England, The Visit of Gov. Norman of Boll, Edward W., Dedicates a Retreat in Chicago Public Utility Activities. Article by The Bank of—Federal Reserve Bank Florida to Art and Nature 786 Bernard J. Mullaney 478 Policy. (Editorial, New York "Journal of Bolivia-Paraguay Dispute Considered by In- Chicago Real Estate and Building Situation_ _ 473 Commerce") 787 ternational Conference of American States Chicago Stock Exchange Record of Prices Erie RR. as Part of Van Sweringen Unifica- on Conciliation and Arbitration 7 for 1928 468 tion Plan 1099, 1134 Bonds During 1928, Municipal—Article by Chicago Stock Exchange, The—Its Progress Europe, Extreme Cold Weather In 933 Stacy 0.Messer 475 and Advance. Article by R. Arthur EuroPe, The Testing of Parliamentary Gov- Bonds,Purchase of, Suggested by Sec' Mellon1607 Wood 475 ernment In 1280 Book Notices and Reviews— China and America 945 European Banks, Weekly Returns of sold Cartels, Combines and Trusts in Post- China, Political and Military Events In_ _8. and Silver Holdings12, 156, 301, 449. War Germany—Book by R. A. Michels 1460 605. 778, 934, 1105, 1275,1790. 1975 610. 783. 939, 1109. 1280. 14.56. 1620,1795. 1980 Central Americas, The—Book by Arthur Chile-Peru, Tacna-Arica Controversy is European States, Plans for an Economic Ruhe 160 Settled 1105 Union of 776 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [Voi. 128-PART 1. Page. Page. Page. European Securities Markets3, 148, 293, German Reparations-A Proposed Interna- ansas City, Mo., Course of Security Prices 441, 601, 775, 930. 1100, 1272, 1447, 1610, tional Bank 1621, 1781_ K in 638 1787, 1971 Germany, Cartels, Combines and Trusts in Kellogg Anti-War Pact Ratified by Several Exports and Imports of United States. See Post-War-Book by R. A. Michels 1460 Governments 293, 443, 602, 1103, 1449 United States. Gilbert, S. Parker, Agent General for Repara- Kellogg Peace Compact, The Capper and tions, Report Covering Fourth Year 4 Porter Resolutions 932 Fashions in Finance-The Merger 943 Gilbert, S. Parker, Reparations as Seen Krout, Professor John, of Columbia Univer- Play in International Finance-The By 12 sity, Address, on "Sports," at Convention Case of The General Electric of Great Glass, Carter, His Plan for Getting Rid of of The Association of Colleges 157 Britain 1795 National Bank Notes 1285 Federal Government.
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